Learn more about the pregnancy study

What is Choline!!
Choline is an essential nutrient that the
body needs to stay healthy. Many foods
naturally contain choline including egg
yolks, breast milk, soy, cooked beef,
chicken, veal, and iceberg lettuce. The
FDA requires that infant formula be made
from cow’s milk which contains choline.
Choline can now be found in some
children's vitamins. Choline is a nutrient
that supports the mental functioning of the
brain and plays a significant role in the
development of learning and memory
centers of the brain. In addition to
improving memory and learning, choline
has several other benefits. Choline was
found to remove an ingredient in the blood
that is associated with an increased risk in
heart disease. Also, getting an adequate
amount of choline in the diet can prevent
birth defects such as spina bifida.
Learn more about the pregnancy study!
The purpose of this study is to look at the
differences in brain development between
babies who are and are not given choline
supplements and how genetics may play a
role in these differences. Participation in
this study begins during pregnancy and
lasts until the baby is 18 months old.
In our study, pregnant mothers will be
randomly assigned to two groups. Group 1
will receive choline supplements in pill
form and a liquid supplement for their
babies. Group 2 will receive placebo (or
"fake") supplements also in pill form and a
liquid placebo for their babies. The
placebo does not contain any choline or
any other active ingredients. Once their
babies are born, both groups will be asked
to give their babies the liquid once a day.
After birth, babies are given multiple tests
to measure brain development including
the P50, the MMN, Developmental
Assessments, and a Cheek Swab. Parents
of babies are also given multiple tests such
as the Clinical Interviews and Blood
Draws. Please follow the appropriate links
to learn more!
If you are interested in participating in our
pregnancy study or just want more
information, please contact: Julie Beuler
R.N., at (303)724-6205 or send an email to