GEOLOGY COURSEWORK ASSIGNMENT ANALYSIS OF A VOLCANIC EVENT : CAUSES,EFFECT, PREDICTION AND COMPARISON WITH OTHER ERUPTIONS. THIS ASSIGNMENT PROVIDES EVIDENCE FOR SKILLS A and E.(BASED ON MODULE 2832) Using a variety of secondary resources analyse the causes and effects of a volcanic eruption. Secondary resources may include textbooks, press reports, CD-Roms, the Internet, videos, etc.Use the structure below to help you to address the requirements of Skills A and E. Causes and effects Should include: 1. Identify and describe plate movements responsible 2. Describe and explain the main features of the eruption and the associated volcanic hazards 3. Discuss the impact of the eruption on human activity i.e damage to buildings, transport infrastructure, local/national economy and assess the death and injury toll.(Where numeric data is available you should attempt to process this statistically or present it in a graphical form which aids communication.) Planning for the future 4.Assess the extent of the total damage caused by the eruption in relation to the economic development of the country concerned, outlining the extent to which technology and emergency relief and contingency plans limit its impact. 5.Describe any future measures which might be taken by the affected country to minimise volcanic risk and damage. THIS WORK PROVIDES THE NOTES AND EVIDENCE FOR KEY SKILLS COMMUNICATION C3.1b. SEE BELOW C3.1b Make a presentation Speak clearly and adapt your style of presentation to suit your purpose, about a complex subject, using at least one image to illustrate a complex points. subject, audience and situation: Structure what you say so that the sequence of information and ideas may be easily followed: and Use a range of techniques to engage the audience, including effective use of images. Evaluation 6.Compare the selected volcanic eruption with others for the chosen volcano, and with eruptions of other volcanoes looking at type of eruption, hazards,impact etc. THIS WORK PROVIDES EVIDENCE FOR KEY SKILLS COMMUNICATION C3.2 AND C3.3. SEE BELOW C3.2 Read and synthesise information from two extended documents about a complex subject. One of these should include at least one image. C3.3 Write two different documents about complex subjects. One piece of writing should be an extended document and include at least one image. Select and read the information that contains the information you need; Identify accurately, and compare the lines of reasoning and main points from the texts and images; and Synthesise the key information in a form that is relevant for your purpose. Select and use a form and style of writing that is appropriate to your purpose and complex subject matter; Organise relevant information clearly and coherently, using specialist vocabulary when appropriate: and Ensure your text is legible and your spelling, grammar and punctuation are accurate, so your meaning is clear. 7.Evaluate the quality of your research methods and the data they generated, identifying the impacts of any limitations on dta accuracy and the conclusions you were able to draw. You should also justify the techniques you used and explain how they could be improved under different circumstances. Note: You must provide a full bibliography of the sources you used, including World Wide Web addresses 9URLs). Plagiarism ( i.e direct copying of text or diagrams, without acknowledgement) will not be tolerated.