MASL Membership Forum Instructions

MASL Membership Forum Instructions
The MASL Website Home Page has a link to the Membership Forum Page. In addition, the Main
Menu Bar has a link to the Membership Forum. Various links are located on subpages of the MASL
Website to provide easy access to the Forum. MASL Group Pages also allow for private forums
within each committee and group. Postings can be more specific to group and committee-related
topics. All instructions listed below are applicable to membership and group forums.
Please refer to the following complete list of instructions for use the MASL Membership Forum on
the MASL Website.
1. Log in to the MASL website; click “Manage Profile” under “My Profile” then “Preferences”.
Scroll to the bottom of the screen, and select “Subscribe” to the Forum Digest. By
subscribing to the Forum Digest, members will receive daily notification emails of new
topics posted to the Membership Forum. (Note: If there is not a forum activity, the Digest
will not be sent) The notification will include the following:
a. Topic Link
b. Member posting Topic link
c. First line of topic question/comment
2. When accessing the Membership Forum, members will see the following options for
participating in the Forum:
a. Post a New Topic
i. Posting a new topic will open a screen that allows any member to post a
topic for review and comment by other MASL members.
ii. The topic will require a name
iii. Member headshot photos are pulled into forum posts, again to aid in
member to member discussions
iv. The following section is used to input text for information member wishes to
share on forum
v. The forum also allows for member to attach a file for viewing along with
forum post.
vi. Members will receive daily email notification of posts via the Forum Digest
b. Subscribe/Unsubscribe
i. By subscribing to the forum topic, members will receive notice each time a
new comment is posted to the forum topic.
ii. By unsubscribing, members will discontinue all notices of new comments on
a particular topic and not be allowed to post comments to the particular
topic. However, participation can be continued by clicking “Subscribe” to a
particular topic at any time.
c. Export Forum-allows member to export all information posted to a specific forum
in a CSV file format.
3. The Forum Title Bar allows for additional members tasks in this category
d. Search Forums-enter a keyword to search for related Forum topics
e. Forums-list provided of all Forums available to member
f. My Signature-provide an online signature that will automatically appear at the end of
individual’s post
g. Top Posters-access a listing of the Forum’s top comment/topic posters.