Trojan War Prose Piece[1]

Assignment – Due Next Class – “Creative Prose About the Trojan War”
(I love this assignment, so you had better not disappoint me!!)
Directions: First of all, you have to have a pretty good grasp of “The Trojan War.” If
you do not have a good grasp of Homer’s epic tale, spend some time re-reading the handouts I
gave you covering pages 185-210 of Hamilton’s Mythology. Once you think you know enough
about the War, open up your mind and use your imaginations to create a piece of writing that
SOMEHOW reflects, alludes to, or even parodies some aspect and/or characters of the Trojan
Let me try to articulate this assignment from another angle. I am including a decent
example of what I want you to do. Notice that the writer has a pretty good understanding of
certain characters involved in the War. But notice the change in setting and how that influences
the story. Here is a scoring guide to help you:
400-500 words, TYPED, 1.5 spacing
*Must demonstrate knowledge of some specific details of Trojan War*
Writing must show control of sentences—punctuation is correct
Some dialogue is used. (Some characters speak.)
Vocabulary is specific and effective.
No use of “I” or other first person pronouns unless part of dialogue. This is told in third
□ Extra points if you use to totally original example (not a suggestion from my list of
And now, a short list of suggestions to help you…but I’d love to read your own ideas
Heated conversation in Underworld between Iphigenia and Agamemnon
Conversation in Underworld between Achilles and Hector
Conversation in Underworld between Odysseus and Ajax
Alternative ending with Trojan Horse—Laocoon does not get killed by Poseidon’s
Eris confesses her feelings to her diary
God of Olympus discuss the War after it is over
Anger management counselor with Achilles
Marriage counselor with Helen and Menelaus after War
Conversation between Oenone and Paris before he dies
Once taken to Greece as slave, Andromache (Hector’s wife) tracks down Helen to talk
A character from the story has a strange but revealing dream
Game show with contestants from “The Trojan War”
Jerry Springer Show? “Today’s guests are…”
****Any other creative scenario you can think of that showcases your knowledge of
what you have read about the Trojan War.
This is due ____________________
Model on back
Sample of Creative Prose Piece for Trojan War
Santa waited for the next visitor. Slowly, like a lion stalking prey, the hardened Greek
soldier Achilles approached the merry old man in red and lowered his war-stained body onto the
red flannel lap of St. Nick. Santa let out a strained gasp due to the weight of Achilles (and the
smell of death) and asked him the question he had asked thousands of boys and girls for the past
week: “You know Santa sees all—have you been a good boy?”
Achilles bowed his head a bit, and not looking the jolly man in the eyes, replied, “I think
I have, Santa.”
Sensing the hesitation in Achilles’ voice, Santa said, “You think you have? Come on,
now. How many Trojans have you killed in the past five years? Three? Four? Five hundred?
Is that being a good boy?”
“Well, I tried to kill more, Santa, but I had to take a little break. I probably would have
made it to a grand if Agamemnon had not dishonored me in front of my men. I hate that guy.
He is so into himself. `I’ll rule the Aegean. I’ll be king of the world. Everyone will fear me.
Blah blah blah.’ It’s quite pathetic and annoying.”
“Hmm. I didn’t really have in mind that you should be killing more Trojans. I was
thinking that you would come to realize that killing is not really a good thing. You see, I am
Santa, and my job is to get kids to behave and listen to their parents—by the way, didn’t your
mother tell you to stay out of that war?
“Ah, she did, she did. But you know how things can be. I had a reputation to uphold.
Greatest warrior and all that stuff. Like you. You have a reputation. Imagine if your mom told
you to take a break. Look at you. You’re a bit overweight, and all this running around on the
24th of December every year is not good for that overworked heart of yours—“
“Okay,” said Santa, for he had had enough of the lecture. “So, you’ve been a relatively
good boy. What do you want for Christmas?”
The war veteran sighed. “Well, even though I don’t really know much about this holiday,
or Christianity for that matter, I do have some items I would like to find under…what, an olive
tree… in the house?”
“Well, it’s a pine tree—Douglas fur, White pine, Scotch spruce—but I guess olive is
okay. Do you have any stringed lights lying around your house? Forget it. So what do you
This is just a beginning…