C URRICULUM V ITAE Date of revision 03.01.2012 Name: Inger-Lise Frogner Born: Nationality: E-mail: Present position: 01.01.1971 Norwegian i.l.frogner@met.no * HIRLAM-B Project leader for probabilistic forecasting * Researcher, Norwegian Meteorological Institute (met.no) Academic degrees: 1996 - 2001 PhD (Dr. Scient) in Dynamic Meteorology, University of Oslo, Norway, 11 May 2001. 1990 – 1995 M.Sc. (Cand. Scient), same field and place, June 1995. Work experience: 2012 – HIRLAM-B Project leader for probabilistic forecasting Leading the work on probabilistiv forecasting and EPS-systems in the HIRLAM-B program 2001 – Researcher, Norwegian Meteorological Institute (met.no). High-resolution EPS with the Harmonie model Development of EuroTEPS – Targeted ensemble prediction system for Europe, part of the GLAMEPS-project Predictability and ensemble forecasting with the HIRLAM model, focusing on extreme weather events. LAMEPS. Developed met.no's operational EPS system NORLAMEPS Estimating optimal forcing perturbations as a mean to interpret non-linear climate scenarios. 1997 – 1998 Consultant, ECMWF, Reading, UK. (6 months stay, part of PhD) Targeted ensembles of the ECMWF model. TEPS. 1996 – 2001 Research Fellow, Dep. of Geophysics, University of Oslo. Studying atmospheric weather predictability for a sub-domain of the Northern Hemisphere using lagged averaged forecasts (LAF), targeted ensembles of a global model and by running ensembles with a limited area model (HIRLAM). 1995 – 1996 Weather Forecaster, Norwegian Meteorological Inst., met.no, Allied Command PSC North, Stavanger, Norway. Weather forecasting, including special training in weather forecasting for civil and military purposes. 1995 Two-months contract at Dept. of Geophysics, University of Oslo. 1 A continuation of the work for M.Sc.; studying atmospheric weather predictability. Fields of interest: Probabilistic forecasting. Atmospheric predictability and sensitivity; both for the purpose of weather forecasting and for the climate system. Developing systems for predicting extreme/rare weather events. Probabilistic verification. Professional Activities and Responsibilities Hirlam-B Project leader for probabilistic forecasting Hirlam's project leader in the FROST project (Sochi winter Olympic Games 2014) Norwegian HIRLAM core-person (2007 - 2011) Member of TIGGE-LAM, European panel (2010-) Member of Norwegian Geophysical Society (NGF). Member of European Geosciences Union (EGU) Employee representative (R&D-division at met.no), “Forskerforbundet” (union for researchers). (2003-2006) List of Publications Dissertations Numerical ensemble prediction systems for northern Europe and parts of the north Atlantic Ocean (2001), Thesis for the doctorate, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Oslo, No. 130. Prediktabilitetsstudier på regional skala i ekstra-tropene (in Norwegian only). Thesis for M.Sc., June 1995. Peer-Reviewed Publications last five years (2006 – 2011) Frogner, I.-L. and Iversen, T., 2011, EuroTEPS - A targeted version of ECMWF EPS for the European area. Tellus 63A, 415-428, DOI: 10.1111/j.1600-0870.2010.00504.x Aspelien, T., Iversen, T., Bremnes, J. B. and Frogner, I.-L. (2011), Short-range probabilistic forecasts from the Norwegian limited-area EPS: long-term validation and a polar low study. Tellus, 63A: 564–584. doi: 10.1111/j.1600-0870.2010.00502.x (pdf) Iversen, T., Deckmyn, A., Santos, C, Sattler, K., Bremnes, J. B., Feddersen, H and Frogner, I.-L. 2011 Evaluation of "GLAMEPS" - a proposed multi-model EPS for short range forecasting 2 Tellus 63A: 513-530. DOI: 10.1111/j.1600-0870.2010.00507.x Frogner, I.-L, H. Haakenstad, and T. Iversen, 2006: Limited-area ensemble predictions at the Norwegian Meteorological Institute Q.J.R. Meteorol.Soc., 132, 2785-2808. doi:10.1256/qj.04.178 Other publications last five years (2006 – 2011) Frogner, I.-L. and Iversen T. 2011 New developments in EuroTEPS Joint ASM 2010 and 20th ALADIN Wk, 13-16 April 2010, Cracow, Poland HIRLAM Newsletter 57 Frogner, I.-L. 2009, EuroTEPS contribution to GLAMEPS. HIRLAM Newsletter no. 55, part A, December 2009, pp 51-54 Iversen, T., Bremnes, J. B., Santos Burguete C., Deckmyn, A., Feddersen, H., Frogner, I.L., Leutbecher, M., Sattler,K. 2009, Configurating GLAMEPS for operational production. HIRLAM Newsletter No. 55, part A, December 2009, pp 37-50 Frogner, I.-L., and T. Iversen: Recent developments in EuroTEPS. HIRLAM Newsletter, 54, June 2008. Jensen, M, Bjørge D. and Frogner, I.-L., Down-scaling of LAMEPS 2008. Research Report No. 8, 2008, met.no. Iversen, T., I.-L. Frogner, K. Sattler, S. Ivatek-Sahdan, J. Barkmeijer, H. Feddersen, E. Hágel and R. Mladek , 2008: GLAMEPS - The HIRLAM/ALADIN Grand Limited Area Model Ensemble Prediction System. Proceedings of the ECMWF Workshop on Ensemble prediction, 7-9 November 2007. ECMWF, Reading, UK. 95-106. Jensen, M., Frogner, I.-L., Iversen, T and Vignes O. 2006. Limited area ensemble forecasting in Norway using targeted EPS. ECMWF Newsletter, 107, 23-29. 3 4