MSc Security Studies - University College London

Programme title:
MSc in Security Studies
Final award (BSc, MA etc):
(where stopping off points exist they should be
detailed here and defined later in the document)
UCAS code:
(where applicable)
Cohort(s) to which this programme
specification is applicable:
From 2014/2015 intake onwards
(e.g. from 2015 intake onwards)
Awarding institution/body:
University College London
Teaching institution:
University College London
Parent Department:
Social and Historical Sciences
Department of Political Science
(the department responsible for the administration of
the programme)
Departmental web page address:
(if applicable)
Method of study:
The programmes can be taken either full-time or part-time.
Criteria for admission to the
Length of the programme:
Requires a good 2.1 degree or GPA 3.5 or country equivalent
An IELTS of Advanced level with 7.5 overall with min of 6.5 in all
In certain cases, some applicants with a 2.2 may be considered with
substantial relevant work experience
One calendar year full-time, two calendar years part-time
(please note any periods spent away from UCL, such
as study abroad or placements in industry)
Level on Framework for Higher
Education Qualifications (FHEQ)
(see Guidance notes)
Relevant subject benchmark statement
Level 7
No subject-specific benchmark available for Political Science at
Masters level
(see Guidance notes)
Brief outline of the structure of the
(see guidance notes)
Board of Examiners:
Students must take three compulsory core courses assessed by
unseen written examinations and long essays, optional courses
equivalent to four one-term long courses (assessed by either
coursework or unseen written exam), and submit a 10,000-word
Name of Board of Examiners:
PUBLG – Public Policy Board of Examiners
Professional body accreditation
(if applicable):
Date of next scheduled
accreditation visit:
The MSc in Security Studies combines empirical and normative approaches to a range of issues
affecting human, state, and international security. The programme will equip students with theoretical
tools and empirical evidence necessary for an in-depth appreciation and assessment of the causes of
political violence, the application of military force, humanitarian intervention, and the provision of global
public goods. Attention will be placed upon introducing students to skills essential to the analytical study
of politics at the transnational level.
The programme provides opportunities for students to develop and demonstrate knowledge and understanding,
qualities, skills and other attributes in the following areas:
A: Knowledge and understanding
Knowledge and understanding of:
Teaching/learning methods and strategies:
1. The theoretical approaches and
debates in security studies—
especially the relationship between
International Relations theory,
theories of political violence, and
public policy making.
Acquisition of 1 through one-hour or two-hour
lectures and seminars. Several courses, especially
the core required courses International Peace &
Security, Quantitative and Qualitative Research
Methods and the core optional course Terrorism.
2. The analysis of concepts such as
security, conflict, terrorism, power,
the State, and the international
Acquisition of 2, 3, 4, and 5 through the above
mentioned required and optional courses, which
give students the opportunity to specialise in either
empirical or normative dimensions of the issue of
security studies.
3. Empirical and normative
arguments and models of the
proliferation of various forms of
political violence, drawing upon
theoretical literatures from across
the sub-disciplines of Political
Science, as well as Sociology,
Psychology, and History.
4. How domestic, transnational, and
international forms of political
violence (riots, terrorism, civil war,
insurgency, and war) emerge,
interact, are managed, and
(ultimately) are resolved. Toward
this end, attention is pleaced upon
the role of international institutions,
decision-making frameworks,
pluralistic political systems, and
social movements in the
international system.
5. Skills for the analytical study of
politics, political actors,
preferences and objectives, the
role of institutions and strategic
behaviour, hypothesis testing and
empirical analysis.
Students will be assessed by a variety of methods:
‘unseen’ examinations, essays and a dissertation.
The last mentioned is a required method of
B: Skills and other attributes
Intellectual (thinking) skills:
The programme aims to help
1. approach security studies in a
rigorous, systematic, and
theoretically-informed way, and to
question the premises of much
contemporary international
relations, social science, and
political analysis.
Teaching/learning methods and strategies:
Acquisition of 1 and 2 is fostered in all courses
offered in the Programme. Students will confront
the main theories in political science and will be
invited to question their premises and to assess the
empirical validity of their hypotheses.
2. collect and use empirical
evidence in a selective and
systematic way, and to question
the explanatory power and
reassess the validity of the most
authoritative works in political
science, particularly in
international relations,
comparative politics, and public
Students will be assessed by a variety of methods:
‘unseen’ examinations, long essays and a
dissertation. The latter is a required method of
C: Skills and other attributes
Practical skills (able to):
This programme aims to provide the
students with the following practical
1. communicate effectively in writing
2. improve their knowledge of
international politics, security,
and policies across a range of
issue areas
3. improve their knowledge of the
politics of historical and
contemporary cases of terrorism,
civil war, and international war
4. use data-bases, digital and web
resources, word-processing
programmes, and statistical
5. present (non-assessed) seminar
6. listen, discuss and debate ideas,
interpretations and evidence
introduced during seminars
7. practice research and data
collection of documents of
governments and non-state
8. maintain a constant rhythm of
learning and research
9. choose their own long-essay and
dissertation topics
10. develop a research strategy and
a working hypothesis
11. learn a method for hypothesis
12. adapt the working hypotheses
developed in the long essay and
dissertation in light of the
empirical evidence and its
Teaching/learning methods and strategies:
1) through the writing of long essays and
2-3) through weekly lectures
4) though instructions in seminars
5) through regular seminar presentations
6) through seminar discussion
7) through visits to the British Library
8) through individual discussions with faculty and
9-12) through the production of long essays and
Sills will be taught in both required and optional
courses. They will be taught by scholars that
have subject-specific knowledge and have
carried out theoretical and empirical research in
the field. The classes will also provide general
instructions on research design and practical;
instructions on data sources, collection, and
1-4) and 7-12) through ‘unseen’ examinations, long
essays, and dissertation. The latter is a required
method of assessment.
D: Skills and other attributes
Transferable skills (able to):
The programme will encourage
students to:
1. write good essays and
2. improve their knowledge of
politics in general and of security
studies and public policy in
3. use computer resources and
information technology
4. present (non-assessed) material
5. listen and contribute in class
6. understand and assess
contending ideas and arguments
7. study a variety of written and
digital materials available from
8. familiarise with documents of
governments and non-state
9. reflect on their own normative
ideas by becoming acquainted
with alternative points of view
10. make original contributions to the
study of politics, security studies,
and public policy
11. understand and assess critically
empirical evidence and develop
methods to test predictions
12. think both positively and
normatively about politics
Teaching/learning methods and strategies:
1-3, 7-12) through long essays, course readings,
and dissertation
2) reading academic works on politics, international
relations, and security studies
3) submitting word-processed written work, using
databases, consulting online library catalogues,
using web-site material
4-12) seminar presentations and discussion
1-3, 7-12) through ‘unseen’ examinations, long essays,
and dissertation. The latter is a required method of
The following reference points were used in designing the programme:
 the Framework for Higher Education Qualifications:
 the relevant Subject Benchmark Statements:
 the programme specifications for UCL degree programmes in relevant subjects (where applicable);
 UCL teaching and learning policies;
 staff research.
Please note: This specification provides a concise summary of the main features of the programme and the
learning outcomes that a typical student might reasonably be expected to achieve and demonstrate if he/she takes
full advantage of the learning opportunities that are provided. More detailed information on the learning outcomes,
content and teaching, learning and assessment methods of each course unit/module can be found in the
departmental course handbook. The accuracy of the information contained in this document is reviewed annually
by UCL and may be checked by the Quality Assurance Agency.
Programme Organiser(s)
Dr Julian Wucherpfennig
Date of Production:
September 2012
Date of Review:
December 2014
Date approved by Head of
December 2014
Date approved by Chair of
Departmental Teaching
Date approved by Faculty
Teaching Committee
December 2014
January 2015