Dr Paolo Luschi - Dipartimento di Biologia

Dr Paolo Luschi
Full publication list in chronological order
1. Benvenuti, S., V. Fiaschi, A. Gagliardo & P. Luschi (1990). Pigeon homing - a comparison
between groups raised under different conditions. Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol. 27: 93-98.
2. Papi, F. & P. Luschi. 1990. Pigeon navigation: naloxone injection and magnetic disturbance
have a similar effect on initial orientation. Rend. Fis. Acc. Lincei s.9, 1: 473-477.
3. Papi, F., P. Luschi & P. Limonta (1992). Orientation-disturbing magnetic treatment affects the
pigeon opioid system. J. Exp. Biol. 166: 169-179.
4. Luschi, P. (1993). Improvisation of new notes during singing by male Sardinian Warblers
(Sylvia melanocephala). Bioacoustics 4: 235-244.
5. Luschi, P. & P. Dall'Antonia (1993). Anosmic pigeons orient from familiar sites by relying on
the map-and-compass mechanism. Anim. Behav. 46: 1195-1203.
6. Dall'Antonia, P. & P. Luschi (1993). Orientation of pigeons exposed to constant light and
released from familiar sites. Physiol. Behav. 54: 1173-1177.
7. Luschi, P. 1994. Spectrographic analysis of song of Sardinian Warbler (Sylvia
melanocephala). In: Baldaccini, N. E., T. Mingozzi & C. Violani (ed.) Atti VI Convegno
Italiano Ornitologia, pp. 197-206. Mus. Reg. Sci. Nat., Torino.
8. Ghione, S., C. Del Seppia, P. Luschi, F. Papi & C. Rosa. 1994. Exposure to a weak,
oscillating magnetic field affects nociception. Rend. Fis. Acc. Lincei s. 9, 5: 377-384.
9. Sartucci, F., L. Bonfiglio, C. Del Seppia, P. Luschi, S. Ghione, M. Szucs, L. Murri & F. Papi.
1994. I potenziali evocati corticali dolore-correlati da stimolazione elettrica digitale
intracutanea: effetti dei campi magnetici oscillanti. In: Crucco, G., A. Moglia & G. Sandrini
(ed.) Atti del II Meeting Neuroscienze e Dolore, pp. 203-207.
10. Del Seppia, C., P. Luschi & F. Papi. 1995. Ruolo dei fattori stressanti nel comportamento di
homing del colombo viaggiatore. Ric. Biol. Selv. (Suppl. ) 23: 477-482.
11. Del Seppia, C., S. Ghione, P. Luschi & F. Papi (1995). Exposure to oscillating magnetic
fields influences sensitivity to electrical stimuli. I. Experiments on pigeons.
Bioelectromagnetics 16: 290-294.
12. Papi, F., S. Ghione, C. Rosa, C. Del Seppia & P. Luschi (1995). Exposure to oscillating
magnetic fields influences sensitivity to electrical stimuli. II. Experiments on humans.
Bioelectromagnetics 16: 295-300.
13. Papi, F., H. C. Liew, P. Luschi & E. H. Chan (1995). Long-range migratory travel of a Green
Turtle tracked by satellite - Evidence for navigational ability in the open sea. Mar. Biol. 122:
14. Liew, H. C., E. H. Chan, P. Luschi & F. Papi. 1995. Satellite tracking data on Malaysian
Green Turtle migration. Rend. Fis. Acc. Lincei s. 9, 6: 239-246.
15. Liew, H. C., E. H. Chan, F. Papi & P. Luschi. 1996. Long distance migration of green turtles
from Redang Island, Malaysia: the need for regional cooperation in sea turtle conservation.
International Congress of Chelonian Conservation, pp. 73-74.
16. Luschi, P., F. Papi, H. C. Liew, E. H. Chan & F. Bonadonna (1996). Long-distance migration
and homing after displacement in the green turtle (Chelonia mydas): A satellite tracking study.
J. Comp. Physiol. A 178: 447-452.
17. Papi, F. & P. Luschi (1996). Pinpointing 'Isla Meta': The case of sea turtles and albatrosses. J.
Exp. Biol. 199: 65-71.
18. Luschi, P. & C. Del Seppia (1996). Song-type function during territorial encounters in male
Cetti's Warblers Cettia cetti. Ibis 138: 479-484.
19. Del Seppia, C., P. Luschi & F. Papi (1996). Influence of emotional factors on the initial
orientation of pigeons. Anim. Behav. 52: 33-47.
20. Luschi, P., C. Del Seppia, E. Crosio & F. Papi (1996). Pigeon homing: Evidence against
reliance on magnetic information picked up en route to release sites. Proc. R. Soc. Lond. B.
263: 1219-1224.
21. Papi, F. & P. Luschi. 1996. Il monitoraggio satellitare dei movimenti degli animali marini.
Recupero e gestione della fascia costiera. Atti della VII Rassegna del Mare, pp. 345-352.
22. Benvenuti, S., A. Gagliardo, T. Guilford & P. Luschi (1996). Overcast tests with clockshifted pigeons. Experientia 52: 608-612.
23. Luschi, P., C. Del Seppia & E. Crosio (1997). Orientation during short-range feeding in the
crab Dotilla wichmanni. J. Comp. Physiol. A 181: 461-468.
24. Sartucci, F., L. Bonfiglio, C. Del Seppia, P. Luschi, S. Ghione, L. Murri & F. Papi (1997).
Changes in pain perception and pain-related somatosensory evoked potentials in humans
produced by exposure to oscillating magnetic fields. Brain Res. 769: 362-366.
25. Papi, F., P. Luschi & G. R. Hughes. 1997. Information on sea turtle navigation obtained by
satellite tracking. RIN 97, Orientation and Navigation- Birds, Humans & Other Animals,
paper no. 10.
26. Papi, F., P. Luschi, E. Crosio & G. R. Hughes (1997). Satellite tracking experiments on the
navigational ability and migratory behaviour of the loggerhead turtle Caretta caretta. Mar.
Biol. 129: 215-220.
27. Luschi, P., G. C. Hays, C. Del Seppia, R. Marsh & F. Papi (1998). The navigational feats of
green sea turtles migrating from Ascension Island investigated by satellite telemetry. Proc. R.
Soc. Lond. B. 265: 2279-2284.
28. Hughes, G. R., P. Luschi, R. Mencacci & F. Papi (1998). The 7000-km oceanic journey of a
leatherback turtle tracked by satellite. J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 229: 209-217.
29. Ghione, S., L. Mezzasalma, C. Del Seppia, L. Bonfiglio, P. Luschi & F. Papi. 1998. Evidence
for an effect of abnormal electromagnetic fields on pain perception thresholds in humans.
Proceedings of 4th EBEA Congress, Zagreb, Croatia, pp. 10-11.
30. Ghione, S., C. Del Seppia, L. Mezzasalma, M. Szucs, P. Luschi & F. Papi. 1999. Does
exposure to electromagnetic fields affect blood pressure? In: Bersani, F. (ed.) Electricity and
Magnetism in Biology and Medicine, pp. 533-536. Kluwer, Dordrecht
31. Sartucci F., L. Bonfiglio, C. Del Seppia, P. Luschi, S. Ghione, L. Murri & F. Papi (1999).
Exposure to weak oscillating magnetic fields modify spontaneous and evoked brain electrical
activities in humans. In: F. Bersani (Ed.) Electricity and Magnetism in Biology and Medicine
pp. 157-160.
32. Luschi, P., C. Del Seppia & F. Papi (1999). A new interpretations of the effect of magnetic
treatments on the initial orientation of homing pigeons. In F. Bersani (ed.) Electricity and
Magnetism in Biology and Medicine, pp. 609-612.
33. Hays, G. C., P. Luschi, F. Papi, C. Del Seppia & R. Marsh (1999). Changes in behaviour
during the inter-nesting period and post- nesting migration for Ascension Island green turtles.
Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 189: 263-273.
34. Del Seppia, C., P. Luschi, S. Ghione, E. Crosio, E. Choleris & F. Papi (2000). Exposure to a
hypogeomagnetic field or to oscillating magnetic fields similarly reduce stress-induced
analgesia in C57 male mice. Life Sci. 66: 1299-1306.
35. Luschi, P., F. Papi & G. R. Hughes. 2000. Movimenti migratori post-riproduttivi di femmine
di tartarughe marine monitorati via satellite. In: Giacoma, C. (ed.) Atti del I Convegno
Nazionale della Societas Herpetologica Italiana, pp. 171-174. Mus. Reg. Sci. Nat., Torino.
36. Papi, F., P. Luschi, S. Akesson, S. Capogrossi & G. C. Hays (2000). Open-sea migration of
magnetically disturbed sea turtles. J. Exp. Biol. 203: 3435-3443.
37. Luschi, P., R. Mencacci, F. Papi & G. R. Hughes. 2001. Long-distance displacement
experiments on migrating loggerhead sea turtles (Caretta caretta). RIN 01, Orientation and
Navigation- Birds, Humans & Other Animals, paper no. 24.
38. Åkesson, S., P. Luschi, F. Papi, G. C. Hays, F. Glen, B. J. Godley & A. C. Broderick. 2001.
Oceanic long-distance navigation: do experienced migrants use the Earth's magnetic field?
RIN 01, Orientation and Navigation- Birds, Humans & Other Animals, paper no. 27.
39. Hays, G. C., S. Akesson, B. J. Godley, P. Luschi & P. Santidrian (2001). The implications of
location accuracy for the interpretation of satellite-tracking data. Anim. Behav. 61: 1035-1040.
40. Hays, G. C., M. Dray, T. Quaife, T. J. Smyth, N. C. Mironnet, P. Luschi, F. Papi & M. J.
Barnsley (2001). Movements of migrating green turtles in relation to AVHRR derived sea
surface temperature. Int. J. Rem. Sens. 22: 1403-1411.
41. Akesson, S., P. Luschi, F. Papi, A. C. Broderick, F. Glen, B. J. Godley & G. C. Hays (2001).
Oceanic long-distance navigation: Do experienced migrants use the Earth's magnetic field? J.
Navigat. 54: 419-427.
42. Luschi, P., S. Akesson, A. C. Broderick, F. Glen, B. J. Godley, F. Papi & G. C. Hays (2001).
Testing the navigational abilities of ocean migrants: displacement experiments on green sea
turtles (Chelonia mydas). Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol. 50: 528-534.
43. Hays, G. C., S. Akesson, A. C. Broderick, F. Glen, B. J. Godley, P. Luschi, C. Martin, J. D.
Metcalfe & F. Papi (2001). The diving behaviour of green turtles undertaking oceanic
migration to and from Ascension Island: dive durations, dive profiles and depth distribution. J.
Exp. Biol. 204: 4093-4098.
44. Choleris, E., C. Del Seppia, A. W. Thomas, P. Luschi, S. Ghione, G. R. Moran & F. S. Prato
(2002). Shielding, but not zeroing of the ambient magnetic field reduces stress-induced
analgesia in mice. Proc. R. Soc. Lond. B. 269: 193-201.
45. Del Seppia, C., L. Mezzasalma, E. Choleris, P. Luschi, & S. Ghione (2003). Effects of
magnetic field exposure on open field behaviour and nociceptive responses in mice.
Behavioural Brain Research 144, 1-9.
46. Åkesson, S., A.C. Broderick, F. Glen, B.J. Godley, P. Luschi, F. Papi & G.C. Hays (2003).
Navigation by green turtles: which strategy do displaced adults use to find Ascension Island?
Oikos 103: 363-372.
47. Godley, B.J., E.H.S.M. Lima, S. Åkesson, A.C. Broderick, F. Glen, M.H. Godfrey, P. Luschi
& G.C. Hays (2003) Movement patterns of green turtles in Brazilian coastal waters described
by satellite tracking and flipper tagging. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 253 : 279-288.
48. Hays G.C., S. Åkesson, A.C. Broderick, F. Glen, B.J. Godley, F. Papi & P. Luschi (2003)
Island finding ability of marine turtles. Proc. R. Soc. B 270 Suppl. 1: 5-7.
49. Hays G.C., A.C. Broderick, B.J. Godley, P. Luschi & W.J. Nichols (2003) Satellite telemetry
suggests high levels of fishing-induced mortality in marine turtles. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 262:
50. Luschi, P. (2003). Migration and conservation: the case of sea turtles. In: Ethology and
Conservation (eds M. Apollonio & M. Festa-Bianchet). Island Press, N.Y.
51. Luschi P., G.C. Hays & F. Papi (2003) A review of long-distance movements by marine
turtles, and the possible role of ocean currents. Oikos 103: 293-302.
52. Luschi P., G.R. Hughes, R. Mencacci, E. De Bernardi, A. Sale, R. Broker, M. Bower & F.
Papi (2003) Satellite tracking of migrating loggerhead sea turtles (Caretta caretta) displaced
in the open sea. Mar. Biol. 143: 793-801.
53. Luschi, P., A. Sale, R. Mencacci, G.R. Hughes, J.R.E. Lutjeharms & F. Papi (2003) Current
transport of leatherback sea turtles (Dermochelys coriacea) in the ocean. Proc. R. Soc. B 270
Suppl. 2: 129-132.
54. Hays, G.C., A.C. Broderick, B.J. Godley, P. Luschi & W. Nichols (2004) Tracking turtles to
their death. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 283: 299-300.
55. Luschi P. (2004) Initiatives for the conservation of marine turtles. In: Biodiversity
Conservation and Habitat Management (eds. F. Gherardi, C. Corti & M. Gualtieri),
Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS), Eolss Publishers, Oxford, UK.
56. Ghione, S., C. Del Seppia, L. Mezzasalma, M. Emdin, & P. Luschi (2004). Human head
exposure to a 37 Hz electromagnetic field: Effects on blood pressure, somatosensory
perception, and related parameters. Bioelectromagnetics 25, 167-175.
57. Lewis, S., S. Benvenuti, F. Daunt, S. Walness, L. Dall'Antonia, P. Luschi, D.A. Elston, K. C.
Hamer & T. N. Sherratt (2004). Partitioning of diving effort in foraging trips of northern
gannets. Can. J. Zool. 82, 1910-1916.
58. Luschi, P., S. Benhamou, C. Girare, D. Roos, P. Lambardi, S. Ciccione, F. Bonadonna, F.
Papi (2005). Homing abilities of sea turale females nesting on isolated oceanic islands. RIN
05, Orientation and Navigation- Birds, Humans & Other Animals, paper no. 10.
59. Sale, A., P. Luschi, R. Mencacci, P. Lambardi, G.R. Hughes, & G. C. Hays (2006). Longterm monitoring of leatherback turtle diving behaviour during oceanic movements. J. Exp.
Mar. Biol. Ecol. 328: 197-210.
60. Mencacci, R., C. Vallini, S. Rubini, L. Funes, A. Sarti, S. Benvenuti, P. Luschi (2006)
Movements of a male loggerhead sea turale (Caretta caretta) tracked by satellite in the
Adriatic Sea. In: Zuffi, M. (ed. ) Atti del V Congresso nazionale della Societas Herpetologica
Italica. Firenze University Press.
61. Luschi, P., J.R.E. Lutjeharms, P. Lambardi, R. Mencacci, G.R. Hughes, G.C. Hays (2006). A
review of migratory behaviour of sea turtles off southeastern Africa. S. Afr. J. Science 102:
62. Girard, C., J. Sudre, S. Benhamou, D. Roos & P. Luschi (2006). Homing in green turtles
(Chelonia mydas): do oceanic currents act as a constraint or as an information source ? Mar.
Ecol. Prog. ser. 322: 281-289.
63. Lee, P.L.M., Hays G.C. & P. Luschi (2007). Detecting female precise natal philopatry in
green turtles using assignment methods. Mol. Ecol. 16: 61-74
64. Luschi P., S. Benhamou, C. Girard, S. Ciccione, D. Roos, J. Sudre & S. Benvenuti (2007).
Marine turtles use geomagnetic cues during open-sea homing. Curr. Biol. 17: 126-133
65. Del Seppia, C., S. Ghione, P. Luschi, K.-P. Ossenkopp, E. Choleris & M. Kavaliers (2007).
Pain perception and electromagnetic fields. Neurosci. Biobehav. Rev. 31: 619-642.
66. Meschini, P., P. Luschi, C. Mancusi (2007) On the presence of sea turtles along the Tuscany
coast. In: Bologna, M.A., Capula M., Carpaneto G.M., Luiselli L., Marangoni C., Venchi A.
Atti del 6° congresso nazionale Societas Herpetologica Italica. Roma, Museo Civico di
Zoologia. Edizioni Belvedere, Latina.
67. Luschi, P., S. Benhamou, C. Girard, S. Benvenuti (2008). Navigational performances of
magnetically-disturbed green sea turtles subjected to experimental displacement. RIN 08,
Orientation and Navigation- Birds, Humans & Other Animals.
68. Lambardi, P., J.R.E. Lutjeharms, R. Mencacci, G.R. Hays & P. Luschi (2008). Influence of
ocean currents on long-distance movement of leatherback sea turtles in the Southwest Indian
Ocean. Mar. Ecol. Prog. ser. 353: 289-301.
69. Lohmann, K.J.; P. Luschi & G.C. Hays (2008) Goal navigation and island-finding in sea
turtles. J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 356: 83-95.
70. Hays G.C., M.R. Farquhar, P. Luschi, S.L.H. Teo, T.M. Thys (2009) Vertical niche overlap
by two ocean giants with similar diets: Ocean sunfish and leatherback turtles J. Exp. Mar.
Biol. Ecol. 370: 134-43.
71. Sale, A. & P. Luschi (2009) Navigational challenges in the oceanic migrations of leatherback
sea turtles. Proc. R. Soc. Lond. B. 276 : 3737-3745.
72. Mencacci, R., E. De Bernardi, A. Sale, J.R.E. Lutjeharms & P. Luschi (2010) Influence of
oceanic factors on long-distance movements of loggerhead sea turtles displaced in the
southwest Indian Ocean. Mar. Biol. 157: 339-349.
73. Witt, M.J., S. Åkesson, A.C. Broderick, M.S. Coyne, J. Ellick, A. Formia, G.C. Hays, P.
Luschi, S. Stroud & B.J. Godley (2010) Assessing accuracy and utility of satellite-tracking
data using Argos-linked Fastloc-GPS. Anim. Behav. 80: 1-11.
74. Benhamou S., J. Sudre, J. Bourjea, S. Ciccione, A. De Santis & P. Luschi (2011) The role of
geomagnetic cues in green turtle open sea navigation, PLOS One, 6: e26672.
75. Del Seppia, C., R. Mencacci, P. Luschi, M. Varanini & S. Ghione (2012). Differential
magnetic field effects on heart rate and nociception in anosmic pigeons. Bioelectromagnetics
33: 309-319.
76. Casale, P., A.C. Broderick, D. Freggi, R. Mencacci, W.J. Fuller, B.J. Godley & P. Luschi
(2012) Long-term residence of juvenile loggerhead turtles to foraging grounds: a potential
conservation hotspot in the Mediterranean. Aquatic Conservation 22: 144-154.