ISRAEL JOURNAL OF VETERINARY MEDICINE home archive journal VOLUME 54 ( 3) 1999 ANTEMORTEM DETECTION AND VIRUS CHARACTERIZATION OF THREE HUMAN RABIES FATALITIES IN ISRAEL BETWEEN 1996-1997 D. David1, C. E. Rupprecht3 , J. S. Smith3, and Y. Stram2 1. Rabies Laboratory, Pathology Division 2. Virology Division, Kimron Veterinary Institute, Bet Dagan 50250 Israel. 3. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Division of Viral and Rickettsial Diseases, Viral and Rickettsial Zoonoses Branch, 1600 Clifton Road, MS G33, Atlanta, Georgia 30333 USA. Introduction Materials and Methods Results Discussion Summary Twenty five years after the last reported case of human rabies in Israel, the disease was diagnosed in 3 humans within a thirteen-month period (November 1996- December 1997). By using a heminested RT-PCR and direct sequencing of the RT-PCR product, rabies viral RNA was identified in the saliva of the three individuals presenting with clinical signs. For virus isolation, suckling mice were injected intracerebrally with human saliva or brain extract and an epidemiological investigation based on molecular and antigenic characterization of the viral isolates was performed. The 328 bp sequence from the 3’ terminus of the N gene of the three isolates was compared. The three human isolates and those isolated from infected wild animals caught in the same vicinity revealed 100% homology with a virus recovered from a fox. Further antigenic characterization of the three rabies viruses based on a panel of monoclonal antibodies to the N protein revealed that two of the human isolates were similar to phenotype 1 variant while the third was closely related to phenotype 2 variant. Introduction Rabies is a major zoonotic disease in the Middle East affecting all mammals except bats. There are two main epidemiological forms of rabies: urban, in which stray dogs are responsible for the maintenance of the disease and its transmission to man. The second type is wildlife (sylvatic) rabies, in which the disease is maintained by wildlife vectors. In most areas of Israel rabies is enzootic and its distribution includes both epidemiological forms. Urban rabies is known since 1930 when domestic dogs and jackals (Canis aureus) were identified as the main reservoir and transmitting vectors (1). Mass vaccination of dogs, which became compulsory in 1956 has decreased the number of urban cases drastically (2). In 1979 rabies became sylvatic and involved mainly foxes (Vulpes vulpes) which are both reservoirs and transmitters of the virus. The last case of human rabies was diagnosed in a Druse village on the Golan Heights in 1971 (2). Twenty five years later, rabies occurred in a 20year-old (Israeli) soldier in 1996, and then in 1997 two further cases of lethal human rabies affecting a 7 year old child and a 58 year old male (3). Rabies virus belong to the Lyssavirus genus of the Rhabdoviridae family and consists of an unsegmented negative – stranded RNA genome encoding the N, M1, M2,G and L genes. Nucleoprotein gene reverse transcription and polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) amplification of viral RNA was recently introduced in diagnosis, epidemiological investigations ( 4,5,6), virus characterization (7), and the importance of RT-PCR in ante- mortem diagnosis of humans has been recognized (8,9). Recently a hemi-nested RT-PCR (hnRT-PCR) test was developed to recognize rabies and related lyssaviruses (9). hnRT-PCR has been shown to be a simple, sensitive and rapid test for rabies(9). Early diagnosis of rabies is essential for proper patient treatment, infection control, post-exposure vaccination of in-contact individuals and for determining the source of the infection. In this report, we demonstrate rapid antemortem detection of rabies virus in infected human saliva using the hnRT-PCR. A molecular and monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) profiling study to trace the virus origin revealed that a fox was the most likely vector. Case reports Case 1 On October 6, 1996, a soldier on the Golan Heights was bitten on his lip by an unidentified animal while sleeping. The wound was cleansed and sutured but the patient did not receive specific anti-rabies treatment. Clinical signs started 39 days later on November 14 with a high fever and headache. On November 16, he was admitted to the Hillel Yaffe Hospital emergency room suffering from hallucinations, difficulty in swallowing and generalized weakness. Rabies was considered in the differential diagnosis. After receiving passive and active immunization against rabies his neurological condition had worsened and he was transferred to Chaim Sheba Medical Center. Three days later he became comatose. On November 21, samples of saliva ,serum, CSF, skin biopsy and corneal impressions were sent to the Pasteur Institute, Paris, France. On November 22, samples of saliva and CSF were submitted to the Kimron Veterinary Institute and hnRT- PCR was performed. The soldier was diagnosed as rabid on November 24, eight days after the appearance of clinical signs. Four days later, the Pasteur Institute confirmed the PCR results. On December 15, 35 days after the appearance of clinical symptoms the patient died despite supportive therapy. Case 2 A 7 years old child from Kalansawa village was admitted to hospital on November 20, 1997 presenting diarrhea, fever and vomiting that appeared 3 days earlier and was treated for dehydration. The only potential exposure to rabies identified in her case history was a wound inflicted two months earlier by an unidentified animal that attacked her during her sleep. A day later on November 21, generalized convulsions began and deterioration in her consciousness appeared with gasping. She was treated with phenobarbital and idantoin, ventilated and transferred to the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU) at the Schneider Children’s Medical Center, Petach Tikvah. On admission she was unconscious with no verbal response, there was some undirected movement of her hand in response to painful stimuli and much less movement of the legs. The pupils responded to light, the doll’s eye sign was normal, There was no cough reflex, a normal gag reflex, gasping with ineffective breathing. There were very weak tendon reflexes in the legs with a positive Babinski sign bilaterally. The tendon reflexes were very active in the arms. During the following days, progressive deterioration in her brain stem function was noted. All her brain reflexes disappeared but there was still gasping and convulsions. Her evaluation included negative blood and CSF bacterial cultures. Viral cultures for herpes and entroviruses were negative, but had a positive mycoplasma serum antibody titer (IgG and IgM). CT scan of brain was done 3 times and was normal as well as two MRIs of brain and spinal cord. Her treatment included cetriaxon and tetracycline, and acyclovir until the herpes virus results were completed. Saliva was positive for rabies in a hnRT-PCR on December 1, whereas the CSF was negative. On December 3, samples of saliva, serum, CSF, skin and brain biopsies were sent to the CDC to confirm the diagnosis, and on December 5, the diagnosis was confirmed based on the RFFIT (Rapid Fluorescent Focus Inhibition Test) on the serum and CSF and dIFA (Direct Immunofluorecence Assay) on the brain tissue. The child died on December 7 despite supportive care. Case 3 On December 11, 1997 a 58-year-old male from Judeida near Naharia was admitted to the emergency room of Western Galilee Hospital with a fever, headache and sore throat. He was diagnosed as having pharyngitis, and received an oral antibiotic. Three days later he was admitted to ICU (Intensive Care Unit) of the same hospital with fever and confusion. It transpired that he had been bitten by unidentified animal on his left hand and face 3 months earlier while sleeping. On admission to the hospital, the Lumbar Puncture, CT scan and EEG were all normal. There were no significant abnormalities on routine testing. A chest X-ray was normal. Because of significant abdodistension and tenderness, abdominal ultrasound and CT scans were performed and were normal. He received ceftriaxone IV, acyclovir and citroflaxon empirically. On the third day he had respiratory arrest, and during intubation, an acute laryngospasm with copious amounts of salivation occurred. On December 13, rabies was suspected and viral RNA in the saliva was detected by hnRT-PCR on December 15, four days after the patient was hospitalized. The diagnosis was confirmed at the CDC. The patient died on December 16, 1997. Back To Top Discussion Introduction Materials and Methods Results Materials and Methods Saliva Saliva was collected 6 days, 14 days and 14 days respectivly after the appearance of clinical symptoms from each of the three patients, and was transferred on ice to the rabies laboratory in the Kimron Veterinary Institute. Brain tissue Samples of brain tissue were taken from patients 1and 3 postmortem and from patient 2 antemortem. Samples of brain tissue were collected from animals that died of rabies in the vicinity of the human cases were found to be positive for rabies virus by direct immunofluorescence antibody (dIFA) test (Centocor, Malvern, PA, USA) and PCR examination. RT-PCR and nested PCR on saliva Total RNA was extracted from infected and uninfected saliva for PCR and nested PCR assay. The RNA (200-300 ng total RNA) was extracted using TRI reagent (Molecular Research Center, Cincinnati, OH, USA) according to the manufacturer’s instructions, was heated to 950C for 1 min, cooled on ice, and added to 20 µl mixture of reverse transcription reaction containing AMV RT reaction buffer (25 mM Tris-HCl, Ph 8.3 at 420C, 25 mM KCl, 5 mM MgCl2, 5 mM DTT, 0.25 mM spermidine), 250 µM of each of four deoxynucleotides, 100 pmol of hexamer random primer or specific primer 113 (5’GTAGGATGATATATGGG-‘3), 25 U of RNAsin (Promega, Madison), and 10 U of AMV reverse transcriptase (Promega, Madison). After incubation at 42 0C for 90 min, 1 µl cDNA product was added to PCR solution in a 25 µl total volume reaction mixture (60 mM Tris HCl, 15 mM (NH4)2SO4, 1.5 mM MgCl2, Ph 8.5) containing 100 µM of each of the four nucleotides, 5 U of Taq polymerase (Amplitaq, Perkin Elmer),100 ng of the primers 509 (5’GAGAAAGAACTTCAAGA-‘3) and 304 (5’-GAGTCACTCGAATATGTC-‘3) for the PCR reaction and primers 509 and 105 (5’TTCTTATGAGTCACTCGAATATGTCTTGTTTAG-‘3) for the nested PCR reaction. The reaction mixture was overlaid with mineral oil. Forty cycles of 45 sec. at 940C, 45 sec. at 370C and 90 seconds at 720C were applied. For the nested PCR reaction 1 µl of PCR product was transferred to the reaction mixture, which was the same as that used for the PCR reaction except that it contained 100 ng of the primers 105 and 509. After 20 more cycles, as described above, the nested PCR product was analyzed on 1.5% agarose gels containing ethidium bromide Virus isolation To isolate the virus, antemortem saliva and postmortem brain tissue suspensions from the infected patients, was inoculated intracerebrally in suckling mice as previously described (13). Molecular study Genetic analysis was performed on rabies virus PCR products from the dead patients and from brain samples; RNA was obtained directly from infected brain tissue by TRI reagent. Cycling sequencing using an automatic sequencer (Applied Biosystems) was employed on purified PCR fragments.( Wizard PCR prep DNA purification system ; Promega). The fragment used for the sequencing of the N gene was 328 bp in length (nt 1156 to 1484). The fragment contained 264 bp from the 3’ of the N gene and 64 bp of the 3’ untranslated sequences of the N-NS non-coding region. Sequence analysis was done using the pileup program, a part of Genetics Computer Group (GCG, Wisconsin Sequence Analysis Package) (14). Immunofluorescent staining for nucleocapsid antigen The indirect immunofluorescent staining was used for detection of nucleocapsid antigen on acetone- fixed brain impressions. The brain material from the first and third cases were tested with a panel of 19 anti - N protein monoclonal antibodies (Mabs) (CDC, Atlanta, GA, USA) for 30 min. at 370C, washed to remove unbound antibody, and restained with fluoresceinconjugated goat anti mouse IgG ( Jackson ImmunoResearch Laboratories, Inc.). Slides were examined x 200 in a fluorescent microscope BX-40 (Olympus Optical Co., Ltd. ). Back To Top Discussion Introduction Materials and Methods Results Antemortem detection of rabies nucleic acid in saliva Results All three patients were diagnosed antemortem. By using the hnRT-PCR, rabies RNA were detected in the saliva of all three patients whereas the CSF were negative. In all three cases RNA detected by hnRT-PCR at eight, 14 and 14 days respectively after the appearance of clinical symptoms. The first case was confirmed by Pasteur Institute, and the other two by CDC. Figure 1 show the detection of rabies nucleic acid from the saliva of the second case using RT-PCR and hnRT-PCR. RNA was extracted from undiluted saliva and diluted 1:3. PCR was performed with primers 509-304 and gave a product of 377 bp (Fig.1A). hnRT-PCR was performed with primers 509-105 and a 270 bp fragment was detected in the undiluted saliva and diluted 1:3 (Fig. 1A and 1B lane 1,2). Both dilutions of the CSF were negative in PCR and hnRT-PCR (Fig. 1A and 1B lane 3,4). In parallel, the same procedures were performed on saliva from an uninfected person (Fig. 1A and 1B lane 5,6) and on brain tissue from an uninfected cow (Fig.1A and 1B lane 7); all these controls were negative in the PCR and hnRT-PCR reaction. Fig. 1 Agarose gel detection of rabies virus N gene from saliva of human case 2 using hnPCR method. (A) ··³ bp PCR product (B) 270 bp hnPCR product. A & B) lane 1 and lane 2: infected saliva - undiluted, diluted 1:3 respectively; lane 3 and lane 4: CSF respectively; lane 5 and lane 6: control salivaundiluted, diluted 1:3; lane 7: normal cattle brain tissue; lane 9 and lane 10: rabies-infected cow brain tissue. M: 1kb DNA marker. Virus Isolation Rabies virus was isolated from the soldier and the male but not from the saliva of the child. In the first case, two of 15 suckling mice died 14 days postinoculation. The presence of rabies virus antigen in the brain tissue was confirmed by dIFA, and viral RNA was detected by RT-PCR. Mice inoculated with brain tissue of the first case did not show clinical signs until 30 days postinoculation. All the mice injected with the brain and saliva samples from the third case died 14 days later. Genetic analysis Brain tissues were taken postmortem from the two patients and a brain biopsy was collected antemortem from the child. Samples of brain tissue were collected from dIFA and RT-PCR positive animals that died of rabies in the region of the human cases. Phylogenetic trees, based on nucleotide alignment of the 328 bp revealed three groups of sequences of which Golan Heights and Galilee differed from each other in one nucleotide (Fig. 2) and Shomron - Sharon differed from the others with two nucleotides. The Golan Heights isolate had at nt 1201 a T to C substitution. The Galilee isolate characterized at nt 1337 a A to T substitution and Shomron - Sharon isolate has characterized at nt 1452 C to T and 1444 C to T in the non - coding region of the N-M1 genes. Fig. 2 Dendrogram showing the percentages of nucleotide changes of rabies virus isolates from human and animals in the three regions as determined by analysis of 328 bp of the N gene. Antigenic analysis The reaction pattern obtained was compared with those of rabies variants found in rabid animals in the geographical vicinity of the human cases. Two antigenic variants 1 and 2 were found (Fig. 3). A single pattern of reactivity, designated antigenic variant 1 (MAb C18 negative) characterized the two isolates from human cases 1 and 3. This pattern was found in rabies virus isolates from 10 foxes, one jackal and four cattle in the same regions (Fig. 3). Antigenic variant 2 (MAbs C2, C7, C12, C13, C18 negative) characterized a rabies virus isolate from 4 foxes, one dog and one cow in the vicinity of the second human case (Fig. 3). Fig. 3 Reactivity patterns of Mabs with rabies virus isolates from animals and two human patients. The numbers of isolates tested are in boxes. The open box represents a positive reaction and solid boxes negative staining. The BBL product is Anti-Rabies Globulin, Fluorescein Labeled, a polyclonal antibody which used as a positive control (Becton - Dickinson, MD, USA). Back To Top Discussion Introduction Materials and Methods Results Conclusions Early antemortem diagnosis of rabies virus in an infected human is of the utmost importance as it can significantly reduce the number of potential exposures to the virus during contact with the patient and permit the identification of persons who are candidates for prophylaxis. The system described in this communication could therefore be applied in the future. Checking the virus in the saliva can overcome the issue of sampling from suspect humans and the sensitivity of hnRT- PCR makes it the technique of choice for detecting limited amounts of virus in the saliva that is loaded with proteases and nucleases. From the results presented in this communication the hnRT- PCR appears to be a feasible technique for detecting rabies RNA sequences in saliva. A recent report (9) regarding intravitam diagnosis confirmed that RT-PCR of saliva and DFA assay of skin sections combined together yielded a positive diagnosis in nine laboratory-confirmed cases of human rabies. By using RT-PCR alone rabies virus was identified in the saliva of 5 out of 9 patients (9). By using hnRT- PCR a 10- fold increase in sensitivity compared with that of the external RT-PCR was achieved (10). The mean time of diagnosis after clinical manifestation was 12 days, 3 days longer than reported in the U.S which was 9.2 days (11). The difference was due to the time the saliva sample were send to the laboratory and not lack the sensitivity, since viral RNA could be detected immediately upon arrival. In the first case we were unable to isolate the virus from brain tissue despite positive RT-PCR and dIFA results. It is our believe that the prolonged period of coma of the soldier resulted in loss of viral infectivity while some viral RNA and protein persisted in the brain. Antigenic characterization by MAbs of human rabies virus isolates in this study revealed two phenotypic variants, 1 and 2. The variant phenotype 1 is distributed in northern and southern Israel. The phenotypic variant 2 is found in the central part of Israel. Molecular analysis of the rabies virus isolates from animals and humans showed that there are three genetic variants associated with the three different geographic regions (Fig. 2). The three variants differed from each other by one or two nucleotides. Previous work (5) showed that rabies viruses isolated from an outbreak area tended to be very similar in nucleotide sequence, regardless of the year of collection. Four field rabies samples collected in 1988 from dogs in Mexico gave results similar to ours; analysis of a 200-bp region of the N gene showed only one nucleotide difference between them (5). Moreover, two samples from a region in western Mexico, isolated 30 years apart, were identical in sequence (5). Incorporation of the reference strains Pasteur and SAD B19 (12,15) into our phylogenetic tree indicated that the viruses isolated from the three human cases belong to lyssavirus genotype 1. Based on the homology of the nt sequences between the three patients and foxes caught in the same regions, we conclude that the reservoir for rabies in foxes is responsible for infection in all three humans. These data clearly demonstrate that even age-old zoonoses such as rabies are still important within the context of emerging infectious diseases, that novel molecular tools can readily provide answer to key epidemiological facets of such maladies, and that costs associated with biomedical complacence may have disastrous public health consequences. Back To Top Discussion Introduction Materials and Methods Results Acknowledgment We express our gratitude to Dr. H. Bourhy at the Rabies Unit, Pasteur Institute, Paris France for the confirmation of the rabies diagnosis. We indebted to those who sent us the clinical cases; Dr. J. Ben Ari, PICU, Schneider children’s Medical Center, Petach Tikvah, Israel; Dr. Mahoul, ICU Western Galillee Hospital, Naharia, Israel ; Dr. A. Greenfeld, RICU, Tel Hashomer Medical Center, Ramat Gan Israel; Prof. R. Caraso, Neurology Department, Hillel Yaffe Hospital, Hadera, Israel. References 1. Goor S. Rabies in Israel. Refua Vet.1949; 6:1-15. 2. Shimshony A. 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