AANP House of Delegates Annual Meeting Minutes Portland

AANP House of Delegates Annual Meeting Minutes
Portland, Oregon
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Speaker Helen Healy called the meeting to order at 6:32 pm.
Roll Call was done and 41 out of 44 certified delegates were in attendance: Emily Kane (Alaska); Michael
Cronin, Kyle Cronin, and Marianne Marchese (Arizona); Simon Barker, Angela Agrios, and Elizabeth Korza
(California); Courtney Jackson (Colorado); Benjamin Stratford (Connecticut); Michelle Clark (Florida);
Travis Thurston (Hawaii); Kristina Conner (Illinois); Phil Grasso (Indiana); Emily Telfair (Maryland); Carol
Rainville (Massachusetts); AnnAlisa Behling (Michigan); Sarah Lane (Montana); Brian Paterson (New
Hampshire); Catherine Stauber (New Mexico); James Prego (New York); Kimberly Kalfas (Ohio); Vanessa
Esteves, Steven Bailey, and Kevin Wilson (Oregon); Cassandra Mannhardt (Virginia); Bruce Milliman,
Michelle Simon, Pamela Snider, and Joseph Wessels (Washington); Jill Evenson (Wisconsin); Ryan Bradley
(Bastyr); Marnie Loomis (NCNM); Mona Morstein (SCNM); Jared Skowron (UBridgeport); Carrie Runde
(student-Bastyr); Priscilla Park (student-NCNM); Vanessa Doyle (student-UBridgeport); Kathryn Cranford
(AANM); Jessica Tran (NAEM); Malea MacOdrum (NMSA); and Jacob Schor (OncANP).
One delegate was represented by proxy: Leslie Vilensky of Minnesota, proxy held by Helen Healy.
The following guests were also in attendance: AANP Executive Director Karen Howard; Facilitator and
Visioneer, David Matteson; AANP State Government Relations Director Eugene McGill; AANP Federal
Lobbyist Jan Lipsen; AANP Board of Directors members Trevor Cates and Kasra Pournadeali; and
Executive Director of WANP Bob May.
Speaker Healy introduced the meeting agenda. Steven Bailey moved to accept the agenda, James Prego
seconded, the agenda was accepted.
Carol Rainville made a motion to approve the 2008 HOD annual meeting minutes as amended, Jacob Schor
seconded, the amended 2008 minutes were approved.
The 2009 HOD annual meeting minutes were introduced by Speaker Healy, with errors noted that Catherine
Stauber is not from New Hampshire, but rather from New Mexico, and that Kevin Wilson was elected to
become the Vice-Speaker of the HOD not on January 10, 2010, but rather January 1, 2010.
With these two corrections, Carol Rainville moved to accept the 2009 minutes, Cassandra Mannhardt
seconded, the 2009 minutes were approved.
Guest AANP Executive Director Karen Howard read a letter from AANP President Carl Hangee-Bauer
which discussed the value and responsibilities of the HOD. She promised to provide staff for the HOD, and
she requested that all HOD members reach out to all their associated members about the business of the
House and the Association. She introduced Gene McGill, former Pennsylvania legislator, as a new staff
member of the AANP, State Government Relations Director.
Affiliate Updates:
Jacob Schor mentioned current work of the OncANP. Mona Morstein reported on a new clinic for SCNM to
be opened on October 8, 2010. Kathryn Cranford reported that the American Association of Naturopathic
Midwives was still functioning and active. Cassandra Mannhardt reported on action in Virginia for
naturopathic doctors in remote areas. Bob May the ED of WANP and Pamela Snider presented Washington
updates, including new state logo, a state legislative workforce addressing the shortage of primary care
physicians in the state, and WA legislators’ intention to include NDs in the health field. Simon Barker
reported that in California they were able to retain their licensure during the state’s tough economic
environment, and that a bill was passed which improved the existing licensing committee structure to include
a majority of NDs. The CNDA has also sponsored legislation to allow California NDs to perform in-office
CLIA waived tests and hire naturopathic assistants.
Old Business:
Kevin Wilson, Chair of the Position Paper Committee (PPRC) reported on the status of the GMO position
paper, the input of Jeffrey Smith, and the variability of references in position papers of other organizations.
Steven Bailey moved to accept this paper as a provisional working document for members only posting
while the HOD continues to obtain input. Ryan Bradley seconded, discussion followed, and
the motion was approved with two opposed.
Jacob Schor, Chair of the Ad Hoc Committee on the Code of Ethics, presented the draft paper. Steven Bailey
provided history of previous AANP Code of Ethics documents. Carol Rainville moved to remove the current
position paper on Code of Ethics, Emily Kane seconded, the question was called and 20 were in favor, 11
opposed, and 5 abstained. Michael Cronin moved to approve Schor’s draft 12 version of the Code of Ethics
as provisional for review and input. Carol Rainville seconded, a typo was pointed out, the question was
called, and the motion carried. Steven Bailey moved that it take no more than 12 months to finalize the
document, Phil Grasso seconded. With little discussion, a friendly amendment was offered by Bailey to
shorten the time to six months, it was seconded, and the motion was approved by the House.
Jared Skowron, Chair of the Ad Hoc History Committee, reported on the creation of a 32 foot long
Naturopathic Timeline in the Exhibitor Hall and a 22 minute history video of the AANP to be seen at the
Gala. He thanked the editing team, the student representatives, and the participants, and stated that the video
will be posted on the website.
The Standards of Naturopathic Medicine was presented with three versions from 1989, 2006, and 2010. Ryan
Bradley explained that in 2006 a subcommittee of the AANP Scientific Affairs committee had been created
to draft care guidelines, and as a part of that process, the existing naturopathic standards of care document
was to be reviewed and edited. Sixteen individuals reviewed that work, it was sent to the scientific affairs
committee with no further consideration. Karen Howard explained that the document from the Guidelines
Committee was discussed by the AANP Board, but was not formally accepted. Subsequently, upon realizing
the failure to finalize the document, the board acknowledged that the document required further review and
ergo the discussion ensued to have the HOD conduct additional review.
Carol Rainville, Chair of the Ad Hoc Standards of Naturopathic Medicine Committee, then discussed the
development of the Ad Hoc Task Force. Bradley stressed that primary care was identified as the most
important consideration, followed by the identification of the scope of practice. Pamela Snider moved that
this document go back to committee for further review, with an invitation to participate to the members of
the scientific affairs subcommittee previously involved in the creation of the 2006 document, and that a draft
be circulated, with a timeline, back to the delegates for review, and that a final document be prepared for
consideration at next year’s HOD meeting. The motion was seconded by Kevin Wilson and approved by the
Mona Morstein, Chair of the AD Hoc Salus Committee, reintroduced the concept of “Salus” or wellness into
our profession’s definition and principles. Discussion of this health and well being concept being redundant
to our profession was brought forth. This concept was reassigned to the PPRC for work in the coming year.
No business was conducted by the House Rules Committee, the Bylaws Committee, or the Ad Hoc Affiliate
Status Committee.
New Business:
Christine Girard introduced the HOD to the Naturopathic Post Graduate Association. This association and its
bylaws were reviewed and approved by the BOD and staff. Michael Cronin moved to accept this group as an
official affiliate of the AANP. Benjamin Stratford seconded this motion, and the motion was approved.
Jared Skowron introduced the HOD to the Pediatric Association of Naturopathic Physicians. This association
and its bylaws were reviewed and approved by the BOD and staff. Steven Bailey moved to accept this group
as an official affiliate of the AANP. Benjamin Stratford seconded this motion, and the motion was approved.
Helen Healy, Chair of the House Rules Committee introduced the work of her committee on developing a
timeline of HOD work on position papers, a table, position paper policies and guidelines, and a form for
introducing, editing or removing position papers. A brief discussion followed with a request from Pamela
Snider that these documents be accepted provisionally in order to accommodate further and ongoing input
and updates. Steven Bailey moved to formally accept all four documents. Emily Kane and AnnAlisa Behling
seconded this motion. It was approved. The position paper timeline and table will be updated annually, and
the timeline, table, policies and guidelines, and submission form will now be included in House Rules.
Bruce Milliman, Chair of the Bylaws Committee, introduced a resolution to officially require the AANP to
provide the House with a half-time staff member to help conduct House business. He read his letter and
discussion about how much support was needed. Members agreed that this was a self defining need and
could be flexible about the time as defined by the needs of the Speaker and other members of the House.
Steven Bailey moved to include this proposal in the records, Kevin Wilson seconded, and the motion was
approved with one member opposed and two abstentions.
Jacob Schor withdrew his resolution to create a position paper on evidence-based medicine.
Kevin Wilson, Chair of the PPRC, presented a new graphic design for our position papers. He also provided
the HOD with samples of position papers from other professional groups. He revealed how these papers vary
tremendously even within the same organization. The HOD, by consensus, agreed on this new graphic design
for existing position papers. Pamela Snider moved to post all position papers for public view as defined in
the recently approved chart and timeline. Emily Kane seconded this motion. The motion was passed by a
vote of 19 in favor, 5 opposed and 7 abstentions. At this time Carol Rainville objected, stating that 31 votes
were not sufficient for quorum. The two recording secretaries (Karen Howard and Steven Bailey) disagreed
on quorum. Bailey insisting 23 needed, Howard and Rainville insisting 36 were needed. At this point
Michelle Clark called for adjournment, Carol Rainville seconded, and the meeting was adjourned at 10:20
No further business was conducted.
These minutes have been compiled from the notes of the two recording secretaries, Steven Bailey, ND and
Karen Howard, ED, and are respectfully submitted to the members of the AANP HOD
by Helen C. Healy, ND, AANP Speaker of the House of Delegates.
September 8, 2010