Attachment 6: Refereed Journals (For which we have evidence for) Acta Informatica Acta Scientiarum Mathematicarum Advances in Colloids and Interface Science Advances in Steiner Trees Algorithmica American Institute of Chemical Engineering American Journal of Reproductive Immunology Anaesthesia and Intensive Care Anatomical Record Annales Polonici Mathematici Annals of Applied Probability Annals of Combinatorics Annals of Mathematics Annals of Physics Annals of Probability APL Quote Quad Applications of Mathematics Applied General Topology Applied Optics Artificial Intelligence in Medicine Asian Journal of Mathematics Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research AusIMM Proceedings (Australian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy) Australasian Journal of Combinatorics Australian & New Zealand Journal of Statistics (formerly Australian Journal of Statistics, etc) Australian & New Zealand Physicist Australian Journal of Education Australian Senior Mathematics Journal Biometrics Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention Colloids and Surfaces Combinatorics, Probability and Computing Commentarii Mathematici Helvetici Commentationes Mathematicaw Universitatis Carolinae Communications in Analysis and Geometry Communications in Mathematical Physics Compositio Mathematics Computer Journal Computers and Mathematics with Applications Discrete Applied Mathematics Discrete Mathematics Doklady Mathematics Duke Mathematical Journal Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems Electronic Research Announcements of AMS Engineering Fracture Mechanics Epidemiology European Journal of Operational Research European Physical Journal B Europhysics Letters Experimental Mathematics Faraday Transactions 1 Geometricae Dedicata Geometry and Topology Geophysics Glasgow Mathematical Journal Graphs and Combinatorics Gut Industrial &Engineering Chemistry Research Information Sciences Integral Equations and Operator Theory Integral Transforms and Special Functions International Journal of Algebra and Computation International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology International Journal of Modern Physics A International Journal of Modern Physics B International Mathematics Research Notices International Transactions in Operational Research International Workshop in Analysis and its Applications Inventiones Mathematicae Journal of Algebra Journal of Algorithms Journal of Applied Mathematics and Decision Sciences Journal of Applied Physics Journal of Applied Probability Journal of Colloid and Interface Science Journal of Combinatorial Mathematics and Combinatorial Computing Journal of Combinatorial Optimization Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B Journal of Differential Equations Journal of Differential Geometry Journal of Engineering Mathematics Journal of Global Optimization Journal of Graph Theory Journal of Inequalities and Applications Journal of Knot Theory and its Ramifications Journal of Mathematical Chemistry Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications Journal of Mathematical Physics Journal of Membrane Science Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications Journal of Physical Chemistry A Journal of Physical Chemistry B Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra Journal of Statistical Physics Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society (Series A) Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society (Series B) Journal of the London Mathematical Society Second Series Journal of the Operational Research Society Journal of Theoretical Biology Langmuir Leading Edge Letters in Mathematical Physics Linear Algebra and its Applications Mathematical Biosciences Mathematical and Computer Modelling Mathematical Inequalities and Applications Mathematical Methods of Operations Research Mathematical Programming 2 Mathematics of Operations Research Mathematische Annalen Medical Journal of Australia Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability Michigan Mathematical Journal Military Operations Research Modern Physics Letters B Naval Research Logistics Nonlinear Analysis Nonlinearity Nuclear Physics B Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization Operations Research Letters OPSEARCH Optimization Optometry and Vision Science Pacific Journal of Mathematics Pathology Physica A Physical Review B Physical Review E Physical Review Letters Physics Letters A Physics Letters B Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society Progress in Optimization Quarterly Journal of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics Random and Computational Dynamics Random Structures and Algorithms Real Analysis Exchange Review of Scientific Instruments SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics SIAM Journal on Optimization SIAM Theory of Probability and its Applications Soochow Journal of Mathematics Statistics and Probability Letters Stochastic Processes and their Applications Stochastics and Stochastics Reports Studia Mathematica Tamkang Journal of Mathematics Topology Topology and its Applications Topology Proceedings Transactions of the American Mathematical Society Transport in porous media Transportation Science 3