ISO Update Supplement to ISO Focus+ July 2013 International Standards in process An International Standard is the result of an agreement between the member bodies of ISO. A first important step towards an International Standard takes the form of a committee draft (CD) - this is circulated for study within an ISO technical committee. When consensus has been reached within the technical committee, the document is sent to the Central Secretariat for processing as a draft International Standard (DIS). The DIS requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote. A confirmation vote is subsequently carried out on a final draft International Standard (FDIS), the approval criteria remaining the same. CD registered Period from 01 June to 30 June 2013 These documents are currently under consideration in the technical committee. They have been registred at the Central Secretariat. TC 20 Aircraft and space vehicles ISO/CD 18147 Space environment (natural and artificial) — The method of the solar energetic protons fluences and peak fluxes determination TC 21 Equipment for fire protection and fire fighting ISO/CD 724012 Fire detection and alarm systems — Part 12: Line type smoke detectors using a transmitted optical beam ISO/CD 724015 Fire detection and alarm systems — Part 15: Point type fire detectors using scattered light, transmitted light or ionization sensors in combination with a heat sensor ISO/CD 724028 Fire detection and alarm systems — Part 28: Fire protection control equipment TC 29 Small tools ISO/CD TS 13399-309 Cutting tool data representation and exchange — Part 309: Concept for the design of 3D models based on properties according to ISO/TS 13399-3: Tool holders for indexable inserts TC 34 Food products ISO/CD 129664 Animal and vegetable fats and oils — Gas chromatography of fatty acid methyl esters — Part 4: Capillary gas chromatographic method TC 38 Textiles ISO/CD 172994 Textiles — Determination of deodorant property — Part 4: Condensation sampling analysis ISO/CD 17608 Textiles — Determination of elastane fibre resistance to chlorinated water (swimming-pool water) ISO/CD 129472 Textiles — Determination of the abrasion resistance of fabrics by the Martindale method — Part 2: Determination of specimen breakdown TC 44 Welding and allied processes ISO/CD 9454-1 Soft soldering fluxes — Classification and requirements — Part 1: Classification, labelling and packaging TC 58 Gas cylinders ISO/DTR 17329 List of codes and identification marks for gas cylinder manufacturers TC 61 Plastics ISO/CD 13802 Plastics — Verification of pendulum impact-testing machines — Charpy, Izod and tensile impact-testing TC 70 Internal combustion engines ISO/CD 796710 Reciprocating internal combustion engines — Vocabulary of components and systems — Part 10: Ignition systems ISO/CD 796711 Reciprocating internal combustion engines — Vocabulary of components and systems — Part 11: Fuel systems ISO/CD 796712 Reciprocating internal combustion engines — Vocabulary of components and systems — Part 12: Exhaust emission control systems TC 84 Devices for administration of medicinal products and intravascular catheters ISO/DTR 19244 Guidance on ISO Transition Periods — At the Publication of New/Updated Device Standards TC 94 Personal safety -- Protective clothing and equipment ISO/CD 169007 Respiratory protective devices — Methods of test and test equipment — Part 7: Practical performance test method ISO/DTS 16976-6 Respiratory protective devices — Human factors — Part 6: Psycho-physiological effects TC 100 Chains and chain sprockets for power transmission and conveyors ISO/CD 606 Short-pitch transmission precision roller and bush chains, attachments and associated chain sprockets ISO/CD 4347 Leaf chains, clevises and sheaves — Dimensions, measuring forces and tensile strengths ISO/CD 15654 Fatigue test method for transmission precision roller chains TC 108 Mechanical vibration, shock and condition monitoring ISO/CD 18129 Condition monitoring and diagnostics of machines — Approaches for performance diagnosis TC 111 Round steel link chains, chain slings, components and accessories ISO/CD 16872 Short link chains for lifting purposes — Grade VH, fine tolerance for manually operated chain hoists ISO/CD 16877 Short link chains for lifting purposes — Grade TH, fine tolerance for manually operated chain hoists TC 138 Plastics pipes, fittings and valves for the transport of fluids ISO/CD 13951 Plastics piping systems — Test method for the resistance of polyolefin pipe/pipe or pipe/fitting assemblies to tensile loading ISO/CD 17778 Plastics piping systems — Fittings, valves and ancillaries — Determination of gaseous flow rate/pressure drop relationships TC 145 Graphical symbols ISO/CD 285642 Public information guidance systems — Part 2: Design principles and requirements for location signs and direction signs TC 150 Implants for surgery ISO/DTS 17137-1 Cardiovascular absorbable implants — Part 1: ISO/CD 27186 Active implantable medical devices — Four-pole connector system for implantable cardiac rhythm management devices Dimensional and test requirements TC 159 Ergonomics ISO/DTS 20646-1 Ergonomic procedures for the improvement of local muscular workloads — Part 1: Guidelines for reducing local muscular workloads TC 163 Thermal performance and energy use in the built environment ISO/CD 16956 Thermal Performance in the Built Environment — Determination of Air Flow Rate in Building Applications by Field Measuring Methods TC 171 Document management applications ISO/CD 18565 Document management — AFP/Archive TC 172 Optics and photonics ISO/CD 148801 Optics and photonics — Microlens arrays — Part 1: Vocabulary TC 176 Quality management and quality assurance ISO/CD 9000 Quality management systems — Fundamentals and vocabulary ISO/CD 9001 Quality management systems — Requirements TC 192 Gas turbines ISO 21789:2009/C D Amd 1 Gas turbine applications — Safety — Amendment 1 TC 194 Biological evaluation of medical devices ISO/CD 109936 Biological evaluation of medical devices — Part 6: Tests for local effects after implantation ISO/CD TR 17137-2 Cardiovascular implants and extracorporeal systems — Cardiovascular absorbable implants — Part 2: Guidance on biological evaluation of absorbable implants TC 195 Building construction machinery and equipment ISO/CD 131051 Building construction machinery and equipment — Concrete floating machines (power trowels) — Part 1: Terminology ISO/CD 131052 Building construction machinery and equipment — Concrete floating machines (power trowels) — Part 2: Safety ISO/CD 177401 Building construction machinery and equipment — Concrete placing system — Part 1: Terminology and commercial specifications TC 204 Intelligent transport systems ISO/DTR 17465-1 Intelligent transport systems — Cooperative ITS — Part 1: Terms and definitions ISO/DTR 17465-2 Intelligent transport systems — Cooperative ITS — Part 2: Guidelines for standards documents ISO/DTR 17465-3 Intelligent transport systems — Cooperative ITS — Part 3: Release procedures for standards documents TC 206 Fine ceramics ISO/CD 17860 Fine ceramics (advanced ceramics, advanced technical ceramics) — Determination of drying loss of ceramic granules ISO/CD 17861 Fine ceramics (advanced ceramics, advanced technical ceramics) — Measurement method of spectral transmittance of fine ceramics thin films under humid condition TC 215 Health informatics ISO/DTS 16277-1 Health Informatics — Categorial structures of clinical findings in traditional medicine — Part 1: Traditional Chinese, Japanese and Korean medicine ISO/CD 170904 Health informatics — Public key infrastructure — Part 4: Digital Signatures for healthcare documents ISO/DTR 17522 Health informatics — Provisions for Health Applications on Mobile/Smart Devices ISO/CD 17523 Health informatics — Requirements for electronic prescriptions TC 217 Cosmetics ISO/DTR 17276 Cosmetics — Analytical approach for screening and quantification methods for heavy metlas in cosmetics TC 228 Tourism and related services ISO/CD 17679 Wellness spa — Service requirements TC 238 Solid biofuels ISO/CD 18846 Solid biofuels — Determination of fines content in quantities of pellets — Manual sieve method using 3,15 mm sieve aperture TC 262 Risk management ISO/DTR 31004 Risk management — Guidance for the implementation of ISO 31000 TC 268 Sustainable development in communities ISO/DTR 37150 Review of works relevant to smart community infrastructure metrics and future directions of standardization JTC 1 Information technology ISO/IEC/IEEE CD 23026 Software Engineering — Recommended Practice for the Internet — Web Site Engineering, Web Site Management, and Web Site Life Cycle ISO/IEC CD 26531 Content management for product life-cycle, user and service management documentation ISO/IEC CD 30105-1 IT Enabled Services / Business Process Outsourcing Lifecycle Processes ITESBPO Standard — Part 1: Process Reference Model ISO/IEC CD 18033-5 Information technology — Security techniques — Encryption algorithms — Part 5: Identity-based ciphers ISO/IEC CD 27018 Code of practice for data protection controls for public cloud computing services ISO/IEC PDTR 18120 e-Textbook ISO/IEC 197949:2011/PDAM 2 Information technology — Biometric data interchange formats — Part 9: Vascular image data — Amendment 2: XML Encoding ISO/IEC 197952:2007/PDAM 1 Information technology — Biometric performance testing and reporting — Part 2: Testing methodologies for technology and scenario evaluation — Amendment 1: Testing of multi-modal biometric implementations ISO/IEC CD 24779-4 Information Technology •- Crossjurisdictional and societal aspects of implementation of biometric technologies •- Pictograms, Icons and Symbols for use with Biometric Systems — Part 4: Face ISO/IEC PDTR 29194 Information Technology — Biometrics — Guide on designing accessible and inclusive biometric systems ISO/IEC CD 29794-1 Information technology — Biometric sample quality — Part 1: Framework DIS circulated Period from 01 June to 30 June 2013 These documents have obtained substantial support within the appropriate ISO technical committee. They have been submitted to the ISO member bodies for voting by the date shown. * Available in English only Vote terminates TC 6 ISO/DIS 2469.2 Paper, board and pulps * Paper, board and pulps — Measurement of diffuse radiance factor (diffuse reflectance factor) 2013-08-25 (Revision of ISO 2469:2007) TC 20 ISO/DIS 69662 Aircraft and space vehicles * Aircraft ground equipment — Basic requirements — Part 2: Safety requirements 2013-09-14 (Revision of ISO 6966-2:2005) TC 22 Road vehicles ISO/DIS 17215-1 * ISO/DIS 17215-2 * ISO/DIS 17215-3 * ISO/DIS 17215-4 * ISO/DIS * Road vehicles — Video communication interface for cameras (VCIC) — Part 1: General information and use case definition 2013-09-05 Road vehicles — Video communication interface for cameras (VCIC) — Part 2: Service discovery and control 2013-09-05 Road vehicles — Video communication interface for cameras (VCIC) — Part 3: Camera message dictionary 2013-09-05 Road vehicles — Video communication interface for cameras (VCIC) — Part 4: Implementation of communication requirements 2013-09-05 Road vehicles — Connection interface for pyrotechnic devices, two-way and three-way connections — Part 1: Pocket interface definition 19072-1 2013-09-11 (Revision of ISO 19072-1:2007) TC 23 ISO/DIS 16399.2 Tractors and machinery for agriculture and forestry * Meters for irrigation water 2013-08-26 (Revision of ISO/CD 16399-2, ISO/CD 16399-3) TC 33 ISO/DIS 16349.2 Refractories * TC 37 Refractory materials — Determination of abrasion resistance at elevated temperature 2013-08-29 Terminology and other language and content resources ISO/DIS 24617-4 * ISO/DIS 17100 * Language resource management — Semantic annotation framework (SemAF) — Part 4: Semantic roles (SemAF-SR) 2013-09-08 Translation Services — Requirements for translation services 2013-11-21 TC 44 Welding and allied processes ISO 11745:2010/D Amd 1 * ISO/DIS 17643 * Brazing for aerospace applications — Qualification test for brazers and brazing operators — Brazing of metallic components — Amendment 1 2013-09-04 Non-destructive testing of welds — Eddy current testing of welds by complexplane analysis 2013-11-21 (Revision of ISO 17643:2005) TC 59 ISO/DIS 21929-2.2 Buildings and civil engineering works * TC 61 ISO/DIS 12856-1.2 2013-08-13 Plastics * TC 72 ISO/DIS 23771 Draft on sustainability in buildings and civil engineering works - Sustainability indicators — Part 2: Framework for the development of indicators for civil engineering works Plastics - Plastic railway sleepers for railway applications (railroad ties) — Part 1: Material characteristics 2013-08-14 Textile machinery and accessories * Design measures for reduction of the noise emissions from textile machinery 2013-11-07 TC 85 ISO/ASTM DIS 51401 Nuclear energy, nuclear technologies, and radiological protection * Practice for use of a dichromate dosimetry system 2013-09-13 (Revision of ISO/ASTM 51401:2003) ISO/DIS 16641 TC 94 * Measurement of radioactivity in the environment — Air — Radon 220: Integrated measurement methods for the determination of the average activity concentration using passive solid-state nuclear track detectors Personal safety -- Protective clothing and equipment 2013-09-25 ISO/DIS 16900-9 * TC 110 ISO/DIS 50531 Respiratory protective devices — Methods of test and test equipment — Part 9: Determination of the carbon dioxide content of inhaled air 2013-09-13 Industrial trucks * Powered industrial trucks — Terminology and classification — Part 1: Types of industrial trucks 2013-09-29 (Revision of ISO 5053:1987) TC 135 ISO/DIS 18490 Non-destructive testing * Non-destructive testing — Evaluation of vision acuity of NDT personnel 2013-11-07 TC 138 ISO/DIS 17484-1.2 Plastics pipes, fittings and valves for the transport of fluids * Plastics piping systems — Multilayer pipe systems for indoor gas installations with a maximum operating pressure up to and including 5 bar (500 kPa) — Part 1: Specifications for systems 2013-08-15 (Revision of ISO 17484-1:2006, ISO 17484-1:2006/Cor 1:2008) TC 142 ISO/DIS 16170 Cleaning equipment for air and other gases * In situ test methods for very high efficiency filter systems in industrial facilities 2013-11-28 TC 145 ISO/DIS 20712-3 Graphical symbols * Water safety signs and beach safety flags — Part 3: Guidance for use 2013-09-25 (Revision of ISO 20712-3:2008) TC 147 ISO/DIS 17289 Water quality * Water quality — Determination of dissolved oxygen — Optical sensor method 2013-09-04 ISO/DIS 16778 * Water quality — Calanoid copepod development test with Acartia tonsa 2013-09-26 ISO/DIS 17244 * TC 156 ISO/DIS 7441 Water quality — Bio-indicator of potential toxicity in aqueous media — Determination of the potential toxicity of aqueous samples on bivalve embryo-larval development 2013-09-15 Corrosion of metals and alloys * Corrosion of metals and alloys — Determination of bimetallic corrosion in outdoor exposure corrosion tests 2013-11-14 (Revision of ISO 7441:1984) ISO/DIS 16540 * TC 158 ISO/DIS 61452 Corrosion of metals and alloys — Methodology for determining the resistance of metals to stress corrosion cracking using the four-point bend method 2013-09-22 Analysis of gases * Gas analysis — Preparation of calibration gas mixtures using dynamic methods — Part 2: Volumetric pumps 2013-09-25 (Revision of ISO 6145-2:2001) TC 171 ISO/DIS 17469-1 Document management applications * TC 178 * ISO/DIS 25745-3 * TC 201 Energy performance of lifts, escalators and moving walks — Part 2: Energy calculation and classification for lifts (elevators) 2013-11-07 Energy performance of lifts, escalators and moving walks — Part 3: Energy calculation and classification for escalators and moving walks 2013-11-07 Surface chemical analysis * TC 221 ISO/DIS 10318-1 2013-09-25 Lifts, escalators and moving walks ISO/DIS 25745-2 ISO/DIS 17862 Document management — Strategy markup language (StratML) — Part 1: StratML core elements Surface chemical analysis - Secondary ion mass spectrometry — Linearity of intensity scale in single ion counting time-of-flight mass analysers 2013-09-19 Geosynthetics * Geosynthetics — Part 1: Terms and definitions 2013-11-14 (Revision of ISO 10318:2005) ISO/DIS 10318-2 * Geosynthetics — Part 2: Symbols and Pictograms 2013-11-14 (Revision of ISO 10318:2005) ISO/DIS 13427 * Geosynthetics — Abrasion damage simulation (sliding block test) 2013-11-14 (Revision of ISO 13427:1998) TC 223 ISO/DIS 22324 Societal security * Societal security - Emergency managament - Colour-coded alert 2013-09-29 TC 242 ISO/DIS 50002 Energy Management * Energy audits 2013-09-14 TMB Technical Management Board ISO/DGuide 82 Guide for addressing sustainability in standards 2013-10-19 JTC 1 Information technology ISO/IEC DIS 29182-7 * ISO/IEC 144433:2011/DAmd 6.2 * Information technology — Sensor networks: Sensor Network Reference Architecture (SNRA) — Part 7: Interoperability guidelines Identification cards — Contactless integrated circuit cards — Proximity cards — Part 3: Initialization and anticollision — Amendment 6: Bit rates of 3fc/4, fc, 3fc/2 and 2fc 2013-09-08 2013-08-07 ISO/IEC DIS 14763-3 * Information technology — Implementation and operation of customer premises cabling — Part 3: Testing of optical fibre cabling 2013-09-20 (Revision of ISO/IEC 14763-3:2006) ISO/IEC 230024:2010/DAmd 3 * Information technology — MPEG video technologies — Part 4: Video tool library — Amendment 3: Graphics tool library (GTL) for the reconfigurable multimedia coding (RMC) framework 2013-09-26 FDIS circulated Period from 01 June to 30 June 2013 These Final draft International Standards have been submitted to the ISO member bodies for formal approval by the date shown * Available in English only Vote terminates TC 6 ISO/FDIS 8791-2 Paper, board and pulps * Paper and board — Determination of roughness/smoothness (air leak methods) — Part 2: Bendtsen method 2013-08-11 (Revision of ISO 8791-2:1990) TC 20 ISO/FDIS 14222 Aircraft and space vehicles * 2013-08-06 TC 22 ISO/FDIS 12619-1 Road vehicles * TC 23 ISO/FDIS 9912-3 Space environment (natural and artificial) — Earth upper atmosphere Road vehicles — Compressed gaseous hydrogen (CGH2) and hydrogen/natural gas blend fuel system components — Part 1: General requirements and definitions 2013-08-18 Tractors and machinery for agriculture and forestry * Agricultural irrigation equipment — Filters for microirrigation — Part 3: Automatic flushing strainer-type filters and disc filters 2013-08-15 (Revision of ISO 9912-3:1992) TC 30 ISO/FDIS 4064-1 Measurement of fluid flow in closed conduits * Water meters for cold potable water and hot water — Part 1: Metrological and technical requirements (Revision of ISO 4064-1:2005) 2013-08-21 ISO/FDIS 4064-2 * Water meters for cold potable water and hot water — Part 2: Test methods 2013-08-21 (Revision of ISO 4064-3:2005) ISO/FDIS 4064-3 * Water meters for cold potable water and hot water — Part 3: Test report format 2013-08-21 (Revision of ISO 4064-3:2005) ISO/FDIS 4064-4 * Water meters for cold potable water and hot water — Part 4: Non-metrological requirements not covered in ISO 4064-1 2013-08-21 (Revision of ISO 4064-1:2005) ISO/FDIS 4064-5 * Water meters for cold potable water and hot water — Part 5: Installation requirements 2013-08-21 (Revision of ISO 4064-2:2005) TC 34 ISO/FDIS 20483 Food products * Cereals and pulses — Determination of the nitrogen content and calculation of the crude protein content — Kjeldahl method 2013-08-07 (Revision of ISO 20483:2006) ISO/FDIS 11816-1 * Milk and milk products — Determination of alkaline phosphatase activity — Part 1: Fluorimetric method for milk and milk-based drinks 2013-08-14 (Revision of ISO 11816-1:2006) TC 43 ISO/FDIS 1999 Acoustics * Acoustics — Estimation of noise-induced hearing loss 2013-08-18 (Revision of ISO 1999:1990) TC 61 ISO/FDIS 30021 Plastics * TC 63 ISO/FDIS 12821 * Glass packaging — 26 H 180 crown finish — Dimensions 2013-08-06 Nuclear energy, nuclear technologies, and radiological protection * TC 94 ISO/FDIS 17249 Nuclear criticality safety — Estimation of the number of fissions of a postulated criticality accident 2013-08-11 Personal safety -- Protective clothing and equipment * Safety footwear with resistance to chain saw cutting 2013-08-28 (Revision of ISO 17249:2004, ISO 17249:2004/Amd 1:2007) ISO/FDIS 2013-08-16 Glass containers TC 85 ISO/FDIS 16117 Plastics — Burning behaviour — Intermediate-scale fire-resistance testing of fibre-reinforced polymer composites * Respiratory protective devices — Methods of test and test equipment — Part 11: 16900-11 Determination of field of vision TC 146 Air quality ISO/FDIS 13137 * TC 163 ISO/FDIS 9076-1 2013-08-28 Thermal performance and energy use in the built environment * TC 164 ISO/FDIS 7802 Workplace atmospheres — Pumps for personal sampling of chemical and biological agents — Requirements and test methods 2013-08-11 Thermal insulation — Mineral wool loose-fill for ventilated roof spaces — Part 1: Material specification and test methods 2013-08-25 Mechanical testing of metals * Metallic materials — Wire — Wrapping test 2013-08-28 (Revision of ISO 7802:1983) ISO/FDIS 8492 * Metallic materials — Tube — Flattening test 2013-09-28 (Revision of ISO 8492:1998) ISO/FDIS 8494 * Metallic materials — Tube — Flanging test 2013-09-28 (Revision of ISO 8494:1998) ISO/FDIS 8495 * Metallic materials — Tube — Ring-expanding test 2013-09-28 (Revision of ISO 8495:1998) ISO/FDIS 8496 * Metallic materials — Tube — Ring tensile test 2013-09-28 (Revision of ISO 8496:1998) ISO/FDIS 20482 * Metallic materials — Sheet and strip — Erichsen cupping test 2013-09-28 (Revision of ISO 20482:2003, ISO 20482:2003/DAmd 1) ISO/FDIS 22889 * Metallic materials — Method of test for the determination of resistance to stable crack extension using specimens of low constraint 2013-08-19 (Revision of ISO 22889:2007) TC 172 ISO/FDIS 8980-3 Optics and photonics * Ophthalmic optics — Uncut finished spectacle lenses — Part 3: Transmittance specifications and test methods 2013-08-07 (Revision of ISO 8980-3:2003) ISO/FDIS 14889 * Ophthalmic optics — Spectacle lenses — Fundamental requirements for uncut finished lenses (Revision of ISO 14889:2003) 2013-08-07 TC 180 ISO/FDIS 9806 Solar energy * Solar energy — Solar thermal collectors — Test methods 2013-08-07 (Revision of ISO 9806-1:1994, ISO 9806-2:1995, ISO 9806-3:1995) TC 215 Health informatics ISO/IEEE FDIS 11073-10102 * ISO/IEEE FDIS 11073-10103 * ISO/IEEE FDIS 11073-10417 * Health informatics — Point-of-care medical device communication — Part 10102: Nomenclature — Annotated ECG 2013-11-14 Health informatics — Point-of-care medical device communication — Part 10103: Nomenclature — Implantable device, cardiac 2013-11-14 Health informatics — Personal health device communication — Part 10417: Device specialization — Glucose meter 2013-11-14 (Revision of ISO/IEEE 11073-10417:2010) ISO/IEEE FDIS 11073-10418 * JTC 1 ISO/IEC FDIS 29101 Health informatics — Personal health device communication — Part 10418: Device specialization — International Normalized Ratio (INR) monitor 2013-11-14 Information technology * Information technology — Security techniques — Privacy architecture framework 2013-08-15 Information technology — Office equipment — Minimum information to be included in specification sheets — Printers — Part 2: Class 3 and Class 4 printers ISO/IEC FDIS 11160-2 2013-08-12 (Revision of ISO/IEC 11160-2:1996) ISO/IEC 230033:2012/FDAmd 2 * Information technology — MPEG audio technologies — Part 3: Unified speech and audio coding — Amendment 2: Reference software 2013-08-22 Standards published New International Standards published between 01 June and 30 June 2013 * Available in English only ** French version of standard previously published in English only Price group IIW International Institute of Welding ISO 6847:2013 Welding consumables — Deposition of a weld metal pad for chemical analysis B TC 4 Rolling bearings ISO 582:1995/Amd 1:2013 Rolling bearings — Chamfer dimensions — Maximum values — Amendment 1 TC 8 Ships and marine technology XZ ISO 136431:2013 * ISO 136432:2013 * ISO 136433:2013 * ISO 136434:2013 * ISO 136435:2013 * ISO 136436:2013 * TC 10 Ships and marine technology — Manoeuvring of ships — Part 1: General concepts, quantities and test conditions R Ships and marine technology — Manoeuvring of ships — Part 2: Turning and yaw checking L Ships and marine technology — Manoeuvring of ships — Part 3: Yaw stability and steering K Ships and marine technology — Manoeuvring of ships — Part 4: Stopping, acceleration, traversing E Ships and marine technology — Manoeuvring of ships — Part 5: Submarine specials L Ships and marine technology — Manoeuvring of ships — Part 6: Model test specials R Technical product documentation ISO 12815:2013 * ISO 1294:2013 * Technical product documentation (TPD) — General principles of presentation — Part 15: Presentation of shipbuilding drawings F Technical product documentation (TPD) — Indication of dimensions and tolerances — Part 4: Dimensioning of shipbuilding drawings D TC 17 Steel ISO 377:2013 Steel and steel products — Location and preparation of samples and test pieces for mechanical testing ISO 404:2013 * L Steel and steel products — General technical delivery requirements G ISO 10474:2013 * Steel and steel products — Inspection documents B TC 22 Road vehicles ISO 114527:2003/Amd 1:2013 * ISO 3560:2013 * Road vehicles — Component test methods for electrical disturbances from narrowband radiated electromagnetic energy — Part 7: Direct radio frequency (RF) power injection — Amendment 1 XZ Road vehicles — Frontal fixed barrier or pole impact test procedure G ISO 15829:2013 * ISO/TR 16250:2013 * ISO 18868:2013 * ISO 23273:2013 * Road vehicles — Objective rating metrics for dynamic systems Commercial road vehicles — Coupling equipment between vehicles in multiple vehicle combinations — Strength requirements F Fuel cell road vehicles — Safety specifications — Protection against hydrogen hazards for vehicles fuelled with compressed hydrogen C Tractors and machinery for agriculture and forestry * Agricultural tractors — Requirements, test procedures and acceptance criteria for the operator's field of vision — Part 1: Field of vision to the front TC 34 Food products ISO 5534:2004/Cor 1:2013 Cheese and processed cheese — Determination of the total solids content (Reference method) — Technical Corrigendum 1 TC 42 Photography ISO 15739:2013 * ISO 18902:2013 * E free Photography — Electronic still-picture imaging — Noise measurements P TC 43 ISO 20906:2009/A md 1:2013 E V TC 23 ISO 57211:2013 Road vehicles — Side impact test procedures for the evaluation of occupant interactions with side airbags by pole impact simulation Imaging materials — Processed imaging materials — Albums, framing and storage materials E Acoustics * Acoustics — Unattended monitoring of aircraft sound in the vicinity of airports — Amendment 1 XZ TC 44 Welding and allied processes ISO 12996:2013 Mechanical joining — Destructive testing of joints — Specimen dimensions and test procedure for tensile shear testing of single joints H ISO 12932:2013 Welding — Laser-arc hybrid welding of steels, nickel and nickel alloys — Quality levels for imperfections M ISO 1561414:2013 Specification and qualification of welding procedures for metallic materials — Welding procedure test — Part 14: Laser-arc hybrid welding of steels, nickel and nickel alloys TC 45 Rubber and rubber products ISO 1629:2013 * M Rubber and latices — Nomenclature C ISO/TS 17796:2013 * ISO 5892:2013 * Rubber — Trapping and identification of volatile components of rubber fumes with active sampling on a poly(2,6-diphenylphenylene oxide) type sorbent, using thermodesorption and gas chromatographic method with mass spectrometric detection Rubber building gaskets — Materials for preformed solid vulcanized structural gaskets — Specification G E TC 67 Materials, equipment and offshore structures for petroleum, petrochemical and natural gas industries ISO 10423:2009 Petroleum and natural gas industries — Drilling and production equipment — Wellhead and christmas tree equipment TC 71 Concrete, reinforced concrete and pre-stressed concrete ISO 28842:2013 * XC Guidelines for simplified design of reinforced concrete bridges XC TC 84 Devices for administration of medicinal products and intravascular catheters ISO 105551:2013 Intravascular catheters — Sterile and single-use catheters — Part 1: General requirements M ISO 105553:2013 Intravascular catheters — Sterile and single-use catheters — Part 3: Central venous catheters B ISO 105554:2013 Intravascular catheters — Sterile and single-use catheters — Part 4: Balloon dilatation catheters F ISO 105555:2013 Intravascular catheters — Sterile and single-use catheters — Part 5: Over-needle peripheral catheters E TC 85 Nuclear energy, nuclear technologies, and radiological protection ISO 15690:2013 Radiological protection — Recommendations for dealing with discrepancies between personal dosimeter systems used in parallel TC 89 Wood-based panels ISO 124661:2007/Amd 1:2013 * ISO 18776:2008/A md 1:2013 * Plywood — Bonding quality — Part 1: Test methods — Amendment 1 XZ Laminated veneer lumber (LVL) — Specifications — Amendment 1 XZ TC 92 ISO/TR 228992:2013 Fire safety * Determination of the resistance to jet fires of passive fire protection — Part 2: Guidance on classification and implementation methods ISO/TS 13447:2013 Fire safety engineering — Guidance for use of fire zone models TC 94 Personal safety -- Protective clothing and equipment ISO/TS 169767:2013 Respiratory protective devices — Human factors — Part 7: Hearing and speech TC 96 Cranes ISO 99271:2013 F J K F * Cranes — Inspections — Part 1: General J TC 104 ISO 14961:2013 Freight containers * TC 122 N Packaging ISO/TR 17350:2013 * ISO/TR 17370:2013 * ISO/TR 17098:2013 * Direct Marking on Plastic Returnable Transport Items (RTIs) V Application Guideline on Data Carriers for Supply Chain Management U TC 131 ISO/TR 10686:2013 Series 1 freight containers — Specification and testing — Part 1: General cargo containers for general purposes Packaging material recycling — Report on substances and materials which may impede recycling H Fluid power systems * Hydraulic fluid power — Method to relate the cleanliness of a hydraulic system to the cleanliness of the components and hydraulic fluid that make up the system M TC 135 Non-destructive testing ISO 192321:2013 Non-destructive testing — Image quality of radiographs — Part 1: Determination of the image quality value using wire-type image quality indicators D ISO 192322:2013 Non-destructive testing — Image quality of radiographs — Part 2: Determination of the image quality value using step/hole-type image quality indicators C ISO 192323:2013 Non-destructive testing — Image quality of radiographs — Part 3: Image quality classes E ISO 192324:2013 Non-destructive testing — Image quality of radiographs — Part 4: Experimental evaluation of image quality values and image quality tables B ISO 192325:2013 Non-destructive testing — Image quality of radiographs — Part 5: Determination of the image unsharpness value using duplex wire-type image quality indicators B TC 138 Plastics pipes, fittings and valves for the transport of fluids ISO 112973:2013 Plastics piping systems for renovation of underground drainage and sewerage networks under pressure — Part 3: Lining with close-fit pipes H Plastics piping systems — Glass-reinforced thermosetting plastics (GRP) pipes and fittings — Methods for regression analysis and their use — Amendment 1 XZ ISO 10928:2009/A md 1:2013 * TC 147 Water quality ISO/TS 173791:2013 * ISO/TS 173792:2013 * TC 164 ISO 12110- Water quality — Determination of selenium — Part 1: Method using hydride generation atomic fluorescence spectrometry (HG-AFS) H Water quality — Determination of selenium — Part 2: Method using hydride generation atomic absorption spectrometry (HG-AAS) J Mechanical testing of metals * Metallic materials — Fatigue testing — Variable amplitude fatigue testing — Part 1:2013 ISO 121102:2013 * TC 172 ISO/TS 17915:2013 1: General principles, test method and reporting requirements M Metallic materials — Fatigue testing — Variable amplitude fatigue testing — Part 2: Cycle counting and related data reduction methods Q Optics and photonics * Optics and photonics — Measurement method of semiconductor lasers for sensing TC 190 Soil quality ISO 17380:2013 Soil quality — Determination of total cyanide and easily liberatable cyanide — Continuous-flow analysis method TC 193 Natural gas ISO 13686:2013 Natural gas — Quality designation TC 199 Safety of machinery ISO Guide 78:2012 Safety of machinery — Rules for drafting and presentation of safety standards TC 204 Intelligent transport systems N H T L ISO/TR 14806:2013 * ISO 156382:2013 * ISO 156383:2013 * ISO 156385:2013 * ISO 156387:2013 * ISO/TS 17931:2013 * ISO 241021:2013 * ISO 241023:2013 * ISO 241024:2013 * ISO 24102- * Intelligent transport systems — Public transport requirements for the use of payment applications for fare media Intelligent transport systems — Framework for collaborative Telematics Applications for Regulated commercial freight Vehicles (TARV) — Part 2: Common platform parameters using CALM Intelligent transport systems — Framework for collaborative telematics applications for regulated commercial freight vehicles (TARV) — Part 3: Operating requirements, 'Approval Authority' procedures, and enforcement provisions for the providers of regulated services Intelligent transport systems — Framework for collaborative Telematics Applications for Regulated commercial freight Vehicles (TARV) — Part 5: Generic vehicle information Intelligent transport systems — Framework for collaborative Telematics Applications for Regulated commercial freight Vehicles (TARV) — Part 7: Other applications Intelligent transport systems — Extension of map database specifications for Local Dynamic Map for applications of Cooperative ITS P V V XA Q XA Intelligent transport systems — Communications access for land mobiles (CALM) — ITS station management — Part 1: Local management N Intelligent transport systems — Communications access for land mobiles (CALM) — ITS station management — Part 3: Service access points V Intelligent transport systems — Communications access for land mobiles (CALM) — ITS station management — Part 4: Station-internal management communications Intelligent transport systems — Communications access for land mobiles (CALM) J 5:2013 — ITS station management — Part 5: Fast service advertisement protocol (FSAP) TC 206 Fine ceramics ISO 14544:2013 * TC 210 ISO/TR 24971:2013 J Quality management and corresponding general aspects for medical devices * Medical devices — Guidance on the application of ISO 14971 F TC 213 ISO/TS 80622:2013 Fine ceramics (advanced ceramics, advanced technical ceramics) — Mechanical properties of ceramic composites at high temperature — Determination of compression properties M Dimensional and geometrical product specifications and verification * Geometrical product specifications (GPS) — Dimensional and geometrical tolerances for moulded parts — Part 2: Rules TC 215 Health informatics ISO 215491:2013 Health informatics — Patient healthcard data — Part 1: General structure JTC 1 Information technology U B ISO/IEC 18180:2013 * ISO/IEC 15504-6:2013 * Information technology — Specification for the Extensible Configuration Checklist Description Format (XCCDF) Version 1.2 W Information technology — Process assessment — Part 6: An exemplar system life cycle process assessment model XB Information technology — Service management — Part 3: Guidance on scope definition and applicability of ISO/IEC 20000-1 ISO/IEC 20000-3:2012 ISO/IEC 24787:2010/Co r 1:2013 * ISO/IEC 23001-8:2013 * ISO/IEC 23009-4:2013 * ISO/IEC 24769-2:2013 * ISO/IEC 197944:2011/Amd 1:2013 * ISO/IEC 197945:2005/Cor 3:2013 * Information technology — Identification cards — On-card biometric comparison — Technical Corrigendum 1 N free Information technology — MPEG systems technologies — Part 8: Codingindependent code points L Information technology — Dynamic adaptive streaming over HTTP (DASH) — Part 4: Segment encryption and authentication M Information technology — Real-time locating systems (RTLS) device conformance test methods — Part 2: Test methods for air interface communication at 2,4 GHz N Information technology — Biometric data interchange formats — Part 4: Finger image data — Amendment 1: Conformance testing methodology and clarification of defects XZ Information technology — Biometric data interchange formats — Part 5: Face image data — Technical Corrigendum 3 free Standards confirmed The following International Standards are confimred for a five year period: TC 17 Steel ISO 683-14:2004 (reconfirmed) ISO 683-15:1992 (reconfirmed) TC 23 Tractors and machinery for agriculture and forestry ISO 22866:2005 (reconfirmed) TC 29 Small tools ISO 11415:1997 (reconfirmed) ISO 8976:2004 (reconfirmed) ISO 8979:2004 (reconfirmed) ISO 9343:2004 (reconfirmed) ISO 9654:2004 (reconfirmed) ISO 9655:2004 (reconfirmed) ISO 9656:2004 (reconfirmed) ISO 9657:2004 (reconfirmed) ISO 10914:1996 (reconfirmed) TC 34 Food products ISO 1839:1980 (reconfirmed) ISO 3103:1980 (reconfirmed) ISO 7514:1990 (reconfirmed) ISO 10727:2002 (reconfirmed) TC 39 Machine tools ISO 230-6:2002 (reconfirmed) ISO 13041-1:2004 (reconfirmed) ISO 13041-4:2004 (reconfirmed) ISO 13041-8:2004 (reconfirmed) TC 42 Photography ISO 6:1993 (reconfirmed) ISO 519:1992 (reconfirmed) ISO 1008:1992 (reconfirmed) ISO 1203:1998 (reconfirmed) ISO 1755:1987 (reconfirmed) ISO 1948:1987 (reconfirmed) ISO 7766:2003 (reconfirmed) ISO 10349-2:1992 (reconfirmed) ISO 10349-3:1992 (reconfirmed) ISO 10349-4:1992 (reconfirmed) ISO 10349-5:1992 (reconfirmed) ISO 10349-6:1992 (reconfirmed) ISO 10349-7:1992 (reconfirmed) ISO 10349-9:1992 (reconfirmed) ISO 1034910:1992 (reconfirmed) ISO 1034911:1992 (reconfirmed) ISO 1034912:1992 (reconfirmed) ISO 14548:1998 (reconfirmed) ISO 14808:1997 (reconfirmed) TC 44 Welding and allied processes ISO 9012:2008 TC 61 Plastics ISO 868:2003 (reconfirmed) ISO 899-2:2003 (reconfirmed) TC 67 Materials, equipment and offshore structures for petroleum, petrochemical and natural gas industries ISO 14691:2008 ISO 15649:2001 (reconfirmed) ISO 25457:2008 TC 69 Applications of statistical methods ISO 5725-2:1994 (reconfirmed) ISO 5725-3:1994 (reconfirmed) ISO 5725-4:1994 (reconfirmed) TC 94 Personal safety -- Protective clothing and equipment ISO 15383:2001 (reconfirmed) ISO 15538:2001 (reconfirmed) TC 98 Bases for design of structures ISO 9194:1987 (reconfirmed) ISO 12494:2001 (reconfirmed) TC 100 Chains and chain sprockets for power transmission and conveyors ISO 6971:2002 (reconfirmed) ISO 6972:2002 (reconfirmed) TC 113 Hydrometry ISO 9826:1992 (reconfirmed) ISO 13550:2002 (reconfirmed) TC 126 Tobacco and tobacco products ISO/TS 7821:2005 (reconfirmed) ISO 9512:2002 (reconfirmed) TC 127 Earth-moving machinery ISO 5006:2006 TC 131 Fluid power systems ISO 3019-1:2001 (reconfirmed) ISO 3019-2:2001 (reconfirmed) ISO 21287:2004 (reconfirmed) ISO 9461:1992 (reconfirmed) ISO 17082:2004 (reconfirmed) ISO 2942:2004 (reconfirmed) TC 162 Doors and windows ISO 1804:1972 TC 168 Prosthetics and orthotics ISO 8548-1:1989 (reconfirmed) ISO 8548-2:1993 (reconfirmed) ISO 8548-3:1993 (reconfirmed) ISO 8548-4:1998 (reconfirmed) ISO 29781:2008 ISO 29782:2008 ISO 29783-1:2008 TC 172 Optics and photonics ISO 8424:1996 (reconfirmed) ISO 9342-1:2005 (reconfirmed) ISO 9342-2:2005 (reconfirmed) TC 173 Assistive products for persons with disability ISO 16391:2002 (reconfirmed) TC 213 Dimensional and geometrical product specifications and verification ISO 1:2002 (reconfirmed) ISO/TS 23165:2006 (reconfirmed) TC 215 Health informatics ISO 17090-3:2008 JTC 1 Information technology ISO/IEC 97963:2006 ISO/IEC 10116:2006 ISO/IEC 101183:2004 (reconfirmed) ISO/IEC 101184:1998 (reconfirmed) ISO/IEC 117704:2006 ISO/IEC TR 14516:2002 ISO/IEC 148883:2006 ISO/IEC 15816:2002 (reconfirmed) ISO/IEC 15945:2002 (reconfirmed) ISO/IEC 180332:2006 Standards withdrawn Period from 01 June to 30 June 2013 TC 22 Road vehicles ISO 23273-2:2006 (replaced by ISO 23273:2013) TC 23 Tractors and machinery for agriculture and forestry ISO 3339-0:1986 (replaced by ) TC 46 Information and documentation ISO/TR 21449:2004 (replaced by ) TC 94 Personal safety -- Protective clothing and equipment ISO 2023:1994 (replaced by ISO 20344:2011) TC 213 Dimensional and geometrical product specifications and verification ISO 8062:1994 (replaced by ISO 8062-1:2007, ISO 8062-3:2007, ISO/TS 8062-2:2013) JTC 1 Information technology ISO/IEC TR 15504-6:2008 (replaced by ISO/IEC 15504-6:2013) Meeting calendar (update at 01 June 2013) Meetings called for the month of May are not in this edition. * Information definite but meeting not yet formally convened ** Provisional July 2013 1-5 Bornholm (Denmark) TC 268 Sustainable development in communities 2 Berlin (Germany) TC 274 Light and lighting 2-4 Bornholm (Denmark) TC 268/SC 1 Sustainable development in communities/Smart community infrastructures 12 Nottingham (United Kingdom) TC 261 Additive manufacturing 15-17 Vienna (Austria) PC 273 Customer contact centres August 2013 5-8 Washington, D.C (USA) TC 134 Fertilizers and soil conditioners 18 Pretoria (South Africa) TC 27/SC 1 Solid mineral fuels/Coal preparation: Terminology and performance 18-23 Centurion (South Africa) TC 27 Solid mineral fuels 18-23 Centurion (South Africa) TC 27/SC 3 Solid mineral fuels/Coke 18-23 Centurion (South Africa) TC 27/SC 4 Solid mineral fuels/Sampling 19-23 Pretoria (South Africa) TC 27/SC 5 Solid mineral fuels/Methods of analysis 26-30 (Canada) JTC 1/SC 35 Information technology/User interfaces TC 20/SC 10 Aircraft and space vehicles/Aerospace fluid systems and components ** September 2013 1-4 Moscow (Russian Federation) 3-6 Hangzhou (China) TC 172/SC 5 Optics and photonics/Microscopes and endoscopes 4 (Europe) CSC/FIN Council/Council Standing Committee on Finance (CSC/FIN) 7-13 Moscow (Russian Federation) JTC 1/SC 36 Information technology/Information technology for learning, education and training 8-13 Suzhou (China) TC 61 Plastics 9 Victoria (Canada) TC 33 Refractories 9-10 London (United Kingdom) TC 21/SC 8 Equipment for fire protection and fire fighting/Gaseous media and firefighting systems using gas 9-10 Paris (France) TC 26 Copper and copper alloys 9-11 Gaithersburg (USA) TC 172/SC 9 Optics and photonics/Electro-optical systems 9-13 Delft (Netherlands) JTC 1/SC 34 Information technology/Document description and processing languages 9-13 Montreal (Canada) TC 108/SC 4 Mechanical vibration, shock and condition monitoring/Human exposure to mechanical vibration and shock 9-13 Tallberg (Sweden) TC 258 Project, programme and portfolio management 10 London (United Kingdom) TC 21/SC 6 Equipment for fire protection and fire fighting/Foam and powder media and firefighting systems using foam and powder 10 Paris (France) TC 79/SC 11 Light metals and their alloys/Titanium 10-13 Stockholm (Sweden) TC 205 Building environment design 11 London (United Kingdom) TC 21/SC 3 Equipment for fire protection and fire fighting/Fire detection and alarm systems 11 London (United Kingdom) TC 21/SC 11 Equipment for fire protection and fire fighting/Smoke and heat control systems and components 11 Suzhou (China) TC 61/SC 1 Plastics/Terminology 11 Suzhou (China) TC 61/SC 2 Plastics/Mechanical properties 11 Suzhou (China) TC 61/SC 5 Plastics/Physical-chemical properties 11 Suzhou (China) * TC 61/SC 10 Plastics/Cellular plastics 11 Suzhou (China) * TC 61/SC 11 Plastics/Products 11 Suzhou (China) * TC 61/SC 12 Plastics/Thermosetting materials 11 Paris (France) TC 79/SC 5 Light metals and their alloys/Magnesium and alloys of cast or wrought magnesium 11 Stockholm (Sweden) TC 163/SC 2 Thermal performance and energy use in the built environment/Calculation methods 11 Stockholm (Sweden) TC 163/SC 3 Thermal performance and energy use in the built environment/Thermal insulation products 11-12 Stockholm (Sweden) TC 119/SC 3 Powder metallurgy/Sampling and testing methods for sintered metal materials (excluding hardmetals) 12 London (United Kingdom) TC 21/SC 2 Equipment for fire protection and fire fighting/Manually transportable fire extinguishers 12 Suzhou (China) TC 61/SC 4 Plastics/Burning behaviour * 12 Suzhou (China) TC 61/SC 6 Plastics/Ageing, chemical and environmental resistance 12 Suzhou (China) * TC 61/SC 9 Plastics/Thermoplastic materials 12 Suzhou (China) * TC 61/SC 13 Plastics/Composites and reinforcement fibres 12 Paris (France) TC 79/SC 2 Light metals and their alloys/Organic and anodic oxidation coatings on aluminium 12 Paris (France) TC 79/SC 6 Light metals and their alloys/Wrought aluminium and aluminium alloys 12 Stockholm (Sweden) TC 119/SC 2 Powder metallurgy/Sampling and testing methods for powders (including powders for hardmetals) 12 Stockholm (Sweden) TC 119/SC 4 Powder metallurgy/Sampling and testing methods for hardmetals 12 Vienna (Austria) TC 146/SC 3 Air quality/Ambient atmospheres 12 Stockholm (Sweden) TC 163/SC 1 Thermal performance and energy use in the built environment/Test and measurement methods 12-13 Stockholm (Sweden) TC 163 Thermal performance and energy use in the built environment 13 London (United Kingdom) * TC 21 Equipment for fire protection and fire fighting 13 Singapore (Singapore) * TC 59/SC 17 Buildings and civil engineering works/Sustainability in buildings and civil engineering works 13 Paris (France) TC 79 Light metals and their alloys 13 Stockholm (Sweden) TC 119 Powder metallurgy 13 Stockholm (Sweden) TC 119/SC 5 Powder metallurgy/Specifications for powder metallurgical materials (excluding hardmetals) 13 Vienna (Austria) TC 146/SC 5 Air quality/Meteorology 13 Vienna (Austria) TC 146/SC 6 Air quality/Indoor air 13 Munich (Germany) TC 244 Industrial furnaces and associated processing equipment 15-20 Velsen (Netherlands) TC 164 Mechanical testing of metals 16 Sydney (Australia) * PC 271 Compliance management systems 16-17 St. Petersburg (Russian Federation) * DEVCO Committee on developing countries matters 16-17 St. Petersburg (Russian Federation) * TMB Technical Management Board 16-20 Copenhagen (Denmark) * TC 67/SC 7 Materials, equipment and offshore structures for petroleum, petrochemical and natural gas industries/Offshore structures 16-20 London (United Kingdom) TC 150 Implants for surgery 17 Fukuoka (Japan) TC 190/SC 1 Soil quality/Evaluation of criteria, terminology and codification 17 Paris (France) TC 254 Safety of amusement rides and amusement devices 17-18 Jiangyin (China) TC 105 Steel wire ropes * 17-18 Belo Horizonte (Brazil) TC 155 Nickel and nickel alloys 17-19 Tokyo (Japan) JTC 1/SC 22 Information technology/Programming languages, their environments and system software interfaces 17-19 Chengdu (China) TC 256 Pigments, dyestuffs and extenders 18 St. Petersburg (Russian Federation) ** CSC/FIN Council/Council Standing Committee on Finance (CSC/FIN) 18-20 St. Petersburg (Russian Federation) * GA General Assembly 18-20 Shanghai (China) TC 232 Learning services outside formal education 19 Atlanta (USA) TC 142 Cleaning equipment for air and other gases 19 Fukuoka (Japan) TC 190/SC 4 Soil quality/Biological methods 19-20 Graz (Austria) TC 172/SC 6 Optics and photonics/Geodetic and surveying instruments 20 Fukuoka (Japan) TC 190 Soil quality 20 Fukuoka (Japan) TC 190/SC 2 Soil quality/Sampling 20 Fukuoka (Japan) TC 190/SC 3 Soil quality/Chemical methods and soil characteristics 20 Fukuoka (Japan) TC 190/SC 7 Soil quality/Soil and site assessment 21 St. Petersburg (Russian Federation) COUNCIL Council 23-24 Paris (France) PC 277 Sustainable purchasing 23-27 Kobe (Japan) * JTC 1/SC 38 Information technology/Distributed application platforms and services (DAPS) 23-27 Milan (Italy) * TC 120 Leather 23-27 Milan (Italy) * TC 120/SC 1 Leather/Raw hides and skins, including pickled pelts 23-27 Milan (Italy) * TC 120/SC 2 Leather/Tanned leather 23-27 Milan (Italy) * TC 120/SC 3 Leather/Leather products 23-27 Vienna (Austria) TC 218 Timber 23-27 Chicago (USA) TC 262 Risk management 24-25 Beijing (China) TC 265 Carbon dioxide capture, transportation, and geological storage 24-26 Gaithersburg (USA) TC 172/SC 1 Optics and photonics/Fundamental standards 25-26 Oslo (Norway) TC 67 Materials, equipment and offshore structures for petroleum, petrochemical and natural gas industries 25-27 Tokyo (Japan) TC 267 Facilities management 26-27 Rotterdam (Netherlands) TC 260 Human resource management 26-27 Toulouse (France) * TC 264 Fireworks 27 Seoul (Korea, Republic of) ** TC 44/SC 12 Welding and allied processes/Soldering materials * * 27 Bromont (Québec) (Canada) 27 Helsinki (Finland) 29 Jeju (Korea, Republic of) * TC 153/SC 1 Valves/Design, manufacture, marking and testing TC 213 Dimensional and geometrical product specifications and verification TC 201/SC 6 Surface chemical analysis/Secondary ion mass spectrometry Paris (France) * JTC 2 Joint Project Committee - Energy efficiency and renewable energy sources - Common terminology London (United Kingdom) ** TC 21/SC 5 Equipment for fire protection and fire fighting/Fixed firefighting systems using water Seattle (USA) ** TC 89 Wood-based panels (Germany) ** TC 180 Solar energy JTC 1/SC 25 Information technology/Interconnection of information technology equipment September-October 2013 30-4 (Sweden) ** 30-1 Tampere (Finland) TC 23/SC 17 Tractors and machinery for agriculture and forestry/Manually portable forest machinery 30-2 Berlin (Germany) TC 34/SC 15 Food products/Coffee October 2013 2-3 Tampere (Finland) TC 23/SC 15 Tractors and machinery for agriculture and forestry/Machinery for forestry 2-3 St. John, Newfoundland (Canada) TC 67/SC 8 Materials, equipment and offshore structures for petroleum, petrochemical and natural gas industries/Arctic operations 3-4 Chantilly (USA) * TC 58/SC 2 Gas cylinders/Cylinder fittings 5 Incheon (Korea, Republic of) * TC 106 Dentistry 6-11 Kobe (Japan) * TC 204 Intelligent transport systems 7 Berlin (Germany) TC 10/SC 10 Technical product documentation/Process plant documentation 7 Istanbul (Turkey) TC 38/SC 1 Textiles/Tests for coloured textiles and colorants 7-8 Milan (Italy) TC 44/SC 8 Welding and allied processes/Equipment for gas welding, cutting and allied processes 7-8 Sparks, Nevada (USA) TC 209 Cleanrooms and associated controlled environments 7-9 Tokyo (Japan) TC 70 Internal combustion engines 7-9 Tokyo (Japan) * TC 70/SC 8 Internal combustion engines/Exhaust gas emission measurement 7-9 Istanbul (Turkey) ** TC 126 Tobacco and tobacco products 7-11 Beijing (China) * CASCO Committee on conformity assessment 7-11 Washington, D.C (USA) * TC 121/SC 4 Anaesthetic and respiratory equipment/Terminology and semantics 7-11 Oslo (Norway) * TC 138 Plastics pipes, fittings and valves for the transport of fluids 7-11 Colorado Springs (USA) TC 247 Fraud countermeasures and controls 8 Istanbul (Turkey) TC 38/SC 2 Textiles/Cleansing, finishing and water resistance tests 8 Boulder (USA) TC 202/SC 1 Microbeam analysis/Terminology ** * 8-9 Berlin (Germany) 8-10 * TC 263 Coalbed methane (CBM) Berlin (Germany) TC 59/SC 8 Buildings and civil engineering works/Sealants 8-10 Boulder (USA) TC 202 Microbeam analysis 9 London (United Kingdom) TC 8/SC 7 Ships and marine technology/Inland navigation vessels 9 Istanbul (Turkey) TC 38/SC 23 Textiles/Fibres and yarns 9 Boulder (USA) TC 202/SC 2 Microbeam analysis/Electron probe microanalysis 9 Boulder (USA) * TC 202/SC 3 Microbeam analysis/Analytical electron microscopy 9-10 Seogwipo-si (Korea, Republic of) ** TC 159 Ergonomics 10 Istanbul (Turkey) TC 38/SC 24 Textiles/Conditioning atmospheres and physical tests for textile fabrics 10 Boulder (USA) TC 202/SC 4 Microbeam analysis/Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) 11 Istanbul (Turkey) TC 38 Textiles 11 Berlin (Germany) TC 59/SC 13 Buildings and civil engineering works/Organization of information about construction works 11 Garching (Germany) ** TC 60 Gears 11 Garching (Germany) ** TC 60/SC 1 Gears/Nomenclature and wormgearing 11 Garching (Germany) ** TC 60/SC 2 Gears/Gear capacity calculation 11 Venice (Italy) * TC 146/SC 2 Air quality/Workplace atmospheres 13-17 London (United Kingdom) TC 59/SC 15 Buildings and civil engineering works/Performance description of houses 14-15 Miami (USA) TC 44/SC 3 Welding and allied processes/Welding consumables 14-15 Brussels (Belgium) TC 122/SC 4 Packaging/Packaging and environment 14-17 Stuttgart (Germany) TC 165 Timber structures 14-18 Paris (France) PC 271 Compliance management systems 14-18 Paris (France) TC 2 Fasteners 14-18 Seoul (Korea, Republic of) TC 108 Mechanical vibration, shock and condition monitoring 15 Halifax (Canada) TC 31/SC 6 Tyres, rims and valves/Off-the-road tyres and rims 15 La Plaine StDenis (France) TC 44/SC 5 Welding and allied processes/Testing and inspection of welds 15-18 Berlin (Germany) TC 172/SC 7 Optics and photonics/Ophthalmic optics and instruments 16 La Plaine StDenis (France) ** TC 44/SC 9 Welding and allied processes/Health and safety 16-18 Munich (Germany) * TC 58/SC 3 Gas cylinders/Cylinder design 16-18 (Korea, Republic of) ** TC 123 Plain bearings * * ** * ** 16-18 (Korea, Republic of) ** TC 123/SC 2 Plain bearings/Materials and lubricants, their properties, characteristics, test methods and testing conditions 16-18 (Korea, Republic of) ** TC 123/SC 3 Plain bearings/Dimensions, tolerances and construction details 16-18 (Korea, Republic of) ** TC 123/SC 5 Plain bearings/Quality analysis and assurance 16-18 (Korea, Republic of) ** TC 123/SC 6 Plain bearings/Terms and common items 16-18 (Korea, Republic of) ** TC 123/SC 7 Plain bearings/Special types of plain bearings 17-18 La Plaine StDenis (France) ** TC 44 Welding and allied processes 18 Berlin (Germany) * TC 22/SC 7 Road vehicles/Injection equipment and filters for use on road vehicles 19-20 Jacksonville (USA) TC 24/SC 4 Particle characterization including sieving/Particle characterization 21 Singapore (Singapore) * TC 8/SC 7 Ships and marine technology/Inland navigation vessels 21-25 (United Kingdom) ** PC 283 Occupational health and safety management systems - Requirements 21-25 Singapore (Singapore) TC 8 Ships and marine technology 21-25 (Europe) TC 39/SC 2 Machine tools/Test conditions for metal cutting machine tools 21-25 Sao Paulo (Brazil) TC 181 Safety of toys 21-25 Sydney (Australia) TC 215 Health informatics 21-26 Berlin (Germany) TC 147 Water quality 22-24 Stockholm (Sweden) TC 20/SC 9 Aircraft and space vehicles/Air cargo and ground equipment 23 Paris (France) TC 17/SC 16 Steel/Steels for the reinforcement and prestressing of concrete 23 Berlin (Germany) TC 22/SC 9 Road vehicles/Vehicle dynamics and road-holding ability 23 London (United Kingdom) TC 25 Cast irons and pig irons 23 Courbevoie, Paris (France) TC 111 Round steel link chains, chain slings, components and accessories 23 Berlin (Germany) * TC 173/SC 2 Assistive products for persons with disability/Classification and terminology 23 Berlin (Germany) ** TC 173/SC 7 Assistive products for persons with disability/Accessible design 23 Tokyo (Japan) TC 206 Fine ceramics 24 Berlin (Germany) TC 147/SC 6 Water quality/Sampling (general methods) 24-25 Sarajevo (Bosnia and Herzegovina) TC 34/SC 12 Food products/Sensory analysis 24-25 Berlin (Germany) TC 173 Assistive products for persons with disability 25 Tokyo (Japan) TC 146/SC 1 Air quality/Stationary source emissions 28 Karlsruhe (Germany) TC 117 Fans * * * ** 28-29 Düsseldorf (Germany) TC 17/SC 4 Steel/Heat treatable and alloy steels 28-31 Bali (Indonesia) TC 45/SC 1 Rubber and rubber products/Hoses (rubber and plastics) 30 Prague (Czech Republic) TC 266 Biomimetics 31 Bali (Indonesia) TC 45/SC 2 Rubber and rubber products/Testing and analysis 31 Bali (Indonesia) TC 45/SC 4 Rubber and rubber products/Products (other than hoses) * Sydney (Australia) ** TC 157 Non-systemic contraceptives and STI barrier prophylactics Beijing (China) ** TC 184/SC 2 Automation systems and integration/Robots and robotic devices TC 138/SC 1 Plastics pipes, fittings and valves for the transport of fluids/Plastics pipes and fittings for soil, waste and drainage (including land drainage) October-December 2013 7-11 Oslo (Norway) October-November 2013 28-1 Bali (Indonesia) TC 45 Rubber and rubber products 28-1 Cambridge (United Kingdom) TC 121/SC 2 Anaesthetic and respiratory equipment/Airways and related equipment 28-2 Berlin (Germany) TC 130 Graphic technology * November 2013 1 Bali (Indonesia) TC 45/SC 3 Rubber and rubber products/Raw materials (including latex) for use in the rubber industry 2-9 Porto (Portugal) TC 176 Quality management and quality assurance 2-9 Porto (Portugal) ** TC 176/SC 1 Quality management and quality assurance/Concepts and terminology 2-9 Porto (Portugal) ** TC 176/SC 3 Quality management and quality assurance/Supporting technologies 4-8 Sydney (Australia) TC 34/SC 17 Food products/Management systems for food safety 4-8 Porto (Portugal) TC 176/SC 2 Quality management and quality assurance/Quality systems 4-9 Perros-Guirec (France) ** JTC 1 Information technology 6-8 Paris (France) ** TC 275 Sludge recovery, recycling, treatment and disposal 6-9 Washington, D.C (USA) * TC 227 Springs 7 Okinawa (Japan) * TC 201 Surface chemical analysis 7 Okinawa (Japan) TC 201/SC 1 Surface chemical analysis/Terminology 7 Okinawa (Japan) * TC 201/SC 2 Surface chemical analysis/General procedures 7 Okinawa (Japan) * TC 201/SC 9 Surface chemical analysis/Scanning probe microscopy 8 Delft (Netherlands) * TC 92/SC 1 Fire safety/Fire initiation and growth 8 Shenzen (China) TC 160 Glass in building 8 Shenzen (China) * TC 160/SC 1 Glass in building/Product considerations 8 Shenzen (China) * TC 160/SC 2 Glass in building/Use considerations 8 Okinawa (Japan) TC 201/SC 3 Surface chemical analysis/Data management and treatment 8 Okinawa (Japan) * TC 201/SC 4 Surface chemical analysis/Depth profiling 8 Okinawa (Japan) * TC 201/SC 7 Surface chemical analysis/Electron spectroscopies 9 Okinawa (Japan) * TC 201/SC 8 Surface chemical analysis/Glow discharge spectroscopy 10-15 Mexico (Mexico) * TC 113 Hydrometry 11-15 Mexico (Mexico) TC 94/SC 15 Personal safety -- Protective clothing and equipment/Respiratory protective devices 11-15 Tokyo (Japan) * TC 98 Bases for design of structures 13 Tokyo (Japan) ** TC 110/SC 1 Industrial trucks/General terminology 14 Tokyo (Japan) * TC 110/SC 2 Industrial trucks/Safety of powered industrial trucks 14-15 Frankfurt (Germany) TC 39/SC 10 Machine tools/Safety 14-15 Redlands (USA) * TC 211 Geographic information/Geomatics 15 Tokyo (Japan) ** TC 110 Industrial trucks 18 Berlin (Germany) * TC 20/SC 4 Aircraft and space vehicles/Aerospace fastener systems 18-20 Berlin (Germany) * TC 20 Aircraft and space vehicles 18-21 Exton (USA) TC 84 Devices for administration of medicinal products and intravascular catheters 19-21 Singapore (Singapore) * TC 212 Clinical laboratory testing and in vitro diagnostic test systems 20-22 Tokyo (Japan) * TC 269 Railway applications 27 Milan (Italy) ** TC 221 Geosynthetics 30 Berlin (Germany) ** TC 44/SC 6 Welding and allied processes/Resistance welding and allied mechanical joining Berlin (Germany) ** TC 41 Pulleys and belts (including veebelts) TC 270 Plastics and rubber machines * TC 276 Biotechnology New Delhi (India) ** TC 23/SC 18 Tractors and machinery for agriculture and forestry/Irrigation and drainage equipment and systems London (United Kingdom) ** TC 59/SC 2 Buildings and civil engineering works/Terminology and harmonization of languages ** TC 44/SC 11 Welding and allied processes/Qualification requirements for welding and allied processes personnel Paris (France) ** TC 44/SC 3 Welding and allied processes/Welding consumables Paris (France) ** TC 17/SC 3 Steel/Steels for structural purposes Paris (France) ** TC 58/SC 4 Gas cylinders/Operational requirements for gas cylinders (South America) ** JTC 1/SC 35 Information technology/User interfaces December 2013 11 Frankfurt (Germany) 12-13 Berlin (Germany) 4th Quarter 2013 Month unknown 2013 Bratislava (Slovakia) January 2014 13-14 February 2014 10-14 (Sweden) ** TC 213 Dimensional and geometrical product specifications and verification TC 118 Compressors and pneumatic tools, machines and equipment March 2014 11-14 London (United Kingdom) 11-14 London (United Kingdom) * TC 118/SC 3 Compressors and pneumatic tools, machines and equipment/Pneumatic tools and machines 11-14 London (United Kingdom) * TC 118/SC 6 Compressors and pneumatic tools, machines and equipment/Air compressors and compressed air systems 13 London (United Kingdom) * TC 118/SC 1 Compressors and pneumatic tools, machines and equipment/Process compressors 13 London (United Kingdom) * TC 118/SC 4 Compressors and pneumatic tools, machines and equipment/Compressed air purity specification and compressed air treatment equipment 23-27 Warsaw (Poland) * TC 107 Metallic and other inorganic coatings 23-27 Warsaw (Poland) * TC 107/SC 3 Metallic and other inorganic coatings/Electrodeposited coatings and related finishes 23-27 Warsaw (Poland) * TC 107/SC 4 Metallic and other inorganic coatings/Hot dip coatings (galvanized, etc.) 23-27 Warsaw (Poland) * TC 107/SC 7 Metallic and other inorganic coatings/Corrosion tests 23-27 Warsaw (Poland) * TC 107/SC 8 Metallic and other inorganic coatings/Chemical conversion coatings 27-28 Geneva (Switzerland) * COUNCIL Council ** PC 271 Compliance management systems ** TC 257 General technical rules for determination of energy savings in renovation projects, industrial enterprises and regions March-April 2014 31-4 Vienna (Austria) 1st Quarter 2014 (Netherlands) April 2014 7-11 Delft (Netherlands) * TC 6 Paper, board and pulps 7-11 Delft (Netherlands) * TC 6/SC 2 Paper, board and pulps/Test methods and quality specifications for paper and board 7-11 Lund (Sweden) * TC 92 Fire safety 7-11 Vitoria (Brazil) * TC 102 Iron ore and direct reduced iron 7-11 Vitoria (Brazil) * TC 102/SC 1 Iron ore and direct reduced iron/Sampling 7-11 Vitoria (Brazil) * TC 102/SC 2 Iron ore and direct reduced iron/Chemical analysis 7-11 Vitoria (Brazil) * TC 102/SC 3 Iron ore and direct reduced iron/Physical testing 7-11 Bologna (Italy) * TC 110/SC 4 Industrial trucks/Rough-terrain trucks 7-11 Amsterdam (Netherlands) * TC 161 Control and protective devices for gas and/or oil burners and appliances 8-9 (Japan) ** TC 199 Safety of machinery 8-10 (Brazil) ** TC 67/SC 2 Materials, equipment and offshore structures for petroleum, petrochemical and natural gas industries/Pipeline transportation systems 14-15 Hong Kong (Hong Kong, China) * JTC 1/SC 27 Information technology/IT Security techniques 21-25 (Thailand) ** TC 34 Food products 23-24 (Europe) ** TC 167 Steel and aluminium structures Berlin (Germany) ** TC 34/SC 2 Food products/Oleaginous seeds and fruits and oilseed meals Berlin (Germany) ** TC 34/SC 11 Food products/Animal and vegetable fats and oils May 2014 5-9 Washington, D.C (USA) * TC 46 Information and documentation 9-16 London (United Kingdom) * TC 10 Technical product documentation 9-16 London (United Kingdom) * TC 10/SC 1 Technical product documentation/Basic conventions 9-16 London (United Kingdom) * TC 10/SC 6 Technical product documentation/Mechanical engineering documentation 12-16 London (United Kingdom) ** TC 68/SC 4 Financial services/Securities and related financial instruments 12-16 Zhangjiajie (China) ** TC 195 Building construction machinery and equipment 12-16 Zhangjiajie (China) ** TC 195/SC 1 Building construction machinery and equipment/Machinery and equipment for concrete work 14-16 Rosslyn (USA) ** TC 145 Graphical symbols 14-16 Rosslyn (USA) ** TC 145/SC 1 Graphical symbols/Public information symbols 14-16 Rosslyn (USA) ** TC 145/SC 2 Graphical symbols/Safety identification, signs, shapes, symbols and colours 14-16 Rosslyn (USA) ** TC 145/SC 3 Graphical symbols/Graphical symbols for use on equipment 15 London (United Kingdom) * TC 68 Financial services 19-23 Berlin (Germany) ** TC 43 Acoustics 19-23 Berlin (Germany) ** TC 43/SC 1 Acoustics/Noise 19-24 Karuizawa (Japan) ** TC 215 Health informatics 22 Prague (Czech Republic) * TC 122 Packaging 23-24 Beijing (China) ** TC 24/SC 4 Particle characterization including sieving/Particle characterization Washington, D.C (USA) ** TC 46/SC 11 Information and documentation/Archives/records management June 2014 1-6 (Sweden) ** TC 127 Earth-moving machinery 5-6 Berlin (Germany) * TC 211 Geographic information/Geomatics 16-20 Incheon (Korea, Republic of) * TC 121 Anaesthetic and respiratory equipment Düsseldorf (Germany) ** TC 17/SC 17 Steel/Steel wire rod and wire products * REMCO Committee on reference materials * JTC 1/SC 22 Information technology/Programming languages, their environments and system software interfac- July 2014 8-11 Boulder (USA) September 2014 8-9 Madrid (Spain) es 8-12 Paris (France) ** TC 108/SC 5 Mechanical vibration, shock and condition monitoring/Condition monitoring and diagnostics of machine systems 10-12 Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) * GA General Assembly 13 Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) * COUNCIL Council 18-19 Manchester (United Kingdom) ** TC 24/SC 4 Particle characterization including sieving/Particle characterization (USA) ** TC 34/SC 16 Food products/Horizontal methods for molecular biomarker analysis Milan (Italy) ** TC 39/SC 4 Machine tools/Woodworking machines Montreal (Canada) ** TC 213 Dimensional and geometrical product specifications and verification ** TC 48 Laboratory equipment 3rd Quarter 2014 London (United Kingdom) October 2014 5-10 Berlin (Germany) ** TC 215 Health informatics 23-24 (South Africa) ** TC 178 Lifts, escalators and moving walks Toronto (Canada) ** TC 59 Buildings and civil engineering works Prague (Czech Republic) ** TC 135 Non-destructive testing ** TC 45 Rubber and rubber products (Portugal) ** TC 34/SC 4 Food products/Cereals and pulses (South Africa) ** TC 146 Air quality ** TC 34/SC 7 Food products/Spices, culinary herbs and condiments (Australia) ** TC 17/SC 1 Steel/Methods of determination of chemical composition (Brazil) ** TC 28 Petroleum products and lubricants Beijing (China) ** TC 36 Cinematography (Germany) ** TC 37 Terminology and other language and content resources (Japan) ** TC 44 Welding and allied processes Nairobi (Kenya) ** TC 138 Plastics pipes, fittings and valves for the transport of fluids (United Kingdom) ** TC 142 Cleaning equipment for air and other gases November 2014 3-7 Cape Town (South Africa) 4th Quarter 2014 2nd Semester 2014 Madrid (Spain) Month unknown 2014 Suzhou (China) ** TC 164 Mechanical testing of metals (Germany) ** TC 190 Soil quality St. Petersburg, Florida (USA) ** TC 115 Pumps London (United Kingdom) ** TC 213 Dimensional and geometrical product specifications and verification Foshan (China) ** TC 107 Metallic and other inorganic coatings Foshan (China) ** TC 107/SC 3 Metallic and other inorganic coatings/Electrodeposited coatings and related finishes Foshan (China) ** TC 107/SC 4 Metallic and other inorganic coatings/Hot dip coatings (galvanized, etc.) Foshan (China) ** TC 107/SC 7 Metallic and other inorganic coatings/Corrosion tests Foshan (China) ** TC 107/SC 8 Metallic and other inorganic coatings/Chemical conversion coatings (France) ** TC 29 Small tools (France) ** TC 29/SC 9 Small tools/Tools with cutting edges made of hard cutting materials Tienjin (China) ** TC 161 Control and protective devices for gas and/or oil burners and appliances (Europe) ** TC 215 Health informatics London (United Kingdom) ** TC 4 Rolling bearings Beijing (China) ** TC 46 Information and documentation ** TC 172/SC 7 Optics and photonics/Ophthalmic optics and instruments ** TC 215 Health informatics * TC 154 Processes, data elements and documents in commerce, industry and administration ** JTC 1 Information technology (South Africa) ** REMCO Committee on reference materials (Switzerland) ** TC 17/SC 17 Steel/Steel wire rod and wire products (Finland) ** TC 44 Welding and allied processes (France) ** TC 45 Rubber and rubber products Berlin (Germany) ** TC 138 Plastics pipes, fittings and valves for the transport of fluids February 2015 1st Quarter 2015 April 2015 May 2015 18-22 2nd Quarter 2015 (China) 3rd Quarter 2015 Sao Paulo (Brazil) October 2015 21-25 Berlin (Germany) November 2015 (China) Month unknown 2015 (Japan) ** TC 142 Cleaning equipment for air and other gases (China) ** TC 155 Nickel and nickel alloys (United Kingdom) ** TC 164 Mechanical testing of metals (Austria) ** TC 190 Soil quality Seoul (Korea, Republic of) ** TC 161 Control and protective devices for gas and/or oil burners and appliances (Australia) ** TC 178 Lifts, escalators and moving walks ** JTC 1 Information technology (Russian Federation) ** REMCO Committee on reference materials Beijing (China) ** TC 17/SC 1 Steel/Methods of determination of chemical composition (Australia) ** TC 44 Welding and allied processes April 2016 November 2016 (Norway) Month unknown 2016