quantities pollutants

Industry and the Environment
Department of Civil Engineering
King Saud University
Course Description:
GE 302 Industry and the
(Required for a BSCE
This course gives an introduction to the impact of the engineering and
industrial activities on the environment. The lectures cover basics in
environmental balance, types of pollution, and types, sources, limits of
pollutants. Pollution control technologies, and examples of pollution from
various engineering and industrial disciplines are also covered. Group
project. 2(2,0,0)
Course learning
Students completing this course successfully will be able to:
a. Understand the impact of engineering and industrial
activities on the environment.
b. Realization of basics in environmental balance.
c. Understand types of pollution.
d. Understand types, sources, and limits of pollutants.
e. Understand the different technologies for pollution
f. Practise examples of pollution from various engineering
and industrial disciplines.
g. Improve the communication skills, including reading,
writing, oral presentations.
Topics Covered
1. Introduction to the environment and environmental
pollution(Definition of some environmental terms, Categories of
pollutants, Examples on some pollution, Natural cycles of important
2. Water Pollution (water quality, quantities, pollutants, pollutants
standards, and treatment; wastewater quantity, characteristics,
reuse and discharge standards, and treatment)
3. Air Pollution (types of pollutants, standards, and control)
4. Solid Wastes (quantity, characteristics, management, disposal)
5. Noise Pollution (Introduction, Rating systems, Effects on people,
Sources and control).
Class/ tutorial
Computer Applications
Class is held one time per week in 100-minute lecture session.
Search in the internet about the related topics are encouraged to be
done during the course and for facilitating student’s project.
A project for better understanding of environmental engineering
systems and fundamentals is offered for students in groups during
the course. Such project includes collection information and/or
studying certain cases of pollution from an industry, to emphasise the
linkage between real cases of pollution and control with the course content. A
written report and oral presentation is required.
Contribution of Course
to Meeting the
Relationship of Course
to Program Outcomes
Textbook(s) and/or
Other Required
Prepared by
1. Students learn the importance of
environmental balance.
2. Students learn the environmental control
importance and methods.
3. Students improve their writing, communication
and presentation skills.
4. Students recognize the role of professional
societies in developing standards and updating
current knowledge.
1. Students are able to identify and formulate an
engineering problem and to develop a solution.
2. Students recognize the importance of environment
3. Students recognize their role with an engineering
team carrying other aspects for evaluating the
environment, in terms of identifying the level of
pollution and the interaction of decisions made by
various engineering teams.
4. Students recognize the different causes of
environmental pollution.
5. Students are encouraged to formulate the possible
solutions for environmental control.
6. Students recognize the ethical and professional
responsibility in achieving accurate structural analysis
for safe and economical design, and its impact on the
well-being of the society.
7. Students recognize the need for technical updating on
a continuing basis, since the course emphasizes on
the changing nature of software, codes and
8. Students recognize the importance of reading and
understanding technical contents in English in order to
achieve life–long learning and be able to carryout their
9. Students recognize the important role of internet in
updating the knowledge about pollution and control.
10. Students are encouraged to improve their writing,
communication and presentation skills.
1- Dix, Herbert Mason (1981) “Environmental
Pollution: Atmosphere,
Land, Water & Noise”,
John Wiley, Chichester.
2- Saudi Drinking Water Standards.
3- Saudi Air Quality Standards.
4- American Ambient Air Quality Standards.
Dr. Abduaziz O. Al-Jasser
Date of Preparation
Feb., 28th, 2006