Custom Boar Semen Freezing Procedure for PSSS

Custom Boar Semen Freezing Procedure for PSSS
 Contact PSSS to schedule your freezing
As you are all aware, we are normally very busy collecting/extending our boars on
Mondays & Thursdays. We are available to custom freeze boar semen on Tuesday,
Wednesday, and Friday. You will need to call us at 800-282-0428 at least a week in
advance to schedule your freezing appointment.
 Optimum collection schedule for best results
We realize that not all of our customers have enough sows to warrant collecting boars on
a weekly basis. Sometimes when a boar sits inactive for a period of time his semen has
reduced quality as a result. Therefore we recommend that the boars that you intend to
collect and ship their semen to us for custom freezing be collected the week prior to
sending us your sample. A full-week prior to freezing would probably work best from a
sperm count aspect. This allows us to make possible additional doses out of your
The freezing process has proven to be successful on boars that produce high quality
ejaculates (upwards of 80% motility). PSSS will reject boars which we feel will not be
successful candidates for freezing, though we will give you the option to proceed if you
would like (at your own risk).
 Extender
The freezing process at PSSS can be accomplished using any kind of extender.
Day of collection instructions
Prepare extender prior to collection and let sit at desired temperate for at least
30 minutes.
Collect boar in an insulated collection cup. Utilize filters to ensure that the
boars gel plus does not contaminate the collection and introduce bacteria into
the collection.
Gently rotate semen bag after collection to make sure that the sperm cells are
not all at bottom of bag. After you have lightly mixed your fresh semen, take
a 3-5 ml sample and place into a sample tube for us. We need a raw sample
for us to accurately determine sperm count.
Measure the volume of your boar collection and record it on a piece of paper.
Take your boar semen volume and multiply it by 1.5 times. This number is
the volume of extender that needs to be used to extend the fresh collection.
Tube up extended semen and chill to approximately 64 degrees Fahrenheit.
Ship semen to PSSS in a Styrofoam shipping container with 3-4 gel-packs.
Include the following information in your shipment:
a. Boar name & ear notch, Breed
b. Ejaculate volume
c. Amount of extender added to ejaculate
d. Raw semen sample for accurate sperm count
e. Billing/Shipping information
 Frozen Semen Processing Fees
Each boar up to 10 straws of frozen semen $120.00
Each boar after 10 straws of frozen semen $12.00 per additional straw
Each boar has a minimum charge of
 Frozen Semen Storage Fees
First 30 days post freezing
After 1st month in storage
No Charge
$1 per straw every month
 Freezing Disclaimer
PSSS has arguably the best technology known in the world for freezing boar semen.
However due to variations in boar ejaculates and quality of cells post freezing/thawing;
we cannot make any guarantees regarding conception size or litter size from semen that
has been frozen at our facility.