Your path to Teaching (CK August 2013) Secondary Teaching Training National University of Ireland (Galway, Maynooth, Dublin and Cork): Professional Diploma in Education. Apply at before December 1st. Late application 9th Jan 2013 (extra fee applies). Note: starting in Sept 2014 the PDE will become a 2 year programme. Trinity College Dublin: Postgraduate Diploma in Education. Apply to TCD - deadline usually December. Course details University of Limerick: GradDipEd. Subjects: Business, Languages, Mathematics, Technology (Construction/Engineering), Music and Physical Education. Apply directly to UL. Closing date is usually March for Business, Languages and Music but check for details (click Taught Courses). PE deadline: 31 January 2013. Dublin City University: Graduate Diploma in Education. Part-time programme taking place over two academic years. 2011 deadline 3rd December*. Hibernia College: 13 teaching subjects: Gaeilge, English, Modern Languages, History, Geography, CSPE, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Accounting, Business and Economics. 2 academic years. In order to teach a subject, you must first meet the Teaching Council requirements (generally that you have a degree in the subject you wish to teach see for specifics). All teachers are required by law to register with the Teaching Council if they are, or want to be, employed in a recognised school. Certificate in Irish required for those employed in Gaeltacht schools or those who teach any subject (other than Irish) through Irish. Primary Teacher Training Primary Sector – you require a B.Ed or Grad Diploma for a full-time, permanent post. On first appointment, teachers serve a probationary period. for details on all routes into primary teaching. Eligibility for Graduate Diploma: There will be an interview and an Irish oral exam. You must have graduated with a primary degree (level 8) in any discipline before applying (or a major award at level 9 or 10) and Leaving Certificate (after 1969): a grade C3 or above in Higher Level Irish; a grade D3 or above in Mathematics (Ordinary or Higher level); and a grade C3 or above in English (Ordinary level) or grade D3 or above in English (Higher level). A Pass in a University First Arts Examination in Irish, English or Mathematics will be accepted in lieu of the Leaving Certificate Examination. In the case of Irish, the Dioplóma sa Ghaeilge, Level C1, Dioplóma sa Ghaeilge, Level B2* both from NUI Galway among others (see website for list) are accepted as satisfying the Leaving Certificate requirement. (summary of entry requirements give at site above). Full time 18-month course: Application forms for this course are available from each of the Colleges listed below. Applicants can now apply to both Limerick and Dublin. Closing date for 2013 admission was 3rd December 2012. St. Patrick's College of Education, Drumcondra, Dublin 9 - Graduate Diploma in Education (Primary Teaching) Mary Immaculate College, Sth.Circular Road, Limerick - Graduate Diploma in Education (Primary Teaching) Froebel College of Education, Sion Hill, Blackrock, Co. Dublin - Higher Diploma in Education (Primary Teaching) Coláiste Mhuire, Marino Institute of Education, Dublin 9 - - Higher Diploma in Education (Primary Teaching) Online 2 year course: Hibernia College. 2 intakes a year – Spring and Autumn. Ongoing application. The same qualifications are needed as for the full-time courses. *added to accepted list in 2012. Teacher Training in Northern Ireland Application forms and details of the entry requirements for admission to teacher training courses in Northern Ireland may be obtained from the Registrar/Admissions Office of each institution. All applicants for Primary level PGCE’s must have English, Mathematics and a Science subject at Leaving Certificate level (Grade C GCSE or equivalent). Queen’s University Belfast* PGCE Secondary English, Mathematics, IT, Modern Languages, Science, Sociology, Politics and Religious Education. Irish Medium Education – some extra places available on courses listed for those studying through the medium of Irish. The closing date is generally 1st November for entry the following September. Download and post application. University of Ulster* S(online application) PGCE Primary: Honours degree at 11ii standard or above in a subject taught in primary schools within the NI Curriculum. Closing date for 2013 entry is Saturday 10 November 2012. Shortlist and interview. PGCE Secondary: req. vocationally relevant honours degree (normally 2:2 or above) closing date for 2013 entry is 18 November 2012. Art and Design, English with Drama and Media Studies, Geography, History, Home Economics and Music, Physical Education, Technology & Design. Irish Medium Education – some extra places available on courses listed for those studying through the medium of Irish to applicants with A Level or equivalent in Irish. Stranmillis University College* PGCE Early Years Requires a relevant early years 2:1 honours degree with substantial and recent experience of working with children in the 3-8 age range. Entry based on qualification, reference, relevant experience and interview. Application forms available from October and should be returned not later than 1st February 2013. St Mary’s University College PGCE Irish Medium Education (Primary): taught substantially through the medium of Irish and is intended particularly for graduates who wish to teach in Irish-medium primary schools. The closing date for applications for entry in September 2013 is 22 February 2013 (application forms available from 1st November). Open University: must be resident in England, Wales or Northern Ireland. Subject specialisms are design and technology; geography; mathematics; modern foreign languages (French, German and Spanish); music; and science (biology, chemistry and physics). Teacher Training in the UK Applications for the one-year PGCE (England/Wales) and PGDE (Scotland) are through an online system – Graduate Teacher Training Registry (with one exception). The application fee for 2013 was £19 (note: you need access to a credit card). - - For autumn 2013 entry, apply to GTTR between October and 1st December but some institutions will have filled all their places before the December deadline as applications are processed in order of the date they are received. Later applications up to 30 June will be processed if places are still available on the chosen course. The GTTR website hosts a database of courses with vacancies, searchable by teaching subject. Check the individual course requirements and if in doubt, you should contact the ITT provider. There are Leaving Cert requirements for primary teaching (English, Maths and Science for England/Wales, English & Maths for Scotland) – see individual courses for details. - From 2013, you must sit QTS numeracy & literacy skills test before starting the course. for details. Practice tests also on the website. There will be an interview. There is an online interactive interview for applicants at . GTTR exception – apply directly to University of West Scotland: Application is usually in December. PGCE Primary PGCE Secondary. Degree in subject to be taught –students may select one or two of the following subjects, depending on qualifications; Art and Design; Biology with Science; Chemistry with Science; English; Mathematics and Physical Education. Work Experience: Experience of either working in schools or observing children being taught in British state schools is advised – i.e., a range such as Nursery, Primary and Secondary schools. Some courses have work experience as an essential requirement – check with individual courses for the duration required. Other options: There are other routes into teaching for those who have graduated already from their degree and are considering a change of career. details the options available. The details regarding funding and applications for the UK in this leaflet cover the full time postgraduate route only. Funding Northern Ireland: According to Non-United Kingdom EU students will pay the same fees as NIresident students and they will also be able to defer payment. However, such students will not be entitled to Queen’s University bursaries, government grants or loans for living costs. If applying through UCAS, an application form will be sent at the time an offer is made. If not applying through UCAS, an application form can be obtained, together with further details about the support available, from the Student Loans Company EU Team: EuropeanTeam, Podium Room 38, Mowden Hall, Staindrop Road, Darlington,DL3 9BG, United Kingdom, Tel: 014 1243 3570, Email: England for 2013-2014 According to the : If you are on a postgraduate ITT course, you will have to pay tuition fees. Bursaries are available for trainees on eligible postgraduate courses in England who are not employed as a teacher. Physics, mathematics, chemistry, modern languages: Trainee with first £20,000; 2:1 £15,000; 2:2 £12,000 Physics trainees with a 2:1 or first are able to apply for an Institute of Physics scholarship worth £20,000. Chemistry trainees with a 2:1 or first are able to apply for an Royal Society of Chemistry scholarship worth £20,000. English, geography, history, computer science, Latin, Greek, music, biology, physical education, and primary attract £9,000 bursaries for trainees with a first and £4,000 for trainees with a 2:1 Bursary payments are processed automatically for eligible candidates by the training provider and are paid monthly. EU students who have residence status in an EU country are eligible for the incentives. They can also apply for a subsidised loan for fees by completing an application form is available online at (see useful links for full link) or contact or the Teaching Line at 08003892500. The Teaching Agency recommend contacting your chosen training provider for details on bursaries etc available to you. Wales for 2012-2013 *The initial teacher training (ITT) incentive grants available in Wales for new eligible students on specified postgraduate (PGCE) ITT courses leading to Qualified Teacher Status starting in the 2012/13 academic year are as follows: Physics: eligible students with 1st or 2.1 honours degree on physics would receive £15,000 Postgraduate secondary courses in mathematics, physics, chemistry, modern languages and Welsh: 1 st £15,000, 2:1 £10,000, 2:2 £6,000. Postgraduate secondary courses in ICT, design & technology, English, biology, history, RE, art, PE, music, drama and geography & postgraduate primary courses: 1st £3,000, other levels have no incentive grant. For updates for 2013 (usually announced in spring) see Also; Scotland 2012-2013 The Student Awards Agency for Scotland (SAAS)* provides funding for fees of eligible candidates , which states “if you want to do a Professional Graduate Diploma in Education (PGDE) in a priority subject, as well as your student loan and supplementary grants, we will pay your fees and bursary no matter what your previous qualification is. The priority subjects for session 2012-2013 are English, Gaelic, Home Economics, Maths, Modern Languages, Physical Education, Physics, Technological Education and Primary Education (all courses including Gaelic medium).” However, you should contact them directly for details of eligibilty. For other subjects see the SAAS website above. (please note the information above is subject to change for entry 2013 – always check with relevant websites for most up to date details) Check out the most recent AHECS publication which includes information for those applicants interested in applying for the Professional Master of Educations (PME) and the Máistir Gairmiúil san Oideachas (MGO – NUI Galway) courses. The Career Development Centre issues advice and information in good faith on the basis of the best information available to it. The Centre accept no responsibility for decisions made by individuals based on such information or advice. Always verify the information given with the relevant authority / university. Am I qualified to teach in Ireland after training in the UK? According to “The Teaching Council welcomes applications from teachers who qualified outside Ireland in another EU/EEA Member State and are deemed fully qualified in that Member State. Each application will be assessed individually.” “Teachers fully qualified in one EU member state are entitled to have their qualifications recognised in all other member states. This recognition may be granted subject to conditions, pending the making good of any shortfalls (e.g. qualification shortfalls and/or the Irish Language Requirement)” For the majority of Irish students who train to teach in the UK, shortfalls are either in Irish Language (primary) or History and Structure of the Irish Education System (secondary) although others could also be identified. For details on potential shortfalls see Useful Websites: Lists of schools in Ireland Entry requirements for Ireland Irish requirement tests for primary teaching Northern Ireland information on teaching courses UK applications and course database England Scotland Wales Student Loans UK Find out about entry to teaching in Scotland at Information on registering as a teacher in Scotland from and curriculum information is available at on/StudentFinance/StudentsFromOtherEUCountries/DG_065322