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Linear Programming Models: Graphical and Computer Methods
Management resources that need control include machinery usage, labor volume, money spent,
time used, warehouse space used, and material usage.
In the term linear programming, the word programming comes from the phrase computer
Linear programming has few applications in the real world due to the assumption of certainty in
the data and relationships of a problem.
Any linear programming problem can be solved using the graphical solution procedure.
Linear programming is designed to allow some constraints to be maximized.
A typical LP involves maximizing an objective function while simultaneously optimizing
resource constraint usage.
Resource restrictions are called constraints.
Industrial applications of linear programming might involve several thousand variables and
An important assumption in linear programming is to allow the existence of negative decision
The set of solution points that satisfies all of a linear programming problem's constraints
simultaneously is defined as the feasible region in graphical linear programming.
An objective function is necessary in a maximization problem but is not required in a
minimization problem.
In some instances, an infeasible solution may be the optimum found by the corner-point method.
Linear Programming Models: Graphical and Computer Methods  CHAPTER 7
The analytic postoptimality method attempts to determine a range of changes in problem
parameters that will not affect the optimal solution or change the variables in the basis.
The solution to a linear programming problem must always lie on a constraint.
In a linear program, the constraints must be linear, but the objective function may be nonlinear.
Early applications of linear programming were primarily industrial in nature, later the technique
was adopted by the military for scheduling and resource management.
One can employ the same algorithm to solve both maximization and minimization problems.
One converts a minimization problem to a maximization problem by reversing the direction of all
The graphical method of solution illustrates that the only restriction on a solution is that the
solution must lie along a constraint.
Anytime we have an iso-profit line which is parallel to a constraint, we have the possibility of
multiple solutions.
If the iso-profit line is not parallel to a constraint, then the solution must be unique.
Linear Programming Models: Graphical and Computer Methods  CHAPTER 7
The iso-profit solution method and the corner-point solution method always give the same result.
When two or more constraints conflict with one another, we have a condition called
The addition of a redundant constraint lowers the iso-profit line.
Sensitivity analysis enables us to look only at the effects of changing the coefficients in the
objective function.
All linear programming problems require that we maximize some quantity.
If we do not have multiple constraints, we do not have a linear programming problem.
Inequality constraints are mathematically easier to handle than equality constraints.
Every solution to a linear programming problem lies at a “corner point.”
A linear programming problem can have, at most one, solution.
A linear programming approach can be used to solve any problem for which the objective is to
maximize some quantity.
Linear Programming Models: Graphical and Computer Methods  CHAPTER 7
Typical management resources include
Which of the following is not a property of all linear programming problems?
the presence of restrictions
optimization of some objective
a computer program
alternate courses of action to choose from
usage of only linear equations and inequalities
Which of the following is not a basic assumption of linear programming?
machinery usage.
labor volume.
warehouse space utilization.
raw material usage.
all of the above
The condition of certainty exists.
Proportionality exists in the objective function and constraints.
Additivity exists for the activities.
Divisibility exists, allowing non-integer solutions.
Solutions or variables may take values from   to + .
A feasible solution to a linear programming problem
must satisfy all of the problem's constraints simultaneously.
need not satisfy all of the constraints, only the non-negativity constraints.
must be a corner point of the feasible region.
must give the maximum possible profit.
Linear Programming Models: Graphical and Computer Methods  CHAPTER 7
An optimal solution to a linear program
Infeasibility in a linear programming problem occurs when
will always lie at an extreme point of the feasible region.
could be any point in the feasible region of the problem.
will always be unique (only one optimal solution possible for any one problem).
will always include at least some of each product or variable.
must always be in whole numbers (integers).
there is an infinite solution.
a constraint is redundant.
more than one solution is optimal.
the feasible region is unbounded.
there is no solution that satisfies all the constraints given.
In a maximization problem, when one or more of the solution variables and the profit can be
made infinitely large without violating any constraints, then the linear program has
an infeasible solution.
an unbounded solution.
a redundant constraint.
alternate optimal solutions.
none of the above
Which of the following is not a part of every linear programming problem formulation?
an objective function
a set of constraints
non-negativity constraints
a redundant constraint
maximization or minimization of a linear function
Linear Programming Models: Graphical and Computer Methods  CHAPTER 7
The optimal solution to a maximization linear programming problem can be found by graphing
the feasible region and
(a) finding the profit at every corner point of the feasible region to see which one gives the
highest value.
(b) moving the iso-profit lines towards the origin in a parallel fashion until the last point in the
feasible region is encountered.
(c) locating the point which is highest on the graph.
(d) none of the above
(e) all of the above
Which of the following is not true about product mix linear programming problems?
The graphical solution to a linear programming problem
Two or more products are produced.
Limited resources are involved.
They always have integer (whole number) solutions.
The feasible region cannot include negative areas.
none of the above
includes the corner-point method and the iso-profit line solution method.
is useful for four or fewer decision variables.
is inappropriate for more than two constraints.
is the most difficult approach, but is useful as a learning tool.
can only be used if no inequalities exist.
Which of the following about the feasible region is false?
It is only found in product mix problems.
It is also called the area of feasible solutions.
It is the area satisfying all of the problem's resource restrictions.
All possible solutions to the problem lie in this region.
all of the above
Linear Programming Models: Graphical and Computer Methods  CHAPTER 7
The corner-point solution method:
When a constraint line bounding a feasible region has the same slope as an iso-profit line,
there may be more than one optimum solution.
the problem involves redundancy.
an error has been made in the problem formulation.
a condition of infeasibility exists.
none of the above
The simultaneous equation method is
will yield different results from the iso-profit line solution method.
requires that the profit from all corners of the feasible region be compared.
will provide one, and only one, optimum.
requires that all corners created by all constraints be compared.
will not provide a solution at an intersection or corner where a non-negativity constraint is
an alternative to the corner-point method.
useful only in minimization methods.
an algebraic means for solving the intersection of two constraint equations.
useful only when more than two product variables exist in a product mix problem.
none of the above
Consider the following linear programming problem:
Subject to:
12X + 10Y
4X + 3Y  480
2X + 3Y  360
all variables  0
Which of the following points (X,Y) is not a feasible corner point?
none of the above
Linear Programming Models: Graphical and Computer Methods  CHAPTER 7
Consider the following linear programming problem:
Subject to:
12X + 10Y
4X + 3Y  480
2X + 3Y  360
all variables  0
The maximum possible value for the objective function is
none of the above
Consider the following linear programming problem:
Subject to:
12X + 10Y
4X + 3Y  480
2X + 3Y  360
all variables  0
Which of the following points (X,Y) is not feasible?
none of the above
Consider the following linear programming problem:
Subject to:
4X + 10Y
3X + 4Y  480
4X + 2Y  360
all variables  0
Linear Programming Models: Graphical and Computer Methods  CHAPTER 7
The feasible corner points are (48,84), (0,120), (0,0), (90,0). What is the maximum possible
value for the objective function?
none of the above
Consider the following linear programming problem:
Subject to:
5X + 6Y
4X + 2Y  420
1X + 2Y  120
all variables  0
Which of the following points (X,Y) is not a feasible corner point?
none of the above
Consider the following linear programming problem:
Subject to:
5X + 6Y
4X + 2Y  420
1X + 2Y  120
all variables  0
The maximum possible value for the objective function is
none of the above
Linear Programming Models: Graphical and Computer Methods  CHAPTER 7
Consider the following linear programming problem:
Subject to:
5X + 6Y
4X + 2Y  420
1X + 2Y  120
all variables  0
Which of the following points (X,Y) is not feasible?
none of the above
Consider the following linear programming problem:
Subject to:
20X + 8Y
4X + 2Y  360
1X + 2Y  200
all variables  0
The optimum solution occurs at the point (X,Y)
none of the above
Two models of a product – Regular (X) and Deluxe (Y) – are produced by a company. A linear
programming model is used to determine the production schedule. The formulation is as follows:
Maximize profit = 50X + 60 Y
Subject to:
8X + 10Y  800 (labor hours)
X + Y  120 (total units demanded)
4X + 5Y  500 (raw materials)
all variables  0
The optimal solution is X = 100 Y = 0.
Linear Programming Models: Graphical and Computer Methods  CHAPTER 7
How many units of the regular model would be produced based on this solution?
none of the above
Two models of a product – Regular (X) and Deluxe (Y) – are produced by a company. A linear
programming model is used to determine the production schedule. The formulation is as follows:
Maximize profit = 50X + 60 Y
Subject to:
8X + 10Y  800 (labor hours)
X + Y  120 (total units demanded)
4X + 5Y  500 (raw materials)
all variables  0
The optimal solution is X = 100 Y = 0.
How many units of the raw materials would be used to produce this number of units?
none of the above
Two models of a product – Regular (X) and Deluxe (Y) – are produced by a company. A linear
programming model is used to determine the production schedule. The formulation is as follows:
Maximize profit = 50X + 60 Y
Subject to:
8X + 10Y  800 (labor hours)
X + Y  120 (total units demanded)
4X + 5Y  500 (raw materials)
X, Y  0
The optimal solution is X=100, Y=0.
Linear Programming Models: Graphical and Computer Methods  CHAPTER 7
Which of these constraints is redundant?
the first constraint
the second constraint
the third constraint
all of the above
none of the above
Consider the following linear programming problem.
Subject to
20X + 30Y
2X + 4Y  800
6X + 3Y  300
X, Y  0
The optimum solution to this problem occurs at the point (X,Y)
none of the above
Consider the following linear programming problem.
Subject to:
20X + 30Y
X + Y  80
6X + 12Y  600
X, Y  0
This is a special case of a linear programming problem in which
there is no feasible solution.
there is a redundant constraint.
there are multiple optimal solutions.
this cannot be solved graphically.
none of the above
Linear Programming Models: Graphical and Computer Methods  CHAPTER 7
Consider the following linear programming problem.
Subject to
20X + 30Y
X + Y  80
8X + 9Y  600
3X + 2Y  400
X, Y  0
This is a special case of a linear programming problem in which
Adding a constraint to a linear programming (maximization) problem may result in
there is no feasible solution.
there is a redundant constraint.
there are multiple optimal solutions.
this cannot be solved graphically.
none of the above
a decrease in the value of the objective function.
an increase in the value of the objective function.
no change to the objective function.
either (c) or (a) depending on the constraint.
either (c) or (b) depending on the constraint.
Deleting a constraint from a linear programming (maximization) problem may result in
a decrease in the value of the objective function.
an increase in the value of the objective function.
no change to the objective function.
either (c) or (a) depending on the constraint.
either (c) or (b) depending on the constraint.
Linear Programming Models: Graphical and Computer Methods  CHAPTER 7
Which of the following is not acceptable as a constraint in a linear programming problem
Constraint 1
Constraint 2
Constraint 3
Constraint 4
the solution is infeasible.
there are an infinite number of optimal solutions.
the problem is unbounded.
the problem is degenerate.
none of the above
If one changes the contribution rates in the objective function of an LP,
Constraint 1
Constraint 2
Constraint 3
Constraint 4
none of the above
If two corner points tie for the best value of the objective function, then
X + XY + Y  12
X  2Y  20
X + 3Y = 48
X + Y + Z  150
the feasible region will change.
the slope of the iso-profit or iso-cost line will change.
the optimal solution to the LP will no longer be optimal.
all of the above
none of the above
Changes in the technological coefficients of an LP problem
often reflect changes in the state of technology.
have no effect on the objective function of the linear program.
can produce a significant change in the shape of the feasible solution region.
all of the above
none of the above
Linear Programming Models: Graphical and Computer Methods  CHAPTER 7
Sensitivity analysis may also be called
Sensitivity analyses are used to examine the effects of changes in
contribution rates for each variable.
technological coefficients.
available resources.
all of the above
none of the above
Which of the following is a property of all linear programming problems?
postoptimality analysis.
parametric programming.
optimality analysis.
all of the above
none of the above
alternate courses of action to choose from
minimization of some objective
a computer program
usage of graphs in the solution
usage of linear and nonlinear equations and inequalities
Which of the following is a basic assumption of linear programming?
The condition of uncertainty exists.
Proportionality exists in the objective function and constraints.
Independence exists for the activities.
Divisibility exists, allowing only integer solutions.
Solutions or variables may take values from   to + .
A point which satisfies all of a problem's constraints simultaneously is a(n)
feasible point.
corner point.
intersection of the profit line and a constraint.
intersection of two or more constraints.
none of the above
The condition when there is no solution which satisfies all the constraints is called:
Linear Programming Models: Graphical and Computer Methods  CHAPTER 7
(e) none of the above
In a minimization problem, when one or more of the solution variables and the cost can be made
infinitely large without violating any constraints, then the linear program has
If the addition of a constraint to a linear programming problem does not change the solution, the
constraint is said to be
an infeasible solution.
an unbounded solution.
a redundant constraint.
alternate optimal solutions.
none of the above
The following is not true about product mix linear programming problems:
Two or more products are produced.
Individual resources are used in only a single product.
They never have integer (whole number) solutions.
Cost is always to be minimized.
none of the above
Linear Programming Models: Graphical and Computer Methods  CHAPTER 7
The graphical solution to a linear programming problem
In order for a linear programming problem to have a unique solution, the solution must exist
at the intersection of the non-negativity constraints.
at the intersection of a non-negativity constraint and a resource constraint.
at the intersection of the objective function and a constraint.
at the intersection of two or more constraints.
none of the above
In order for a linear programming problem to have a multiple solutions, the solution must exist
is a useful tool for solving practical problems.
is useful for four or less decision variables.
is useful primarily in helping one understand the linear programming solution process.
is the most difficult approach.
can only be used in a maximization problem.
at the intersection of the non-negativity constraints.
on a constraint parallel to the objective function.
at the intersection of the objective function and a constraint.
at the intersection of three or more constraints.
none of the above
Consider the following linear programming problem:
Subject to:
12X + 10Y
4X + 3Y  480
2X + 3Y  360
all variables  0
Which of the following points (X,Y) could be a feasible corner point?
none of the above
Linear Programming Models: Graphical and Computer Methods  CHAPTER 7
Consider the following linear programming problem:
Subject to:
12X + 10Y
2X + 3Y  480
4X + 3Y  360
all variables  0
The maximum possible value for the objective function is
none of the above
Consider the following linear programming problem.
Subject to:
12X + 10Y
4X + 3Y  480
2X + 3Y  360
all variables  0
Which of the following points (X,Y) is feasible?
none of the above
Consider the following linear programming problem.
Subject to:
6X +8Y
3X + 4Y  480
4X + 2Y  360
all variables  0
Linear Programming Models: Graphical and Computer Methods  CHAPTER 7
The feasible corner points are (48,84), (0,120), (0,0), (90,0). What is the maximum possible
value for the objective function?
none of the above
Consider the following linear programming problem.
Subject to:
5X + 6Y
4X + 2Y  420
1X + 2Y  120
all variables  0
Which of the following points (X,Y) is in the feasible region?
none of the above
Consider the following linear programming problem.
Subject to:
6X +5Y
4X + 2Y  420
1X + 2Y  120
all variables  0
The maximum possible value for the objective function is
none of the above
Linear Programming Models: Graphical and Computer Methods  CHAPTER 7
Consider the following linear programming problem.
Subject to:
5X + 6Y
4X + 2Y  420
1X + 2Y  120
all variables  0
Which of the following points (X,Y) is feasible?
none of the above
Two models of a product – Regular (X) and Deluxe (Y) – are produced by a company. A linear
programming model is used to determine the production schedule. The formulation is as follows:
Maximize profit = 50X + 60 Y
Subject to:
8X +10Y  800 (labor hours)
X + Y  120 (total units demanded)
4X + 5Y  500 (raw materials)
all variables  0
The optimal solution is X = 100 Y = 0.
How many units of the Deluxe model would be produced based on this solution?
none of the above
Two models of a product – Regular (X) and Deluxe (Y) – are produced by a company. A linear
programming model is used to determine the production schedule. The formulation is as follows:
Maximize profit = 50X + 60 Y
Subject to:
8X + 10Y  800 (labor hours)
X +Y  120 (total units demanded)
4X + 5Y  500 (raw materials)
all variables  0
The optimal solution is X = 100 Y = 0.
How many units of the labor hours would be used to produce this number of units?
Linear Programming Models: Graphical and Computer Methods  CHAPTER 7
none of the above
Two models of a product – Regular (X) and Deluxe (Y) – are produced by a company. A linear
programming model is used to determine the production schedule. The formulation is as follows:
Maximize profit = 50X + 60 Y
Subject to:
8X + 10Y  500 (labor hours)
X + Y  120 (total units demanded)
4X + 5Y  800 (raw materials)
X, Y  0
Which of the constraints is active in determining the solution?
the first constraint
the second constraint
the third constraint
constraints (a) and (b)
none of the above
Consider the following linear programming problem.
Subject to:
18X + 36Y
X + Y  80
6X + 12Y  600
X, Y  0
This is a special case of a linear programming problem in which
there is no feasible solution.
there is a redundant constraint.
there are multiple optimal solutions.
this cannot be solved graphically.
none of the above
Linear Programming Models: Graphical and Computer Methods  CHAPTER 7
Consider the following linear programming problem.
Subject to:
20X + 30Y
X + Y  80
12X + 12Y  600
3X + 2Y 400
X, Y  0
This is a special case of a linear programming problem in which
Removing a constraint from a linear programming (maximization) problem may result in
there is no feasible solution.
there is a redundant constraint.
there are multiple optimal solutions.
this cannot be solved graphically.
none of the above
a decrease in the value of the objective function.
an increase in the value of the objective function.
either an increase or decrease in the value of the objective function.
no change in the value of the objective function.
either (b) or (d)
Adding a constraint to a linear programming (maximization) problem may result in
a decrease in the value of the objective function.
an increase in the value of the objective function.
either an increase or decrease in the value of the objective function.
no change in the value of the objective function.
either a decrease or no change in the value of the objective function.
Linear Programming Models: Graphical and Computer Methods  CHAPTER 7
Which of the following is not acceptable as a constraint in a linear programming problem
Constraint 1
Constraint 2
Constraint 3
Constraint 4
Constraint 5
changes in the technology used to produce the good.
changes in the price for which the product can be sold.
changes in government rules and regulations.
changes in the raw materials used.
none of the above
Changes in the technological coefficients of an LP problem may represent
Constraint 1
Constraint 2
Constraint 3
Constraint 4
Constraint 5
Changes in the contribution rates in the objective function of an LP may represent
X + Y  12
X - 2Y  20
X + 3Y = 48
X + Y + Z  150
2X - 3Y + Z > 75
changes in the price for which the product can be sold.
changes in the value of the resources used.
changes in the amount of resources used for a product.
changes in the degree to which a resource contributes to the cost of a product.
none of the above
Consider the following linear programming problem.
Subject to
10X + 30Y
X + 2Y  80
8X + 16Y  640
4X + 2Y  100
X, Y  0
Linear Programming Models: Graphical and Computer Methods  CHAPTER 7
This is a special case of a linear programming problem in which
there is no feasible solution.
there is a redundant constraint.
there are multiple optimal solutions.
this cannot be solved graphically.
none of the above
Which of the following is not acceptable as a constraint in a linear programming problem
X + Y  12
X  2Y  20
X + 3Y = 48
X2 + Y + Z  150
Constraint 1
Constraint 2
Constraint 3
Constraint 4
Constraint 1
Constraint 2
Constraint 3
Constraint 4
none of the above
Consider the following linear programming problem.
Subject to:
12X + 10Y
4X + 3Y  480
2X + 3Y  360
all variables  0
Which of the following points (X,Y) could be a feasible corner point?
none of the above
Linear Programming Models: Graphical and Computer Methods  CHAPTER 7
Consider the following linear programming problem.
Subject to:
12X + 10Y
2X + 3Y  480
4X + 3Y  360
all variables  0
The maximum possible value for the objective function is
none of the above
Consider the following linear programming problem.
Subject to:
12X + 10Y
4X + 3Y  480
2X + 3Y  360
all variables  0
Which of the following points (X,Y) is feasible?
none of the above
*7.101 Consider the following linear programming problem.
Subject to:
5X + 6Y
4X + 2Y  420
1X + 2Y  120
all variables  0
Linear Programming Models: Graphical and Computer Methods  CHAPTER 7
Which of the following points (X,Y) is not in the feasible region?
none of the above
*7.102 Two models of a product – Regular (X) and Deluxe (Y) – are produced by a company. A linear
programming model is used to determine the production schedule. The formulation is as follows:
Minimize cost
Subject to:
= 60X + 50 Y
8X + 10Y  800 (labor hours)
X + Y  120 (total units demanded)
4X + 5Y  500 (raw materials)
all variables  0
How many units of the Deluxe model would be produced based on this solution?
none of the above
*7.103 Two models of a product – Regular (X) and Deluxe (Y) – are produced by a company. A linear
programming model is used to determine the production schedule. The formulation is as follows:
Maximize profit = 60X + 50 Y
Subject to:
6X +10Y  500 (labor hours)
X + Y  120 (total units demanded)
6X + 5Y  800 (raw materials)
X, Y  0
Which of the constraints is active in determining the solution?
the first constraint
the first and third constraints
the third constraint
the second constraint
none of the above
Linear Programming Models: Graphical and Computer Methods  CHAPTER 7
*7.104 Consider the following linear programming problem.
Subject to:
15X + 36Y
X + Y  80
27.5X + 55Y  1200
X, Y  0
This is a special case of a linear programming problem in which
there is no feasible solution.
there is a redundant constraint.
there are multiple optimal solutions.
this cannot be solved graphically.
none of the above
As a supervisor of a production department, you must decide the daily production totals of a
certain product that has two models, the deluxe and the special. The profit on the deluxe model
is $12 per unit and the special's profit is $10. Each model goes through two phases in the
production process, and there are only 100 man-hours available daily at the construction stage
and only 80 man-hours available at the finishing and inspection stage. Each deluxe model
requires 20 minutes of construction time and 10 minutes of finishing and inspection time. Each
special model requires 15 minutes of construction time and 15 minutes of finishing and
inspection time. The company has also decided that the special model must comprise at least 40
percent of the production total.
(a) Formulate this as a linear programming problem.
(b) Find the solution that gives the maximum profit.
The Fido Dog Food Company wishes to introduce a new brand of dog biscuits (composed of
chicken and liver flavored biscuits) that meets certain nutritional requirements. The liver
flavored biscuits contain 1 unit of nutrient A and 2 units of nutrient B, while the chicken flavored
ones contain 1 unit of nutrient A and 4 units of nutrient B. According to federal requirements,
there must be at least 40 units of nutrient A and 60 units of nutrient B in a package of the new
mix. In addition, the company has decided that there can be no more than 15 liver flavored
biscuits in a package. If it costs 1 cent to make a liver flavored biscuit and 2 cents to make a
chicken flavored one, what is the optimal product mix for a package of the biscuits in order to
minimize the firm's cost?
Formulate this as a linear programming problem.
Solve this problem graphically, giving the optimal values of all variables.
Are any constraints redundant? If so, which one or ones?
What is the total cost of a package of dog biscuits using the optimal mix?
Linear Programming Models: Graphical and Computer Methods  CHAPTER 7
Consider the following linear program.
Subject to:
30X1 + 10X2
3X1 + X2  300
X1 + X2  200
X1  100
X2  50
X1  X2  0
X 1, X 2  0
(a) Solve the problem graphically. Is there more than one optimal solution? Explain.
(b) Are there any redundant constraints?
Linear Programming Models: Graphical and Computer Methods  CHAPTER 7
The No-Glare Company is making two types of antique-style lamps, type #1 and type #2. There
is enough skilled labor to make either 1,000 type #1 or 2,000 type #2 lamps per day. There are
only 6,000 inserts available per day, of which the type #1 lamp requires 3 and the type #2 lamp
requires 4. Besides these shared constraints, there are only enough fancy switches to make 1,400
of the type #2 lamps per day. Marginal profit (contribution) is $3 per type #1 lamp and $4 per
type #2 lamp. Let X1 = the hundreds of type #1 lamps per day, etc.
(a) Identify each corner point bounding the feasible region and find the total variable profit at
each point.
(b) How many type #1 and type #2 lamps should be produced? What is the maximum possible
Solve the following linear programming problem using the corner point method.
Subject to:
10X + 1Y
4X + 3Y 
2X + 4Y 
X, Y 
Linear Programming Models: Graphical and Computer Methods  CHAPTER 7
Solve the following linear programming problem using the corner point method.
Subject to:
3 X + 5Y
4X + 4Y  48
1X + 2Y  20
X, Y  0
Billy Penny is trying to determine how many units of two types of lawn mowers to produce each
day. One of these is the standard model, while the other is the deluxe model. The profit per unit
on the standard model is $60, while the profit per unit on the deluxe model is $40. The standard
model requires 20 minutes of assembly time, while the deluxe model requires 35 minutes of
assembly time. The standard model requires 10 minutes of inspection time, while the deluxe
model requires 15 minutes of inspection time. The company must fill an order for 6 deluxe
models. There are 450 minutes of assembly time and 180 minutes of inspection time available
each day. How many units of each product should be manufactured to maximize profits?
7.112 Two advertising media are being considered for promotion of a product. Radio ads cost
$400 each, while newspaper ads cost $600 each. The total budget is $7,200 per week. The total
number of ads should be at least 15, with at least 2 of each type. Each newspaper ad reaches
6,000 people, while each radio ad reaches 2,000 people. The company wishes to reach as many
people as possible while meeting all the constraints stated. How many ads of each type should
be placed?
Linear Programming Models: Graphical and Computer Methods  CHAPTER 7
Suppose a linear programming (maximization) problem has been solved and the optimal value of
the objective function is $300. Suppose an additional constraint is added to this problem.
Explain how this might affect each of the following:
(a) the feasible region
(b) the optimal value of the objective function
Upon retirement, Mr. Klaws started to make two types of children’s wooden toys in his shop,
Wuns and Toos. Wuns yield a variable profit of $9 each and Toos have a contribution margin of
$8 apiece. Even though his electric saw overheats, he can make 7 Wuns or 14 Toos each day.
Since he doesn't have equipment for drying the lacquer finish he puts on the toys, the drying
operation limits him to 16 Wuns or 8 Toos per day.
(a) Solve this problem using the corner point method.
(b) For what profit ratios would the optimum solution remain the optimum solution?
Linear Programming Models: Graphical and Computer Methods  CHAPTER 7
Susanna Nanna is the production manager for a furniture manufacturing company. The company
produces tables (X) and chairs (Y). Each table generates a profit of $80 and requires 3 hours of
assembly time and 4 hours of finishing time. Each chair generates $50 of profit and requires 3
hours of assembly time and 2 hours of finishing time. There are 360 hours of assembly time and
240 hours of finishing time available each month. The following linear programming problem
represents this situation.
Subject to:
80X + 50Y
3X + 3Y  360
4X + 2Y  240
X, Y 0
The optimal solution is X = 0, and Y = 120.
(a) What would the maximum possible profit be?
(b) How many hours of assembly time would be used to maximize profit?
(c) If a new constraint, 2X + 2Y  400, were added, what would happen to the maximum
possible profit?
As a supervisor of a production department, you must decide the daily production totals of a
certain product that has two models, the deluxe and the special. The profit on the deluxe model
is $12 per unit, and the special's profit is $10. Each model goes through two phases in the
production process, and there are only 100 man-hours available daily at the construction stage
and only 80 man-hours available at the finishing and inspection stage. Each deluxe model
requires 20 minutes of construction time and 10 minutes of finishing and inspection time. Each
special model requires 15 minutes of construction time and 15 minutes of finishing and
inspection time. The company has also decided that the special model must comprise at most 60
percent of the production total.
Formulate this as a linear programming problem.
Linear Programming Models: Graphical and Computer Methods  CHAPTER 7
The Fido Dog Food Company wishes to introduce a new brand of dog biscuits (composed of
chicken and liver flavored biscuits) that meets certain nutritional requirements. The liver
flavored biscuits contain 1 unit of nutrient A and 2 units of nutrient B, while the chicken flavored
ones contain 1 unit of nutrient A and 4 units of nutrient B. According to federal requirements,
there must be at least twice as many units of nutrient A as of nutrient B in a package of the new
mix. In addition, the company has decided that there can be no more than 15 liver flavored
biscuits, and at least 10 chicken flavored biscuits in a package. If it costs 1 cent to make a liver
flavored biscuit and 2 cents to make a chicken flavored one, what is the optimal product mix for
a package of the biscuits in order to minimize the firm's cost?
(a) Formulate this as a linear programming problem.
(b) Are any constraints impossible to achieve? If so which one(s)?
The No-Glare Company is making two types of antique-style lamps, type #1 and type #2. There
is enough skilled labor to make either 1,000 type #1 or 2,000 type #2 lamps per day. There are
only 6,000 inserts available per day, of which the type #1 requires 3 and the type #2 requires 4.
Besides these shared constraints, there are only enough fancy switches to make 1,400 of the type
#2 lamps per day. Management would like to make at least 10 percent more type #2 lamps than
type #1 lamps; however, they do not believe that they can sell more than 25 percent more type #2
lamps than type #1 lamps. Marginal profit (contribution) is $3 per type #1 lamp and $4 per type
#2 lamp.
(a) Formulate this as a linear program.
(b) What constraint may be unrealistic?
Two advertising media are being considered for promotion of a product. Radio ads cost $400
each, while newspaper ads cost $600 each. The total budget is $7,200 per week. The total
number of ads should be at least 15, with at least 2 of each type, and there should be no more
than 19 ads in total. The company does not want the number of newspaper ads to exceed the
number of radio ads by more than 25 percent. Each newspaper ad reaches 6,000 people, 50
percent of whom will respond; while each radio ad reaches 2,000 people, 20 percent of whom
will respond. The company wishes to reach as many respondents as possible while meeting all
the constraints stated. Develop the appropriate LP model for determining the number of ads of
each type that should be placed?
Linear Programming Models: Graphical and Computer Methods  CHAPTER 7
Suppose a linear programming (maximization) problem has been solved and the optimal value of
the objective function is $300. Suppose a constraint is removed from this problem. Explain how
this might affect each of the following:
(a) the feasible region
(b) the optimal value of the objective function
*7.121 Suppose a linear programming (maximization) problem has been solved and the optimal value of
the objective function is $300. Suppose an additional constraint () is added to this problem.
Explain how this might affect each of the following:
(a) the feasible region
(b) the optimal value of the objective function
*7.122 The Dog Food Company wishes to introduce a new brand of dog biscuits (composed of chicken
and liver flavored biscuits) that meets certain nutritional requirements. The liver flavored
biscuits contain 2 units of nutrient A and 1 unit of nutrient B, while the chicken flavored ones
contain 3 units of nutrient A and 4 units of nutrient B. According to federal requirements, there
must be a ratio of 3 units of A to 2 of B in the new mix. In addition, the company has decided
that there can be no more than 10 liver flavored biscuits, and that there must be least 10 chicken
flavored biscuits in a package. If it costs 3 cents to make a liver flavored biscuit and 2 cents to
make a chicken flavored one, what is the optimal product mix for a package of the biscuits in
order to minimize the firm's cost?
(a) Formulate this as a linear programming problem.
(b) What is the solution?
Linear Programming Models: Graphical and Computer Methods  CHAPTER 7
*7.123 The No-Glare Company is making two types of automobile headlights, type #1 and type #2.
There is enough skilled labor to make either 2,000 type #1 or 4,000 type #2 lamps per day. There
are only 12,000 inserts available per day, of which the type #1 lamp requires 6 and the type #2
lamp requires 8. Besides these shared constraints, there are only enough fancy switches to make
2,800 of the type #2 lamps per day. Marginal profit (contribution) is $4 per type #1 lamp and $6
per type #2 lamp. Let X1 = the hundreds of type #1 lamps per day, etc.
(a) Identify each corner point bounding the feasible region and find the total variable profit at
each point.
(b) How many type #1 and type #2 lamps should be produced? What is the maximum possible
*7.124 Billy Penny is trying to determine how many units of two types of lawnmowers to produce each
day. One of these is the standard model, while the other is the deluxe model. The profit per unit
on the standard model is $60, while the profit per unit on the deluxe model is $40. The standard
model requires 20 and the deluxe model, 30 minutes of assembly time. The standard model
requires 15 minutes of inspection time; the deluxe model, 30 minutes. The company must fill an
order for 12 deluxe models. There are 525 minutes of assembly time and 220 minutes of
inspection time available each day. How many units of each product should be manufactured to
maximize profits?
Linear Programming Models: Graphical and Computer Methods  CHAPTER 7
List at least three typical management resources that warrant control.
The basic assumption of linear programming is certainty. Explain its need.
One basic assumption of linear programming is proportionality. Explain its need.
One basic assumption of linear programming is additivity. Explain its need.
One basic assumption of linear programming is divisibility. Explain its need.
One basic assumption of linear programming is non-negativity. Explain its need.
Define infeasibility with respect to an LP solution.
Linear Programming Models: Graphical and Computer Methods  CHAPTER 7
Define unboundedness with respect to an LP solution.
Define redundancy with respect to an LP solution.
Define alternate optimal solution with respect to an LP solution.
*7.135 Explain, briefly, the difference between an unbounded solution and a bounded solution.
*7.136 Mathematically, what are the requirements for multiple solutions?