
Long-Term Records of Tsunamis
Alan Nelson
Ben Horton
Brady Rhodes
Harvey Kelsey
Lisa Doner
Marco Cisternas
Martitia Tuttle
I. Introduction
Tsunamis, especially of damaging size, are rare events. Consequently, studying historical
tsunamis from written historical records, historical or contemporary sea-level data, eye-witness
accounts, or video records limits our understanding of tsunami processes and deposits through
space and time. Prehistoric long-term records of past tsunamis, as recorded by the sedimentary
deposits they leave behind, can extend our knowledge to a broader spectrum of tsunamis and can
improve understanding of processes that influence the ecological and geomorphological
development of coastlines. Well preserved sequences of tsunami deposits can be used to estimate
recurrence intervals of source events, including earthquakes, landslides or volcanic eruptions,
and to address outstanding questions about tectonic models and long-term behavior of faults in
many regions. Ancient tsunami deposits may also reveal catastrophic events such as meteor or
asteroid impacts, for which there is no modern analog. Paleotsunami research will promote
cross-disciplinary collaboration in the fields of biology, geomorphology, geophysics, marine
geology, sedimentology, and seismology which will likely lead to unanticipated synergistic
advances. Furthermore, the study of paleotsunamis will improve our understanding of tsunami
hazards and contribute to mitigation efforts around the world.
II. Previous Studies Using Long-Term Records
The last couple of years have seen a number of papers and special issues concerned with
tsunamis (e.g. Tappin, 2004; Pelinovsky & Tinti, 2005). This subject has particular resonance in
light of the Indian Ocean tsunami of December 2004. The nature and extent of a tsunami’s
impact is related to the mechanism responsible for its generation (e.g. seismic event, mass
movement etc.). Consequently, this research naturally progresses from identification of deposits
to an examination of the events responsible for them. This requires the linkage of terrestrial and
marine records, and involves modern observations, paleoenvironmental reconstructions and
computer simulations (Edwards, in press).
Modern Observations: Tsunamis leave deposits that are ‘out of place’, such as marine sand
layers within a terrestrial peat or freshwater lake (e.g. Dawson et al., 1991; Bondevik et al.,
1997a, b,). In themselves, the attributes of these deposits are not unique, since storm surges can
also deposit marine sediments many meters above normal tidal levels (Dawson & Shi, 2000).
Ongoing research is investigating the processes and impacts of modern tsunamis to develop a
clearer picture of the distinctive composition of these events (e.g. Maramai et al., 2005a, b).
Comparative studies examining both storm and tsunami deposits are particularly valuable in this
respect (e.g. Nanayama et al., 2000). A recent example is the study by Goff et al. (2004) in New
Zealand, which examines sediments from a 15th century tsunami and a large storm that occurred
in 2002. The results show clear differences in their sedimentology, continuity and extent.
Similarly, a comparative study of tsunami deposits in southern Newfoundland resulting from the
1929 Grand Banks earthquake and submarine slides and storm deposits in New England
resulting from the 1991 Halloween storm found that they differed in their landscape positions
and sedimentary characteristics (Tuttle et al., 2004). On the basis of these differences and those
described in the literature for other tsunami or storm deposits, Tuttle et al. (2004) proposed
preliminary criteria for distinguishing the two types of deposits. Additional information on
tsunami look-alikes will enable further development of a set of diagnostic criteria for the
identification of paleotsunami deposits (e.g. Goff et al., 2001; Smith et al., 2004; Bondevik et al.,
2005; Williams et al., 2005).
In contrast to their sandy counterparts, rocky shorelines currently lack detailed sedimentary
facies models describing the processes responsible for the formation of coarse deposits (Felton &
Crook, 2003). Consequently, interpretations from these environments are more equivocal,
relying on supporting evidence and argument (e.g. McMurtry et al., 2004; Scheffers, 2004). This
situation is complicated by new data indicating that the influence of storm waves may be greater
than previously thought (Edwards, in press). While attempts have been made to model the size of
wave required to lift blocks of a given mass (e.g. Nott, 2003), recent studies of modern deposits
suggest these significantly overestimate the size of the waves involved (e.g. Mastronuzzi &
Sanso, 2004). For example, Williams & Hall (2004) graphically illustrate the power of storm
waves in their description of megaclasts from cliff-tops along the Atlantic Irish coast. Here,
boulders weighing several tons are recorded up to 50 m above sea level. It is likely that as more
data are collected, the power of storm waves will be reassessed, and this may prompt the
reinterpretation of some purportedly tsunamigenic deposits.
Paleoenvironmental reconstructions: The number, distribution and height of waves
associated with a tsunami reflect the mechanism responsible for its formation. For example, in
the case of a fault-related tsunami, runup height rarely exceeds twice the fault slip (Okal &
Synolakis, 2004). Consequently, given maximum water levels of 25-30 m recorded in Sumatra,
Stein & Okal (2005) suggest the recent Indian Ocean event was triggered by a fault displacement
of between 12 and 15 m. Mass movements have the potential to produce even bigger waves, but
at present these remain difficult to quantify, particularly when the slide or slump is submarine in
nature (Pelinovsky & Tinti, 2005). This picture is further complicated when mass movements are
triggered by seismic events. Investigations of past tsunamis can be used to develop and test
models of tsunami generation, and identify regions at greatest risk of future events (Edwards, in
Smith et al. (2004) combine data from 32 sites in northern Britain, to provide a
comprehensive review of evidence for the Storegga Slide tsunami. This evidence predominantly
takes the form of a widespread ‘out of place’ sand layer containing marine microfossils and
radiocarbon dated to c. 8000 cal. yr BP. Sedimentological analysis of these deposits provides
information on the composition of this intensively studied paleotsunami. These results confirm
that the slide was actually associated with more than one wave, supporting earlier evidence of
multiple waves inferred from deposits on the Shetland Isles (Bondevik et al., 2003). Tooley &
Smith (2005) show that this signal is robust even within a high-energy setting, describing two
fining-upward sequences in coarse deposits of sand and gravel from Scotland.
Reconstructing run-up height from a paleotsunami requires information on the maximum
altitude attained by the waves, and the altitude of sea level at the time of the event. Run-up
heights based on the inland limit of sand layers are treated as minimum estimates since water
levels commonly exceed the height of sediment deposition (Dawson, 1999; Dawson & Shi,
2000; Tuttle et al, 2004). Many studies rely on estimates of former relative sea-level derived
from geophysical models of the glacial-isostatic adjustment process (e.g. Bondevik et al., 2003).
In an interesting development, Smith et al. (2004) use the tsunami deposits as a time horizon. By
locating the inland limit of inter-tidal sediments capped by this marker, the shoreline position at
the time of the tsunami can be reconstructed and subsequent patterns of land movement
identified. A variable pattern of run-up height is revealed which Smith et al. (2004) attribute to
wave modification by the coastline, and differences in the state of the tide at the time of the
Kelsey et al. (2005) study of Bradley Lake, on the southern Oregon coastal plain, revealed
records of local tsunamis and seismic shaking on the Cascadia subduction zone over the last
7000 yr. Thirteen marine incursions delivered landward-thinning sheets of sand to the lake from
nearshore, beach, and dune environments to the west. Kelsey et al. (2005) calculate that extreme
ocean levels must have been at least 5–8 m above sea level, and the cumulative duration of each
marine incursion must have been at least 10 min. Between 4600 and 2800 cal yr B.P., tsunamis
occurred at the average frequency of ~3–4 every 1000 yr. Then, starting ~2800 cal yr B.P., there
was a 930–1260 yr interval with no tsunamis. That gap was followed by a ~1000 yr period with
4 tsunamis. In the last millennium, a 670–750 yr gap preceded the A.D. 1700 earthquake and
tsunami. Kelsey et al. (2005) suggest that the A.D. 1700 earthquake may be the first of a new
cluster of plate-boundary earthquakes and accompanying tsunamis.
Accurate dating is central to all reconstructions and is particularly important where the
timing of the event is considered a diagnostic feature. In common with many sea level
investigations, assigning a precise year to a tsunami deposit is complicated due to the difficulties
associated with constructing precise chronologies from sedimentary sequences (Edwards, 2003,
in press). In the case of the Storegga Slide deposits, while there is no shortage of radiocarbon
dates, the results show typical ranges of several hundred years due to a combination of problems
such as erosion and the uncertainties inherent in the radiocarbon technique. Age estimates also
vary depending on the dating method used, and Bondevik et al. (2003, in press) note that
conventional ‘bulk’ radiocarbon dates are commonly too young due to contamination. While the
precise year is uncertain, fish skeletons and plant macrofossils preserved within Storegga slide
deposits suggest that the tsunami occurred in late autumn (Bondevik et al., 1997b; Dawson &
Smith, 2000).
While dating sediments can constrain the timing of an undated event, dating may also be
used to correlate a possible tsunami deposit lacking diagnostic characteristics with other deposits
for which there is strong evidence of their origin. Williams et al. (2005) attempt to fingerprint the
sources of nine muddy sand layers preserved within a tidal marsh in coastal Washington. They
compare the ages of the layers with historical events and other dated tsunami deposits in the
region. The authors conclude that four to six of the layers are probably the result of tsunamis, but
that these are likely to have been generated by a variety of sources, involving both mass
movements and seismic events from near and far-field locations. Williams et al. (2005) note that
this process is complicated by the fact that the uncertainties associated with their age data are of
similar magnitude to the recurrence interval of events in this region.
Model simulation and marine data: As well as providing estimates of past relative sealevels, computer models are used to simulate the actual slides responsible for generating
tsunamis and the patterns of wave propagation expected to result from different mechanisms of
generation (McMurty et al., 2004; Fryer et al., 2004; Løvholt et al., 2005). For example,
Bondevik et al. (2005) compare the extensive set of run-up data from Norway, Scotland and the
Shetland Islands, with numerical simulations of the Storegga slide. Their best-fit model suggests
that sea levels along the Norwegian coast fell by around 20 m during the first 30 minutes
following the slide. The simulation also predicts the generation of multiple waves, matching the
reconstructions based on sedimentological data. In an alternative application, Okal (2005) uses a
model to identify the source of the 1906 Pacific-wide tsunami. While the influence of the two
candidate earthquakes is indistinguishable in terms of time (they occurred within 30 minutes of
each other), the simulated tsunamis have distinctly different far-field characteristics, indicating
that the Chilean event was in fact the most likely cause.
Additional information on tsunami source is provided by marine seismic data. The location,
extent and architecture of the Storegga slide is now well-constrained by geophysical surveys
(Haflidason et al., 2004). The triggering mechanism is still under investigation, and Bryn et al.
(2005) suggest a strong earthquake is a likely cause. The slide may have been facilitated by
excess porewater pressure in the sediments brought about by high rates of deposition. Solheim et
al. (2005) suggest that immediately following deglaciation, rapid sedimentation coupled with
glacio-isostatic seismicity could produce conditions favourable for slope failure. They report
seven large pre-Holocene slides in the area that appear to form a complex of failures related to
the glacial-interglacial cycle. The recent discovery on the Shetland Islands of two tsunami-like
deposits post-dating the Storegga Slide suggests that this instability persists throughout the
Holocene (Bondevik et al., in press). Hutton & Syvitskli (2004) model sediment failures under
changing sea levels, and note that while most occur during sea level falls or lowstands, the
largest volume failures are associated with rising sea levels and highstands.
In fact, the nature of coastal sedimentation is increasingly being tied to tsunami risk. Using a
catalogue of historic tsunamis in the Pacific Ocean, Gusiakov (2005) shows that sedimentation
has a strong control on the likelihood that an earthquake will generate a tsunami. In this paper,
written almost a year before the Indian Ocean tsunami of 2004, the extremely high efficiency of
earthquakes in the western part of Indonesia is highlighted. In a recent paper, Syvitski et al.
(2005) use a model to examine how the flux of sediment into the global coastal ocean has
changed due to human activities. One of their results is that, in contrast to many other parts of the
globe, Indonesian rivers now deliver much more sediment to their coastal waters than before.
This research highlights the need for a greater understanding of land-ocean sediment fluxes and
processes operating on the shelf (Long, 2003).
Sea levels and Seismic Events
In addition to tsunamis, earthquakes are associated with relative sea-level changes driven by
vertical land movement. Evidence for cycles of land uplift and subsidence have been known in
coastal deposits from the Pacific coast of North America for some years (e.g. Atwater, 1987;
Atwater & Hemphill-Haley, 1997). Of current interest is the observation that in some areas a
period of pre-seismic subsidence occurs which could potentially be used as an indicator of
forthcoming large earthquakes (Shennan et al., 1999; Hawkes et al., 2005).
Distinguishing pre-seismic subsidence from co-seismic change requires detailed
investigations employing precise indicators of relative sea-level. Quantitative
paleoenvironmental reconstructions employing microfossils have the potential to provide these
records (e.g. Sawai et al. 2004a; Hawkes et al., 2005). Zong et al. (2003) used diatoms and pollen
to examine relative sea-level changes at two sites in Cook Inlet, Alaska, resulting from the 1964
earthquake. Their data, with a maximum precision of ± 0.06 m, indicate pre-seismic subsidence
of around 0.15 m at both locations. In two related papers, Hamilton & Shennan (2005; in press)
also use a diatom-based transfer function for tide level to reconstruct changes associated with a
series of seismic events in the area. Their results show evidence for pre-seismic subsidence of
similar magnitude to that associated with the 1964 earthquake, although these subtle changes are
at the upper limit of their transfer function’s resolution.
Elsewhere Hayward et al. (2004) use a combination of foraminifera and diatoms to identify
sudden elevation changes in three Holocene sedimentary sequences from Ohiwa Harbour, New
Zealand. Their records indicate potential seismic related subsidence of around 2 m, although the
reconstructions are of lower precision than the transfer functions from North America. In Japan,
Sawai et al. (2004b) use a diatom-based transfer function to reconstruct relative sea-level
changes in eastern Hokkaido. Instrumental data from this area record recent land subsidence,
while geological evidence, such as elevated marine terraces, indicates long-term net uplift. Sawai
et al. (2004b) focus their attention on a large earthquake and tsunami that occurred in the 17th
century. Detailed analysis above and below the tsunami sand layer indicates gradual pre-seismic
subsidence followed by post-seismic uplift. Intriguingly, this post-seismic uplift appears to have
persisted for several decades rather than occurring abruptly. The authors conclude that a more
detailed picture of earthquake deformation cycles in this area is necessary before the long-term
balance between inter-seismic subsidence and post-seismic uplift can be determined.
III. Direction of Future Research
Over the next several years, research on the long-term sedimentary record of tsunamis will
likely focus on three main interrelated areas: 1. Field studies will aim at finding new long-term
records along unexplored coast lines or more complete records along coasts with known tsunami
deposits; 2. New analytical methods will be developed to infer or calculate water velocity and
depth of a tsunami from its sedimentary characteristics, to improve dating of paleotsunami
deposits, and to interpret changes in the environments within stratigraphic sequences caused by
tsunami inundation and coseismic deformation; and 3. New methods will be developed to
interpret the spatial and temporal distribution of tsunamis in terms of source areas, mechanisms,
and recurrence of tsunami-generating events.
Finding New Long-Term Records of Tsunamis
The December, 2004, Indian Ocean Tsunami affected a large part of the Indian Ocean basin
that, with the exception of Indonesia, has no historical record of damaging tsunamis nor any
documented prehistoric sedimentary record of tsunamis. This event has underscored the fact that
our knowledge of the history of tsunamis world-wide is incomplete, as is our knowledge about
the frequency and variety of potential tsunami sources. The catastrophe of December 26, 2004
provides an opportunity to broaden and deepen our knowledge of tsunamis throughout space and
time by finding new long-term records of tsunami deposits. In the following paragraphs, we
discuss recommended areas for funding that would improve our archive of long-term tsunami
records. Projects that address these priorities can be executed both through small short-duration
exploratory projects and through larger more lengthy ventures. Given the interdisciplinary
nature of this research and multinational effects of tsunamis, most projects will involve teams
that cross disciplinary and cultural boundaries.
We have identified several important research directions and possible research initiatives. We
have itemized important topics, recognizing that these directions and initiatives are by nature
Tectonic Environments: Perhaps most compelling initiative is the need for more long-term
records in coastal zones vulnerable to tsunami inundation, such as the inundation zones from the
December 2004 Indonesian tsunami. We stress that long-term tsunami records are most useful
where there also is a long-term record of vertical crustal displacements at a coast. On active
strike-slip or convergent margins, a long-term record will consist of a coseismic subsidence or
coseismic uplift record as well as a tsunami record. Passive margins will contain a record of
tsunami inundation through successive deposition; long-term preservation will depend on
gradual relative sea level rise or gradual coastal progradation. Long-term records can also be
preserved in coastal areas where rapid terrestrial erosion and river valley sedimentation has
caused isolation of lagoons and ancient harbors.
While long-term tsunami records are now available for Scandinavia (based on isolation
basin studies) and on the west coast of North America (based on both buried-soil and lake
stratigraphic studies), such long-term records are less available in Japan, Alaska and Chile and
not available in the Indian Ocean coastal countries (except for coseismic uplift records on
Sumatra (raised coral shorelines) that are not tied to tsunami deposition. Therefore, we highlight
the need for longer term records globally, especially along the northern and western Pacific Rim
and around the Indian Ocean. The total lack of long-term tsunami records in the Indian
Ocean makes this area the highest research priority, but long-record research in the Pacific
Rim should be a high research priority as well.
Correlating Records: Another value of long-term tsunami records is that they most likely
can be correlated among coastal sites. If tsunami-deposit records are correlated in conjunction
with the correlation of related abrupt sea-level changes, these records can be used to approximate
the tsunamigenic source, be it local earthquake, trans-oceanic earthquake, landslide or (a lesser
possibility) bolide impact. In addition to correlating lithostratigraphy, correlation relies on both
dating (mainly 14C methods) and use of biostratigraphic analysis (diatoms, forams) to document
the abruptness of, and magnitude of, relative sea level change.
Pre-Holocene Records: We contend that it would be unusual for a continuous tsunami
record to go back for more than about 6,000 or 7,000 years before present because it was at that
time that the rate of eustatic sea level rise started to decelerate, allowing coastal landforms such
as sand barriers to be come stable and develop in response to slowly changing relative sea level.
However, older tsunami deposits doubtless remain to be discovered. Building on recent and
future advances in understanding of the Holocene record of tsunamis, new efforts at find preHolocene tsunami deposits should be encouraged. Such projects should be aimed at extracting
meaningful oceanographic or tectonic information from these older deposits.
Depositional Environments: Most paleotsunami-deposit research has been done in temperate
zones and depositional setting are best understood in such areas as salt marshes peripheral to
river mouths and other coastal embayments removed from river sedimentation. In the wake of
the Indonesian tsunami, more research on long-term tsunami depositional settings should be
done in tropical and semitropical settings . Such research will confront issues such as how well
do mangrove forests receive and retain tsunami records, what taphonomic changes occur in
deposits that accumulate in tropical climates, and what are the equivalent settings in the tropics
and semi-tropics to salt marshes of the temperate zone?
Another issue is how well are tsunami deposits preserved offshore of areas of major tsunami
strikes. For the December 2004 tsunami in Indonesia, the numerous observations of tsunamitransported sediment moving seaward during return flow begs the question can tsunami deposit
records be gleaned from the immediate offshore sedimentary record? This seems unlikely on
high or moderate energy coastlines but may be possible in lagoons and embayments.
Related to what sorts of environments preserve tsunami deposits is the question of thresholds
of preservation, both elevation above sea level and distance of preservation inland from the
coast. Because relative sea level changes with time at a coastal site, relative sea level history at a
site must be known to address questions of inundation extent and height. Therefore we
recommend that any investigation of long-term records should address changes in relative sea
level at that site for the time period of interest.
Distinguishing Tsunami Deposits: Although not a new research direction, the attempt to
distinguish tsunami from storm deposits in the geologic records remains a compelling direction
for further research. Because this is a second or third order problem at this point, proposals in
this area should not be exploratory but should have clear cut objectives or testable hypotheses
using previously-documented coastal research-sites with a record of deposition by both
Exploration and Sampling Techniques: Finally, research that improves upon, or develops,
new techniques to find and sample long tsunami-deposit records should be encouraged. This
directive need be tempered by the statement that finding a good depositional site is more
important than using a fancy technique at a poor site. For instance, investigation of outcrops and
soil pits at a promising site is far better than a multi-thousand dollar remote-sensing technique
focused on a poor site. That said, relatively sophisticated coring devises, with multi-centimeter
diameter cores, are desirable to get deep records and good samples for dating. In sum, the best
ways to investigate tsunami deposits are first by outcrop and soils pits, next by large diameter,
deep cores and next by narrow diameter cores.
Remote sensing can help to identify promising coastal sites along hundreds of kilometers of
remote, unmapped coastline but knowledgeable coastal geologists need to guide such effort. To
identify sites, careful review of existing topographical maps and available aerial photograph and
satellite imagery should precede more sophisticated approaches. No technique for finding new
sites, no matter how sophisticated, will substitute for the use of fundamental geomorphic and
stratigraphic knowledge of both coastal and tsunamigenic depositional processes.
Methodologies for Analyzing Long-Term Records
Prior research on tsunami deposits has shown that analytical techniques in geochemistry,
sedimentology, paleontology and geochronology are effective means of studying the longer time
series of tsunami events. These methods are used together to form a coherent interpretation of
past tsunami occurrence; no single technique has been effective at making an indisputable case
for tsunami. The multidisciplinary approach addresses questions about spatial and temporal
extent of tsunamis in one region, allowing development of recurrence probabilities for events of
varying magnitudes.
Typical techniques for describing tsunami deposits and distinguishing them from storm
deposits include sudden changes in oxidation state, geochemical signatures of provenance,
carbon content, sediment size, facies characteristics, fossil assemblages and fossil appearance
(broken/unbroken). In addition to the use of geochronological methods for dating the tsunami,
the waves leave characteristic signatures in the geochronological data, such as hiatuses and/or
deposits containing a mixture of older and younger fossils. Thus dating techniques can be used to
determine the timing of an event and as supporting evidence of an event.
The onshore-offshore nature of the tsunami disturbance allows a unique opportunity for
combining terrestrial and oceanographic methodologies, and proposals that seek to tap both these
realms should be encouraged. We suggest that additional methods can be applied outside their
usual applications to address issues facing the tsunami researchers. An example of this is the use
of stable isotope analyses on offshore cores to demonstrate terrestrial sources of both organic
carbon (from C/N ratios) and inorganic carbonates (from 87Sr/86Sr). Likewise, because hurricanes
are accompanied by large freshwater fluxes to the continental shelves, while tsunami events have
no such association, this distinction may appear in the offshore 18O record.
Because lakes often provide the capability of very high (temporal) resolution sampling, the
short-term nature of the tsunamis can be more easily detected in the long-term record than in
most offshore regions. Methods generally used by limnogeologists can be effectively applied to
tsunami research in this case, such as the short-lived inundation-related salinity affects on
ostracods, diatoms and aquatic plants.
Historical archives from regions with extended written history have provided useful data
about tsunami activity and run-up (i.e. Ottoman Turkey). Archaeological records have likewise
contributed to our understanding of tsunami recurrence and societal impact. Besides these, the
recent video and photographic material from the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami has become an
important visual archive for both modelers and field scientists.
Interpretation of Long-Term Records
Recurrence probability: The long-term record provides the opportunity to evaluate the
recurrence of paleotsunamis that exceed a critical threshold or are large enough to leave lasting
onshore and offshore signatures. Recurrence is defined by the mean, variation, and distribution
of recurrence intervals between events and is useful for evaluating long-term behavior of faults
and assessing the probability of future events. Probability uncertainties are affected by the
brevity of the event series as well as by dating uncertainties of individual events (McCalpin,
1996). Therefore, the longer and more complete the record and the more precise the dating, the
better the estimate of recurrence. Although earthquake recurrence has been described in terms of
various frequency distributions (Poisson, lognormal, Weibull, and bimodal), much remains to be
learned about which frequency distribution best describes recurrence and if the frequency
distribution varies for different types of tsunamigenic events. This promises to be an active area
of research in coming years.
Interpreting Tsunami-Generating Mechanisms: Before assessing tsunami recurrence the
record of paleotsunamis must first be developed and interpreted in terms of source area (e.g.,
transoceanic, regional, local) and mechanism (e.g., landsliding, faulting, volcanic eruption,
meteorite impact). Empirical data from modern and historic events whose locations and source
mechanisms are known suggest that similar-age tsunami deposits found over thousands of
kilometers of coastline, possibly including more than one continent, would likely be the result of
a transoceanic event; whereas, more limited geographical distributions of deposits would
probably reflect a regional or even local event. An overlap zone where two distinct tsunami
deposits formed in the same place but at slightly different times might represent a more
complicated scenario where multiple fault segments or earthquake-triggered landslides generated
multiple tsunamis. On the basis of source modeling, a narrow but peaked coastal distribution of
tsunami deposits would indicate a landslide source; whereas a broader and less peaked
distribution would reflect a fault source. Also, other types of deposits resulting from ground
shaking, volcanic eruptions, and even meteor impacts can help to interpret the paleotsunami
record. Thus, it seems that reasonable interpretations of source area and mechanism can be
derived from careful study of the spatial distribution of similar-age tsunami deposits as well as
other related deposits. Case studies of modern and historic tsunamigenic events designed to test
this and related hypotheses would serve to improve interpretations of paleotsunami deposits.
Combining Long-Term Records with Modern Observations: Much knowledge about
processes involved in sediment erosion, transport, and deposition, impacts on coastal
environments and geomorphology, and scale of different types of events can be learned from
observations of modern tsunamis. This type of information also helps to interpret the record of
paleotsunamis. In turn, long-term records provide information about the relative importance of
tsunamis on the stratigraphic, environmental, and geomorphic development of a region over
time. Frequent large events involving severe erosion and transport of large quantities of
sediment or significant land-level changes will have a larger impact than less frequent or less
severe events.
The correlation of tsunami deposits at isolated locations over large areas is a critical step in
paleotsunami studies. This task is made more difficult by uncertainties associated with
commonly used dating techniques such as radiocarbon and optically stimulated luminescence.
New approaches to analyzing age data such as stratigraphic ordering of calibrated radiocarbon
age distributions and summing of probability density functions of dates have helped to narrow
uncertainties associated with estimates of event timing (e.g., Biasi et al., 2002; Weldon et al.,
2005). Nevertheless, dating uncertainties can lead to non-unique interpretations of the data.
Advances in existing dating techniques, development of new techniques, and further
improvements in data analysis could greatly improve confidence in estimates of event timing and
recurrence intervals as well as correlation of paleotsunami deposits.
Combining Geologic and Historical Records: Regions with long historical records can
provide information useful for interpreting the geologic record of tsunamis in regions with short
historical records. For example, the 2000?-year-long historical record of Japan provided critical
information that helped to establish the timing and magnitude of the 1700 A.D. Cascadia megathrust earthquake (Satake et al., 2003). In addition, historical records are likely to contain
additional information regarding historical tsunamis. For example, a recent effort to glean new
information about the effects of the transoceanic tsunami resulting from the1755 Lisbon,
Portugal earthquake on the islands of the Lesser Antilles in the Caribbean has already yielded
results (Ruffman, 2005). As demonstrated by the Japanese and Caribbean studies, historical
records are likely to contain information about tsunamis that could make an important
contribution to future tsunami studies.
Ground-Truthing Prehistoric Tsunamis Models: The geologic record can provide the
opportunity to ground-truth models of tsunamis that are unrepresented in the modern record.
Unrepresented tsunamis may include rare events resulting from mega-thrust earthquakes,
earthquake-triggered landslides, volcanic eruptions or collapse, and meteorite impacts. The
characteristics (e.g., thickness, grain-size distribution) and distribution of tsunami deposits can
help to determine if models are realistic and also to constrain models. For example, modeling of
a tsunami generated by collapse of the flank of the Cumbra Vieja volcano in the Canary Islands
off the western coast of Africa predicted a transoceanic tsunami with 10-25 m waves reaching
the eastern coast of the United States (Ward and Day, 2001). More recently, it has been argued
that the size of the landslide blocks and thus the waves reaching the U.S. shores may be smaller
than first estimated. Although this is a low probability event (perhaps occurring once every
1,000-10,000 years), the proposed mega-tsunami has captivated the imagination of many,
especially the media. If such an event occurred during the Holocene, it probably left a signature
along the coasts of northwestern Africa, southwestern Europe, islands of the Lesser Antilles, and
southeastern U.S. A simple test of the model would be to search coastal areas on both sides of
the Atlantic for an unusual and synchronous tsunami deposit that matched the age of the most
recent volcanic collapse in the Canary Islands.
Ecological, Economic and Societal Impacts of Tsunamis: Many coastal areas (i.e., shorezone) experience dramatic increases in levels of flooding, accelerated erosion, loss of wetlands
and low-lying terrestrial ecosystems, and seawater intrusion into freshwater sources as a result of
a tsunami. Prediction of shoreline retreat and land loss rates and ecological recovery is critical to
the planning of future coastal zone management strategies, and assessing ecological impacts due
to habitat changes and loss.
Rates of shoreline recession vary dramatically alongshore and are a function of shoreline
type, geometry and composition, geographic location, size and shape of the associated coastal
water body, coastal vegetation, and water level, maximum run-up and lateral extent of the
tsunami. In addition, the function of many shore zones may be significantly altered by ecological
state changes (the transformation of one ecosystem class to another, e.g., wetlands to open water)
forced by the inundation of the tsunami. Ultimately, to manage wisely our coastal estuarine
resources and maximize human utilization, long term solutions of estuarine shoreline-erosion
problems must be in harmony with the dynamics of the total coastal system (i.e., shoreline and
shore-zone). By evaluating the modern shoreline dynamics and developing a predictive tool of
habitat modification in response to tsunamis of different size, we can provide coastal managers
with products and knowledge needed for proactive management and a basis for regulatory
Evaluating the processes driving ecological change and subsequent recovery can be achieved
because wetland and estuarine zones exhibit strong environmental gradients since they
encompass the transition from terrestrial to marine conditions. As a consequence of this,
numerous indicators (e.g. lithological, biological, such as inter-tidal organisms, and
geochemical) tend to occur in distinctive vertical zones, reflecting physical variables such as the
duration of sub-aerial exposure (related to water level) and salinity. Knowledge of modern
coastal environment prior to a tsunami can be applied to sediments recovered in an area affected
by a tsunami to provide quantitative estimates through time of water level (and storm surge
height), salinity, pH, substrate and vegetation cover.
Linking Onshore and Offshore Tsunami Records: Tsunami deposits constitute marker
horizons in the stratigraphic record that are essential isochronous and hence have the potential to
serve as the basis for time-stratigraphic correlation between sediments formed on land and lakes
and on the sea-bottom. In recent years, considerable advances have been made in the recognition,
extraction and identification to source of tsunami deposits from a range of sedimentary contexts.
However correlation on the basis of tsunami deposits must meet the following criteria: first, a
lengthy stratigraphic record must be available; second, evidence of change in the stratigraphic
record must be clear and unequivocal; third, sedimentation must be continuous; and fourth,
correlations will be more secure if a time-frame can be established.
Identification of Tsunami Precursors: Microfossil data collected from the Cascadia
subduction zone and Alaska indicate that relative sea level may have risen in the years and
decades immediately prior to several late Holocene earthquakes and subsequent tsunamis.
These observations suggest that pre-seismic relative sea-level rise may be an early warning of an
imminent plate boundary earthquake. Comments on this work include the suggestion that
ENSO-type processes, shaking-induced lowering of the marsh surface and associated sediment
compaction prior to coseismic subsidence, or to the effects of bioturbation and sediment mixing
could explain the changes observed. These alternative hypotheses can be tested through detailed
analysis of the other events sampled within Cascadia, Alaska and elsewhere. If pre-seismic
signals occur in these events then this would be a strong case against the other explanations.
The identification of these subtle pre-seismic changes raises the specter that acceleration in the
rate of relative sea-level rise may represent a precursor of an imminent plate boundary
earthquake. We do not yet know the pattern of these movements and how they relate to the
spatial pattern of displacement during the subsequent earthquake. Because of the potential of
identifying a precursor, we must place particular attention in the microfossil analysis on the
period immediately prior to each burial event. Thus, sampling interval for pollen and diatom
analyses across these contacts will typically be less than 1cm.
By looking at complete earthquake deformation cycles we introduce a timescale dimension to
test current seismic models that is much longer than just depending on direct observations that by
definition are limited to timescales of years or, at best, decades. Current research, including GPS
measurements, seismicity observations and model development, is producing much debate about
changes in strain accumulation, both spatially and through time in active subduction zones.
Significant elements of the arguments for seismic quiescence and the role of aseismic slip in
relieving the build-up of crustal strain currently rely on measurements that cover less than a
decade and the up-scaling of a laboratory-derived friction law to produce a numerical simulation
model. These have significant limitations. Leveling and GPS data cover only a fragment of the
post-seismic and interseismic and the duration of the observation records are inadequate to test
the hypothesis that the locking of the plate interface varies with time.
Identification of interseismic and pre-seismic relative sea-level change leading up to former
earthquakes can be applied to current and developing seismic models. These models include
elements such as seismic quiescence and aseismic slip and develop from theory but with
observations over a limited timescale, typically a few years to a decade. Field evidence of
former earthquakes and tsunamis will provide an independent test of these models using a much
longer timescale of decades to centuries. One particular hypothesis to test is whether a change
from relative sea-level fall during interseismic strain accumulation to relative sea-level rise
reflects that significant quasi-stable sliding occurs prior to a great earthquake.
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