The SYL is committed to the principles of the

The SYL is committed to the principles of the Positive Coaching Alliance and is
completely against a "win-at-all-cost" mentality. The SYL has a coaching staff complete
with “Double-Goal Coaches.” Double-Goal Coaches want to win, but value using
lacrosse to assist young people in learning life lessons and positive character traits. Life
lessons and positive character traits will help our athletes be successful throughout their
At every practice, clinic, and game a child has the right to:
1. Play as a child, not as an adult or little adult.
2. Have qualified adult leadership.
3. Equally participate in the sport.
4. Participate at a level commensurate with the child's maturity and ability.
5. Share in the leadership and decision-making of their sport participation.
6. Participate in a safe and healthy environment.
7. Be properly prepared to participate in the sport.
8. An equal opportunity to strive for success.
9. Be treated with dignity, not be demeaned or demoralized.
10. Have fun in sports.
All players will be given an equal opportunity to improve their skills through
participation. Winning should be considered secondary.
If a child receives all the
above rights, the child will learn the skills necessary to develop as lacrosse players and
people and they will have had fun doing so. The physical, social, and moral development
of the children matters most, not winning the game.
The SYL asks all parents to assist with promoting the three Positive Coaching Alliance
themes which have the power to “transform youth sports so that sports can transform
youth.” The three themes, which are explained on the following pages, are:
1) Re-defining “Winner”
2) Filling the Emotional Tank
3) Honoring the Game.
1) Re-defining “Winner”
In professional sports there is one simple goal and that is to have the most points at the
end of the game. However, in youth sports the primary goal is to produce young people
who are winners in life. Winning a game and having the most points at the end of a game
is a secondary goal.
To help our children get the most out of competitive sports, we need to redefine what it
means to be a "winner." The SYL supports the following theory of what a “winner” is.
• give their maximum effort
• continue to learn and improve
• refuse to let mistakes (or fear of making
mistakes) stop them
This is called a Mastery Orientation. The Positive Coaching Alliance says that the Tree of
Mastery is an ELM Tree where ELM stands for Effort, Learning, and Mistakes. If our
athletes keep these things in mind, they will develop habits that will serve them well
throughout their lives.
Athletes who are coached with a Mastery Orientation tend to have reduced anxiety and
increased self confidence. When athletes feel less anxiety, they are more likely to have
fun playing their sport and they are more likely to play better.
Here’s how parents can help:
1) Tell your child about the ELM Tree of Mastery.
2) Let your child know you appreciate it when he tries hard even if unsuccessful.
3) Ask rather than tell. Try to get your child to talk about his play rather than
telling him
what you think about it. Ask open-ended questions to get him to talk.
4) Recognize that mastery is hard work. Let the coaches criticize your child's
play. Tell
your child you are proud of him regardless of the outcome of the game.
2) Filling the "Emotional Tank"
Research shows that the home team wins about 60% of the time because of the emotional
support a team receives when it plays in front of its own fans. The SYL wants our players
to have a portable home team they can take wherever they go.
The key is the “Emotional Tank.” Like gas tanks in cars, we all have emotional tanks that
need to be filled to do our best.
There will be times when you need to correct and criticize. Research has shown that a
“Magic Ratio" of 5:1 (praise to criticism) is ideal. When the ratio drops much below 5:1,
children become discouraged (their tanks become drained). Help us achieve this Magic
Ratio with your child.
Sherwood Youth Lacrosse
parents & coaches
will fill the
"Our grandfathers told us that when lacrosse was a pure game and was played for
the enjoyment of the Great Spirit, everyone was important, no matter how big or
how small, or how strong or how weak."
Tewaarthon, the Akwesasne Mohawks
Here’s how parents can help:
1) The primary job of a parent is to fill their child's emotional tank. Parents should
always encourage their children regardless of what happens in the game. Parents should
focus on the effort of their children, not the results.
2) Try not to give your child a lot of advice. After a tough game, this can come across as
criticism—a drain to a person’s tank. Remember, it’s difficult to do well with a low tank.
When a child makes a mistake, a parent might say, “Don’t worry. Let’s get the next one.
You can do it.” After tough losses, it's often helpful to acknowledge feelings of
disappointment. For example, a parent might say "I can imagine you must be
disappointed to have lost."
3) Use the “3-positives-and-a-Wish” technique. Before you give advice, find three good
things about your child's performance. Phrase the advice as a wish:
• You really tried hard in the game today (Positive #1).
• I also saw you encouraged your teammate after he made a mistake (Positive #2).
• The play you made at the end of the game shows how much you have improved
(Positive #3).
• I wish you wouldn’t get down on yourself when you make a mistake.
If parents can’t come up with three positives, then the parents should not say the wish
because it may drain the child’s emotional tank rather than fill it.
4) Remember the Magic Ratio, praise your child about 5 times for every time you
criticize. If you do, he will be better able to hear your criticism without becoming
3) Honoring the Game
Sportsmanship may seem like an out-of-date concept today when professional athletes
and coaches act in ways we would not want our children to imitate. The SYL intends to
reverse this trend by “Honoring the Game.”
Honoring the Game gets to the ROOTS of the matter, where ROOTS stands for respect
1. Rules. We don't bend the rules to win. We respect the letter and spirit
of the rules.
2. Opponents. We try our hardest to win, but not by demeaning our
3. Officials. We treat officials with respect even when we disagree.
4. Teammates. We never do anything that would embarrass our team.
5. Self. We try to live up to our own standards regardless of what others
Here’s how parents can help:
1) Let your children know you want them to honor the game. Discuss the meaning of
each element of ROOTS with your children.
2) Be a good role model. Honor the game when you attend games. Cheer both teams
when good plays are made. If, in your opinion, an officiating mistake is made, be silent!
Use this as an opportunity to think about how difficult it is to officiate a game perfectly.
3) Encourage other parents to honor the game.
To learn more about The Positive Coaching Alliance, visit their website: