Flow and temperature effects on life history diversity of Oncorhynchus mykiss in the Yakima River basin Authors: Ian Courter, Casey Justice, and Steve Cramer Abstract Oncorhynchus mykiss populations with ocean access display considerable life history plasticity. Resident (rainbow trout) and anadromous (steelhead) adults commonly produce offspring of the alternate ecotype, but environmental drivers of this life history variability are not well understood. To explore potential environmental factors influencing the distribution of resident and anadromous O. mykiss in the Yakima River basin, we used a life-cycle modeling approach to simulate flow and temperature effects on relative reproductive success of each ecotype. As a supplement to more traditional hypotheses about declining steelhead abundance, we propose a theory that more closely resembles evidence from pristine rivers. We hypothesize that flow regimes providing cool temperatures and maintaining depth and velocities necessary to sustain adult O. mykiss throughout the summer and fall seasons result in increased resident rainbow trout abundance and decreased steelhead abundance. Model results indicated a correlation between flow and temperature conditions and relative reproductive success of the two ecotypes and appear to explain in part why the upper Yakima Basin supports renowned resident rainbow trout populations, while tributaries in the lower basin continue to produce predominantly steelhead. Location within the basin also played a central role in determining the life history composition of O. mykiss. Upper basin sites, having a higher mortality cost for migration, favored a resident life history even when local environmental conditions promoted a migratory life history strategy. Channel type was also an important determinant of ecotypic dominance, with higher relative reproductive success of anadromous spawners occurring in tributary habitats. Alteration of flow conditions in mainstem habitats had little effect on the relative reproductive success of anadromous O. mykiss. Our modeling demonstrated that tributary habitats were most likely to support an anadromous ecotype, and management actions that improve tributary habitats have the greatest potential to increase abundance of steelhead in the Yakima Basin. 1 Table of Contents Introduction ....................................................................................................................... 3 Modeling Methods ............................................................................................................ 5 Study Area Description ................................................................................................ 7 Spatial Structure ........................................................................................................... 8 Carrying Capacity ...................................................................................................... 10 Growth ......................................................................................................................... 14 Smoltification............................................................................................................... 16 Survival ........................................................................................................................ 16 Maturity, Sex Composition, and Fecundity.............................................................. 19 Mate Selectivity ........................................................................................................... 20 Cross-Ecotype Production.......................................................................................... 21 Dispersal....................................................................................................................... 22 Model Sensitivity ......................................................................................................... 22 Results .............................................................................................................................. 23 Model Sensitivity ......................................................................................................... 26 Discussion and Conclusions ........................................................................................... 28 References ........................................................................................................................ 32 Appendices ....................................................................................................................... 38 2 Introduction Naturally spawning populations of both resident and anadromous Oncorhynchus mykiss populations coexist in sympatry throughout the Columbia and Snake River basins. The anadromous life history form (steelhead) is listed as threatened under the Endangered Species Act (ESA) while the resident form (rainbow trout) is not. This divergence in listing status sustains the lingering confusion surrounding the biology of the species and has proven problematic when attempting to evaluate anadromous O. mykiss population viability. Better explanation of the biological mechanisms that lead to predominance of anadromy, residency, or a balanced mixture is needed. As in other parts of the Columbia and Snake River Basin, Yakima River steelhead are listed as threatened. A recovery plan, as required for species listed under the ESA, has been developed for Middle Columbia River (MCR) Steelhead, which includes populations in the Yakima, Walla Walla, Deschutes, John Day and Umatilla basins. According to the Plan, three populations in the MCR Evolutionarily Significant Unit (ESU) were determined to be at high risk of extinction, and two of those are in the Yakima Basin. The population of steelhead that spawns in the upper Yakima River is reportedly the most jeopardized independent steelhead population in the Columbia Basin, with a 10-year geometric mean abundance of only 85 adult spawners (Conley et al. 2008). The upper Yakima Basin is routinely cited as an example of imperiled steelhead habitat (Good et al. 2007). Although few steelhead return to the upper Yakima River, resident rainbow trout are abundant there and support one of the most popular wild trout fisheries in Washington. Hatchery trout have not been stocked since 1991, and genetic sampling indicates the resident trout are similar to native steelhead, and quite distinct from the hatchery stocks formerly planted (Busack et al. 2005). Both mainstem and tributary rainbow trout populations in the upper basin have been stable in abundance and size since annual monitoring began in 1990 (Ham and Pearsons 2000; Temple et al. 2004). In contrast, O. mykiss populations in the lower basin, particularly Satus and Toppenish Creeks, are predominantly composed of anadromous fish (Conley et al. 2008). Resident rainbow trout and steelhead are known to interbreed (Pearsons et al. 2007 and McMillan et al. 2007), and recent genetic analysis indicates a significant amount of genetic overlap between rainbow trout and steelhead in the upper Yakima River (Pearsons et al. 2007 and Blankenship pers. comm.). This evidence supports the conclusion that different life history forms of O. mykiss within a basin are likely interbreeding when spatial and temporal overlap in spawn timing occurs, congruent with genetic analyses conducted throughout the Pacific Rim (Busby et al. 1996, Docker and Heath 2003, and McPhee et al. 2007). Several studies have confirmed that in addition to interbreeding, both ecotypes are capable of producing offspring of the alternate ecotype. For example, recent otolith microchemistry studies revealed that both resident and anadromous O. mykiss in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Basin can have maternal origins of the alternate ecotype (Zimmerman et al. In Press); a population of stocked rainbow trout from California has given rise to an anadromous ecotype in the Santa Cruz River, Argentina that are 3 genetically indistinguishable from the resident population (Pascual et al. 2001); and breeding studies from the Grande Ronde River, Oregon and Sashin Creek, Alaska found that pure resident, pure anadromous and mixed spawner crosses all produced both resident and anadromous offspring (Carmichael pers. comm. and Thrower and Joyce 2004). Moreover, evidence suggests that while these life history traits are heritable (Thrower et al. 2004), the capacity of O. mykiss populations to produce steelhead is not lost after many generations of residency. For example, rainbow trout from Sashin Lake, Alaska maintain the capacity to produce smolts after over 70 years of isolation from anadromous recruitment (Thrower and Joyce 2004). The need to understand the factors driving the relative abundance of anadromous and resident O. mykiss is particularly relevant in the Yakima Basin, where flows in mainstem reaches are largely controlled by releases from upstream storage reservoirs. Both the MCR Recovery Plan and ESA consultations over water operations have identified an urgent need to understand how the production of anadromous and resident O. mykiss is affected by flow management. Thus, a strong practical need exists to understand if changes in flow can be used to achieve desired abundances of steelhead. Three primary mechanisms have been posed as explanations for the observed distributions of residency and anadromy in O. mykiss populations: genetic control, growth effects on conditional switching of life-histories, and differences in life history survival driven by environmental factors. Firstly, breeding experiments have established that the tendency to follow either a resident or anadromous life history is heritable in O. mykiss (Thrower et al. 2004); however, numerous studies point out that genetics is only one of several factors influencing life history response (Jonsson and Jonsson 1993; Hendry et al. 2004; Nussey et al. 2007; Nichols et al. 2008). Secondly, species of the family Salmonidae appear to have the ability to respond to environmental conditions by adopting either a resident or an anadromous life history. This ability is know as a statedependent or conditional life history strategy (Houston and McNamara 1992 and Jonsson and Jonsson 1993), and allows individuals to maximize their fitness dependent upon their phenotypic condition (Gross 1996 and Jonsson and Jonsson 1993). Independent of the conditional ability to switch life histories, a third possibility is that environmental circumstances simply result in greater survival and reproduction of one ecotype over the other. Pavlov et al. (2008) concluded this was the explanation for differences in frequency of the two ecotypes between adjacent, pristine rivers in the Kamchatka Russia. We hypothesize that the observed predominance of rainbow trout in the upper Yakima River main stem and steelhead in lower basin tributaries is controlled by environmental conditions. This same trend can be observed in numerous other regulated rivers throughout the Pacific Northwest and California. The typical explanation for this trend is centered on the higher cost of migration due to water storage and hydroelectric projects, predation, and commercial and sport fisheries. As a supplement to the more traditional hypotheses about declining steelhead abundance, our theory more closely resembles evidence from rivers with minimal anthropogenic effects, such as the Kamchatka Peninsula where unregulated rivers support thriving populations of six distinct O. mykiss life history types, including the traditional resident and anadromous forms as well as a range of estuarine and amphidromous ecotypes. 4 More explicitly, we theorize that flow regimes providing cool temperatures and maintaining depth and velocities necessary to sustain adult O. mykiss throughout the summer and fall seasons will result in increased resident rainbow trout populations and decreased steelhead abundance. This is consistent with a commonly referenced ecological principle that “when the animal’s needs are being met, it stays where it is; when they are not, it moves until it finds appropriate conditions for its current demands (Thorpe 1994).” Furthermore, this hypothesis may explain why basins like the upper Yakima support renowned resident rainbow trout populations and dwindling steelhead populations. The shift of an O. mykiss population from residents to predominantly anadromous occurs when the benefits of freshwater survival no longer outweigh the increased fecundity associated with ocean migration. We expect non-anadromous individuals to experience the greatest survival pinch when flows drop to levels that would not sustain the depth and velocity requirements of adult rainbow trout and/or summer temperatures exceeded approximately 18oC (Todd et al. 2008). In these environments, migratory life-histories were expected to predominant. Both survival and fecundity are affected by body size, and growth is often hypothesized as a potential predictor of life history response in facultatively anadromous salmonids (Jonsson and Jonsson 1993; Hendry et al. 2004; Thorpe et al. 1998; Mangel and Satterthwaite 2008). In this paper, we examine the influence of environmental conditions (i.e. temperature and flow) on growth and survival, and simulate resident and anadromous relative reproductive success in O. mykiss populations throughout the Yakima Basin. In this paper we describe an approach that integrated existing information into a lifecycle simulation model to predict resident and anadromous relative reproductive success in different portions of the Basin. The modeling framework utilized mathematical functions to account for temperature effects on growth, flow effects on juvenile and adult survival, and effects of both body size and life history type on fecundity. We then compared the relative reproductive success of steelhead and resident rainbow trout predicted by the Life History Response Model (LHRM) to the observed distribution of steelhead and rainbow trout in the Yakima River basin. Specifically, we address the following questions: (i) What factors best account for the observed distribution of the two ecotypes in the Yakima Basin? (ii) How are variation in flow and temperature likely to influence those relative distributions? Modeling Methods There are likely numerous valid modeling approaches for quantifying the effects of environmental conditions on life history traits. Roff (2002) presents an extensive review of quantitative approaches to account for life history variation, and in regard to determining relative fitness between life-histories, he concludes, “In circumstances in which there is both density-dependence and stochastic variation, a simulation approach is perhaps the only presently viable approach.” Life-cycle modeling is our preferred method because drivers can be appropriately quantified spatially and temporally. This approach allows one to examine the true balance of life history drivers operating in succession between life stages and across multiple generations with environmental conditions specific to a river segment of interest. Using data collected in the Yakima River basin, we 5 developed a deterministic life-cycle model (LHRM) that combines survival and fecundity tradeoffs into a dynamic framework to predict the balance between resident and anadromous O. mykiss relative reproductive success under different environmental conditions. A simple depiction of the linkages between primary functions of the LHRM is provided in Figure 1. The model operates on a daily time step. Flow and temperature conditions, specified for a specific river reach of interest, influence growth and available habitat area for fry, juvenile and resident adult O. mykiss. The model evaluates fish size and calculates the average territory size requirements of fish within each age-class. Based on availability of habitat, the model calculates carrying capacity for fry, juvenile and resident adults. Density dependent mortality acts on the fish during the summer and fall seasons when habitat area is limited and fish growth is at its highest. Winter mortality is fixed because fish metabolism is slowed and competition for space is no longer expected to limit survival. We assume no competition for space between the three freshwater life stages because they tend to occupy habitat with different depths and velocities. By the time juveniles have reached a sufficient size for smoltification, they have already made a life history decision to be either anadromous or resident. These decisions were predetermined by fixed rates of resident and anadromous offspring production estimated for each of the possible spawner crosses. Smolt-to-adult survival is dependent on smolt size at emigration and population location within the Yakima Basin. Fecundity of adult resident and anadromous female spawners is size dependent and ecotype dependent, resulting in residents that produce fewer eggs per female at size than anadromous females. A detailed description of various model functions and parameter values is provided in Appendix A. Model results are expressed in terms of relative reproductive success. We define relative reproductive success as the ratio of total anadromous egg production to total resident egg production. Values of relative reproductive success greater than one indicate conditions that favor an anadromous life history. Each time a simulation is carried out under a specified set of flow and temperature conditions, the model quickly approaches an equilibrium ratio of mature resident and anadromous individuals with a measure of total egg production unique to the size distribution of fish within each life history category. As defined by Hendry et al. 2004, “the change in relative fitness conferred by a given behavior (e.g. migration) is determined by the influence of that behavior on survival to maturity, age at maturity, and reproductive output at maturity.” In our model, the ideal metric for rolling up all three of these parameters into a single measure, which allows us to make relative comparisons between fitness’s of the two life-histories, is egg production at equilibrium. For simplicity and consistency, we evaluated reproductive success at simulation year-ten because the model reached equilibrium within this timeframe under all specified flow and temperature conditions. We compared predictions of relative reproductive success across model reaches to determine if expected patterns in the composition of anadromous and resident life history types were similar to the observed distribution of O. mykiss ecotypes within the Yakima Basin. Additionally, we examined the effects of environmental conditions on relative reproductive success of anadromous O. mykiss by simulating incremental changes in flow and temperature during the summer base-flow period (June – October) in three different 6 reaches (Kittitas, Taneum, and Toppenish Mid). Our analysis of flow and temperature effects was limited to summer-fall because flow and temperature constraints on rearing capacity are likely to be greatest during this period. Figure 1. Model flow chart showing key model inputs and relationships between model components. Study Area Description The Yakima Basin collects runoff from a network of streams draining the eastern slopes of the Cascade Mountain Range in the southern half of Washington. Most of these streams enter the two main branches off the basin, the Naches and the upper Yakima rivers, which join at rkm 183. The Yakima River flows southward through the arid Yakima Valley to eventually join the Columbia River 541 km upstream of the Pacific Ocean (340 ft msl). Precipitation varies from approximately 128 inches along the crest of the Cascades to less than 8 inches on the eastern valley floor. Much of the precipitation falls as snow in the upper basin, and flows generally peak as snowmelt in the spring. Flows in the upper Yakima Basin (above the Naches confluence) are augmented during 7 summer by releases from three headwater storage reservoirs (~2,500 ft msl with ~840,000 acre-ft active storage), much of which is eventually diverted to irrigation networks downstream. Two additional storage reservoirs (~230,000 acre-ft active storage) modify the flow regime in the Naches branch. Spawning distribution of steelhead in the Yakima Basin for brood years 1990-1992, as determined through radio-telemetry studies, was: 46% in the Satus Basin; 31% in the Naches Basin; 11% in the Toppenish Basin; 2% in the Marion Drain; 4% in the Yakima River main stem below Roza Dam; and 6% in the Yakima River or tributaries above Roza Dam (rkm 201). Anadromous adults can be counted passing through fish ladders at two irrigation diversions; Roza Dam and Prosser Dam (rkm 74). A fish facility near Prosser Dam also samples juveniles migrating downstream. Steelhead spawning is less widely distributed than rainbow trout, but is within the geographic range of rainbow trout spawning. The spawning time of rainbow trout and steelhead is similar, and peaks progressively later as elevation increases. Steelhead represent less than 1% of the O. mykiss spawners in the upper Yakima River above Roza Dam (Pearsons et al. 1998), but nearly 100% of the O. mykiss found in Satus and Toppenish creeks in the lower basin (Hubble 1992). Spatial Structure To study environmental drivers of anadromy and residency at an appropriate spatial scale, we selected spatial units (reaches) within each of the four Yakima Basin Steelhead Independent Populations identified in the steelhead Recovery Plan: Upper Yakima, Naches, Toppenish Creek and Satus Creek (Figure 2; Table 1). Reaches were chosen for which hydraulic modeling of fish habitat had been completed; either Physical Habitat Simulation (PHABSIM) (Bovee et al. 1998) or two-dimensional (2D) modeling. This information was necessary to quantify the effects of flow on habitat area. Additionally, daily temperature and flow data for each spatial unit were necessary as environmental data inputs to evaluate how the balance between residency and anadromy was influenced by environmental conditions. We simulated a total of nine model reaches—four tributary (Satus Creek, Toppenish Creek Mid and Upper, and Taneum Creek) and five mainstem reaches (Easton, Kittitas, Union Gap, Wapato and Naches). Flow conditions differed dramatically between mainstem and tributary sites. Figure 3 shows the contrast in typical hydrographs between Toppenish Creek (lower basin tributary) and the main stem of the upper Yakima River. Flows in Toppenish Creek drop to critically low levels in the summer and fall, while flows in the main-stem, augmented by reservoir releases, actually increase slightly through the summer until delivery of irrigation water drops sharply in late August. 8 Figure 2. Map of the Yakima Basin showing the four independent steelhead population boundaries and model reaches within each population (highlighted in pink). Pie charts indicate the proportion of total egg production of anadromous and resident spawners at equilibrium predicted by the LHRM for each model reach. Table 1. General characteristics of study reaches represented in the model. Model reach Yakima (Easton) Yakima (Kittitas) Taneum Cr. Naches Yakima (Union Gap) Yakima (Wapato) Toppenish Cr. (upper) Toppenish Cr. (mid) Satus Cr. Description Cle Elum river to Kachess Dam canyon toTaneum Cr. bridge at Rkm 0.7 to Diversion Canal mouth and Tieton R. Union Gap to Naches R. Satus Cr. to Union Gap Diversion Canal to NF Toppenish Cr. Diversion Canal to Simcoe Cr. Logy Cr. To Bull Cr. Years 2000-2007 2000-2007 2005-2008 2000-2007 1998-2007 1998-2007 2005-2008 2005-2008 1993-1998 Drainage Area (km²) 1,253 --199 3,312 ------1,301 1,117 Reach Length (km) 16.4 7 2.03 15.5 6.2 16 20 10.1 19.9 Reach Boundary (rkm) lower upper 309.7 326.1 239.2 246.2 0.7 2.7 6.0 21.5 177.2 183.4 155.2 171.2 76.2 96.2 47.2 57.3 38.0 57.9 July-Sept Mean Temp (°C) Flow(cfs) 15.2 422 15.9 2,656 14.8 11 16.0 984 18.1 3,112 18.1 584 16.1 16 18.5 18 18.1 13 9 600 500 3000 400 2000 300 200 1000 100 Flow (cfs) at Toppenish Cr. Flow (cfs) at Upper Yakima 4000 0 0 3/1/2007 4/1/2007 5/1/2007 6/1/2007 7/1/2007 8/1/2007 9/1/2007 10/1/2007 Figure 3. Spring through fall 2007 discharge for the Upper Yakima and Toppenish Creek subbasins. Carrying Capacity Numerous factors influence the carrying capacity of rearing O. mykiss in river environments including food availability, temperature, inter- and intraspecific competition, water depth and velocity, mesohabitat composition (i.e. pool, riffle, glide) and habitat complexity (e.g., instream cover, channel sinuosity). The model provides daily estimates of carrying capacity for each age class of rearing O. mykiss as a function of flow, temperature, and fish territory size (i.e., measure of intraspecific competition). Carrying capacity is then used in the model to estimate density-dependent survival rates for each age class via a hockey-stick relationship. Using site-specific analyses that quantified habitat area as a function of stream discharge (Figure 4), we developed relationships between carrying capacity and stream flow for fry (age 0), juveniles (age 1), and resident adult (ages 2-5) O. mykiss (Figure 5) for each modeled reach. Habitat area curves were derived from PHABSIM and 2D modeling conducted throughout the Yakima Basin (Frederiksen pers. comm.; Pacheco pers. comm.; Bovee et al. 2008). Depth and velocity suitability criteria for fry, juvenile, and adult O. mykiss were based on data from the upper Klamath River (T.R. Payne and Associates 2004) and were modified into a binary format for input into the 2D model following a collaborative Delphi process with biologists and stakeholders working in the Yakima Basin (Appendix B). Habitat area was converted to an index of carrying capacity for each life stage using a relationship between fish size and territory size developed by Grant and Kramer (1990) (Figure 6; Appendix A). Habitat area predicted from PHABSIM and 2D modeling was adjusted using a temperature suitability index to account for the effects of excessive stream temperatures on rearing capacity. The temperature suitability index was based on temperature criteria for juvenile steelhead developed by Sullivan et al. (2000) and is described by a hockey- 10 stick relationship with values ranging from 1.0 at temperatures less than 17°C to 0 at temperatures exceeding the incipient lethal temperature of 26°C. After adjusting for temperature effects, habitat area was divided by territory size to determine the daily carrying capacity for a given age class. We then calculated a moving average of the daily capacity estimates over a period of 30 days based on the assumption that changes in capacity resulting from differences in flow, temperature, or territory size would not occur instantaneously, but instead would occur gradually over an extended period. Estimates of suitable habitat area, such as Weighted Useable Area (WUA), are species and life-stage-specific measures of suitable depth, velocity and substrate area commonly used to quantify flow effects on fish habitat availability. It is not customary to convert habitat area estimates from PHABSIM and 2D modeling into estimates of carrying capacity because these indices of stream hydrodynamics are designed to examine relative effects of flow changes on habitat area—they are not predictions of true habitat carrying capacity. There are numerous other factors in addition to depth, velocity and substrate that influence production of fish (i.e. food availability, temperature, cover, etc.). Because of this, we caution readers not to draw conclusions about actual fish abundance or production potential from our carrying capacity estimates, and note that LHRM results are expressed in relative terms to avoid misinterpretation. Actual fish carrying capacity was not estimated in any of the spatial units analyzed, but it was necessary to convert habitat area estimates into a metric suitable for population modeling. 11 6000 75000 Satus 4800 60000 16000 3600 45000 12000 2400 30000 8000 1200 15000 4000 0 0 0 -1 Habitat Area (m² km ) 20000 Wapato 10000 100 200 300 400 0 0 40000 Toppenish Mid 3500 7000 10500 14000 0 32000 1600 6000 24000 1200 4000 16000 800 2000 8000 400 0 0 6000 100 200 300 400 2500 5000 7500 10000 10000 3600 18000 7500 2400 12000 5000 1200 6000 2500 0 50 100 150 200 25 12500 Naches 24000 0 7500 10000 75 100 1500 2000 Taneum 0 4800 0 5000 0 0 30000 Toppenish Upper 2500 2000 Unioun Gap 8000 0 Kittitas 50 Easton 0 0 2000 4000 Flow (cfs) 6000 8000 0 500 1000 Fry Juvenile Adult Figure 4. Modeled habitat area as a function of flow for fry, juvenile and resident adult life stages in the nine LHRM reaches. Tributary reaches derived from PHABSIM studies conducted by the Yakima Nation and Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (Frederiksen pers. comm.; Pacheco pers. comm.). Mainstem Yakima and Naches River reaches derived from 2D modeling conducted by the U.S. Geological Survey (Bovee et al. 2008). 12 600 Fry (x100) Juveniles (x10) Adults Carrying Capacity km -1 500 400 300 200 100 0 0 100 200 300 400 Flow (cfs) Figure 5. Fry, juvenile and adult O. mykiss carrying capacity as a function of flow in Satus Creek. Capacities derived from habitat area estimates using average territory sizes for fry (0.08 m2), juveniles (1.48 m2) and adults (10.34 m2). Y-axis scaled down by 100x for fry and 10x for juveniles. 16 14 Territory Size (m²) 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 Fork Length (mm) Figure 6. Relationship between stream-dwelling salmonid size and territory size (Grant and Kramer 1990) used to convert habitat area estimates to estimates of carrying capacity. 13 Growth The effects of environmental conditions on fish growth in freshwater is captured through a bioenergetic model, whereby growth is influenced by food availability and stream temperature. Fish size information is utilized by numerous functions in the life cycle model including carrying capacity, overwinter survival, smoltification, marine survival, and fecundity. We developed a generalized growth model following the methods described by Mangel and Satterthwaite (2008) and Thorpe et al. (1998). According to this model, growth is defined as the difference between anabolic gains (i.e. consumption) and catabolic losses (i.e. energy lost through respiration). Daily growth for an average-sized fish on day t is given by: dW dt qi qe (t ) (T (t ))W a i e xT (t )W b ; Where Wi denotes fish mass in grams and T denotes daily average stream temperature (°C). The left-hand side of the equation represents anabolic gains, where qi denotes individual variation in food finding and processing ability and qe denotes environmental variation in food availability. The function (T (t )) describes the influence of stream temperature on food finding and processing ability and was based on the Thornton and Lessem algorithm described in Hanson (1997) and parameterized using data for juvenile steelhead described in Sullivan et al. (2000). According to this function, food finding and processing ability at full ration peaks between about 12 and18°C and declines rapidly at temperatures exceeding 20°C. An optimal temperature for consumption between 12 and 18°C is consistent with values reported in other salmonid studies (Elliott 1994; Tyler and Bolduc 2008). We assumed growth is described by the von Bertalanffy formula by setting the weight exponents to a = 2/3 and b = 1. The assumption that metabolic costs grow exponentially with a coefficient of x = 0.06818 was based on the work of Stewart (1980). We calibrated the growth model to conditions in the Yakima River basin using size at age data provided by the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife and the Yakama Nation Fisheries Program. We grouped data from the main stem Yakima River into sites between Roza Dam and the Cle Elum River confluence and sites between the Cle Elum confluence and Easton Dam to correspond with broad-scale differences in growth rates. Additionally, we modeled growth in three tributary sites including Taneum Creek, Satus Creek, and Toppenish Creek. The growth model was calibrated separately for each site using daily average temperature data obtained from the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation’s Hydromet database and from temperature data provided by the Yakama Nation Fisheries Program. For mainstem sites, we averaged the temperature data from 1990 to 1993 to correspond with the years that size at age data was collected. With the exception of Toppenish Creek, temperature data from the tributaries was not available for the years during which size-at-age data was collected. Therefore, we used average temperatures for all available years for model calibrations, assuming that the observed growth data was reflective of average stream temperatures. The growth model was calibrated by solving for the values of qi and αi which minimized the variation between the model prediction and the observed size at age data. The qe parameter was held fixed at 1.0 for all sites to provide a consistent benchmark for food availability across sites and to aid in evaluation of model sensitivity to changes in food 14 availability. We assumed a constant coefficient of variation of 16% based on the average variation in size-at-age data observed in mainstem Yakima River sites. The growth model appeared to fit the data reasonably well, explaining approximately 76% of the variation in individual fish length in mainstem sites between Roza Dam and the Cle Elum confluence (Figure 7). According to the growth model, fish length increases rapidly from spring through summer, and is followed by periods of low or no growth during the winter months. Growth rate in mainstem sites peaked at approximately 19°C and then declined rapidly to values below zero at temperatures exceeding 23°C (Figure 8). Fish growth was considerably slower in the tributaries, with the growth model explaining approximately 50% of the variation in individual fish length on average. 600 Age-0 Age-1 Fork length (mm) 500 Age-2 Age-3 Age-4 Age-5 Spawning 27-Mar 400 Emergence 26-Jun 300 200 100 29-Aug 27-Nov 31-May 2-Dec 2-Mar 5-Jun 3-Sep 7-Mar 8-Sep 7-Dec 10-Jun 12-Mar 12-Dec 15-Jun 13-Sep 18-Dec 17-Mar 19-Sep 23-Mar 21-Jun 24-Sep 23-Dec 26-Jun 0 Time since emergence Figure 7. Observed size-at-age data (circles) from mainstem Yakima River sites between Roza Dam and the Cle Elum River confluence (1990-1993) and the model-predicted growth curve with 95% confidence intervals (black lines). 15 0.05 Growth rate (g day -1) 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.01 0.00 -0.01 0 5 10 15 20 25 Average daily stream temperature (°C) Figure 8. Predicted growth rate (g ∙ day -1) in the main stem Yakima River between Roza Dam and the Cle Elum River as a function of stream temperature. Smoltification The age at which juvenile anadromous fish migrate to the ocean is estimated in the model as a function of fish size at emigration. For simplicity, we assume that all fish of sufficient size migrate to the ocean on May 1st, which was estimated as the median date of emigration for all smolts captured at the Chandler Juvenile Fish Facilities from 19992008. We assume that juvenile fish must achieve a length of at least 150 mm in order to smolt. This threshold length for smoltification was calculated as the fifth percentile of O. mykiss smolt lengths collected at the Chandler Juvenile Fish Facility (David Lind, pers. comm.) and is consistent with estimates of minimum O. mykiss smolt size at other sites sampled in the Columbia and Snake River Basins (Yanke et al. 2007; White et al. 2007). For each age class of anadromous juveniles, the model calculates the proportion of fish that exceed 150 mm on May 1st, assuming a growth trajectory as described above and a coefficient of variation of 16%. All anadromous juveniles are assumed to emigrate by the spring of their third year in freshwater because age-4 smolts are rarely observed in the Yakima Basin. Survival Survival of rearing O. mykiss in freshwater was estimated using two different methods depending on the time of year. During winter (November-February), when growth is very limited due to cold river temperatures and activity is expected to slow considerably, survival was assumed to be density-independent and size-dependent. Numerous studies have indicated that survival of juvenile salmonids during winter is positively related to fish size (Quinn and Peterson 1996; Ebersole et al. 2006; Smith and Griffith 1994). Lacking specific data from the Yakima River basin, we used the results from a study of rainbow trout survival in the Henrys Fork of the Snake River, Idaho (Smith and Griffith 16 1994) to develop a size-dependent logistic function for over-winter survival (Figure 9). We assumed an additional 30% mortality due to predation and other mortality factors that were not accounted for in the Smith and Griffith study. This additional mortality was determined by selecting the value which, when combined with other sources of mortality in the model such as post-spawning mortality and mortality from spring to fall, roughly corresponded with observed annual survival rates of resident O. mykiss in the upper Yakima River. During spring through fall (March – October), daily survival rates were modeled as a function of carrying capacity and abundance. As fish grow, territory size increases (Figure 6) and habitat carrying capacity declines. In addition, changes in river discharge influence rearing capacity via changes in the quantity of available rearing habitat (Figure 4). Such changes in capacity directly influence freshwater survival via a hockey-stick function (Appendix A). When the estimated abundance for a given age class was less than the predicted rearing capacity for that age class, we assumed that fish survive at a maximum annual rate of 40% for fry, and 80% for all other age classes. Lacking specific data from the Yakima Basin on maximum survival rates of resident O. mykiss at low abundance, we selected these values based on professional judgment and evaluated model sensitivity to these values to determine their relative influence on key model results. When abundance for a given age class exceeded the predicted rearing capacity, we assumed survival would decline in a density-dependent manner such that the abundance would quickly approach capacity. Specifically, survival S of fish of age m on day t is calculated as the ratio of capacity to abundance expressed over a period of d days and is given by: Sm,t = (Km,t/Nm,t)(1/d), where K is the estimated capacity, N is abundance, and d is an assumed lag period for survival. We apply a lag period of 14 days to density-dependent survival, such that, when abundance exceeds capacity, the mortality associated with this capacity limitation is expressed over an extended period of time (e.g. 14 days) instead of occurring instantaneously. Significant mortality of resident trout occurs shortly after spawning as a result of increased energy expenditure associated with competition for mates and spawning territories and disproportionate allocation of resources for gonadal development (Schroeder and Smith 1989). In the model, we assume a post-spawning survival rate of 55% based on a estimates from Umtanum Creek, a tributary to the Yakima River (Wydoski and Whitney 2003). Egg-to-fry survival was assumed to be 20% for both resident and anadromous offspring based on average egg-to-fry survival estimates for steelhead in Snow Creek, Washington (Bley and Morning (1989)). Survival of migrating smolts was based on smolt-to-adult return rates (SAR) estimated from smolt and adult steelhead counts at Prosser and Roza dams on the Yakima River and an assumed relationship between smolt size at emigration and marine survival. We developed a logistic relationship between smolt size at emigration and ocean survival based on data presented in Ward et al. 1989. We then scaled the logistic relationship to 17 better reflect the lower average SAR rates observed for Yakima River steelhead compared with the coastal Keogh River population from which the logistic relationship was developed. Scaled relationships were developed separately for the lower Yakima Basin (below Roza Dam) and upper Yakima Basin (above Roza Dam) such that the SAR for an average-sized smolt (i.e., 175 mm) was equal to the geometric mean of the estimated SAR for steelhead smolts migrating from the Yakima River from 1985-2002 (Figure 10). Assuming a migration survival of 43.3% from the Upper Yakima River to Roza Dam, the geometric mean SAR for smolts originating from the upper basin was estimated to be 1.25% compared with a geometric mean of 2.88% for smolts originating from the lower basin (Chris Frederiksen Pers. Comm.). Over-winter survival Nov-Feb (%) 100 Smith and Griffith (1994) 80 60 Adjusted curve 40 20 0 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 Fork length (mm) Figure 9. Length-dependent over-winter survival function showing the original 18 Smolt-to-adult return rate (%) 10 8 Upper Yakima Basin Lower Yakima Basin 6 4 2 0 100 150 200 250 300 Length at emmigration (mm) Figure 10. Relationships between length at emigration (mm) and smolt-to-adult return rates for steelhead smolts originating from the upper Yakima Basin (above Roza Dam) and the lower Yakima Basin (below Roza Dam). Maturity, Sex Composition, and Fecundity Age-at-maturity for resident female spawners was estimated from age and maturation data collected in the main stem Yakima River above Roza Dam between 1990 and 1993 (WDFW, Gabriel Temple Pers. Comm.) (Appendix A). According to these data, the probability of a resident female attaining sexual maturity is roughly 8% at age 1, 22% at age 2, 47% at age 3, 73% at age 4, and 90% at age 5. We assumed that the resident O. mykiss population is composed of 60% males and 40% females based on average sex ratios observed in the upper Yakima Basin from 1990 to 1993 (Pearsons et al. 1993). The age distribution and sex composition for returning anadromous spawners was based on fish sampled at Prosser and Roza Dams between 2002 and 2005 (Conley et al. 2008; Appendix A). The majority of the run (i.e., roughly 60-80%) consisted of fish that migrated to the ocean as two year old smolts and returned to spawn after 1 or 2 years in the ocean. The sex composition of anadromous spawners is heavily skewed towards females, with the percentage of females averaging 68 and 78% at Prosser and Roza dams respectively. To capture the observed differences in age and sex composition of spawners sampled at upper basin (Roza) and lower basin (Prosser) locations, we applied values based on Prosser data to lower basin reaches (i.e., Satus Creek, Toppenish Creek, Wapato, Union Gap, and Naches) and values based on Roza data to upper basin reaches (i.e., Kittitas, Easton, and Taneum Creek). We used length-fecundity relationships developed from steelhead spawners captured at Prosser Dam (Conley et al. 2008) and resident O. mykiss sampled in tributaries and mainstem habitats in the upper Yakima Basin (Pearsons et al. 1993) to estimate the number of eggs produced by each spawning female (Appendix A; Figure 11). With an 19 average fecundity of about 5,100 eggs per female (Fast and Berg 2001), steelhead in the Yakima Basin are substantially more fecund than their resident counterparts, which average about 800 eggs per female. Though steelhead produce considerably more eggs per female, resident trout have a higher rate of iteroparity, roughly 25-90% (Schroeder and Smith 1989 and Buchanan et al. 1990) versus roughly 5% for steelhead (Schroeder and Smith 1989 and Chilcote 2001), which slightly offsets the fecundity advantage of anadromous O. mykiss. In the model, we assumed a repeat spawning rate for resident fish of 50% based on the average value observed for rainbow trout in the Deschutes River (Schroeder and Smith 1989). We used a repeat spawning rate of 5.4% for anadromous fish based on the average value observed for steelhead returning to the Yakima River (Conley et al. 2008). 8000 7000 Eggs per female 6000 Resident (mainstem) Resident (tributaries) Anadromous 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 Fork length (mm) Figure 11. Fork length (mm) versus eggs per female for resident and anadromous O. mykiss spawners in the Yakima Basin Mate Selectivity Spawning between resident and anadromous O. mykiss has been well documented (Pearsons et al. 2007 and McMillan et al. 2007), and we expect mate selection to be affected by fish size and abundance. We estimated a spawner fidelity rate based on anadromous and resident male abundance to account for the higher probability of anadromous females spawning with resident males when anadromous male abundance is low. We calculated a baseline anadromous spawner fidelity rate of 0.76 when the ratio of anadromous to resident male abundance was 1:1. Anadromous spawner fidelity is defined as the probability that an anadromous female with mate with an anadromous male. Our baseline estimate was derived from studies of O. mykiss mating systems on the Olympic Peninsula, Washington (McMillan et al. 2007; John McMillan Pers. comm.). The baseline fidelity rate was then scaled between zero and one by assuming that the fidelity 20 rate was proportional to the ratio of anadromous male to resident male spawners (Figure 12). Anadromous spawner fidelity 1.0 Baseline fidelity = 0.76 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 Proportion anadromous males (anadromous male spawners / total male spawners) Figure 12: Estimated anadromous female spawner fidelity as a function of the proportion of the population comprised of anadromous males. Cross-Ecotype Production Evidence of rainbow trout producing anadromous offspring and steelhead producing resident offspring (Pascual et al. 2001; Zimmerman et al. In Press; Thrower and Joyce 2004) made it necessary to accommodate cross-ecotype production within the LHRM. Juvenile fish size or growth has been hypothesized as an indicator of which life history, residency or anadromy, a fish will adopt. However, state-dependent modeling approaches explaining resident and anadromous salmonid production remain largely theoretical and there is little data available to parameterize such a model. We took a simplified, empirically-based approach by assuming a fixed proportion of juveniles from each parental cross adopt anadromous and resident life history strategies. Barring data specific to Yakima stocks, we assumed O. mykiss adopt life history strategies proportional to observed values from the Grande Ronde River, a tributary to the Snake River (Carmichael pers. comm.) (Figure 13). Model sensitivity to changes in estimates of crossecotype production was explored. 21 Proportion Smolting and Residualizing 1.0 0.10 0.38 0.8 0.52 0.6 0.82 Smolting Residualizing 0.90 0.4 0.62 0.48 0.2 0.18 0.0 StF x StM StF x RbM RbF x StM RbF x RbM Parent Spawners Figure 13. Proportion of offspring smolting and residualizing from each of the four possible parent crosses in the LHRM. St=steelhead; Rb=resident rainbow; F=female; and M=male Dispersal Juvenile dispersal in the fall from tributary to mainstem habitats was built into the model. Dispersal was a significant uncertainty in the LHRM because data limitations prevent adequate modeling of this behavior; however, anecdotal and fall trapping data (Conley et al. 2008) suggest that a portion of juvenile O. mykiss leave tributary habitats prior to smoltification and continue rearing in the Yakima River main stem. To test the importance of this behavior for determining the balance between anadromy and residency, we built mainstem holding reaches into the model and allowed a fixed proportion of age-1 and age-2 anadromous juveniles to leave tributary habitats and continue rearing in the main stem. Fixed percentages of fall migrants (Appendix A) were approximated based on estimates from the Grande Ronde Basin (Carmichael pers. comm.), and model sensitivity to dispersal rates was explored. Flow and temperature conditions in mainstem holding reaches was assumed to be the same as conditions in mainstem sites nearest the tributary of interest. Survival in holding reaches was assumed to be density-independent and was modeled as a function of stream temperature using the same temperature suitability index that was used to estimate temperature effects on rearing capacity. Model Sensitivity We evaluated model sensitivity in terms of relative reproductive success in year 10 to changes in a variety of key model parameters including smolt-to-adult survival rates, fallwinter dispersal rates, anadromous spawner fidelity, cross-ecotype smolt production, growth (i.e., food availability), age-at-maturity, length threshold for smoltification, and 22 maximum freshwater survival (Mar-Oct). We selected a range of reasonable values for each input parameter based on available empirical data, literature review, and/or professional judgment (Appendix C). For simplicity, we limited the sensitivity analysis to three model reaches (Kittitas, Taneum, and Toppenish Mid), representing different channel types, hydrologic regimes, and locations within the basin. To evaluate model sensitivity to assumptions about cross-ecotype smolt production, we adjusted the proportion of offspring from the anadromous female and resident male cross that smolt, and examined resulting changes in relative reproductive success in simulation year 10. We focused specifically on mating pairs involving anadromous females and resident males because the frequency of interbreeding between different ecotypes, and the fate of their offspring represents one of the critical uncertainties in the life history dynamics of O. mykiss in the Yakima Basin. Results After ten years of simulation using average flow and temperature conditions, comparisons of total egg production for resident and anadromous populations suggested that an anadromous life history strategy is favored in lower basin tributary reaches (e.g. Satus and Toppenish Creeks), while a resident strategy was most successful in all other reaches (Figure 2). Total anadromous egg production in lower tributary sites exceeded resident egg production by approximately 2-5 times, with relative reproductive success for anadromous fish being highest in the upper Toppenish and Satus Creek sites (Figure 14). Model predictions of total resident spawner abundance at equilibrium exceeded anadromous spawner abundance in all model reaches (Table 2). Resident spawner abundance (fish per km) ranged from 47 in Taneum Creek to 1,246 in the Wapato reach (mean = 491), while anadromous spawner abundance ranged from only 0.4 to 61 (mean = 18). Resident spawners mature at an earlier age and much smaller size than their anadromous counterparts, such that a typical anadromous female deposits several times more eggs than a resident female. Sex ratios are also quite different with females composing approximately 75% of anadromous spawners, but only 40% of resident spawners. As a result of the difference in fecundity and sex ratios, the different metrics used to express the relative production of anadromous to resident offspring (egg ratios and spawner ratios) are not directly comparable. However, the metrics show the same trend in response of a given population to changes in environmental factors such as flow or smolt-to-adult survival. 23 5 4 3 2 1 Satus Cr. Toppenish Cr. (mid) Toppenish Cr. (upper) Yakima (Wapato) Yakima (Union Gap) Naches Taneum Cr. Yakima (Kittitas) 0 Yakima (Easton) Relative reproductive success in year 10 (anadromous eggs / resident eggs) 6 Figure 14. Relative reproductive success in simulation Model reach year 10 for each model reach using baseline environmental conditions and default model parameters. The dashed line indicates the value at which resident and anadromous reproductive success is equal. Table 2. Summary of key model results for each reach in simulation year 10 including anadromous and resident spawner abundance, egg production, and relative reproductive success. Model results are standardized by reach length to aid in comparisons. Spawners ∙ km-1 Eggs ∙ km-1 Rel. Repr. Success Reside Anadromo Reside Anadromo Anad Eggs / Res Reach nt us nt us Eggs 198,43 Yakima (Easton) 626 3.7 9 19,681 0.10 134,91 Yakima (Kittitas) 394 6.0 3 31,264 0.23 Taneum Cr. 47 0.4 3,437 2,240 0.65 Naches 250 8.5 84,357 36,855 0.44 Yakima (Union 409,98 Gap) 1,199 58.7 6 249,420 0.61 427,34 Yakima (Wapato) 1,246 60.7 7 257,188 0.60 Toppenish Cr. (upper) 116 4.5 3,884 18,639 4.80 Toppenish Cr. (mid) 251 4.2 8,431 17,227 2.04 Satus Cr. 290 13.9 11,598 57,211 4.93 24 Simulated changes in flow and temperature substantially influenced relative reproductive success in Taneum and Toppenish Mid sites, but had little effect on populations in the Kittitas site (Figure 15). Reducing summer-fall flow in the Taneum tributary site by approximately 3.5 cfs resulted in a substantial shift in the balance of total egg production towards anadromy. Additional reductions in flow beyond approximately 4 cfs had little effect on relative reproductive success at this site. Similarly, steady increases in relative reproductive success resulted from moderate decreases in summer base flow in the Toppenish Mid reach. In contrast, reproductive success in the main stem Kittitas site was insensitive to simulated changes in flow of up to 600 cfs above and below summer base flow conditions. Relative Reproductive Success in Year 10 (Anadromous eggs /Resident eggs) 3.0 Kittitas (flow x100) Taneum Toppenish Mid 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 Hypothetical Flow Change from Observed, Summer-Fall (cfs) Figure 15. Changes in relative reproductive success in year 10 in response to simulated changes in flow (cfs) during summer and fall in three different sites (Kittitas, Taneum, and Toppenish Mid). Temperature changes did not appear to affect relative reproductive success of anadromous O. mykiss in the main stem Kittitas site, but did affect results in the Taneum and Toppenish Mid sites (Figure 16). Increasing temperature in the Taneum site reduced resident abundance and increased anadromous relative reproductive success up to about 2oC warmer than baseline, at which point anadromous relative reproductive success begins to decline. Surprisingly, the same effect was not observed in the Toppenish Mid site across the range of temperatures tested. This result was likely caused by the warmer baseline temperatures in Toppenish Mid and subsequent reduction in growth at temperatures that exceeded the optimum of 17oC. Growth reduction in the Toppenish Mid site resulted in a shift in age-at-smoltification toward older age smolts and a reduction in smolt-to-adult survival. 25 Relative Reproductive Success in Year 10 (Anadromous eggs /Resident eggs) 3.0 2.5 Kittitas Taneum Toppenish Mid 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 o Hypothetical Temperature Change from Observed, Summer-Fall ( C) Figure 16. Changes in relative reproductive success in year 10 in response to simulated changes in stream temperature (°C) during summer and fall in three different sites (Kittitas, Taneum, and Toppenish Mid). Model Sensitivity Model results were highly sensitive to changes in smolt-to-adult survival, moderately sensitive to changes in cross-ecotype production, spawner fidelity, and growth rate (i.e. food availability), and minimally sensitive to changes in winter dispersal rates, smolt size threshold, age-at-maturity, and maximum freshwater survival during spring through fall (Appendix D). Sensitivity results generally varied by channel type, with changes in relative reproductive success being greatest in tributary reaches and less pronounced in mainstem reaches. Model estimates of relative reproductive success were most sensitive to changes in smoltto-adult survival, particularly for tributary reaches. Relative reproductive success in year 10 for Taneum and Toppenish Mid reaches increased by approximately six fold as SAR was increased from 0 to 6%, compared with only a 2-fold increase for the main stem Kittitas site (Figure 17). These results suggest that small to moderate increases in SAR can tip the balance of total egg production in favor of anadromy, especially in tributary reaches. For example, relative reproductive success in the Taneum Creek site was estimated to be 0.65 under baseline conditions (i.e., mean SAR = 1.25%). However, increasing the mean SAR for this population to only 2.88%, as was estimated for lower basin populations, resulted in a relative reproductive success value greater than one. 26 Relative reproductive success in year 10 (anadromous eggs / resident eggs) 7 Kittitas Taneum Toppenish Mid 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Smolt-to-adult return rate (%) Figure 17. Relative reproductive success in simulation year 10 as a function of smolt-to-adult survival. Relative reproductive success was moderately sensitive to changes in cross-ecotype smolt production. For Toppenish Mid, a lower basin tributary reach, relative reproductive success in simulation year 10 increased considerably in response to increases in the proportion of offspring from anadromous female and resident male crosses that smolted (Figure 18). Specifically, relative reproductive success increased from approximately 0.80 to 7.5 as the proportion of offspring that smolted was increased from 30 to 90%. In contrast, increases in cross-ecotype smolt production had little effect on relative reproductive success in Kittitas and Taneum reaches. The difference in sensitivity among reaches is likely due to location within the basin and associated differences in smolt-toadult survival. For the Toppenish Mid population, where SAR is relatively high, moderate increases in smolt production can yield substantial gains in anadromous adult returns and associated egg production. On the other hand, increasing smolt production from upper basin sites, where SAR is quite low, has less of an effect on the reproductive success of anadromous fish. 27 Relative reproductive success in year 10 (anadromous eggs / resident eggs) 8 Kittitas Taneum Toppenish Mid 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Percentage of offspring that smolt Figure 18. Relative reproductive success in simulation year 10 as a function of the percentage of offspring that smolt from mating crosses between anadromous females and resident males. Discussion and Conclusions Model results were generally consistent with observed patterns of O. mykiss ecotype distribution in the Yakima Basin and suggest that the spatial distribution of different ecotypes is largely determined by environmental conditions such as flow and temperature. The migratory life history type (steelhead) was dominant in tributary sites in the lower Yakima Basin where summer flows were relatively low and stream temperatures were comparatively warm. In contrast, residents (rainbow trout) were the predominate life history form in the upper Yakima Basin and other mainstem locations where stream channels generally maintained higher summer flows and cooler temperatures. Important mechanisms influencing life history diversity in the Yakima Basin identified by the model included rearing capacity (as moderated by flow, temperature, and channel type), smolt-to-adult survival (as influenced by migration distance), and growth conditions in freshwater. Available rearing capacity for adult-sized resident fish (e.g., > 150 mm) appeared to be an important bottleneck for production of resident O. mykiss, particularly in tributary sites. Due to the requirements of adult fish for habitats with greater depth and velocity, sharp declines in flow during summer resulted in substantial reductions in rearing capacity for adult resident fish, favoring a migratory life history strategy. Tributary sites in the lower Yakima Basin continued to favor an anadromous life history under a variety of simulated flow conditions, although the relative reproductive success of anadromous fish decreased somewhat as simulated summer flows increased. In contrast, the volume of 28 water in mainstem sites tended to remain high enough to sustain adult resident carrying capacity year-round, even after simulating large summer flow reductions. Model simulations for the Taneum Creek tributary site in the upper Yakima Basin highlighted the important influence of population location within the Basin on life history diversity. Reproductive success was slightly higher for the resident population in Taneum Creek under baseline environmental conditions. However, increasing the smolt-to-adult survival rate for smolts originating from this site to a value equal to that of lower Yakima Basin smolts yielded a relative reproductive success ratio (A:R) greater than one. These results suggest that mortality costs associated with greater migration distance can have an important influence on the balance of O. mykiss ecotype distribution within a basin. That is, habitats located further from the ocean are less likely to support anadromy, even when local environmental conditions promote a migratory life history strategy. These results are supported by a recent study examining the influence of landscape on O. mykiss life history diversity in the Klickitat River basin which demonstrated that genetic diversity was significantly negatively correlated with elevation and upstream distance (Narum et al. 2008). Variability in growth conditions between mainstem and tributary habitats had important implications for the balance between resident and anadromous O. mykiss in the Yakima Basin. In mainstem locations, where growth was relatively fast and resident adults were able to achieve lengths of 400 mm and greater, reproductive success for resident spawners substantially outweighed that of anadromous spawners. Resident rainbow trout grow to a larger size in mainstem reaches than tributary reaches (Figure 8), which resulted in higher fecundity of resident females in the main stem compared to tributaries. In contrast, growth of resident spawners in tributary sites was predicted to plateau between 160 and 200 mm, resulting in much lower average fecundity for tributary spawners. Studies throughout the Pacific Rim corroborate our findings. O. mykiss populations in the Kamchatka Peninsula, far eastern Russia provide an excellent opportunity to compare ecotype distribution patterns predicted by the LHRM to those in pristine river systems. For example, the Kol and Sedanka Rivers support predominantly resident rainbow trout in spite of no migration barriers and few anthropogenic influences. Flow and temperature regimes in the spring-fed Kol and Sedanka Rivers also differ from neighboring rivers that support predominantly anadromous O. mykiss (Augerot and Foley 2005). They have cooler temperatures and more consistent, year-round flow conditions with less variability between wet and dry seasons. More stable environmental conditions are likely to improve survival and maintain adult resident carrying capacity, particularly through the summer and fall. Genetic analysis of pristine populations throughout the Kamchatka Peninsula confirm observations in the Pacific Northwest that resident and anadromous O. mykiss from the same basin typically function as an interdependent population, and genetic differences are more closely correlated to geographic separation than ecotype (McPhee et al. 2007). Our model results were consistent with broad scale patterns in flow variability and observed distributions of adult steelhead in the Yakima Basin. Calculating an index of seasonal flow variability for each population provided a course method of stratifying the Yakima Basin into spatial units that were likely to provide habitat conditions favorable to 29 either residency or anadromy (Figure 19). Flow variability for the Metolius River, Oregon, a spring-fed stream with consistent year-round flows, was provided for reference. Accounting for watershed area, populations in the Yakima Basin experiencing the most variable flows, Satus and Toppenish Creeks, sustain the largest abundance of anadromous O. mykiss, and the upper Yakima main stem, having the most stable flows, produces the fewest steelhead but is known to have a very large population of resident O. mykiss (Figure 19; Pearsons et al. 2008). This simple approach suggests that flow is strongly correlated to O. mykiss ecotypic distribution, and that LHRM is parameterized in a manner that produces results consistent with empirical observation. 14 140 13 Flow variability index (CV flow Mar-Sep (%)) 120 10 100 80 2 60 40 20 0 Metolius Upper Yakima Naches Satus Toppenish Figure 19. Index of flow variability for the four Yakima independent steelhead populations. The spring-fed Metolius River, central Oregon is provided as an example of a stream with extremely low flow variability. Numbers above each box indicate the geometric mean of estimated steelhead spawner abundance from 1985-2004 expressed in numbers of fish per 100 square km of watershed area. The rainbow-steelhead typology has obstructed adequate evaluation of O. mykiss population performance and restrained proper management of the species. Our findings are consistent with the conclusion of McPhee et al. (2007) that there is sufficient scientific evidence to, “…abandon the typological thinking (‘steelhead’ and ‘rainbow trout’ as biologically independent units) that has pervaded the biology and management of this species...” Given clear evidence of genetically stable life history plasticity and demonstrable environmental influence on life history response, a biologically justifiable method of examining viability or developing restoration goals for steelhead populations must include efforts to quantify the effects of codependent resident rainbow trout populations. We recommend using approaches that quantify abundance and productivity of both anadromous and non-anadromous O. mykiss when evaluating long term viability of either ecotype. 30 Inadequate understanding of the factors driving ecotype abundance in facultatively anadromous fish populations continues to deter researchers from properly evaluating effects of watershed management on steelhead viability. Federal regulations prepared by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric administration, categorically excluded resident O. mykiss from steelhead Distinct Population Segments (DPSs) (71 FR 848); however, in most cases, these two ecotypes are expressions of different life history strategies within a single population and function in a manner consistent the definition of an Independent Population described by McElhany et al. (2000). Observation of codependent anadromous and non-anadromous O. mykiss ecotypes throughout the Pacific Northwest should not be regarded as unique or unusual. The overwhelming conclusion from studies of rainbow trout, cutthroat trout, brown trout, sockeye salmon, Atlantic salmon and charr life history diversity is that partial anadromy, a strategy beneficial to adaptability and versatility in uncertain river environments, is common among species of the family Salmonidae (Rounsefell 1958, Jonsson and Jonsson 1993 and Hendry et al. 2004). Our analysis suggests that alterations to river discharge regimes due to irrigation and hydropower projects changes the flow and temperature conditions throughout the summer and fall, making the habitat more suitable for a resident life history strategy. Regulated river hydrographs throughout Washington, Oregon and California more closely resemble spring-fed systems that traditionally support large populations of resident rainbow trout. We suspect this is because adult carrying capacity is maintained throughout the dry season. Therefore, it is reasonable to conclude that reduction in steelhead abundance and increase in resident rainbow trout abundance in regulated rivers is in part a response to environmental conditions. One of the primary benefits of a life-cycle modeling project is the ability to identify key data gaps and study needs. Assembly of the complete life cycle forces researchers to synthesize the best available information. Key functions and parameters driving population performance are identified, and components of the life cycle that were developed with uncertain data can be examined through sensitivity analysis. We identified several studies that would improve our understanding of O. mykiss life history drivers: The spatial structure of the model is limited to specific reaches within each Independent Population. Expanding the spatial structure of the model to the population level would greatly improve the utility of the model for evaluating population responses to environmental conditions and would likely yield important and potentially unanticipated insights into the factors driving life history diversity. A population level analysis would likely require an alternative approach to modeling the relationship between discharge and habitat area, as PHABSIM and 2D modeling methods are costly and highly site specific. On alternative is an empirically based estimate of flow effects on carrying capacity similar to the Unit Characteristic Method described in Cramer and Ackerman (In Press). A combination of fish abundance surveys and measurements of stream channel type, mesohabitat composition, substrate, wood complexity, temperature and flow would be required for this type of analysis. 31 Migratory juveniles may residualize upon entry into suitable habitat for continued rearing, such as conditions found in the upper Yakima River main stem. Our model did not account for life history switching after initiation of migration, but the likelihood of that behavior could have a significant effect on ecotype distribution. Laboratory experiments could provide important insights into the factors influencing residualization behavior. Movement of juveniles and adults between mainstem and tributary habitats was not adequately accounted for in the LHRM due to data limitations. Field studies of these behaviors are needed. We also recommend an individual based modeling approach to address these dynamics. Hydrodynamic modeling would create a link between flow and temperature making it possible to construct a life-cycle model with continuous spatial and temporal structure throughout the main stem Yakima River. Juvenile tagging studies or outmigrant sampling at Roza Dam and the Chandler Juvenile Fish Facility accompanied by otolith microchemistry or equivalent technique to link outmigrants back to resident and anadromous parents would address important uncertainties regarding the contribution of resident spawners to the anadromous populations. The LHRM provided a framework that linked together life history parameters and environmental drivers of O. mykiss ecotype distribution. Moreover, the model offered a sufficiently detailed reconstruction of the mechanistic relationships between environmental conditions and ecotypic dominance such that water management impacts could be evaluated and alternatives tested. High summer flow conditions typical of regulated rivers improve survival of residents and increase reproductive success of resident O. mykiss relative to anadromous spawners; however, the ability of water managers to alter flow conditions in mainstem habitats in a manner that results in greater reproductive success of anadromous individuals relative to residents appears limited. Our modeling demonstrated that tributary habitats were most likely to support an anadromous ecotype, and management actions that protect or improve tributary habitats have the greatest potential to increase abundance of steelhead in the Yakima Basin. We recommend controlled field experiments or adaptive management to examine O. mykiss life history response to altered flow regimes. References Augerot, X. and D. N. Foley. 2005. Atlas of Pacific Salmon. University of California Press, Berkeley and Los Angeles, California. Blankenship, S., Geneticist. Washington Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, Olympia, WA. 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Model Function Functional Relationship and Parameter Definitions Notation Freshwater Growth dW/dt = Change in fish mass W in dW qi qe f (T )t W a i e xTt W b grams per day t, dt Tt = daily average stream temperature (°C) qi = individual variation in food finding and processing ability, qe = environmental variation in food abundance, αi = metabolic rate, a & b = Von Bertalanffy growth parameters x = coefficient for temperature effect on metabolism. Temperature dependence function for food finding and processing ability Length/Weight Relationship Freshwater Capacity 1 Parameter Values Source Starting W = 0.40g. qi = (0.070, 0.052, 0.108, 0.052, 0.052, 0.052, 0.106, 0.106, 0.116), for reaches 1, …, 9). qe = 1.0, αi = (0.004, 0.002, 0.009, 0.002, 0.002, 0.002, 0.011, 0.011, 0.011), for reaches 1, …, 9), a = 0.667 b = 1.0 x = 0.068 See references for parameters defining KA and KB. Mangel and Sattherthwaite (2008); Thorpe et al. (1998) f(T)t = KA∙KB (Thornton and Lessem algorithm) KA and KB represent the increasing and decreasing portions of the temperature dependence function respectively. L e aln(W ) b L = Fork length (mm) a = 0.35 b = 3.72 K = freshwater rearing capacity for age class m on day t See below K mt HAm ,t g (T ) t Functional relationship from Thornton and Lessem (1978) cited in Hanson et al. (1997); Parameters from Sullivan et al. (2000). Upper Yakima rainbow trout data (Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW), Gabriel Temple) TS m ,t 38 Habitat Area HAm,t= Function of discharge and agespecific suitability criteria. HAm,t = habitat area (m²) for age class m on day t See Table ? for suitability criteria and Figure ? for discharge-habitat relationships. Temperature suitability index for capacity If Tt <= Tcrit, Then g(T)t = 1, Else g(T)t = a∙Tt + b Tcrit = 17 °C Tmax = 26 °C a = 1/(Tcrit-Tmax) = 0.111 b = 1-(a∙Tcrit)= 2.887 Territory Size TS m,t 10 g(T)t = temperature suitability index on day t. Tcrit = upper critical temperature (°C) Tmax = incipient lethal temperature (°C) TSm,t = territory size (m²) for age class m on day t, Lm,t = Fork length (mm). Sm,t = Survival rate for fish of age class m on day t, Smaxm,t = maximum daily survival rate. d = lag time for survival (days) a & b are intercept and slope coefficients for a logistic scalar for overwinter survival. z = additional mortality scalar used to adjust the survival rates to match the assumed maximum overwinter survival rate in the Yakima River. Nm,t = Abundance of fish of age class m on day t. Pdism,t = proportion of fish of age class m dispersing at time t. Pdism=0, t = 0.50, Pdism=1, t = 0.30, Pdism=2,…,5, t = 0 Freshwater survival (March – October)2 alog10 ( Lm , t / 10) b If (Km,t/Nm,t)(1/d) > Smaxm,t, Then Sm,t = Smaxm,t, Else Sm,t = (Km,t/Nm,t)(1/d) ( aLm , t b ) Freshwater survival (November – April) S m ,t Abundance3 Nm,t = Nm,t-1 ∙ Sm,t-1 Winter dispersal4 Pdism,t e 1 e ( a Lm , t b ) 1 z a = 2.61 b = -2.90 Smaxm=0,t = 0.40(1/(365emergence day)) = 0.995, Smaxm=1,…,5,t = 0.80(1/365)= 0.999 d = 14 a = 0.10, b = -10.54, z = 0.30 Nm = 0,…,5, t = 1 = (61230, 3640, 2310, 780, 150, 50). 2-D modeling results modified from Bovee et al. (2008) and RHABSIM results provided by Yakama Nation Fisheries Program (YKFP), Chris Fredericksen. Sullivan (2000) Grant and Kramer (1990) Smith and Griffith (1994) Starting values based on average resident O. mykiss abundance for a 20 km reach from the Upper Yakima River main stem (WDFW, Gabriel Temple Pers. Comm.) Based roughly on downstream migrant trapping data from the Grand Rhonde 39 Winter dispersal date Ddis Ddis = median date of downstream dispersal of pre-smolts during fall and winter. = January 5 (Julian Day 5) Smolt emigration date Dsmt Dsmt = median date of smolt emigration = May 1 (Julian Day 121) Smolt length threshold Lmin Lmin = minimum length threshold for smoltification (in millimeters) Lmin = 150mm SARm,t = Smolt-to-adult return rate for fish of age class m emigrating at time t at length L. For average-size smolts (i.e., L = 175mm) SAR (above Roza Dam) = 1.25%, SAR (below Roza Dam) = 2.88%. Pmatrm=1,…,5 = 8, 22, 47, 73, 90. Smolt-to-adult return rate SARm,t e a Lm , t b 1 e aLm , t b Age at maturity (resident spawners) Pmatrm Pmatrm = percentage of female fish of age class m that are sexually mature. Age at maturity (anadromous spawners)5 Pmataf,s Pmataf,s = percentage of adult fish that emigrated after f years in freshwater and returned to spawn after s years in saltwater. Populations above Roza: Pmataf,s: (1,1) = 26% (1,2) = 74% (2,1) = 45% (2,2) = 55% (3,1) = 52% (3,2) = 48% Populations below River (Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife (ODFW), Richard Carmichael) Estimated from smolt trapping data from Satus and Toppenish Creeks 2005-2007 (YNFP, Chris Fredericksen) Estimated from smolt trapping data at the Chandler trapping facility, Yakima River, 1999-2008 (YNFP, David Lind) 5th percentile of length distribution for fish captured at the Chandler trapping facility during spring (April – June), 1999-2008. Functional relationship based on Ward et al. (1989), Average SAR rates from YNFP, Chris Fredericksen, Pers. Comm. Estimated from mainstem Upper Yakima River data, 1990-1993 (WDFW, Gabriel Temple Pers. Comm.). From Yakima Steelhead Recovery Plan, Conley et al. (2008). 40 Repeat spawning rate (resident spawners) Repeat spawning rate (anadromous spawners) Percent females (resident spawners) Rsr Percent females (anadromous spawners) Pfemaf,s Fecundity (resident spawners) Frm,t = a∙Lm,t+b Rsa Pfemr Rsr = probability of repeat spawning for resident spawners. Rsa = probability of repeat spawning for anadromous spawners. Pfemr = percentage of the resident spawner population composed of females. Pfemaf,s = percentage of anadromous spawners that emigrated after f years in freshwater and returned to spawn after s years in saltwater that are composed of females. Frm,t = number of eggs per female for fish of age class m on spawning day t and fork length L (in mm), Roza: Pmataf,s: (1,1) = 68% (1,2) = 32% (2,1) = 76% (2,2) = 24% (3,1) = 83% (3,2) = 17% Rsr = 50% Rsa = 5.4% Pfemr = 40% Populations above Roza: Pfemaf,s: (1,1) = 60% (1,2) = 93% (2,1) = 68% (2,2) = 85% (3,1) = 94% (3,2) = 98% Populations below Roza: Pfemaf,s: (1,1) = 58% (1,2) = 78% (2,1) = 68% (2,2) = 86% (3,1) = 73% (3,2) = 93% For mainstem reaches: a = 1.4, b = 500, Deschutes River data, Schroeder and Smith (1989). From Yakima Steelhead Recovery Plan, Conley et al. (2008). Pearsons et al. (1993). From Yakima Steelhead Recovery Plan, Conley et al. (2008). Pearsons et al. (1993). 41 a & b = linear slope and intercept parameters. Fas = number of eggs per female for anadromous fish returning to spawn after s years in saltwater at fork length L, a & b = linear slope and intercept parameters. Dspn = Median spawning day (Julian Days) as a function of elevation (m), a & b = linear slope and intercept parameters. Spspn = post spawning survival of resident spawners. For tributary reaches, a = 8.6, b = -1292. a = 18.93, b = -6449. Fecundity (anadromous spawners) Fas = a∙Ls+b Spawn timing (resident and anadromous)6 Dspn = a∙Elev+b+1 Post-spawning survival (resident spawners) Emergence timing Spspn Demg = function of steam temperature. Demg = days since spawning required to accumulate at least 885 cumulative thermal units (°C) Egg-to-fry survival (resident and anadromous) Mating selectivity (i.e., spawner fidelity) Segg Segg = egg-to-fry survival Segg = 20% PMc = PMbasec ∙ Wc c = Resident Female and Resident Male (RFRM), RFAM, AFAM, and AFRM; PMbasec: RFRM = 0.95 RFAM = 0.05 AFAM = 0.76 AFRM = 0.24 Weighting factor for mating cross probability Examples: WAFRM = NRM /(NRM + NAM) WRFAM = NAM /(NRM + NAM) PMc = Probability of obtaining mating cross c is a function of the average baseline mating cross probability PMbasec (i.e. PMc at equal abundance of resident and anadromous male spawners) weighted by the relative abundance of male spawners from each ecotype Wc. Wc = weighting factor based on relative abundance of male spawners from each ecotype. From Yakima Steelhead Recovery Plan, Conley et al. (2008). a = 0.103, b = 34.8 Pearsons et al. (2007). Spspn = 55% Wydoski and Whitney (2003) Estimated from redd capping data from the Upper Yakima River, 1994-1996 (WDFW, Gabriel Temple) Snow Creek, Bley and Morning (1989). Values for AFAM and AFRM from McMillan et al. (2007) and McMillan pers. comm. (12/18/08). Values for RFRM and RFAM from Snow Creek, WA spawner data (Seamons et al. 2004). 42 1 Freshwater capacity is averaged over a period of 30 days based on the assumption that changes in capacity resulting from differences in flow, temperature, or territory size would not occur instantaneously, but instead would occur gradually over an extended period (e.g. 30 days). Model users can modify this value to test different time duration assumptions. 2 We apply a lag period of 14 days to density-dependent survival, such that, when abundance exceeds capacity, the mortality associated with this capacity limitation is expressed over an extended period of time (e.g. 14 days) instead of occurring instantaneously. 3 Initial abundance values for anadromous origin fish were the same as resident starting values, except abundance for age 4 and 5 fish was set to 0 based on the assumption that all anadromous smolts would migrate to the ocean by age 3. 4 Winter dispersal calculations only apply to anadromous offspring rearing in tributaries. 5 Age at smoltification is determined via the growth model and an assumed threshold size for smoltification. For a given age, the proportion of the fish on emigration date 6 Because no significant difference was observed between spawn timing of resident and anadromous populations and to simplify model calculations, we used a linear regression model developed from resident fish to predict spawn timing for both resident and anadromous populations. 43 Appendix B. Habitat suitability criteria for resident O. mykiss used in 2-D modeling to produce discharge habitat relationships. Gray cells represent unsuitable ranges of depth and velocity and white cells represent suitable values. Fry (Age 0) 0.00 0.06 0.09 0.12 0.15 0.18 0.21 0.24 0.27 0.30 0.34 0.49 0.61 0.70 0.76 0.79 1.01 1.10 1.13 1.25 1.31 1.40 1.49 1.74 2.01 2.74 2.99 3.87 4.51 4.88 5.00 Suitable depth (meters) Juvenile (Age Adult (Age 1) 2-5) 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.06 0.09 0.09 0.12 0.12 0.15 0.15 0.18 0.18 0.21 0.21 0.24 0.24 0.27 0.27 0.30 0.30 0.34 0.34 0.49 0.49 0.61 0.61 0.70 0.70 0.76 0.76 0.79 0.79 1.01 1.01 1.10 1.10 1.13 1.13 1.25 1.25 1.31 1.31 1.40 1.40 1.49 1.49 1.74 1.74 2.01 2.01 2.74 2.74 2.99 2.99 3.87 3.87 4.51 4.51 4.88 4.88 5.00 5.00 Suitable velocity (meters per second) Fry (Age Juvenile (Age Adult (Age 0) 1) 2-5) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.09 0.09 0.09 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.21 0.21 0.21 0.24 0.24 0.24 0.27 0.27 0.27 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.34 0.34 0.34 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.49 0.49 0.49 0.64 0.64 0.64 0.67 0.67 0.67 0.70 0.70 0.70 0.73 0.73 0.73 0.76 0.76 0.76 0.79 0.79 0.79 0.82 0.82 0.82 0.88 0.88 0.88 0.91 0.91 0.91 0.94 0.94 0.94 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.19 1.19 1.19 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.37 1.37 1.37 1.58 1.58 1.58 2.44 2.44 2.44 2.56 2.56 2.56 2.71 2.71 2.71 44 Appendix C. Description of parameter values used in sensitivity analyses. Model parameter Default value Smolt-to-adult survival (lower basin, upper basin) 1.25%, 2.88% Winter dispersal (age-0, age-1) 50%, 30% Cross-ecotype production (AF X RM) 61% Anadromous spawner fidelity 76% Low value 5th percentile = 0.45%, 1.0% Default * 0.5 = 25%, 15% Default * 0.5 = 30.5% Default - 25% = 50% High value 95th percentile = 4.0%, 9.3% Default * 1.5 = 75%, 45% Default * 1.5 = 91.5% Default + 25% = 100% Growth (food availability) Age-at-maturity (ages 1, …, 5) Length threshold for smoltification Maximum survival Mar-Oct (ages 1-5) Default - 16% = 0.84 Default - 10% = 0%, …, 80% Default - 30 = 120mm 40% Default + 16% = 1.16 Default + 10% = 18%, ..., 100% Default + 30 = 180mm 90% qe = 1 8%, 22%, 47%, 73%, 90% 150 mm 80% 45 Appendix D. Summary of model results for each of eight different sensitivity scenarios for the Kittitas, Taneum, and Toppenish Mid reaches. Reach names and corresponding estimates of relative reproductive success under default model settings are shown in italics. Relative reproductive success Change from default Kittitas Default = 0.23 Model parameter Low High Low - Default High - Default Smolt-to-adult survival 0.06 1.33 -0.17 1.10 Winter dispersal NA NA NA NA Cross-ecotype production (AF X RM) 0.15 0.41 -0.08 0.18 Anadromous spawner fidelity 0.23 0.40 -0.01 0.17 Growth (food availability) Age-at-maturity Length threshold for smoltification Maximum survival Mar-Oct 0.11 0.45 0.09 0.25 0.25 0.15 0.26 0.25 -0.12 0.22 -0.14 0.02 0.01 -0.08 0.03 0.02 Taneum Model parameter Smolt-to-adult survival Winter dispersal Cross-ecotype production (AF X RM) Anadromous spawner fidelity Growth (food availability) Age-at-maturity Length threshold for smoltification Maximum survival Mar-Oct Default = Low 0.12 0.70 0.30 0.61 0.29 1.03 0.67 0.56 0.65 High 3.67 0.35 1.59 1.49 1.73 0.42 0.41 0.68 Low - Default -0.53 0.05 -0.35 -0.04 -0.36 0.38 0.02 -0.09 High - Default 3.02 -0.30 0.94 0.84 1.08 -0.23 -0.24 0.03 Toppenish Mid Model parameter Smolt-to-adult survival Winter dispersal Cross-ecotype production (AF X RM) Anadromous spawner fidelity Growth (food availability) Age-at-maturity Length threshold for smoltification Maximum survival Mar-Oct Default = Low 0.38 2.12 0.76 1.97 0.22 4.08 1.65 2.51 2.04 High 10.17 1.86 7.70 6.98 3.31 1.20 0.66 2.01 Low - Default -1.66 0.08 -1.28 -0.07 -1.82 2.04 -0.39 0.46 High - Default 8.13 -0.19 5.66 4.93 1.27 -0.84 -1.38 -0.03 46