The Three Models of Urban Structure

The Three Models of Urban Structure
Summative Evaluation
AP Human Geography
We have looked at three models of Urban Structure – Concentric Zone Model,
Sector Model and the Multiple Nuclei Model. Let us now go out and see if these
models fit Toronto or if Toronto fits them. Of course you will need maps, maps
with specific data. All three models deal with the CBD, Low, Med. and High
income, Transportation and Industry. The Multi-Nuclei also deals with suburbs
and outlying districts.
Understand that a model is a simplification of the real world, so nothing is going
to work or fit perfectly.
This assignment will be in three parts.
Part A
Simply describe the three theories. Use the diagrams in the book and for each
one give a detailed (no more than one page), description of each model. You
need to know what you are dealing with.
Part B
Using ArcView or ArcGIS create a series of maps (thematic or otherwise) that
show that Toronto can fit all three models.
Part C
In a one to two page report analyze and describe your findings, basically
answering the following two questions:
Which model does Toronto follow most closely? Which model does Toronto
follow the least?
Your maps will back up your answers!
You need data and metadata. Services, land use, industry, transportation, please
look in the following directories for your data:
- O:\Student Apps\Geo_Data\DMTI_Metro\....
- O:\Student Apps\Geo_Data\DMTI_Metro\Tables\...
- O:\Student Apps\Geo_Data\Compu_Metro\...
- O:\Student Apps\Geo_Data\Compu_CensusData\...
If you are using ArcGIS - Begin by opening this ArcMap document
(an .mxd file – use the open folder button not the plus sign):
O:\Student Apps\Geo_Data\Compu_Metro\Torontolanduse.mxd
If you are using ArcView – Begin by opening an already existing
project (an .apr file):
O:\Student Apps\Geo_Data\Compu_Metro\on99_25.apr
Your most concentrated geographies are EA’s (Enumeration Areas).
You are expected to hand in 4 maps, following this criteria – remembering
that a combination of maps especially including income or transportation
my be useful:
1. Industrial map – location of industry, types of industry
2. Transportation map – location of transportation, especially rail and highway,
place of work and mode of transportation.
3. Economic map – income, dwellings, labour force (occupation)
4. Social map – education, immigration, age, marital status, family status.
- Remember files with a .dbf extension have to JOINED to a mapable file with an
.shp extension.
This is a great analytical type of assignment – very University like.
It will be worth 10% of your final mark.
The majority of the work is expected to take place in class.
A binder is available at the teacher’s deck full of Metadata that you can use.
It will be due Thursday, May 27th.