ISO Update Supplement to ISOfocus March 2014 International Standards in process An International Standard is the result of an agreement between the member bodies of ISO. A first important step towards an International Standard takes the form of a committee draft (CD) - this is circulated for study within an ISO technical committee. When consensus has been reached within the technical committee, the document is sent to the Central Secretariat for processing as a draft International Standard (DIS). The DIS requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote. A confirmation vote is subsequently carried out on a final draft International Standard (FDIS), the approval criteria remaining the same. CD registered Period from 01 February to 28 February 2014 These documents are currently under consideration in the technical committee. They have been registred at the Central Secretariat. REMCO Committee on reference materials ISO/CD Guide 35 Reference materials — General guidance for the assignment of property values TC 6 Paper, board and pulps ISO/CD 11093-4 Paper and board — Testing of cores — Part 4: Measurement of dimensions TC 17 Steel ISO/CD 4885 Ferrous products — Heat treatments — Vocabulary TC 21 Equipment for fire protection and fire fighting ISO/CD 14520-1 Gaseous fire-extinguishing systems — Physical properties and system design — Part 1: General requirements ISO/CD 14520-2 Gaseous fire-extinguishing systems — Physical properties and system design — Part 2: CF3I extinguishant ISO/CD 14520-5 Gaseous fire-extinguishing systems — Physical properties and system design — Part 5: FK5-1-12 extinguishant ISO/CD 14520-6 Gaseous fire-extinguishing systems — Physical properties and system design — Part 6: HCFC Blend A extinguishant ISO/CD 14520-8 Gaseous fire-extinguishing systems — Physical properties and system design — Part 8: HFC 125 extinguishant ISO/CD 14520-9 Gaseous fire-extinguishing systems — Physical properties and system design — Part 9: HFC 227ea extinguishant ISO/CD 1452010 Gaseous fire-extinguishing systems — Physical properties and system design — Part 10: HFC 23 extinguishant ISO/CD 1452011 Gaseous fire-extinguishing systems — Physical properties and system design — Part 11: HFC 236fa extinguishant TC 34 Food products ISO/CD 18787 Foodstuffs — Determination of water activity TC 35 Paints and varnishes ISO/CD 1514 Paints and varnishes — Standard panels for testing TC 37 Terminology and other language and content resources ISO/CD 18587 Translation services — Requirements for machine translation (MT) and post edition levels TC 38 Textiles ISO/CD TS 17920 Fibre ropes for offshore stationkeeping — Aramid ISO/CD TS 19336 Fibre ropes for offshore station keeping — Polyarylate fibre TC 39 Machine tools ISO/CD 19085-3 Woodworking machines — Safety — Part 3: NC boring and routing machines TC 43 Acoustics ISO/CD 532-2 Acoustics — Methods for calculating loudness — Part 2: Moore-Glasberg method ISO/CD 4869-2 Acoustics — Hearing protectors — Part 2: Estimation of effective A-weighted sound pressure levels when hearing protectors are worn ISO/DTR 175343 Acoustics — Software for the calculation of sound outdoors — Part 3: Recommendations for quality assured implementation of ISO 9613-2 in software according to ISO 17534-1 TC 44 Welding and allied processes ISO/CD 3677 Filler metal for soft soldering, brazing and braze welding — Designation TC 45 Rubber and rubber products ISO/CD 18898 Rubber — Calibration and verification of hardness testers TC 46 Information and documentation ISO/CD 15489-1 Information and documentation — Records management — Part 1: General ISO/CD 30302 Information and documentation — Management systems for records — Guidelines for implementation TC 60 Gears ISO/CD 23509 Bevel and hypoid gear geometry TC 84 Devices for administration of medicinal products and intravascular catheters ISO/CD 6009 Hypodermic needles for single use — Colour coding for identification ISO/CD 11608-7 Needle-based injection systems — Part 7: Requirements for accessibility for persons with visual impairment TC 85 Nuclear energy, nuclear technologies, and radiological protection ISO/CD 12749-4 Nuclear energy, nuclear technologies, and radiological protection — Vocabulary — Part 4: Dosimetry for radiation processing TC 94 Personal safety -- Protective clothing and equipment ISO/CD 16975-3 Respiratory protective devices — Part 3: Selection, use and maintenance — Fit testing procedures TC 106 Dentistry ISO/CD 1797 Dentistry — Shanks for rotary instruments ISO/CD 9173-1 Dentistry — Extraction forceps — Part 1: General requirements and test methods TC 108 Mechanical vibration, shock and condition monitoring ISO/CD 16079-1 Condition monitoring and diagnostics of wind turbines — Part 1: General guidelines TC 121 Anaesthetic and respiratory equipment ISO/CD 19223 Lung ventilators and related equipment — Vocabulary and semantics TC 147 Water quality ISO/CD 17294-2 Water quality — Application of inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) — Part 2: Determination of 62 elements including uranium isotopes TC 149 Cycles ISO/CD 6699 Cycles — Stem and handlebar bend — Assembly dimensions TC 150 Implants for surgery ISO/CD 13781 Implants for surgery — Homopolymers, copolymers and blends on poly(lactide) — In vitro degradation testing ISO/CD 14242-4 Implants for surgery — Wear of total hip-joint prostheses — Part 4: Loading and displacement parameters for wear testing machines under adverse conditions TC 159 Ergonomics ISO/CD 6385 Ergonomic principles in the design of work systems ISO/CD 7250-3 Basic human body measurements for technological design — Part 3: Worldwide and regional design values for use in ISO equipment standards ISO/CD 9241220 Ergonomics of human-computer interaction — Part 220: Processes for enabling, executing and assessing human-centred design within organizations TC 163 Thermal performance and energy use in the built environment ISO/CD 18523 Energy performance of buildings - Schedule and condition of building, zone and room usage for energy calculation TC 171 Document management applications ISO/DTR 17797 Electronic archiving - Selection of digital storage media for long term preservation ISO/CD 17911 Document management — Guidelines for long term preservation file format selection and migration methodology TC 197 Hydrogen technologies ISO/DTR 15916 Basic considerations for the safety of hydrogen systems TC 199 Safety of machinery ISO/DTR 24119 Safety of machinery — Evaluation of fault masking in serial connections of guard interlocking devices with potential-free contacts TC 204 Intelligent transport systems ISO/CD 24102-2 Intelligent transport systems — Communications access for land mobiles (CALM) — ITS station management — Part 2: Remote management TC 206 Fine ceramics ISO/CD 18591 Fine ceramics (advanced ceramics, advanced technical ceramics) — Determination of compressive strength of ceramic granules TC 207 Environmental management ISO/DTS 14072 Environmental management — Life cycle assessment — Requirements and guidelines for organizational life cycle assessment TC 210 Quality management and corresponding general aspects for medical devices ISO/CD 18250-8 Small-bore connectors for reservoir delivery systems — Part 8: Connectors for citrate-based anticoagulant solution for apheresis applications TC 211 Geographic information/Geomatics ISO/CD 19104 Geographic information — Terminology ISO/DTS 191153 Geographic information — Metadata — Part 3: XML schema implementation of metadata fundamentals JTC 1 Information technology ISO/IEC PDTR 12182 Systems and software engineering — Categorization of systems and software products ISO/IEC PDTR 29110-2-2 Software engineering — Lifecycle profiles for Very Small Entities (VSEs) — Part 2-2: Guide for the development of domain-specific profiles ISO/IEC PDTR 29110-3-4 Software engineering — Lifecycle profiles for Very Small Entities (VSEs) — Part 3-4: Guide for autonomy-based improvement method ISO/IEC CD 7816-8 Identification cards — Integrated circuit cards — Part 8: Commands for security operations ISO/IEC CD 11694-3 Identification cards — Optical memory cards — Linear recording method — Part 3: Optical properties and characteristics ISO/IEC CD 17839-3 Information technology — Identification cards — Biometric system on card — Part 3: Logical information interchange mechanism ISO/IEC CD 18328-1 Devices on cards — Part 1: General framework ISO/IEC CD 23001-10 Information technology — MPEG systems technologies — Part 10: Title missing ISO/IEC CD 29167-15 Information technology — Automatic identification and data capture techniques — Part 15: Air interface for security services — Crypto suite XOR ISO/IEC CD 11179-6 Information technology — Metadata registries (MDR) — Part 6: Registration ISO/IEC CD 19785-1 Information technology — Common Biometric Exchange Formats Framework — Part 1: Data element specification DIS circulated Period from 01 February to 28 February 2014 These documents have obtained substantial support within the appropriate ISO technical committee. They have been submitted to the ISO member bodies for voting by the date shown. * Available in English only Vote terminates COPOLCO ISO/IEC DGuide 50 Committee on consumer policy * Safety aspects — Guidelines for child safety in standards and other specifications 2014-06-14 (Revision of ISO/IEC Guide 50:2002) TC 4 ISO/DIS 3290-1.2 Rolling bearings * Rolling bearings — Balls — Part 1: Steel balls 2014-04-11 (Revision of ISO 3290-1:2008, ISO 3290-1:2008/Cor 1:2009) ISO/DIS 3290-2.2 * Rolling bearings — Balls — Part 2: Ceramic balls 2014-04-11 (Revision of ISO 3290-2:2008) TC 8 Ships and marine technology ISO/DIS 29400 Ships and marine technology — Offshore wind energy — Ports and marine operations 2014-05-13 ISO/DIS 16554.3 Ships and marine technology — Measurement and reporting of underwater sound radiated from merchant ships — Survey measurement in deep-water 2014-04-26 Ships and marine technology — Navigation and shallow-water engineering vessels — Anchor winches 2014-05-11 ISO/DIS 18289 * ISO/DIS 18296 * Ships and marine technology — Ship-shifting winches 2014-05-11 ISO/DIS 6218 Inland navigation vessels — Manually- and power-operated coupling * devices for pushing units and coupled vessels — Safety requirements and main dimensions 2014-07-21 (Revision of ISO 6218:2005) TC 17 Steel Determination of percentage of resolvable pearlite in the high carbon steel wire rod ISO/DIS 16574 * ISO/DIS 4995 * Hot-rolled steel sheet of structural quality 2014-05-18 (Revision of ISO 4995:2008) ISO/DIS 4996 * Hot-rolled steel sheet of high yield stress structural quality 2014-05-18 (Revision of ISO 4996:2007) ISO/DIS 4997 * Cold-reduced carbon steel sheet of structural quality 2014-05-18 (Revision of ISO 4997:2007) TC 22 ISO/DIS 3894 Road vehicles * Road vehicles — Wheels/rims for commercial vehicles — Test methods (Revision of ISO 3894:2005) ISO/DIS 6460-2 * Motorcycles — Measurement method for gaseous exhaust emissions and 2014-05-28 fuel consumption — Part 2: Test cycles and specific test conditions (Revision of ISO 6460-2:2007) ISO/DIS 12617.2 Road vehicles — Liquefied natural gas (LNG) refuelling connector — 3.1 MPa connector TC 23 Tractors and machinery for agriculture and forestry Self-propelled agricultural machinery — Assessment of stability — Part 2: Determination of static stability and test procedures ISO/DIS 16231-2 * ISO/DIS 23205 * Agricultural tractors — Instructional seat 2014-04-27 2014-07-14 (Revision of ISO 23205:2006) TC 28 ISO/DIS 26422 Petroleum products and lubricants Petroleum and related products — Determination of shear stability of * lubricating oils containing polymers — Method using a tapered roller bearing (Revision of ISO 26422:2011) TC 29 ISO/DIS 3317 Small tools * Assembly tools for screws and nuts — Square drive adaptor with hexagon or cylindrical flat drive, for power socket wrenches 2014-05-13 (Revision of ISO 3317:2009) TC 34 ISO/DIS 11085 Food products Cereals, cereals-based products and animal feeding stuffs — * Determination of crude fat and total fat content by the Randall extraction method 2014-07-14 (Revision of ISO 11085:2008) ISO/DIS 6495-1 * Animal feeding stuffs — Determination of water-soluble chlorides content — Part 1: Titrimetric method 2014-05-07 (Revision of ISO 6495:1999) TC 35 ISO/DIS 4630 Paints and varnishes * Clear liquids — Estimation of colour by the Gardner colour scale 2014-05-21 (Revision of ISO 4630-1:2004, ISO 4630-2:2004) ISO/DIS 6271 * Clear liquids — Estimation of colour by the platinum-cobalt colour scale (Revision of ISO 6271-1:2004, ISO 6271-2:2004) ISO/DIS 8623 * Tall-oil fatty acids for paints and varnishes — Test methods and characteristic values 2014-07-28 (Revision of ISO 8623:1997) TC 39 ISO/DIS 10791-7.2 Machine tools * Test conditions for machining centres — Part 7: Accuracy of a finished test piece 2014-04-13 (Revision of ISO 10791-7:1998) ISO/DIS 11090-1.2 Test conditions for die sinking electro-discharge machines (die sinking * EDM) — Testing of the accuracy — Part 1: Single-column machines (cross-slide table type and fixed-table type) (Revision of ISO 11090-1:1998) 2014-04-07 ISO/DIS 11090-2.2 Test conditions for die sinking electro-discharge machines (die sinking * EDM) — Testing of the accuracy — Part 2: Double-column machines (slide-head type) 2014-04-07 (Revision of ISO 11090-2:1998) ISO/DIS 14137 * Test conditions for wire electrical-discharge machines (wire EDM) — Testing of the accuracy 2014-05-07 (Revision of ISO 14137:2000) TC 43 ISO/DIS 6926 Acoustics Acoustics — Requirements for the performance and calibration of * reference sound sources used for the determination of sound power levels 2014-07-14 (Revision of ISO 6926:1999) TC 45 ISO/DIS 1823.2 Rubber and rubber products * Rubber hose and hose assemblies for oil suction and discharge service — Specification 2014-04-21 (Revision of ISO 1823-1:1997, ISO 1823-2:1997) ISO/DIS 17324 * Rubber hoses for automotive turbochargers — Specification ISO 28017:2011/DAmd 1 * Rubber hoses and hose assemblies, wire or textile reinforced, for dredging applications — Specification — Amendment 1 2014-07-07 ISO/DIS 1817 * Rubber, vulcanized or thermoplastic — Determination of the effect of liquids 2014-05-18 2014-05-14 (Revision of ISO 1817:2011) TC 46 ISO/DIS 5127 Information and documentation * Information and documentation — Foundation and Vocabulary 2014-05-20 (Revision of ISO 5127:2001) TC 48 ISO/DIS 4797 Laboratory equipment * Laboratory glassware — Boiling flasks with conical ground joints 2014-07-07 (Revision of ISO 4797:2004) TC 61 ISO/DIS 19062-1 Plastics * Plastics — Acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene (ABS) moulding and extrusion materials — Part 1: Designation system and basis for specifications 2014-07-21 (Revision of ISO 2580-1:2002) ISO/DIS 19063-1 * Plastics — Impact-resistant polystyrene (PS-I) moulding and extrusion materials — Part 1: Designation system and basis for specifications 2014-07-21 (Revision of ISO 2897-1:1997) ISO/DIS 19064-1 * Plastics — Styrene/acrylonitrile (SAN) moulding and extrusion materials — Part 1: Designation system and basis for specifications 2014-07-21 (Revision of ISO 4894-1:1997) ISO/DIS 19095-1 * Adhesives — Evaluation of the adhesion interface performance in plasticmetal assemblies — Part 1: Guidelines for the approach 2014-05-12 ISO/DIS 19095-2 * Adhesives — Evaluation of the adhesion interface performance in plasticmetal assemblies — Part 2: Test specimens 2014-05-12 ISO/DIS 19095-3 * Adhesives — Evaluation of the adhesion interface performance in plasticmetal assemblies — Part 3: Test methods 2014-05-12 ISO/DIS 19095-4 * 2014-05-12 Transfusion, infusion and injection, and blood processing equipment for medical and pharmaceutical use TC 76 ISO/DIS 15378 Adhesives — Evaluation of the adhesion interface performance in plasticmetal assemblies — Part 4: Environmental condition for durability Primary packaging materials for medicinal products — Particular * requirements for the application of ISO 9001:2008, with reference to Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) 2014-07-21 (Revision of ISO 15378:2011) Nuclear energy, nuclear technologies, and radiological protection TC 85 ISO/DIS 8769 * Reference sources — Calibration of surface contamination monitors — Alpha-, beta- and photon emitters 2014-05-14 (Revision of ISO 8769:2010) ISO/DIS 15382 * Radiological protection — Procedures for monitoring the dose to the lens of the eye, the skin and the extremities 2014-05-12 (Revision of ISO 15382:2002) ISO/DIS 18589-2 Measurement of radioactivity in the environment — Soil — Part 2: * Guidance for the selection of the sampling strategy, sampling and pretreatment of samples 2014-05-18 (Revision of ISO 18589-2:2007) ISO/DIS 21909-1 * Passive neutron dosimetry systems — Part 1: Performance and test requirements for personal dosimetry (Revision of ISO 21909:2005, ISO 21909:2005/Cor 1:2007) TC 91 ISO/DIS 16560.2 Surface active agents * TC 96 ISO 99282:2007/DAmd 1 Cranes * TC 106 ISO/DIS 3630-3 Surface active agents — Determination of polyethylene glycol content in nonionic ethoxylated surfactants — HPLC method Cranes — Crane driving manual — Part 2: Mobile crane operators — Amendment 1: . 2014-05-19 Dentistry * Dentistry — Endodontic instruments — Part 3: Compactors: pluggers and spreaders 2014-07-21 (Revision of ISO 3630-3:1994) ISO/DIS 17937 * Dentistry — Osteotome for bone compaction and sinus floor elevation 2014-07-14 Mechanical vibration, shock and condition monitoring TC 108 ISO/DIS 10816-21 Mechanical vibration — Evaluation of machine vibration by * measurements on non-rotating parts — Part 21: Horizontal axis wind turbines with gearbox 2014-05-11 ISO/DIS 18129 * Condition monitoring and diagnostics of machines — Approaches for performance diagnosis 2014-05-04 TC 110 ISO/DIS 10896-4 Industrial trucks * Rough-terrain trucks — Safety requirements and verification — Part 4: 2014-05-18 Additional requirements for variable reach trucks handling freely suspended loads Round steel link chains, chain slings, components and accessories TC 111 ISO/DIS 16872 * Round steel short link chains for lifting purposes — Fine tolerance hoist chains for hand operated chain hoists — Grade VH 2014-05-14 (Revision of ISO 16872:2008) ISO/DIS 16877 * Round steel short link chains for lifting purposes — Fine tolerance hoist chains for hand operated chain hoists — Grade TH 2014-05-14 (Revision of ISO 16877:2008) TC 114 ISO/DIS 3764.3 Horology * Timekeeping instruments — Movements — Types, dimensions and nomenclature 2014-04-13 (Revision of ISO 3764:2000) TC 117 ISO/DIS 13350 Fans * Fans — Performance testing of jet fans 2014-07-21 (Revision of ISO 13350:1999, ISO 13350:1999/DAmd 1) TC 121 Anaesthetic and respiratory equipment IEC/DIS 60601-1-11 Medical electrical equipment — Part 1-11: General requirements for basic safety and essential performance — Collateral standard: Requirements for medical electrical equipment and medical electrical systems used in the home healthcare environment (Revision of IEC 60601-1-11:2010, IEC 60601-1-11:2010/Cor 1:2011) TC 130 ISO/DIS 14861 Graphic technology * Graphic technology — Requirements for colour soft proofing systems TC 131 ISO/DIS 19973-1 2014-05-21 Fluid power systems * Pneumatic fluid power — Assessment of component reliability by testing — Part 1: General procedures 2014-05-05 (Revision of ISO 19973-1:2007) ISO/DIS 19973-2 * Pneumatic fluid power — Assessment of component reliability by testing — Part 2: Directional control valves 2014-05-05 (Revision of ISO 19973-2:2007) ISO/DIS 19973-3 * Pneumatic fluid power — Assessment of component reliability by testing — Part 3: Cylinders with piston rod 2014-05-05 (Revision of ISO 19973-3:2007) TC 134 ISO/DIS 8157 Fertilizers and soil conditioners * Fertilizers and soil conditioners — Vocabulary 2014-05-18 (Revision of ISO 8157:1984) ISO/DIS 17318 * Fertilizers and soil conditioners — Determination of arsenic, cadmium, chromium, lead and mercury contents 2014-05-18 ISO/DIS 17319 * Fertilizers — Determination of potassium content — Potassium tetraphenylborate gravimetric method 2014-05-18 TC 135 ISO/DIS 18563-3 Non-destructive testing * TC 149 ISO/DIS 6742-1 Non-destructive testing — Characterization and verification of ultrasonic phased array equipment — Part 3: Combined system 2014-07-14 Cycles * Cycles — Lighting and retro-reflective devices — Part 1: Lighting and light signalling devices 2014-05-21 (Revision of ISO 6742-1:1987) ISO/DIS 6742-2 * Cycles — Lighting and retro-reflective devices — Part 2: Retro-reflective devices 2014-05-21 (Revision of ISO 6742-2:1985) ISO/DIS 6742-3 * Cycles — Lighting and retro-reflective devices — Part 3: Installation and use of lighting and retro-reflective devices ISO/DIS 6742-4 * Cycles — Lighting and retro-reflective devices — Part 4: Lighting systems 2014-05-21 powered by the cycle's movement ISO/DIS 6742-5 * Cycles — Lighting and retro-reflective devices — Part 5: Lighting systems 2014-05-21 not powered by the cycle's movement TC 158 ISO/DIS 6142-1 2014-05-21 Analysis of gases * Gas analysis — Preparation of calibration gas mixtures — Part 1: Gravimetric method for Class I mixtures 2014-05-14 (Revision of ISO 6142:2001, ISO 6142:2001/Amd 1:2009) ISO/DIS 19229 * Gas analysis — Purity analysis and the treatment of purity data TC 159 ISO/DIS 9241-391.2 Ergonomics Ergonomics of Human System Interaction — Part 391: Requirements, * analysis and compliance test methods for the reduction of photosensitive seizures TC 165 ISO/DIS 16598 Timber structures * Timber structures — Structural classification for sawn timber TC 172 ISO/DIS 15004-2 2014-04-14 Optics and photonics * Ophthalmic instruments — Fundamental requirements and test methods — Part 2: Light hazard protection 2014-07-21 (Revision of ISO 15004-2:2007) ISO/DIS 18259 Ophthalmic optics — Contact lens care products — Method to assess * contact lens care products with contact lenses in a lens case, challenged with bacterial and fungal organisms ISO/DIS 11145 * Optics and photonics — Lasers and laser-related equipment — Vocabulary and symbols 2014-05-27 2014-07-07 (Revision of ISO 11145:2006) TC 182 Geotechnics ISO/DIS 22476-9 * Ground investigation and testing — Field testing — Part 9: Field vane test 2014-07-28 ISO/DIS 22476-15 * Geotechnical investigation and testing — Field testing — Part 15: Measuring while drilling 2014-07-21 ISO/DIS 22477-10 * Geotechnical investigation and testing — Testing of geotechnical structures — Part 10: Testing of piles: rapid load testing 2014-07-21 TC 198 ISO/DIS 15883-7 Sterilization of health care products Washer-disinfectors — Part 7: Requirements and tests for washerdisinfectors employing chemical disinfection for non-invasive, non-critical * thermolabile medical devices and healthcare equipment (ISO/DIS 158837:2014) TC 204 ISO/DIS 24014-1 2014-07-28 Intelligent transport systems * Public transport — Interoperable fare management system — Part 1: Architecture 2014-07-14 (Revision of ISO 24014-1:2007) Quality management and corresponding general aspects for medical devices TC 210 ISO/DIS 13485 * Medical devices — Quality management systems — Requirements for regulatory purposes 2014-07-21 (Revision of ISO 13485:2003, ISO 13485:2003/Cor 1:2009) Dimensional and geometrical product specifications and verification TC 213 ISO/DIS 8062-4 Geometrical Product Specifications (GPS) — Dimensional and * geometrical tolerances for moulded parts — Part 4: General tolerances for castings using profile tolerancing in a general datum system TC 215 ISO/DIS 17090-4 Health informatics * TC 217 ISO/DIS 16128-1 2014-05-18 Health informatics — Public key infrastructure — Part 4: Digital Signatures for healthcare documents 2014-05-07 Cosmetics * TC 219 Guidelines on Technical Definitions and Criteria for Natural & Organic Cosmetic Ingredients and Products — Part 1: Definitions for Ingredients 2014-05-18 Floor coverings Resilient floor coverings — Specification for rubber floor covering — Tile/Plank ISO/DIS 16905 * ISO/DIS 16906 * Resilient Floor Coverings — Determination of seam strength ISO/DIS 24334 * Laminate floor coverings — Determination of locking strength for mechanically assembled panels 2014-05-21 2014-05-21 2014-05-07 (Revision of ISO 24334:2006) TC 228 ISO/DIS 13687 Tourism and related services * Yacht Harbours — Minimum Requirements TC 234 2014-05-06 Fisheries and aquaculture ISO/DIS 16488 * Marine finfish farms — Open net cage — Design and operation 2014-05-07 ISO/DIS 16541 * Methods for sea lice surveillance on marine finfish farms 2014-05-07 ISO/DIS 16741 * CASCO Traceability of Crustacean products — Specifications on the information to be recorded in farmed Crustacean distribution chains 2014-05-28 Committee on conformity assessment ISO/IEC DIS 17021-1 * Conformity assessment — Requirements for bodies providing audit and 2014-05-06 certification of management systems — Part 1: Requirements (Revision of ISO/IEC 17021:2011) JTC 1 Information technology ISO/IEC/IEEE DIS 29119-4.2 Software and systems engineering — Software testing — Part 4: Test techniques 2014-04-14 ISO/IEC DIS 18033-1 * Information technology — Security techniques — Encryption algorithms — Part 1: General 2014-05-28 (Revision of ISO/IEC 18033-1:2005) ISO/IEC 144964:2004/DAmd 42 Information technology — Coding of audio-visual objects — Part 4: * Conformance testing — Amendment 42: Conformance testing of MultiResolution Frame Compatible Stereo Coding extension of AVC 2014-05-15 ISO/IEC 144965:2001/DAmd 33 Information technology — Coding of audio-visual objects — Part 5: * Reference software — Amendment 33: Reference software for MVC plus depth extension of AVC 2014-05-11 ISO/IEC 144965:2001/DAmd 34 Information technology — Coding of audio-visual objects — Part 5: * Reference software — Amendment 34: Reference software of the Multiresolution frame compatible stereo conding of AVC 2014-05-11 ISO/IEC 230032:2010/DAmd 3 * Information technology — MPEG audio technologies — Part 2: Spatial Audio Object Coding (SAOC) — Amendment 3: Dialog enhancement 2014-05-18 ISO/IEC DIS 2300810 Information technology — High efficiency coding and media delivery in * heterogeneous environments — Part 10: MPEG Media Transport Forward Error Correction (FEC) codes 2014-05-07 ISO/IEC DIS 2300811 Information technology — High efficiency coding and media delivery in * heterogeneous environments — Part 11: MPEG Media Transport Composition Information 2014-05-14 ISO/IEC DIS 15438 * Information technology — Automatic identification and data capture techniques — PDF417 bar code symbology specification 2014-05-07 (Revision of ISO/IEC 15438:2006) ISO/IEC DIS 16480 * Information technology — Automatic identification and data capture techniques — Reading and display of ORM by mobile devices 2014-05-14 FDIS circulated Period from 01 February to 28 February 2014 These Final draft International Standards have been submitted to the ISO member bodies for formal approval by the date shown * Available in English only Vote terminates TC 6 ISO/FDIS 2758 Paper, board and pulps * Paper — Determination of bursting strength (Revision of ISO 2758:2001) TC 17 Steel 2014-05-14 ISO/FDIS 13933 * TC 21 ISO/FDIS 7240-1 Steel and iron — Determination of calcium and magnesium — Inductively coupled plasma atomic emisson spectrometric method Equipment for fire protection and fire fighting * Fire detection and alarm systems — Part 1: General and definitions 2014-04-14 (Revision of ISO 7240-1:2005) TC 22 Road vehicles ISO/FDIS 126141 * Road vehicles — Liquefied natural gas (LNG) fuel system components — Part 1: General requirements and definitions 2014-04-12 ISO/FDIS 126142 * Road vehicles — Liquefied natural gas (LNG) fuel system components — Part 2: Performance and general test methods 2014-04-12 ISO/FDIS 126143 * Road vehicles — Liquefied natural gas (LNG) fuel system components — Part 3: Check valve 2014-04-12 ISO/FDIS 126144 * Road vehicles — Liquefied natural gas (LNG) fuel system components — Part 4: Manual valve 2014-04-12 ISO/FDIS 126145 * Road vehicles — Liquefied natural gas (LNG) fuel system components — Part 5: Tank pressure gauge 2014-04-12 ISO/FDIS 126146 * Road vehicles — Liquefied natural gas (LNG) fuel system components — Part 6: Pressure regulator 2014-04-12 ISO/FDIS 126147 * Road vehicles — Liquefied natural gas (LNG) fuel system components — Part 7: Pressure relief valve 2014-04-12 ISO/FDIS 126148 * Road vehicles — Liquefied natural gas (LNG) fuel system components — Part 8: Excess flow valve 2014-04-12 ISO/FDIS 126149 * Road vehicles — Liquefied natural gas (LNG) fuel system components — Part 9: Gas-tight housing and ventilation hose 2014-04-12 ISO/FDIS 1261410 * Road vehicles — Liquefied natural gas (LNG) fuel system components — Part 10: Rigid fuel line in stainless steel 2014-04-12 ISO/FDIS 1261411 * Road vehicles — Liquefied natural gas (LNG) fuel system components — Part 11: Fittings 2014-04-12 ISO/FDIS 1261412 * Road vehicles — Liquefied natural gas (LNG) fuel system components — Part 12: Rigid fuel line in copper and its alloys 2014-04-12 ISO/FDIS 1261413 * Road vehicles — Liquefied natural gas (LNG) fuel system components — Part 13: Pressure control regulator 2014-04-14 ISO/FDIS 1261414 * Road vehicles — Liquefied natural gas (LNG) fuel system components — Part 14: Differential pressure fuel content gauge 2014-04-12 ISO/FDIS 1261415 * Road vehicles — Liquefied natural gas (LNG) fuel system components — Part 15: Capacitance fuel content gauge 2014-04-12 ISO/FDIS 1261416 * Road vehicles — Liquefied natural gas (LNG) fuel system components — Part 16: Heat exchanger - vaporizer 2014-04-12 ISO/FDIS 1261417 * Road vehicles — Liquefied natural gas (LNG) fuel system components — Part 17: Natural gas detector 2014-04-12 ISO/FDIS 1261418 * Road vehicles — Liquefied natural gas (LNG) fuel system components — Part 18: Gas temperature sensor 2014-04-12 ISO/FDIS 126191.2 Road vehicles — Compressed gaseous hydrogen (CGH2) and * hydrogen/natural gas blend fuel system components — Part 1: General requirements and definitions ISO/FDIS 126192.2 * Road vehicles — Compressed gaseous hydrogen (CGH2) and hydrogen/natural gas blend fuel system components — Part 2: Performance 2014-04-05 2014-04-05 and general test methods ISO/FDIS 126193.2 Road vehicles — Compressed gaseous hydrogen (CGH2) and * hydrogen/natural gas blend fuel system components — Part 3: Pressure regulator TC 24 ISO/FDIS 133221 2014-04-05 Particle characterization including sieving * Particle size analysis — Image analysis methods — Part 1: Static image analysis methods 2014-04-08 (Revision of ISO 13322-1:2004) TC 28 ISO/FDIS 5163.2 Petroleum products and lubricants * Petroleum products — Determination of knock characteristics of motor and aviation fuels — Motor method 2014-04-14 (Revision of ISO 5163:2005, ISO 5163:2005/Cor 1:2008) ISO/FDIS 5164.2 * Petroleum products — Determination of knock characteristics of motor fuels — Research method 2014-04-14 (Revision of ISO 5164:2005) ISO/FDIS 17198 * TC 38 ISO/FDIS 163732 2014-04-28 Textiles Textiles — Dyestuffs — Part 2: General method for the determination of * extractable dyestuffs including allergenic and carcinogenic dyestuffs (method using pyridine-water) TC 39 ISO/FDIS 1986-1 Dimethyl ether (DME) for fuels — Determination of total sulfur, ultraviolet fluorescence method 2014-04-21 Machine tools Test conditions for surface grinding machines with horizontal grinding wheel * spindle and reciprocating table — Testing of the accuracy — Part 1: Machines with a table length of up to 1 600 mm 2014-04-06 (Revision of ISO 1986-1:2001) TC 43 ISO/FDIS 162511 Acoustics Acoustics — Laboratory measurement of the reduction of transmitted impact * noise by floor coverings on a small floor mock-up — Part 1: Heavyweight compact floor 2014-04-28 TC 44 Welding and allied processes ISO/FDIS 13469 Mechanical joining — Form-fit blind rivets and (lock) bolt joints — Specifications and qualification of testing procedures 2014-04-28 Specification and qualification of welding procedures for metallic materials — Welding procedure test — Part 12: Spot, seam and projection welding 2014-04-20 ISO/FDIS 1561412 * (Revision of ISO 15614-12:2004) ISO/FDIS 9455-5 * Soft soldering fluxes — Test methods — Part 5: Copper mirror test 2014-04-28 (Revision of ISO 9455-5:1992) TC 45 Rubber and rubber products Plastics hoses and hose assemblies for suction and low-pressure discharge of petroleum liquids — Specification ISO/FDIS 6808 * ISO/FDIS 8330 * Rubber and plastics hoses and hose assemblies — Vocabulary (Revision of ISO 8330:2007) 2014-04-28 2014-05-07 ISO/FDIS 27127 Thermoplastic multi-layer (non-vulcanized) hoses and hose assemblies for the transfer of liquid petroleum gas and liquefied natural gas — Specification TC 51 Pallets for unit load method of materials handling ISO/FDIS 18333 Pallets for materials handling — Quality of new wooden components for flat pallets 2014-04-22 (Revision of ISO 18333:2002) TC 54 ISO/FDIS 3218 Essential oils * Essential oils — Principles of nomenclature 2014-04-07 (Revision of ISO 3218:1976) TC 58 ISO/FDIS 9809-4 Gas cylinders Gas cylinders — Refillable seamless steel gas cylinders — Design, * construction and testing — Part 4: Stainless steel cylinders with an Rm value of less than 1 100 MPa TC 61 ISO/FDIS 114033 2014-04-06 Plastics * Plastics — Acquisition and presentation of comparable multipoint data — Part 3: Environmental influences on properties 2014-05-07 (Revision of ISO 11403-3:1999) ISO/FDIS 113582 * Plastics — Thermogravimetry (TG) of polymers — Part 2: Determination of activation energy 2014-04-05 (Revision of ISO 11358-2:2005) ISO/FDIS 220076 Plastics — Determination of thermal conductivity and thermal diffusivity — * Part 6: Comparative method for low thermal conductivities using a temperature-modulation technique 2014-04-14 ISO/FDIS 13106 * Plastics — Blow-moulded polypropylene containers for packaging of liquid foodstuffs 2014-04-06 ISO/FDIS 15114 Fibre-reinforced plastic composites — Determination of the mode II fracture * resistance for unidirectionally reinforced materials using the calibrated endloaded split (C-ELS) test and an effective crack length approach Materials, equipment and offshore structures for petroleum, petrochemical and natural gas industries TC 67 ISO/FDIS 218092 2014-04-06 Petroleum and natural gas industries — External coatings for buried or * submerged pipelines used in pipeline transportation systems — Part 2: Single layer fusion-bonded epoxy coatings 2014-04-21 (Revision of ISO 21809-2:2007, ISO 21809-2:2007/Cor 1:2008) TC 72 Textile machinery and accessories ISO 99021:2001/FDAmd 2 * Textile machinery — Noise test code — Part 1: Common requirements — Amendment 2 2014-04-07 ISO 99022:2001/FDAmd 2 * Textile machinery — Noise test code — Part 2: Spinning preparatory and spinning machinery — Amendment 2 2014-04-07 ISO 99023:2001/FDAmd 2 * Textile machinery — Noise test code — Part 3: Nonwoven machinery — Amendment 2 2014-04-07 ISO 99024:2001/FDAmd 2 * Textile machinery — Noise test code — Part 4: Yarn processing, cordage and rope manufacturing machinery — Amendment 2 2014-04-07 ISO 9902- * Textile machinery — Noise test code — Part 5: Weaving and knitting 2014-04-07 preparatory machinery — Amendment 2 5:2001/FDAmd 2 ISO 99026:2001/FDAmd 2 * Textile machinery — Noise test code — Part 6: Fabric manufacturing machinery — Amendment 2 2014-04-07 ISO 99027:2001/FDAmd 2 * Textile machinery — Noise test code — Part 7: Dyeing and finishing machinery — Amendment 2 2014-04-07 Nuclear energy, nuclear technologies, and radiological protection TC 85 ISO/FDIS 153661 Nuclear fuel technology — Chemical separation and purification of uranium and plutonium in nitric acid solutions for isotopic and isotopic dilution analysis * 2014-04-07 by solvent extraction chromatography — Part 1: Samples containing plutonium in the microgram range and uranium in the milligram range (Revision of ISO 15366:1999) ISO/FDIS 153662 Nuclear fuel technology — Chemical separation and purification of uranium and plutonium in nitric acid solutions for isotopic and isotopic dilution analysis * 2014-04-07 by solvent extraction chromatography — Part 2: Samples containing plutonium and uranium in the nanogram range and below (Revision of ISO 15366:1999) TC 106 ISO/FDIS 11499 Dentistry * Dentistry — Single-use cartridges for local anaesthetics 2014-04-20 (Revision of ISO 11499:2007) Mechanical vibration, shock and condition monitoring TC 108 ISO/FDIS 108168 * Mechanical vibration — Evaluation of machine vibration by measurements on non-rotating parts — Part 8: Reciprocating compressor systems 2014-04-25 ISO/FDIS 1606316 * Methods for the calibration of vibration and shock transducers — Part 16: Calibration by Earth's gravitation 2014-04-04 (Revision of ISO 5347-5:1993) TC 110 ISO/FDIS 229153 Industrial trucks * Industrial trucks — Verification of stability — Part 3: Reach and straddle trucks 2014-04-07 (Revision of ISO 22915-3:2008) ISO/FDIS 229155 * Industrial trucks — Verification of stability — Part 5: Single-side-loading trucks 2014-04-05 (Revision of ISO 13563-1:2001) ISO/FDIS 2291516 * TC 121 Industrial trucks — Verification of stability — Part 16: Pedestrian-propelled trucks 2014-04-21 Anaesthetic and respiratory equipment ISO/FDIS 18082 Anaesthetic and respiratory equipment — Dimensions of non* interchangeable screw-threaded (NIST) low-pressure connectors for medical gases ISO/FDIS 806012-69 * Medical electrical equipment — Part 2-69: Particular requirements for basic safety and essential performance of oxygen concentrator equipment 2014-04-21 2014-04-28 (Revision of ISO 8359:1996) TC 123 ISO/FDIS 3548-1 Plain bearings * Plain bearings — Thin-walled half bearings with or without flange — Part 1: 2014-04-04 Tolerances, design features and methods of test (Revision of ISO 3548:1999) Plastics pipes, fittings and valves for the transport of fluids TC 138 ISO/FDIS 174841 Plastics piping systems — Multilayer pipe systems for indoor gas * installations with a maximum operating pressure up to and including 5 bar (500 kPa) — Part 1: Specifications for systems 2014-04-19 (Revision of ISO 17484-1:2006, ISO 17484-1:2006/Cor 1:2008) TC 146 Air quality Indoor air — Part 27: Determination of settled fibrous dust on surfaces by SEM (scanning electron microscopy) (direct method) ISO/FDIS 1600027 * ISO/FDIS 1600029 * Indoor air — Part 29: Test methods for VOC detectors 2014-04-06 ISO/FDIS 1600030 * Indoor air — Part 30: Sensory testing of indoor air 2014-04-06 TC 149 ISO/FDIS 8098 2014-04-06 Cycles * Cycles — Safety requirements for bicycles for young children 2014-04-21 (Revision of ISO 8098:2002) TC 150 ISO/FDIS 5832-4 Implants for surgery * Implants for surgery — Metallic materials — Part 4: Cobalt-chromiummolybdenum casting alloy 2014-03-27 (Revision of ISO 5832-4:1996) ISO/FDIS 583211 * Implants for surgery — Metallic materials — Part 11: Wrought titanium 6aluminium 7-niobium alloy 2014-04-11 (Revision of ISO 5832-11:1994) ISO/FDIS 131791 * Implants for surgery — Plasma-sprayed unalloyed titanium coatings on metallic surgical implants — Part 1: General requirements ISO/FDIS 23317 * Implants for surgery — In vitro evaluation for apatite-forming ability of implant 2014-04-06 materials 2014-04-20 (Revision of ISO 23317:2012) TC 156 ISO/FDIS 6509-1 Corrosion of metals and alloys * Corrosion of metals and alloys — Determination of dezincification resistance of copper alloys with zinc — Part 1: Test method 2014-04-07 (Revision of ISO 6509:1981) TC 163 Thermal performance and energy use in the built environment ISO/FDIS 10916 Calculation of the impact of daylight utilization on the net and final energy demand for lighting TC 172 Optics and photonics Optics and photonics — Optical materials and components — Test method for refractive index of infrared optical materials ISO/FDIS 17328 * ISO/FDIS 15362 * Stereomicroscopes — Information provided to the user (Revision of ISO 15362:1998) 2014-04-21 2014-04-19 ISO/FDIS 85981.2 * Optics and optical instruments — Focimeters — Part 1: General purpose instruments used for measuring spectacle lenses 2014-04-21 (Revision of ISO 8598:1996, ISO 8598:1996/Cor 1:1998) ISO/FDIS 13212 * Ophthalmic optics — Contact lens care products — Guidelines for determination of shelf-life 2014-04-20 (Revision of ISO 13212:2011) TC 173 ISO/FDIS 717622 Assistive products for persons with disability * Wheelchairs — Part 22: Set-up procedures 2014-04-06 (Revision of ISO 7176-22:2000) TC 181 ISO 81244:2010/FDAmd 2 Safety of toys * 2014-04-06 Safety devices for protection against excessive pressure TC 185 ISO/FDIS 4126-6 Safety of toys — Part 4: Swings, slides and similar activity toys for indoor and outdoor family domestic use — Amendment 2: Paddling pools * Safety devices for protection against excessive pressure — Part 6: Application, selection and installation of bursting disc safety devices 2014-04-21 (Revision of ISO 4126-6:2003) TC 188 ISO 122155:2008/FDAmd 1 Small craft * TC 189 ISO/FDIS 105458 Small craft — Hull construction and scantlings — Part 5: Design pressures for monohulls, design stresses, scantlings determination — Amendment 1 2014-04-28 Ceramic tile * Ceramic tiles — Part 8: Determination of linear thermal expansion 2014-04-07 (Revision of ISO 10545-8:1994) TC 215 ISO/FDIS 226001 Health informatics * Health informatics — Privilege management and access control — Part 1: Overview and policy management 2014-04-21 (Revision of ISO/TS 22600-1:2006) ISO/FDIS 226002 * Health informatics — Privilege management and access control — Part 2: Formal models 2014-04-21 (Revision of ISO/TS 22600-2:2006) TC 219 Floor coverings ISO/FDIS 17984 Machine-made textile floor coverings — Determination of dimensional changes after exposure to heat and/or water (Revision of ISO/PAS 17984:2001) TC 226 Materials for the production of primary aluminium ISO/FDIS 129861 Carbonaceous materials used in the production of aluminium — Prebaked anodes and cathode blocks — Part 1: Determination of bending/shear strength by a three-point method 2014-04-22 (Revision of ISO 12986-1:2000) ISO/FDIS 12986- Carbonaceous materials used in the production of aluminium — Prebaked 2014-04-22 anodes and cathode blocks — Part 2: Determination of flexural strength by the four-point method 2 (Revision of ISO 12986-2:2009) TC 247 ISO/FDIS 16678 Fraud countermeasures and controls * GuideIines for interoperable object identification and related authentication systems to deter counterfeiting and illicit trade JTC 1 Information technology ISO/IEC FDIS 11694-6 Identification cards — Optical memory cards — Linear recording method — Part 6: Use of biometrics on an optical memory card 2014-04-21 2014-04-28 (Revision of ISO/IEC 11694-6:2006) ISO/IEC 144432:2010/FDAmd 5 Identification cards — Contactless integrated circuit cards — Proximity cards * — Part 2: Radio frequency power and signal interface — Amendment 5: Bit rates of 3fc/4, fc, 3fc/2 and 2fc from PCD to PICC 2014-04-08 ISO/IEC FDIS 14496-15 Information technology — Coding of audio-visual objects — Part 15: * Carriage of network abstraction layer (NAL) unit structured video in ISO base media file format 2014-04-12 (Revision of ISO/IEC 14496-15:2010, ISO/IEC 14496-15:2010/Amd 1:2011, ISO/IEC 14496-15:2010/Cor 1:2011, ISO/IEC 14496-15:2010/Cor 2:2012, ISO/IEC 14496-15:2010/DAmd 2) ISO/IEC FDIS 29109-5 Information technology — Conformance testing methodology for biometric * data interchange formats defined in ISO/IEC 19794 — Part 5: Face image data 2014-04-29 (Revision of ISO/IEC 29109-5:2012) Standards published New International Standards published between 01 February and 28 February 2014 * Available in English only ** French version of standard previously published in English only Price group TC 6 ISO 16945:2014 TC 8 Paper, board and pulps * Corrugating medium — Determination of the edge crush resistance after laboratory fluting E Ships and marine technology ISO 28004-2:2014 Security management systems for the supply chain — Guidelines for the * implementation of ISO 28000 — Part 2: Guidelines for adopting ISO 28000 for use in medium and small seaport operations L ISO 28004-3:2014 Security management systems for the supply chain — Guidelines for the implementation of ISO 28000 — Part 3: Additional specific guidance for * adopting ISO 28000 for use by medium and small businesses (other than marine ports) H ISO 28004-4:2014 Security management systems for the supply chain — Guidelines for the implementation of ISO 28000 — Part 4: Additional specific guidance on * implementing ISO 28000 if compliance with ISO 28001 is a management objective C ISO 16328:2014 * Ships and marine technology — Gyro-compasses for high-speed craft H ISO 22090-1:2014 * Ships and marine technology — Transmitting heading devices (THDs) — Part 1: Gyro-compasses G ISO 22090-2:2014 * Ships and marine technology — Transmitting heading devices (THDs) — Part 2: Geomagnetic principles F ISO 22090-3:2014 * Ships and marine technology — Transmitting heading devices (THDs) — Part 3: GNSS principles E ISO 18422:2014 * Ships and marine technology — Inland navigation vessels — Plate with instructions for rescue, resuscitation and first aid for drowning persons D TC 10 Technical product documentation ISO 128-24:2014 Technical drawings — General principles of presentation — Part 24: Lines on mechanical engineering drawings TC 17 Steel H ISO 7778:2014 * Through-thickness characteristics for steel products D ISO 5954:2014 * Cold-reduced carbon steel sheet according to hardness requirements D TC 20 Aircraft and space vehicles Aerospace series — Graphic symbols for schematic drawings of hydraulic and pneumatic systems and components ISO 5859:2014 * ISO 16127:2014 * Space systems — Prevention of break-up of unmanned spacecraft ISO 16691:2014 * ISO 16695:2014 * Space environment (natural and artificial) — Geomagnetic reference models TC 22 Space systems — Thermal control coatings for spacecraft — General requirements A E J J Road vehicles ISO 8820-2:2014 * Road vehicles — Fuse-links — Part 2: User guidelines G ISO 10924-2:2014 * Road vehicles — Circuit breakers — Part 2: User's guide M ISO 15031-4:2014 * ISO/TS 13499:2014 * Road vehicles — Multimedia data exchange format for impact tests ISO/TS 18506:2014 * Road vehicles — Communication between vehicle and external equipment for emissions-related diagnostics — Part 4: External test equipment Procedure to construct injury risk curves for the evaluation of road user protection in crash tests TC 23 Tractors and machinery for agriculture and forestry ISO 5721-2:2014 Agricultural tractors-- Requirements, test procedures and acceptance criteria for the operator's field of vision — Part 2: Field of vision to the side and to the rear ISO 10998:2008/Amd 1:2014 TC 28 * Agricultural tractors — Requirements for steering — Amendment 1 Petroleum products and lubricants P D C B XZ ISO 22854:2014 Liquid petroleum products — Determination of hydrocarbon types and oxygenates in automotive-motor gasoline and in ethanol (E85) automotive fuel — Multidimensional gas chromatography method TC 29 Small tools K ISO/TS 133992:2014 * Cutting tool data representation and exchange — Part 2: Reference dictionary for the cutting items XA ISO/TS 133993:2014 * Cutting tool data representation and exchange — Part 3: Reference dictionary for tool items XB ISO/TS 133994:2014 * Cutting tool data representation and exchange — Part 4: Reference dictionary for adaptive items U ISO/TS 133995:2014 * Cutting tool data representation and exchange — Part 5: Reference dictionary for assembly items U ISO/TS 1339960:2014 * Cutting tool data representation and exchange — Part 60: Reference dictionary for connection systems ISO 11901-3:2014 * Tools for pressing — Gas springs — Part 3: Gas spring with increased spring force and compact built height G ISO 11901-4:2014 * Tools for pressing — Gas springs — Part 4: Gas springs with increased spring force and same built height E ISO 2351-3:2014 Assembly tools for screws and nuts — Machine-operated screwdriver bits — Part 3: Screwdriver bits for hexagon socket screws C TC 31 Tyres, rims and valves ISO 7295:1988/Amd 1:2014 * Tyre valves for aircraft — Interchangeability dimensions — Amendment 1 XB XZ TC 34 Food products ISO 14244:2014 Oilseed meals — Determination of soluble proteins in potassium hydroxide solution C ISO 8968-1:2014 Milk and milk products — Determination of nitrogen content — Part 1: Kjeldahl principle and crude protein calculation J ISO 6539:2014 * Cinnamon (Cinnamomum zeylanicum Blume) — Specification ISO/TS 220024:2013 Prerequisite programmes on food safety — Part 4: Food packaging manufacturing TC 35 Paints and varnishes ISO 16925:2014 Paints and varnishes — Determination of the resistance of coatings to pressure water-jetting TC 37 Terminology and other language and content resources ISO 24615-1:2014 TC 38 ISO 2403:2014 * Language resource management — Syntactic annotation framework (SynAF) — Part 1: Syntactic model D J J K Textiles * Textiles — Cotton fibres — Determination of micronaire value TC 41 Pulleys and belts (including veebelts) ISO 1813:2014 Belt drives — V-ribbed belts, joined V-belts and V-belts including wide section belts and hexagonal belts — Electrical conductivity of antistatic belts: Characteristics and methods of test D F ISO 11749:2014 * Belt drive — V-ribbed belts for the automotive industry — Fatigue test TC 42 ISO 12233:2014 F Photography * Photography — Electronic still picture imaging — Resolution and spatial frequency responses T TC 43 Acoustics ISO 1680:2013 Acoustics — Test code for the measurement of airborne noise emitted by rotating electrical machines K Acoustics — Field measurement of sound insulation in buildings and of building elements — Part 1: Airborne sound insulation S ISO 16283-1:2014 * TC 44 Welding and allied processes ISO 5826:2014 Resistance welding equipment — Transformers — General specifications applicable to all transformers P ISO 5817:2014 Welding — Fusion-welded joints in steel, nickel, titanium and their alloys (beam welding excluded) — Quality levels for imperfections N TC 45 Rubber and rubber products ISO 2929:2014 * Rubber hoses and hose assemblies for bulk fuel delivery by truck — Specification H ISO/TS 11619:2014 * Polyurethane tubing for use primarily in pneumatic installations — Dimensions and specification D ISO 289-1:2014 Rubber, unvulcanized — Determinations using a shearing-disc viscometer — Part 1: Determination of Mooney viscosity J ISO 6914:2013 Rubber, vulcanized or thermoplastic — Determination of ageing characteristics by measurement of stress relaxation in tension E ISO 2322:2014 * Styrene-butadiene rubber (SBR) — Emulsion- and solution-polymerized types — Evaluation procedures H ISO 2393:2014 * Rubber test mixes — Preparation, mixing and vulcanization — Equipment and procedures M ISO 2476:2014 * Butadiene rubber (BR) — Solution-polymerized types — Evaluation procedures H ISO 17403:2014 * Rubber — Determination of magnesium content of field and concentrated natural rubber latices by titration (cyanide-free method) E ISO 14285:2014 * Rubber and plastics gloves for food services — Limits for extractable substances J TC 46 Information and documentation ISO 2789:2013 Information and documentation — International library statistics TC 58 Gas cylinders ISO 5145:2014 Cylinder valve outlets for gases and gas mixtures — Selection and dimensioning TC 61 Plastics W R ISO 15850:2014 * Plastics — Determination of tension-tension fatigue crack propagation — Linear elastic fracture mechanics (LEFM) approach L ISO 15028:2014 * Plastics — Aromatic isocyanates for use in the production of polyurethanes — Determination of hydrolysable chlorine C ISO 21048:2014 * Plastics — Epoxy resins — Determination of 1,2-glycol content ISO 25761:2014 * Plastics — Polyols for use in the production of polyurethanes — Determination of basicity (total amine value), expressed as percent nitrogen C D TC 67 Materials, equipment and offshore structures for petroleum, petrochemical and natural gas industries ISO 10432:2004 Petroleum and natural gas industries — Downhole equipment — Subsurface safety valve equipment W ISO 13625:2002 Petroleum and natural gas industries — Drilling and production equipment — Marine drilling riser couplings M ISO 13626:2003 Petroleum and natural gas industries — Drilling and production equipment — Drilling and well-servicing structures P ISO 17824:2009 Petroleum and natural gas industries — Downhole equipment — Sand screens R TC 76 Transfusion, infusion and injection, and blood processing equipment for medical and pharmaceutical use ISO 88712:2003/Amd 1:2005 Elastomeric parts for parenterals and for devices for pharmaceutical use — Part 2: Identification and characterization — Amendment 1 TC 85 Nuclear energy, nuclear technologies, and radiological protection ISO 28057:2014 Dosimetry with solid thermoluminescence detectors for photon and electron radiations in radiotherapy TC 89 Wood-based panels XZ R ISO 13608:2014 * Plywood — Decorative veneered plywood G ISO 13609:2014 * Wood-based panels — Plywood — Blockboards and battenboards C TC 92 Fire safety ISO/TS 3814:2014 * Standard tests for measuring reaction-to-fire of products and materials — Their development and application K ISO 13784-1:2014 * Reaction to fire test for sandwich panel building systems — Part 1: Small room test P ISO 834-10:2014 Fire resistance tests — Elements of building construction — Part 10: Specific * requirements to determine the contribution of applied fire protection materials to structural steel elements V ISO 834-11:2014 Fire resistance tests — Elements of building construction * — Part 11: Specific requirements for the assessment of fire protection to structural steel elements U ISO/TR 167303:2013 Fire safety engineering — Assessment, verification and validation of calculation methods — Part 3: Example of a CFD model TC 96 Cranes ISO 10245-2:2014 * Cranes — Limiting and indicating devices — Part 2: Mobile cranes TC 104 Freight containers ISO 668:2013 Series 1 freight containers — Classification, dimensions and ratings N E J TC 105 Steel wire ropes ISO 16841:2014 Steel wire ropes — Pulling eyes for rope installation — Types and minimum requirements TC 108 Mechanical vibration, shock and condition monitoring ISO 18436-4:2014 Condition monitoring and diagnostics of machines — Requirements for qualification and assessment of personnel — Part 4: Field lubricant analysis J Condition monitoring and diagnostics of machines — Requirements for qualification and assessment of personnel — Part 6: Acoustic emission F ISO 18436-6:2014 * TC 110 Industrial trucks ISO 3691-5:2014 Industrial trucks — Safety requirements and verification — Part 5: Pedestrianpropelled trucks TC 114 Horology IEC 60086-3:2011 * Primary batteries — Part 3: Watch batteries TC 117 ISO 27327-2:2014 * Fans — Air curtain units — Part 2: Laboratory methods of testing for sound power Anaesthetic and respiratory equipment ISO 81060-2:2013 Non-invasive sphygmomanometers — Part 2: Clinical investigation of automated measurement type TC 122 Packaging ISO 17351:2013 Packaging — Braille on packaging for medicinal products TC 130 Graphic technology * Graphic technology — Communication of graphic paper properties TC 131 ISO 19973-4:2014 * Pneumatic fluid power — Assessment of component reliability by testing — Part 4: Pressure regulators R S G F H Plastics pipes, fittings and valves for the transport of fluids * Pipes and joints made of oriented unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-O) for the conveyance of water under pressure — Specifications TC 145 Graphical symbols ISO 7010:2011/Amd 5:2014 Graphical symbols — Safety colours and safety signs — Registered safety signs — Amendment 5 ISO 20712-3:2014 U Fluid power systems TC 138 ISO 16422:2014 P Fans TC 121 ISO 15397:2014 E * Water safety signs and beach safety flags — Part 3: Guidance for use M XZ N TC 147 Water quality ISO 17378-1:2014 Water quality — Determination of arsenic and antimony — Part 1: Method using hydride generation atomic fluorescence spectrometry (HG-AFS) K ISO 17378-2:2014 Water quality — Determination of arsenic and antimony — Part 2: Method L using hydride generation atomic absorption spectrometry (HG-AAS) ISO 13166:2014 Water quality — Uranium isotopes — Test method using alpha-spectrometry J ISO 17994:2014 Water quality — Requirements for the comparison of the relative recovery of microorganisms by two quantitative methods L TC 150 Implants for surgery ISO 21536:2007/Amd 1:2014 Non-active surgical implants — Joint replacement implants — Specific requirements for knee-joint replacement implants — Amendment 1 ISO/TR 16379:2014 * Tissue-engineered medical products — Evaluation of anisotropic structure of articular cartilage using DT (Diffusion Tensor)-MR Imaging TC 156 Corrosion of metals and alloys ISO 15158:2014 Corrosion of metals and alloys — Method of measuring the pitting potential for stainless steels by potentiodynamic control in sodium chloride solution TC 163 Thermal performance and energy use in the built environment ISO 14857:2014 * TC 165 Thermal performance in the built environment — Determination of air permeance of building materials XZ L G G Timber structures ISO 12122-1:2014 * Timber structures — Determination of characteristic values — Part 1: Basic requirements N ISO 12122-2:2014 * Timber structures — Determination of characteristic values — Part 2: Sawn timber D TC 171 ISO 12653-3:2014 Document management applications * TC 172 ISO/TS 24348:2014 Electronic imaging — Test target for scanning of office documents — Part 3: Test target for use in lower resolution applications K Optics and photonics * Ophthalmic optics — Spectacle frames — Method for the simulation of wear and detection of nickel release from metal and combination spectacle frames K TC 173 Assistive products for persons with disability ISO 16840-3:2014 Wheelchair seating — Part 3: Determination of static, impact and repetitive load strengths for postural support devices P ISO/TS 1684011:2014 Wheelchair seating — Part 11: Determination of perspiration dissipation characteristics of seat cushions intended to manage tissue integrity C Skin barrier for ostomy aids — Test methods — Part 1: Size, surface pH and water-absorbency F ISO 12505-1:2014 * TC 176 Quality management and quality assurance ISO/TS 17582:2014 * Quality management systems — Particular requirements for the application of ISO 9001:2008 for electoral organizations at all levels of government S ISO 18091:2014 * Quality management systems — Guidelines for the application of ISO 9001:2008 in local government U TC 178 ISO 22559-1:2014 Lifts, escalators and moving walks * Safety requirements for lifts (elevators) — Part 1: Global essential safety X requirements (GESRs) TC 184 Automation systems and integration ISO 13482:2014 Robots and robotic devices — Safety requirements for personal care robots TC 190 Soil quality W ISO 13859:2014 * Soil quality — Determination of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) by gas chromatography (GC) and high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) R ISO 13913:2014 * Soil quality — Determination of selected phthalates using capillary gas chromatography with mass spectrometric detection (GC/MS) L ISO 18227:2014 * Soil quality — Determination of elemental composition by X-ray fluorescence R ISO 11267:2014 Soil quality — Inhibition of reproduction of Collembola (Folsomia candida) by soil contaminants K TC 197 Hydrogen technologies ISO 14687-3:2014 * Hydrogen fuel — Product specification — Part 3: Proton exchange membrane (PEM) fuel cell applications for stationary appliances L TC 202 Microbeam analysis ISO 15932:2013 Microbeam analysis — Analytical electron microscopy — Vocabulary TC 206 Fine ceramics ISO 17161:2014 Fine ceramics (advanced ceramics, advanced technical ceramics) — Ceramic composites — Determination of the degree of misalignment in uniaxial mechanical tests TC 211 Geographic information/Geomatics ISO 19153:2014 Geospatial Digital Rights Management Reference Model (GeoDRM RM) TC 213 Dimensional and geometrical product specifications and verification ISO 25178-70:2014 Geometrical product specification (GPS) — Surface texture: Areal — Part 70: Material measures TC 215 Health informatics ISO/IEEE 1107310102:2014 Health informatics — Point-of-care medical device communication — Part 10102: Nomenclature — Annotated ECG XC ISO/IEEE 1107310103:2014 Health informatics — Point-of-care medical device communication — Part 10103: Nomenclature — Implantable device, cardiac XA ISO/IEEE 1107310417:2014 Health informatics — Personal health device communication — Part 10417: Device specialization — Glucose meter U ISO/IEEE 1107310418:2014 Health informatics — Personal health device communication — Part 10418: Device specialization — International Normalized Ratio (INR) monitor U ISO/TR 283801:2014 * Health informatics — IHE global standards adoption — Part 1: Process ISO/TR 283802:2014 * TC 226 ISO 18142:2014 Health informatics — IHE global standards adoption — Part 2: Integration and content profiles L E X Q K F Materials for the production of primary aluminium * Carbonaceous materials for the production of primary aluminium — Baked D carbon bodies — Determination of the dynamic elasticity modulus by the resonance method TC 229 Nanotechnologies ISO/TS 13830:2013 Nanotechnologies — Guidance on voluntary labelling for consumer products containing manufactured nano-objects C ISO/TR 14786:2014 Nanotechnologies — Considerations for the development of chemical nomenclature for selected nano-objects R ISO/TS 800048:2013 Nanotechnologies — Vocabulary — Part 8: Nanomanufacturing processes N TC 249 Traditional chinese medicine ISO 17218:2014 * Sterile acupuncture needles for single use TC 268 ISO/TR 37150:2014 Sustainable development in communities * TMBG ISO Guide 82:2014 Smart community infrastructures — Review of existing activities relevant to metrics XA Technical Management Board - groups * Guidelines for addressing sustainability in standards IULTCS International Union of Leather Technologists and Chemists Societies ISO 11646:2014 Leather — Measurement of area CASCO Committee on conformity assessment ISO/IEC TS 17027:2014 M * JTC 1 Conformity assessment — Vocabulary related to competence of persons used for certification of persons K B F Information technology Information technology — Sensor networks: Sensor Network Reference Architecture (SNRA) — Part 3: Reference architecture views ISO/IEC 291823:2014 * ISO/IEC/IEEE 88021AB:2014 Information technology — Telecommunications and information exchange * between systems — Local and metropolitan area networks — Part 1AB: Station and media access control connectivity discovery XC ISO/IEC/IEEE 88021AR:2014 Information technology — Telecommunications and information exchange * between systems — Local and metropolitan area networks — Part 1AR: Secure device identity V ISO/IEC/IEEE 88021AS:2014 Information technology — Telecommunications and information exchange between systems — Local and metropolitan area networks — Part 1AS: * Timing and synchronization for time-sensitive applications in bridged local area networks ISO/IEC 95941:2014 * Information technology — Open Systems Interconnection — The Directory — Part 1: Overview of concepts, models and services L ISO/IEC 95942:2014 * Information technology — Open Systems Interconnection — The Directory — Part 2: Models XC ISO/IEC 95943:2014 * Information technology — Open Systems Interconnection — The Directory — Part 3: Abstract service definition XA ISO/IEC 95944:2014 * Information technology — Open Systems Interconnection — The Directory — Part 4: Procedures for distributed operation XB ISO/IEC 9594- * Information technology — Open Systems Interconnection — The Directory — X L XC 5:2014 Part 5: Protocol specifications ISO/IEC 95946:2014 * Information technology — Open Systems Interconnection — The Directory — Part 6: Selected attribute types X ISO/IEC 95947:2014 * Information technology — Open Systems Interconnection — The Directory — Part 7: Selected object classes N ISO/IEC 95948:2014 * Information technology — Open Systems Interconnection — The Directory — Part 8: Public-key and attribute certificate frameworks XC ISO/IEC 95949:2014 * Information technology — Open Systems Interconnection — The Directory — Part 9: Replication R ISO/IEC 25051:2014 Software engineering — Systems and software Quality Requirements and * Evaluation (SQuaRE) — Requirements for quality of Ready to Use Software Product (RUSP) and instructions for testing Q ISO/IEC 187451:2014 Information technology — Test methods for machine readable travel * documents (MRTD) and associated devices — Part 1: Physical test methods for passport books (durability) S ISO/IEC 18025:2014 * Information technology — Environmental Data Coding Specification (EDCS) ISO/IEC TR 27016:2014 * Information technology — Security techniques — Information security management — Organizational economics P ISO/IEC 270334:2014 * Information technology — Security techniques — Network security — Part 4: Securing communications between networks using security gateways L ISO/IEC 29147:2014 * Information technology — Security techniques — Vulnerability disclosure ISO/IEC 247301:2014 * Information technology — Real-time locating systems (RTLS) — Part 1: Application programming interface (API) ISO/IEC 247913:2014 * Information technology — Radio frequency identification (RFID) for item management — Software system infrastructure — Part 3: Device management ISO/IEC 200161:2014 Information technology for learning, education and training — Language accessibility and human interface equivalencies (HIEs) in e-learning * applications — Part 1: Framework and reference model for semantic interoperability ISO/IEC 197945:2011/Amd 1:2014 Information technology — Biometric data interchange formats — Part 5: Face * image data — Amendment 1: Conformance testing methodology and clarification of defects ISO/IEC 197947:2014 * Information technology — Biometric data interchange formats — Part 7: Signature/sign time series data Standards confirmed The following International Standards are confimred for a five year period: TC 22 Road vehicles ISO 4925:2005 (reconfirmed) ISO 3929:2003 (reconfirmed) TC 28 Petroleum products and lubricants ISO 1998-6:2000 (reconfirmed) XB Q J W XC V W ISO 199899:2000 (reconfirmed) ISO 2909:2002 (reconfirmed) TC 30 Measurement of fluid flow in closed conduits ISO 5167-1:2003 (reconfirmed) ISO 5167-2:2003 (reconfirmed) ISO 5167-3:2003 (reconfirmed) ISO 5167-4:2003 (reconfirmed) TC 51 Pallets for unit load method of materials handling ISO 127772:2000 (reconfirmed) ISO 127773:2002 (reconfirmed) ISO 15629:2002 (reconfirmed) TC 58 Gas cylinders ISO 11621:1997 (reconfirmed) TC 67 Materials, equipment and offshore structures for petroleum, petrochemical and natural gas industries ISO 104072:2008 ISO 13533:2001 (reconfirmed) ISO 136283:2000 (reconfirmed) ISO 1362811:2007 ISO 14310:2008 ISO 170781:2004 (reconfirmed) ISO 170782:2007 TC 85 Nuclear energy, nuclear technologies, and radiological protection ISO 6980-2:2004 (reconfirmed) ISO 9978:1992 (reconfirmed) ISO 17873:2004 (reconfirmed) TC 107 Metallic and other inorganic coatings ISO 14918:1998 (reconfirmed) TC 108 Mechanical vibration, shock and condition monitoring ISO 133741:2003 (reconfirmed) TC 113 Hydrometry ISO 4369:1979 (reconfirmed) ISO/TS 15768:2000 (reconfirmed) ISO 4365:2005 (reconfirmed) TC 135 Non-destructive testing ISO/TS 18173:2005 (reconfirmed) TC 138 Plastics pipes, fittings and valves for the transport of fluids ISO 13957:1997 (reconfirmed) TC 149 Cycles ISO 10230:1990 (reconfirmed) TC 159 Ergonomics ISO 110646:2005 (reconfirmed) TC 173 Assistive products for persons with disability ISO 105421:2012 TC 180 Solar energy ISO/TR 10217:1989 JTC 1 Information technology ISO/IEC 117702:2008 ISO/IEC 148881:2008 ISO/IEC 148882:2008 ISO/IEC 23988:2007 ISO/IEC 197947:2007 Standards withdrawn Period from 01 February to 28 February 2014 TC 8 Ships and marine technology ISO/PAS 280042:2012 (replaced by ISO 28004-2:2014) ISO/PAS 280043:2012 (replaced by ISO 28004-3:2014) ISO/PAS 280044:2012 (replaced by ISO 28004-4:2014) TC 34 Food products ISO 5549:1978 (replaced by ISO 8968-1:2014) ISO 8968-2:2001 (replaced by ISO 8968-1:2014) ISO/TS 17837:2008 (replaced by ISO 8968-1:2014) TC 37 Terminology and other language and content resources ISO 24615:2010 (replaced by ISO 24615-1:2014) TC 43 Acoustics ISO 140-4:1998 (replaced by ISO 16283-1:2014) TC 92 Fire safety ISO/TR 3814:1989 (replaced by ISO/TS 3814:2014) TC 118 Compressors and pneumatic tools, machines and equipment ISO 8662-1:1988 (replaced by ) TC 147 Water quality ISO 11969:1996 (replaced by ISO 17378-2:2014) TC 178 Lifts, escalators and moving walks ISO/TS 22559-1:2004 (replaced by ISO 22559-1:2014) TMBG Technical Management Board - groups IWA 4:2009 (replaced by ISO 18091:2014) JTC 1 Information technology ISO/IEC 180283:2005 (replaced by ISO/IEC 27033-4:2014) Meeting calendar (update at 01 February 2014) Meetings called for the month of January are not in this edition. * Information definite but meeting not yet formally convened ** Provisional March 2014 3-7 Berlin (Germany) JTC 1/SC 34 Information technology/Document description and processing languages 6 Virtual (Unknown) CSC/FIN Council/Council Standing Committee on Finance (CSC/FIN) 6 Virtual (Unknown) TC 268/SC 1 Sustainable development in communities/Smart community infrastructures 1011 Troy (USA) TC 22/SC 11 Road vehicles/Safety glazing materials 12 Tokyo (Japan) TC 22/SC 21 Road vehicles/Electrically propelled road vehicles 13 La Plaine St-Denis (France) TC 5/SC 2 Ferrous metal pipes and metallic fittings/Cast iron pipes, fittings and their joints 13 London (United Kingdom) TC 118/SC 1 Compressors and pneumatic tools, machines and equipment/Process compressors 13 London (United Kingdom) TC 118/SC 3 Compressors and pneumatic tools, machines and equipment/Pneumatic tools and machines 13 London (United Kingdom) TC 118/SC 4 Compressors and pneumatic tools, machines and equipment/Compressed air treatment technology 13 London (United Kingdom) TC 118/SC 6 Compressors and pneumatic tools, machines and equipment/Air compressors and compressed air systems 14 Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) TC 94/SC 13 Personal safety -- Protective clothing and equipment/Protective clothing 14 London (United Kingdom) TC 118 Compressors and pneumatic tools, machines and equipment 17 Geneva (Switzerland) President's committee President's committee 1719 Geneva (Switzerland) COUNCIL Council 1820 Montreal (Canada) JTC 1/SC 36 Information technology/Information technology for learning, education and training 20 Osaka (Japan) TC 86/SC 1 Refrigeration and air-conditioning/Safety and environmental requirements for refrigerating systems 20 Singapore (Singapore) TC 104/SC 1 Freight containers/General purpose containers 21 Singapore (Singapore) TC 104 Freight containers 2327 Warsaw (Poland) TC 107/SC 4 Metallic and other inorganic coatings/Hot dip coatings (galvanized, etc.) 2328 London (United Kingdom) TC 130 Graphic technology 2427 Warsaw (Poland) TC 107 Metallic and other inorganic coatings 25 Warsaw (Poland) TC 107/SC 3 Metallic and other inorganic coatings/Electrodeposited coatings and related finishes 25 Warsaw (Poland) TC 107/SC 7 Metallic and other inorganic coatings/Corrosion tests 25 Warsaw (Poland) TC 107/SC 8 Metallic and other inorganic coatings/Chemical conversion coatings * * 2527 Madrid (Spain) PC 278 Anti-bribery management systems 27 Paris (France) TC 274 Light and lighting 31 Hamburg (Germany) TC 184 Automation systems and integration March-April 2014 314 Valencia (Spain) JTC 1/SC 29 Information technology/Coding of audio, picture, multimedia and hypermedia information 314 Casablanca (Morocco) PC 283 Occupational health and safety management systems April 2014 1 Toronto (Canada) TC 117 Fans 2-3 Berlin (Germany) TC 34/SC 11 Food products/Animal and vegetable fats and oils 2-3 Berlin (Germany) TC 265 Carbon dioxide capture, transportation, and geological storage 3 Paris (France) TC 67/SC 8 Materials, equipment and offshore structures for petroleum, petrochemical and natural gas industries/Arctic operations 3 Berlin (Germany) TC 255 Biogas 4 Sydney (Australia) TC 198 Sterilization of health care products 710 Vitoria (Brazil) TC 102 Iron ore and direct reduced iron 711 Delft (Netherlands) TC 6 Paper, board and pulps 711 Lund (Sweden) TC 92 Fire safety 711 Bologna (Italy) TC 110/SC 4 Industrial trucks/Rough-terrain trucks 711 Amsterdam (Netherlands) TC 161 Control and protective devices for gas and/or oil burners and appliances 711 Delft (Netherlands) TC 257 Evaluation of energy savings 8 Berlin (Germany) TC 44/SC 11 Welding and allied processes/Qualification requirements for welding and allied processes personnel 8-9 (Japan) 810 Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) TC 67/SC 2 Materials, equipment and offshore structures for petroleum, petrochemical and natural gas industries/Pipeline transportation systems 810 Vitoria (Brazil) TC 102/SC 1 Iron ore and direct reduced iron/Sampling 810 Vitoria (Brazil) TC 102/SC 2 Iron ore and direct reduced iron/Chemical analysis 810 Vitoria (Brazil) TC 102/SC 3 Iron ore and direct reduced iron/Physical testing 9 Tokyo (Japan) TC 23/SC 19 Tractors and machinery for agriculture and forestry/Agricultural electronics ** TC 199 Safety of machinery 9 Lund (Sweden) TC 92/SC 1 Fire safety/Fire initiation and growth 910 Berlin (Germany) TC 44/SC 10 Welding and allied processes/Unification of requirements in the field of metal welding 911 Busan (Korea, Republic of) TC 112 Vacuum technology 10 Delft (Netherlands) TC 6/SC 2 Paper, board and pulps/Test methods and quality specifications for paper and board 10 Lund (Sweden) TC 92/SC 2 Fire safety/Fire containment 10 Lund (Sweden) TC 92/SC 3 Fire safety/Fire threat to people and environment 10 Prague (Czech Republic) TC 201/SC 8 Surface chemical analysis/Glow discharge spectroscopy 1011 Berlin (Germany) TC 44/SC 8 Welding and allied processes/Equipment for gas welding, cutting and allied processes 11 Lund (Sweden) TC 92/SC 4 Fire safety/Fire safety engineering 1113 Maryland (USA) TC 267 Facilities management 1415 Hong Kong (Hong Kong, China) JTC 1/SC 27 Information technology/IT Security techniques 1516 Dnepropetrovsk (Ukraine) TC 20/SC 8 Aircraft and space vehicles/Aerospace terminology 2226 Mishima (Japan) TC 194 Biological evaluation of medical devices 2324 (Europe) 2425 Bangkok (Thailand) TC 34 Food products 2425 Paris (France) TC 67/SC 6 Materials, equipment and offshore structures for petroleum, petrochemical and natural gas industries/Processing equipment and systems 30 Virtual (Unknown) * JTC 1/SC 40 Information technology/IT Service Management and IT Governance Berlin (Germany) ** TC 34/SC 2 ** TC 167 Steel and aluminium structures Food products/Oleaginous seeds and fruits and oilseed meals April-May 2014 283 Sydney (Australia) JTC 1/SC 38 Information technology/Distributed application platforms and services (DAPS) 302 New York (USA) TC 96/SC 10 Cranes/Design principles and requirements May 2014 1-2 Maryland (USA) TAG 14 Image Technology 4-7 London (United Kingdom) TC 68 Financial services 4-9 Philadelphia (USA) TC 184/SC 4 Automation systems and integration/Industrial data 5-8 Washington, D.C (USA) TC 46/SC 9 Information and documentation/Identification and description * 5-9 Washington, D.C (USA) TC 46 Information and documentation 5-9 Washington, D.C (USA) TC 46/SC 4 Information and documentation/Technical interoperability 5-9 Washington, D.C (USA) TC 46/SC 11 Information and documentation/Archives/records management 7-9 Delft (Netherlands) PC 259 Outsourcing 7-9 Shanghai (China) TC 8/SC 1 Ships and marine technology/Lifesaving and fire protection 8 Washington, D.C (USA) TC 46/SC 8 Information and documentation/Quality - Statistics and performance evaluation 8 Santa María de Lamas (Portugal) TC 87 Cork 8-9 Wiesbaden (Germany) TC 226 Materials for the production of primary aluminium 916 London (United Kingdom) TC 10 Technical product documentation 10 St. Petersburg, Florida (USA) TC 96 Cranes 1116 Oslo (Norway) TC 204 Intelligent transport systems 1214 Nashville (USA) TC 131/SC 6 Fluid power systems/Contamination control 1214 Beijing (China) TC 184/SC 5 Automation systems and integration/Interoperability, integration, and architectures for enterprise systems and automation applications 1216 Seoul (Korea, Republic of) JTC 1/SC 39 Information technology/Sustainability for and by Information Technology 1216 Milan (Italy) TC 39/SC 2 Machine tools/Test conditions for metal cutting machine tools 1216 London (United Kingdom) TC 68/SC 4 Financial services/Securities and related financial instruments 1216 Pretoria (South Africa) TC 171 Document management applications 1216 Zhangjiajie (China) TC 195 Building construction machinery and equipment 1216 Zhangjiajie (China) TC 195/SC 1 Building construction machinery and equipment/Machinery and equipment for concrete work 13 London (United Kingdom) TC 68/SC 7 Financial services/Core banking 1315 Delft (Netherlands) TC 147/SC 3 Water quality/Radioactivity measurements 14 London (United Kingdom) TC 10/SC 1 Technical product documentation/Basic conventions 14 London (United Kingdom) TC 10/SC 8 Technical product documentation/Construction documentation 14 London (United Kingdom) TC 68/SC 2 Financial services/Financial Services, security 14 Rosslyn (USA) * TC 145/SC 1 Graphical symbols/Public information symbols 1415 Düsseldorf (Germany) * TC 122/SC 4 Packaging/Packaging and the environment 1416 Berlin (Germany) TC 276 Biotechnology 15 London (United Kingdom) TC 10/SC 6 Technical product documentation/Mechanical engineering documentation 15 Rosslyn (USA) TC 145/SC 2 Graphical symbols/Safety identification, signs, shapes, symbols and colours 15 Rosslyn (USA) TC 145/SC 3 Graphical symbols/Graphical symbols for use on equipment 1516 Milan (Italy) * COPOLCO Committee on consumer policy 1520 Berlin (Germany) * TC 34/SC 5 Food products/Milk and milk products 16 Rosslyn (USA) TC 145 Graphical symbols 1920 Lübeck (Germany) TC 94 Personal safety -- Protective clothing and equipment 1923 Milan (Italy) TC 23/SC 13 Tractors and machinery for agriculture and forestry/Powered lawn and garden equipment 1923 Berlin (Germany) TC 43 Acoustics 1923 Berlin (Germany) TC 43/SC 1 Acoustics/Noise 1923 Berlin (Germany) ** TC 43/SC 2 1923 Karuizawa (Japan) TC 215 Health informatics 1924 Woippy (France) TC 173/SC 1 Assistive products for persons with disability/Wheelchairs 21 Tokyo (Japan) TC 67/SC 5 Materials, equipment and offshore structures for petroleum, petrochemical and natural gas industries/Casing, tubing and drill pipe 2122 Troy (USA) TC 22/SC 3 Road vehicles/Electrical and electronic equipment 22 Prague (Czech Republic) TC 122 Packaging 23 Milan (Italy) TC 23/SC 7 Tractors and machinery for agriculture and forestry/Equipment for harvesting and conservation 23 Shanghai (China) TC 136 Furniture 23 Paris (France) * TC 228 Tourism and related services 23 Toronto (Canada) * TC 268 Sustainable development in communities 2324 Beijing (China) TC 24/SC 4 Particle characterization including sieving/Particle characterization 2627 Sapporo (Japan) TC 159/SC 4 Ergonomics/Ergonomics of human-system interaction 26- Kyoto (Japan) TC 249 Traditional chinese medicine * Acoustics/Building acoustics 29 2630 Tokyo (Japan) TC 20/SC 14 Aircraft and space vehicles/Space systems and operations 2631 Panama (Panama) TC 207 Environmental management 2631 Panama (Panama) TC 207/SC 4 Environmental management/Environmental performance evaluation 2631 Panama (Panama) TC 207/SC 5 Environmental management/Life cycle assessment 2830 Shanghai (China) TC 8/SC 8 Ships and marine technology/Ship design 30 Houston (USA) TC 156 Corrosion of metals and alloys 30 Panama (Panama) TC 207/SC 1 Environmental management/Environmental management systems 30 Panama (Panama) TC 207/SC 7 Environmental management/Greenhouse gas management and related activities Washington, D.C (USA) ** TC 46/SC 10 Information and documentation/Requirements for document storage and conditions for preservation (Europe) ** TC 134 Fertilizers and soil conditioners ** TC 127 Earth-moving machinery June 2014 1-6 Ronneby (Sweden) 2 Moscow (Russian Federation) TC 85/SC 5 Nuclear energy, nuclear technologies, and radiological protection/Nuclear fuel cycle 2-6 Washington, D.C (USA) PC 284 Management system for quality of private security company (PSC) operations - Requirements with guidance 2-6 London (United Kingdom) * TC 22/SC 12 Road vehicles/Passive safety crash protection systems 2-6 Berlin (Germany) ** TC 35 2-6 Delft (Netherlands) 2-6 Moscow (Russian Federation) 2-6 Moscow (Russian Federation) 2-6 Paints and varnishes TC 43/SC 3 Acoustics/Underwater acoustics * TC 85 Nuclear energy, nuclear technologies, and radiological protection * TC 85/SC 2 Nuclear energy, nuclear technologies, and radiological protection/Radiological protection Berlin (Germany) TC 211 Geographic information/Geomatics 2-6 Luzern (Switzerland) TC 223 Societal security 3 Virtual (Unknown) CSC/SPC Council/Strategy and Policy Committee (CSC/SPC) 3 Berlin (Germany) TC 22/SC 1 Road vehicles/Ignition equipment 3-6 London (United Kingdom) ** TC 22/SC 10 Road vehicles/Impact test procedures 4-5 La Plaine St-Denis (France) * TC 17/SC 12 Steel/Continuous mill flat rolled products 4-5 Geneva (Switzerland) * TMB Technical Management Board * 5 (Russian Federation) 913 Treviso (Italy) TC 133 Clothing sizing systems - size designation, size measurement methods and digital fittings 1011 Düsseldorf (Germany) TC 17/SC 10 Steel/Steel for pressure purposes 1011 Turin (Italy) TC 31/SC 9 Tyres, rims and valves/Valves for tube and tubeless tyres 1113 Sydney (Australia) JTC 1/SC 40 Information technology/IT Service Management and IT Governance 12 Rome (Italy) TC 23/SC 2 Tractors and machinery for agriculture and forestry/Common tests 12 Stockholm (Sweden) TC 238 Solid biofuels 13 Rome (Italy) 13 Como (Italy) TC 84 Devices for administration of medicinal products and intravascular catheters 16 Düsseldorf (Germany) TC 17/SC 15 Steel/Railway rails, rails fasteners, wheels and wheelsets 1620 Sydney (Australia) JTC 1/SC 7 Information technology/Software and systems engineering 1620 London (United Kingdom) TC 94/SC 6 Personal safety -- Protective clothing and equipment/Eye and face protection 1620 Incheon (Korea, Republic of) TC 121 Anaesthetic and respiratory equipment 1620 Baltimore (USA) TC 188 Small craft 1718 Düsseldorf (Germany) TC 17/SC 4 Steel/Heat treatable and alloy steels 1718 Düsseldorf (Germany) TC 17/SC 17 Steel/Steel wire rod and wire products 1718 Stockholm (Sweden) TC 29/SC 10 Small tools/Assembly tools for screws and nuts, pliers and nippers 1719 Paris (France) TC 22 Road vehicles 18 Berlin (Germany) TC 220 Cryogenic vessels 1820 Lisbon (Portugal) PC 243 Consumer product safety 1820 Lisbon (Portugal) PC 253 Treated wastewater re-use for irrigation 1825 Berlin (Germany) JTC 1/SC 28 Information technology/Office equipment 19 Amsterdam (Netherlands) TC 34/SC 18 Food products/Cocoa 2227 Berlin (Germany) * TC 37 Terminology and other language and content resources 23- Berlin (Germany) ** TC 37 Terminology and other language and content resources ** TC 85/SC 6 * * ** TC 23/SC 4 * * * Nuclear energy, nuclear technologies, and radiological protection/Reactor technology Tractors and machinery for agriculture and forestry/Tractors 26 2327 Delft (Netherlands) JTC 1/SC 31 Information technology/Automatic identification and data capture techniques 2327 Oslo (Norway) JTC 1/SC 36 Information technology/Information technology for learning, education and training 2327 London (United Kingdom) TC 22/SC 13 Road vehicles/Ergonomics applicable to road vehicles 2327 Washington, D.C (USA) ** TC 34/SC 9 Food products/Microbiology 2327 London (United Kingdom) * TC 193 Natural gas 2526 Ljimuden (Netherlands) TC 17/SC 9 Steel/Tinplate and blackplate 2526 Paris (France) TC 91 Surface active agents 26 Vienna (Austria) TC 69/SC 8 Applications of statistical methods/Application of statistical and related methodology for new technology and product development 27 Vienna (Austria) TC 69 Applications of statistical methods 27 Vienna (Austria) TC 69/SC 1 Applications of statistical methods/Terminology and symbols 27 Vienna (Austria) TC 69/SC 6 Applications of statistical methods/Measurement methods and results 30 Geneva (Switzerland) President's committee President's committee London (United Kingdom) * * ** TC 193/SC 1 Natural gas/Analysis of natural gas * JTC 1/SC 35 Information technology/User interfaces June-July 2014 304 Hangzhou (China) July 2014 1-2 Munich (Germany) * TC 158 Analysis of gases 7-9 Berlin (Germany) * TC 159/SC 3 Ergonomics/Anthropometry and biomechanics 711 Vienna (Austria) PC 271 Compliance management systems 811 Boulder (USA) REMCO Committee on reference materials 811 Clemson (USA) * TC 189 Ceramic tile 25 Sydney (Australia) * TC 94/SC 14 Personal safety -- Protective clothing and equipment/Firefighters' personal equipment September 2014 1-3 Seoul (Korea, Republic of) * PC 288 Educational organizations management systems Requirements with guidance for use 1-3 Prague (Czech * TC 206 Fine ceramics Republic) 2-4 Research Triangle Park (USA) * TC 34/SC 16 Food products/Horizontal methods for molecular biomarker analysis 3-5 Berlin (Germany) * TC 202 Microbeam analysis 3-5 Berlin (Germany) * TC 202/SC 1 Microbeam analysis/Terminology 3-5 Berlin (Germany) * TC 202/SC 2 Microbeam analysis/Electron probe microanalysis 3-5 Berlin (Germany) * TC 202/SC 3 Microbeam analysis/Analytical electron microscopy 3-5 Berlin (Germany) * TC 202/SC 4 Microbeam analysis/Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) 3-6 Berlin (Germany) TC 201 Surface chemical analysis 7 Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) * President's committee President's committee 8-9 Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) * DEVCO Committee on developing country matters 8-9 Madrid (Spain) * JTC 1/SC 22 Information technology/Programming languages, their environments and system software interfaces 8-9 Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) * TMB Technical Management Board 812 Paris (France) ** TC 108/SC 5 Mechanical vibration, shock and condition monitoring/Condition monitoring and diagnostics of machine systems 812 Kyoto (Japan) ** TC 258 Project, programme and portfolio management 812 (Canada) ** TC 275 Sludge recovery, recycling, treatment and disposal 10 Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) * CSC/FIN Council/Council Standing Committee on Finance (CSC/FIN) 1012 Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) * GA General Assembly 13 Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) * COUNCIL Council 1420 Berlin (Germany) * TC 106 Dentistry 1519 Copenhagen (Denmark) * TC 34/SC 17 Food products/Management systems for food safety 1519 Seoul (Korea, Republic of) ** TC 150 Implants for surgery 1519 Wuxi (China) * TC 163 Thermal performance and energy use in the built environment 1519 Wuxi (China) * TC 205 Building environment design 1718 Bangkok (Thailand) * TC 67 Materials, equipment and offshore structures for petroleum, petrochemical and natural gas industries 1819 Manchester (United Kingdom) ** TC 24/SC 4 Particle characterization including sieving/Particle characterization 19 Paris (France) * Dimensional and geometrical product specifications and verification TC 213 20 Manchester (United Kingdom) * TC 281 Fine Bubble Technology 21 Amsterdam (Netherlands) * TC 254 Safety of amusement rides and amusement devices 22 Berlin (Germany) * TC 172 Optics and photonics 2223 Stockholm (Sweden) * TC 17/SC 11 Steel/Steel castings 2223 Stockholm (Sweden) * TC 17/SC 16 Steel/Steels for the reinforcement and prestressing of concrete 2226 Honolulu, Hawaii (USA) * TC 61 Plastics 2226 Honolulu, Hawaii (USA) ** TC 61/SC 10 Plastics/Cellular plastics 2226 Durban (South Africa) ** TC 146 Air quality 2226 Durban (South Africa) ** TC 146/SC 1 Air quality/Stationary source emissions 2226 Durban (South Africa) * Air quality/Workplace atmospheres 2226 Durban (South Africa) ** TC 146/SC 6 2226 Tokyo (Japan) 2227 Honolulu, Hawaii (USA) 2325 TC 146/SC 2 Air quality/Indoor air TC 165 Timber structures * TC 61/SC 9 Plastics/Thermoplastic materials Berlin (Germany) * TC 172/SC 5 Optics and photonics/Microscopes and endoscopes 2325 (Switzerland) ** TC 256 Pigments, dyestuffs and extenders 2425 Geneva (Switzerland) * Committee on conformity assessment 2425 (Korea, Republic of) ** TC 82/SC 7 Mining/Mine reclamation management 25 Honolulu, Hawaii (USA) ** TC 61/SC 13 Plastics/Composites and reinforcement fibres 25 Chicago (USA) * Light metals and their alloys/Titanium 25 (United Kingdom) ** TC 142 Cleaning equipment for air and other gases 2526 (Sweden) ** TC 17 Steel 2526 (Korea, Republic of) ** TC 82 Mining 26 Beijing (China) ** TC 23/SC 6 Tractors and machinery for agriculture and forestry/Equipment for crop protection (Germany) ** TC 21/SC 5 Equipment for fire protection and fire fighting/Fixed firefighting systems using water Sydney (Australia) ** TC 21/SC 6 Equipment for fire protection and fire fighting/Foam and powder media and firefighting systems using foam and CASCO TC 79/SC 11 powder Milan (Italy) ** TC 39/SC 4 Machine tools/Woodworking machines Seattle (USA) ** TC 89 Wood-based panels Stockholm (Sweden) ** TC 210 Quality management and corresponding general aspects for medical devices September-October 2014 292 Berlin (Germany) * 293 Paris (France) ** TC 218 Timber 303 Fortaleza (Brazil) * Petroleum products and lubricants PC 272 TC 28 Forensic sciences 3rd Quarter 2014 London (United Kingdom) ** TC 48 Laboratory equipment October 2014 510 Berlin (Germany) 6-8 Moscow (Russian Federation) 611 TC 215 Health informatics * TC 20 Aircraft and space vehicles Sao Paulo (Brazil) * JTC 1/SC 38 Information technology/Distributed application platforms and services (DAPS) 810 London (United Kingdom) * TC 25 Cast irons and pig irons 1317 Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) * TC 181 Safety of toys 1416 Suzhou (China) * TC 164/SC 5 Mechanical testing of metals/Fatigue testing 15 Suzhou (China) * TC 164/SC 4 Mechanical testing of metals/Toughness testing -- Fracture (F), Pendulum (P), Tear (T) 1516 Suzhou (China) * TC 164/SC 2 Mechanical testing of metals/Ductility testing 16 Suzhou (China) * TC 164/SC 3 Mechanical testing of metals/Hardness testing 1617 (Czech Republic) ** TC 58/SC 2 Gas cylinders/Cylinder fittings 17 Suzhou (China) * Mechanical testing of metals/Uniaxial testing 2023 Tokyo (Japan) ** TC 23/SC 17 2024 (Korea, Republic of) ** TC 138 Plastics pipes, fittings and valves for the transport of fluids 2024 Nunspeet (Netherlands) TC 149/SC 1 Cycles/Cycles and major sub-assemblies 2024 Berlin (Germany) TC 190 Soil quality TC 164/SC 1 Tractors and machinery for agriculture and forestry/Manually portable forest machinery 2024 Berlin (Germany) * TC 190/SC 1 Soil quality/Evaluation of criteria, terminology and codification 2024 Berlin (Germany) * TC 190/SC 2 Soil quality/Sampling 2024 Berlin (Germany) * TC 190/SC 3 Soil quality/Chemical methods and soil characteristics 2024 Berlin (Germany) * TC 190/SC 4 Soil quality/Biological methods 2024 Berlin (Germany) * TC 190/SC 5 Soil quality/Physical methods 2024 Berlin (Germany) * TC 190/SC 7 Soil quality/Soil and site assessment 2223 Tokyo (Japan) * TC 79/SC 2 Light metals and their alloys/Organic and anodic oxidation coatings on aluminium 2324 (South Africa) ** TC 178 Lifts, escalators and moving walks 2731 Berlin (Germany) * TC 264 Fireworks 2830 Sydney (Australia) * TC 17/SC 1 Steel/Methods of determination of chemical composition 29 Vienna (Austria) TC 79 Light metals and their alloys 2931 Tokyo (Japan) * TC 20/SC 10 Aircraft and space vehicles/Aerospace fluid systems and components (China) ** TC 23/SC 3 Tractors and machinery for agriculture and forestry/Safety and comfort Miami (USA) ** TC 44/SC 3 Welding and allied processes/Welding consumables Toronto (Canada) ** TC 59 Buildings and civil engineering works (Canada) ** TC 59/SC 3 Buildings and civil engineering works/Functional/user requirements and performance in building construction Toronto (Canada) ** TC 59/SC 8 Buildings and civil engineering works/Sealants Toronto (Canada) ** TC 59/SC 13 Buildings and civil engineering works/Organization of information about construction works Toronto (Canada) ** TC 59/SC 15 Buildings and civil engineering works/Performance description of houses Tokyo (Japan) ** TC 79/SC 5 Light metals and their alloys/Magnesium and alloys of cast or wrought magnesium Prague (Czech Republic) ** TC 135 Non-destructive testing Seoul (Korea, Republic of) ** TC 209 Cleanrooms and associated controlled environments * TC 282 Water re-use TC 45 Rubber and rubber products TC 45/SC 1 Rubber and rubber products/Rubber and plastics hoses and hose assemblies November 2014 2-7 Tel Aviv (Israel) 3-7 Cape Town (South Africa) 3-7 Cape Town (South Africa) * 3-7 Cape Town (South Africa) * TC 45/SC 2 Rubber and rubber products/Testing and analysis 1421 Tel Aviv (Israel) * TC 176 Quality management and quality assurance 1421 (North America) ** TC 176/SC 1 Quality management and quality assurance/Concepts and terminology 1520 Abu Dhabi (United Arab Emirates) * JTC 1 Information technology 20 Virtual (Unknown) * CSC/SPC Council/Strategy and Policy Committee (CSC/SPC) 28 London (United Kingdom) * TC 158 Analysis of gases December 2014 4-5 Fukuoka (Japan) * TC 197 Hydrogen technologies 4-6 Paris (France) * TC 269 Railway applications 910 Düsseldorf (Germany) ** TC 17/SC 4 Steel/Heat treatable and alloy steels Copenhagen (Denmark) ** TC 98 Bases for design of structures Copenhagen (Denmark) ** TC 98/SC 2 Bases for design of structures/Reliability of structures Copenhagen (Denmark) ** TC 98/SC 3 Bases for design of structures/Loads, forces and other actions ** TC 34/SC 4 Food products/Cereals and pulses 4th Quarter 2014 (Portugal) 2nd Semester 2014 Madrid (Spain) ** TC 34/SC 7 Food products/Spices, culinary herbs and condiments Month unknown 2014 Beijing (China) ** TC 36 Cinematography (Japan) ** TC 44 Welding and allied processes Seoul (Korea, Republic of) ** TC 138/SC 2 Plastics pipes, fittings and valves for the transport of fluids/Plastics pipes and fittings for water supplies Berlin (Germany) ** TC 201/SC 6 Surface chemical analysis/Secondary ion mass spectrometry * TC 44/SC 8 Welding and allied processes/Equipment for gas welding, cutting and allied processes London (United Kingdom) * TC 213 Dimensional and geometrical product specifications and verification St. Petersburg, Florida (USA) ** TC 115 January 2015 2223 Cape Town (South Africa) February 2015 313 March 2015 Pumps 1718 Geneva (Switzerland) * COUNCIL Council 2325 Vienna (Austria) * JTC 1/SC 38 Information technology/Distributed application platforms and services (DAPS) 1st Quarter 2015 Foshan (China) ** TC 107 Metallic and other inorganic coatings Foshan (China) ** TC 107/SC 3 Metallic and other inorganic coatings/Electrodeposited coatings and related finishes Foshan (China) ** TC 107/SC 4 Metallic and other inorganic coatings/Hot dip coatings (galvanized, etc.) Foshan (China) ** TC 107/SC 7 Metallic and other inorganic coatings/Corrosion tests Foshan (China) ** TC 107/SC 8 Metallic and other inorganic coatings/Chemical conversion coatings April 2015 24 Atlanta (USA) ** TC 6/SC 2 Paper, board and pulps/Test methods and quality specifications for paper and board 25 Atlanta (USA) ** TC 6 Paper, board and pulps (France) ** TC 29 Small tools (France) ** TC 29/SC 9 Small tools/Tools with defined cutting edges, cutting items (USA) ** TC 34/SC 15 Food products/Coffee Tienjin (China) ** TC 161 Control and protective devices for gas and/or oil burners and appliances (Europe) ** TC 215 Health informatics (Czech Republic) ** TC 224 Service activities relating to drinking water supply systems and wastewater systems - Quality criteria of the service and performance indicators Financial services May 2015 4-7 Toronto (Canada) * TC 68 4-7 (Belgium) ** TC 68/SC 2 Financial services/Financial Services, security 1112 Kuching (Malaysia) * Information technology/IT Security techniques 1822 London (United Kingdom) ** TC 4 Rolling bearings 1822 Luzern (Switzerland) * Horology Tokyo (Japan) ** TC 113 Hydrometry Tokyo (Japan) ** TC 113/SC 1 Hydrometry/Velocity area methods Tokyo (Japan) ** TC 113/SC 2 Hydrometry/Flow measurement structures Tokyo (Japan) ** TC 113/SC 5 Hydrometry/Instruments, equipment and data management Tokyo (Japan) ** TC 113/SC 6 Hydrometry/Sediment transport Tokyo (Japan) ** TC 113/SC 8 Hydrometry/Ground water JTC 1/SC 27 TC 114 June 2015 1-5 Tokyo (Japan) ** TC 42 Photography 1-6 Philadelphia (USA) ** TC 147 Water quality 1819 Frankfurt (Germany) * TC 184/SC 2 Automation systems and integration/Robots and robotic devices 2226 Göteborg (Sweden) * TC 188 Small craft Beijing (China) ** TC 46 Information and documentation Istanbul (Turkey) ** TC 120 Leather (China) ** TC 172/SC 7 Optics and photonics/Ophthalmic optics and instruments 2nd Quarter 2015 1st Semester 2015 (Europe) ** TC 184 Automation systems and integration September 2015 1425 Berlin (Germany) * TC 213 Dimensional and geometrical product specifications and verification 1618 Seoul (Korea, Republic of) * GA General Assembly 1718 Moscow (Russian Federation) ** TC 197 Hydrogen technologies 19 Seoul (Korea, Republic of) * Council Vienna (Austria) ** TC 33 Refractories Paris (France) ** TC 34/SC 17 Food products/Management systems for food safety (Netherlands) ** TC 258 Project, programme and portfolio management ** TC 215 Health informatics COUNCIL 3rd Quarter 2015 Sao Paulo (Brazil) 2nd-3rd Quarter 2015 ** TC 126/SC 1 Tobacco and tobacco products/Physical and dimensional tests Nairobi (Kenya) ** TC 38 Textiles Nairobi (Kenya) ** TC 38/SC 1 Textiles/Tests for coloured textiles and colorants Nairobi (Kenya) ** TC 38/SC 2 Textiles/Cleansing, finishing and water resistance tests Nairobi (Kenya) ** TC 38/SC 23 Textiles/Fibres and yarns Nairobi (Kenya) ** TC 38/SC 24 Textiles/Conditioning atmospheres and physical tests for textile fabrics Sao Paulo (Brazil) ** TC 58/SC 2 Gas cylinders/Cylinder fittings (Europe) October 2015 November 2015 (China) ** JTC 1 Information technology ** TC 282 Water re-use 4th Quarter 2015 (China) 2nd Semester 2015 (Europe) ** TC 126/SC 2 Tobacco and tobacco products/Leaf tobacco Month unknown 2015 (South Africa) ** REMCO Committee on reference materials (Switzerland) ** TC 17/SC 17 Steel/Steel wire rod and wire products Brussels (Belgium) ** TC 23 Tractors and machinery for agriculture and forestry (Brazil) ** TC 23/SC 17 Tractors and machinery for agriculture and forestry/Manually portable forest machinery (USA) ** TC 27 Solid mineral fuels (Japan) ** TC 37 Terminology and other language and content resources (Finland) ** TC 44 Welding and allied processes (France) ** TC 45 Rubber and rubber products (Russian Federation) ** TC 96 Cranes Berlin (Germany) ** TC 138 Plastics pipes, fittings and valves for the transport of fluids (Japan) ** TC 142 Cleaning equipment for air and other gases (China) ** TC 155 Nickel and nickel alloys (United Kingdom) ** TC 164 Mechanical testing of metals (Austria) ** TC 190 Soil quality (Korea, Republic of) ** TC 206 Fine ceramics (China) ** TC 274 Light and lighting ** TC 120 Leather ** TC 213 Dimensional and geometrical product specifications and verification Seoul (Korea, Republic of) ** TC 161 Control and protective devices for gas and/or oil burners and appliances (Australia) ** TC 178 Lifts, escalators and moving walks ** JTC 1 Information technology January 2016 (China) February 2016 (USA) April 2016 November 2016 (Norway) Month unknown 2016 (Russian ** REMCO Committee on reference materials Federation) (Australia) ** TC 44 Welding and allied processes (Malaysia) ** TC 45 Rubber and rubber products (China) ** TC 138/SC 2 Plastics pipes, fittings and valves for the transport of fluids/Plastics pipes and fittings for water supplies