SELECT PUBLICATIONS: (Need to add Patti`s)

(All publications are available in PDF format)
Gierz M, Campbell SS and Gillin JC: Sleep disturbances in various non-affective
psychiatric disorders. Psychiatric Clinics of North America: Sleep Disorders,
10(4): 565-581, 1987.
Campbell SS and Zulley J: Napping in time-free environments.In: Sleep and
Alertness: Chronobiological, Behavioral and Medical Aspects of Napping, edited
by D.Dinges and R. Broughton, New York: Raven Press, 121-138, 1989.
Campbell SS: Circadian rhythms and human temporal experience. In: Cognitive
Models of Psychological Time, edited by R. Block, New York: L Erlbaum Assoc,
101-118, 1990.
Campbell SS: Biological rhythms and human performance. Report prepared for
the U.S.
Congressional Office of Technology Assessment, National
Technical Information Service (NTIS
Publication # PB 91215913), 1989.
Baker T, Campbell S, Linder K and Moore-Ede M: Control room operator
alertness and performance in nuclear power plants. Manual prepared for the
Electric Power Research Institute (Project 2184-7) 1990.
Moore-Ede M, Campbell S and Baker T: Falling asleep behind the wheel:
research priorities to improve driver alertness and highway safety. In:
Proceedings of the Federal Highway
Administration Symposium on Truck and
Bus Driver Fatigue. Nov, 1988; Washington, D.C.
Campbell SS: The timing and structure of spantaneous naps. In: Polyphasic
and Ultrashort Sleep-Wake Patterns , edited by C. Stampi Boston: Birkhauser,
71-81, 1992 .
Campbell SS: Effects of Sleep and Cricadian Rhythms on Performance. In:
Handbook of Human Performance, Volume 3, edited by A. Smith and D. Jones,
New York, Academic Press,
195-216, 1992.
Moore-Ede MC, Campbell SS and Reiter R (editors): Electromagnetic Fields and
Circadian Rhythmicity , Boston, Birkhauser, 1992.
Campbell SS and Dawson D: Bright light effects on human sleep and alertness
during simulated night shift work. In: Biological Effects of Light Symposium:
Proceedings, 1991, edited by M. Holick, New York, Walter de Gruyter, 188-195,
Campbell SS: Insomnia related to work schedules. Position Paper prepared for
U.S. Congress Concensus Conference on Sleep Disorders, 1993.
Campbell SS: Slow wave sleep. In: Encyclopedia of Sleep and Dreaming,
edited by M. Carskadon, New York , Macmillan Publishing Co., 579-580, 1993.
13)Campbell SS: Seasonal effects on sleep. In: Encyclopedia of Sleep and
Dreaming, edited by M. Carskadon, New York , Macmillan Publishing Co., 530532, 1993.
Campbell SS: Biological rhythms and psychological time. In: Encyclopedia of
Time, edited by S. Macey, New York, Garland Publishing, 61-63, 1994.
Campbell SS: Isolation. In: Encyclopedia of Time, edited by S. Macey, New
York, Garland Publishing, 317-318, 1994.
Campbell SS: Dear John (Editorial). Light Treatment and Biological Rhythms,
6(3): 29-31, 1994.
Campbell SS: Responses to Light (Review of the book: Light and Biological
Rhythms in Man) Science, 264:1616-1617, 1994.
Campbell SS: The Basics of Biological Rhythms. In: Understanding Sleep: The
Evaluation and Treatment of Sleep Disorders, edited by M.R. Pressman and
W.C. Orr, Washington, D.C., American Psychological Assn., 35-56, 1997.
Campbell SS: Factor influencing long-term time estimation in humans. In: Time
and Behaviour: Psychological and Neurobiological Analyses, edited by C.M.
Bradshaw and E. Szabadi Amsterdam, Elsevier, 385-407, 1997.
Campbell SS: Bright light treatment of sleep maintenance insomnia and
behavioral disturbance. In: Seasonal Affective Disorder and Beyond: Light
Therapy for SAD Non-SAD Conditions, edited by R.W. Lam, Washington, D.C.,
Amercian Psychiatric Press, Inc., 289-304,
Campbell SS: Intrinsic disruption of normal sleep and circadian patterns. In:
Regulation of Sleep and Circadian Rhythms, edited by F.W. Turek and P.C. Zee
New York, Marcel Dekker, Inc., 465-486, 1999.
Campbell SS and Murphy PJ: Perspectives: The Biological Clock. In: Seasonal
Affective Disorder: Practice and Research, edited by T. Partonen and A
Magnusson. London, Oxford University Press 2001.
Campbell SS and Murphy PJ: Effects of a nap on nighttime sleep in older
subjects: Implications for Alzheimer's patients. Research and Practice in
Alzheimer's Disease, (11): 352-355, 2006.
Webb WB and Campbell SS: The first night effect revisited with age as a
variable. Waking and Sleeping, 3: 319-324, 1979.
Webb WB and Campbell SS: Awakenings and the return to sleep in an older
population. Sleep, 3(1): 41-46, 1980.
Campbell SS and Webb WB: The perception of wakefulness within sleep.
Sleep, 4(2): 177-183, 1981.
Webb WB, Campbell SS and Hendlin R: The termination of extended sleep.
Biological Psychology, 11: 45-48, 1981.
Campbell SS: Human sleep patterns under conditions of "disentrainment". In:
W. Koella (ed) Sleep 1982: Proceedings of the Sixth European Congress of
Sleep Research Karger, Basel, pp. 212-215, 1983.
Webb WB and Campbell SS: Relationships in sleep characteristics of identical
and fraternal twins. Archives of General Psychiatry, 40(10): 1093-1095, 1983.
Campbell SS: The duration and placement of sleep in a "disentrained"
environment. Psychophysiology, 21(1): 106-113, 1984.
Campbell SS and Tobler I: Animal sleep: A review of sleep duration across
phylogeny. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews, 8(3): 269-300, 1984.
Campbell SS: Spontaneous termination of ad libitum sleep episodes with special
reference to REM sleep. Electroencephalography and Clincal Neurophysiology,
60: 237-242, 1985.
Campbell SS and Zulley J: Ultradian components of human sleep/wake patterns
during disentrainment. In: H. Schulz and P. Lavie (eds) Ultradian Rhythms in
Physiology and Behavior. Springer Verlag, New York, pp. 234-255, 1985.
Zulley J and Campbell SS: The coupling of sleep/waking patterns with the
rhythm of body temperature. In: W. Koella, D. Ruether and H. Schulz (eds) Sleep
1984: Proceedings of the Seventh European Congress of Sleep Research
Gustav Fischer Verlag, New York, pp. 81-85, 1985.
Zulley J and Campbell SS: Napping behavior during "spontaneous internal
desynchronization": Sleep remains in synchrony with body temperature. Human
4: 123-126, 1985.
Campbell SS: Estimation of empty time. Human Neurobiology, 5(3): 205-207,
Campbell SS and Zulley J: Induction of depressive-like sleep patterns in normal
subjects. In:
A Halaris (ed) Chronobiology and Psychiatric Disorders.
New York, pp. 117-132, 1987.
Campbell SS: Evolution of sleep structure following brief intervals of
wakefulness. Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, 66: 175184, 1987.
40)Campbell SS and Gillin JC: Sleep measures in depression: How sensitive?
How specific? Psychiatric Annals, 17(10): 647-653, 1987.
Campbell SS and Gillin JC: Depressing normal sleep: Two tests of the Process
S deficiency hypothesis. Neuropsychobiology, 18: 169-174, 1987.
Campbell SS, Kripke DF, Gillin JC and Hrobovcak JC: Exposure to light in
healthy elderly
subjects and Alzheimer's patients. Physiology and Behavior,
42(2): 141-144, 1988.
Campbell SS: Bed rest induces depressed sleep patterns in healthy young
adults In: W. Koella, F. Obal, H. Schulz and P. Visser (eds) Sleep 1986:
Proceedings of the Eighth European Congress of Sleep Research. Gustav
Fischer Verlag, New York, pp. 223-226,1988.
Campbell SS and Zulley J: Napping as a biological rhythm: Disentrainment of he
human sleep/wake system. In: W. Koella, F. Obal, H. Schulz and P. Visser (eds)
Sleep 1986: Proceedings of the Eighth European Congress of Sleep Research.
Gustav Fischer Verlag, New York, pp. 3-10, 1988.
Shiromani PJ, Levy D, Goodrich CA, Campbell SS, Overstreet D and Gillin JC:
Increased REM sleep in rats selectively bred for cholinergic hyperactivity.
Neuropsychopharmacology, 1(2): 127-133, 1988
Campbell SS, Gillin JC, Kripke DF, Janowsky DS and Risch SC: Lithium delays
circadian phase of temperature and REM sleep in a bipolar depressive: a case
report. Psychiatry Research, 27(1): 23-30, 1989.
Campbell SS and Zulley J: Evidence for circadian influence on human slow
wave sleep during daytime sleep episodes. Psychophysiology, 26(5): 580-585,
Campbell SS, Gillin JC, Kripke DF, Erikson PR and Clopton PL: Gender
differences in the circadian temperature rhythms of healthy elderly subjects:
Relationships to sleep quality. Sleep, 12(6): 529-536, 1989.
Gillin JC, Kripke DF and Campbell SS: Ambulatory measures of activity, light
and temperature in elderly normal controls and patients with Alzheimer Disease.
Bulletin of Clinical Neurosciences, 54: 144-148, 1989.
Dawson D and Campbell SS: Bright light treatments: Are we keeping our
subjects in the dark? Sleep, 13(3): 267-271, 1990.
Cardus D, Diamandis P, McTaggart W and Campbell, S: Development of an
artificial gravity
sleeper (AGS). The Physiologist, 33(1 Suppl): S112-113,
Campbell SS and Dawson D: Enhancement of nighttime alertness and
performance with bright ambient light. Physiology and Behavior, 48: 317-320,
Dawson D and Campbell SS: Timed exposure to bright light improves sleep and
alertness during simulated night shifts. Sleep , 14(6): 511-516, 1991.
Campbell SS and Dawson D: Aging young sleep: A test of the phase advance
hypothesis of
sleep disturbance in the elderly. Journal of Sleep Research
1(3): 205-210, 1992.
Satlin A, Volicer L, Ross V, Herz L and Campbell S: Bright light treatment of
behavioral and sleep disturbances in Alzheimer's disease patients. American
Journal of Psychiatry , 149: 10281032, 1992
Dawson D, Lushington K, Lack L, Campbell S and Matthews C: The variability in
circadian phase and amplitude estimates derived from sequential constant
routines. Chronobiology International, 9(5): 362-370, 1992.
Campbell SS, Dawson D and Anderson MW: Alleviation of sleep maintenance
insomnia with timed exposure to bright light. Journal of the American Geriatrics
Society, 41:829-836, 1993.
Campbell SS, Dawson D and Zulley J: When the human circadian system is
caught napping: Evidence for endogenous rhythms close to twenty-four hours.
Sleep, 16(7): 638-640, 1993.
Campbell SS and Broughton RJ: Declining body temperature prior to sleep
initiation: Fluffing the physiological pillow? Chronobiology International, 11(2):
126-131, 1994.
Ancoli-Israel S, Klauber MR, Gillin JC, Campbell SS and Hofstetter R: Sleep in
non-institutionalized Alzheimer's disease patients. Aging Clin Exp Res, 6(6):
451-458, 1994.
Murphy P, Myers B, Boecker M, Wright K, Badia P: Nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs alter sleep patterns in humans. Physiology and Behavior,
55(6), 1063-1066, 1994.
Campbell SS. Effects of timed bright light exposure on shift work adaptation in
middle-aged subjects. Sleep, 18(6): 408-416,1995.
Campbell SS, Eastman CI, Terman M, Lewy AJ, Boulos Z and Dijk D-J: Light
treatment for sleep disorders: Consensus report. I. Chronology of seminal
studies in humans. J Biological Rhythms 10(2): 105-109, 1995.
Dijk D-J, Boulos Z, Eastman CI, Lewy AJ, Campbell SS and Terman M: Light
treatment for sleep disorders: Consensus report. II. Basic properties of circadian
physiology and sleep regulation. J Biological Rhythms 10(2): 113-125, 1995.
Campbell SS, Dijk D-J, Boulos Z, Eastman CI, Lewy AJ and Terman M: Light
treatment for sleep disorders: Consensus report. III. Alerting and activating
effects. J Biological Rhythms 10(2): 129-132, 1995.
Terman M, Lewy AJ, Dijk D-J, Boulos Z, Eastman CI, and Campbell SS: Light
treatment for sleep disorders: Consensus report. IV. Sleep phase and duration
disturbances. J Biological Rhythms 10(2): 135-147, 1995.
Campbell SS, Terman M, Lewy AJ, Dijk D-J, Eastman CI and Boulos Z: Light
treatment for sleep disorders: Consensus report. V. Age-related disturbances. J
Biological Rhythms 10(2): 151-154 ,1995.
Eastman CI, Boulos Z, Terman M, Campbell SS, Dijk D-J and Lewy AJ: Light
treatment for sleep disorders: Consensus report. VI. Shift work. J Biological
Rhythms 10(2)157-164, 1995.
Boulos Z, Campbell SS, Lewy AJ, Terman M, Dijk D-J and Eastman CI: Light
treatment for sleep disorders: Consensus report. VII. Jet lag. J Biological
Rhythms 10(2): 167-176, 1995.
Murphy PJ and Campbell SS: Physiology of the circadian system in animals and
humans. J Clinical Neurophysiology 13(1): 2-16, 1996.
Murphy PJ and Campbell SS: Performance in elderly subjects following bright
light treatment of sleep maintenance insomnia. Journal of Sleep Research 5(3):
165-172, 1996.
Murphy P, Myers B, Badia P: Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs alter body
temperature and suppress melatonin in humans. Physiology and Behavior, 59(1),
133-139, 1996.
Alexopoulos GS, Meyers BS, Young RC, Campbell SS, Silbersweig D and
Charlson M: The "vascular depression" hypothesis. Archives of General
Psychiatry 54: 915-922, 1997.
Murphy PJ and Campbell SS: Nighttime drop in body temperature: A
physiological trigger for sleep onset? Sleep 20(7): 505-511, 1997.
Campbell SS and Murphy PJ: Relationships between sleep and body core
temperature in middle-aged and older subjects. Journal of the American
Geriatrics Society, 46:458-462, 1998 .
Campbell SS and Murphy PJ: Extraocular circadian phototransduction in
humans. Science 279:396-399,1998.
Campbell SS and Murphy PJ: Circadian clock resetting in humans by
extraocular light exposure. In: Biological Effects of Light 1998, edited by MF
Holick and EG Jung Boston, Kluwar Academic Publishers, 389-395, 1999
Jones CR, Campbell SS, Zone SE, Cooper F, DeSano A, Murphy PJ, Jones B,
Czajkowski L and Ptacek LJ: Familial advanced sleep-phase syndrome: A short
period circadian rhythm variant in humans. Nature Medicine, 5(9): 1062-1065,
Russ MJ, Campbell SS, Kakuma T, Harrison K and Zanine E: EEG theta activity
and pain insensitivity in self-injurious borderline patients. Psychiatry Research,
89:201-214, 1999.
Campbell SS, Murphy PJ, van den Heuval CJ, Roberts ML and Stauble TN:
Etiology and treatment of intrinisc circadian rhythm sleep disorders. Sleep
Medicine Reviews, 3(3):179-200, 1999.
Trenkwalder C, Hening WA, Walters AC, Campbell SS, Rahman K and
Chokroverty S: Circadian rhythm of periodic limb movements and sensory
symptoms of restless legs syndrome. Movement Disorders, 14(1): 102-110,
Campbell SS. Is There an Intrinsic Period of the Clock? Science
288(5469):1174, 2000.
Murphy PJ, Rogers NL and Campbell SS: Age differences in the spontaneous
termination of
sleep. J Sleep Research, 9(1): 27-34, 2000.
Campbell SS, Murphy PJ and Boothroyd C: Long-term time estimation is
influenced by circadian phase. Physiology & Behavior, 72(4): 589-593, 2001.
Campbell SS, Murphy PJ and Suhner A: Extraocular circadian phototransduction
in vertebrates: A review of the literature. Chronobiology International, 18(2): 137172, 2001.
Murphy PJ and Campbell SS: Enhancement of REM sleep in humans during
extraocular light exposure. American Journal of Physiology 280: R1606-R1612,
Macchi M, Boulos Z, Ranney T, Simmons L and Campbell SS: Effects of an
afternoon nap on nighttime alertness and performance in long-haul drivers.
Accident Analysis and Prevention, 34: 825-834 2002.
Suhner A, Murphy PJ and Campbell SS: Failure of timed bright light exposure to
alleviate age- related sleep maintenance insomnia. Journal of the American
Geriatrics Society; 50, 617-623, 2002.
Campbell SS, Murphy PJ and Stauble TN: Effects of a nap on nighttime sleep
and waking function in older subjects. Journal of the American Geriatric Society;
53: 48-53, 2005.
Campbell SS: Short-Wavelength Sensitivity For Activating Effects of Light: An
Ascent To The Arcane? Comment on Lockley SW et al. Short-Wavelength
Sensitivity for the Direct Effects of Light on Alertness, Vigilance, and the Waking
Electroencephalogram in Humans. Sleep; 29(2):
140-141, 2006.
Campbell SS and Murphy PJ: The nature of spontaneous sleep across
adulthood. Journal of Sleep Research, 16: 24-32, 2007.
Campbell SS and Murphy PJ: Delayed sleep phase disorder in temporal
isolation. Sleep, 30(9): 1225-1228, 2007.
Murphy PJ and Campbell SS: Sex Hormones, Sleep, and Core Body
Temperature in Older
Postmenopausal Women. Sleep, 30(12): 1788-1794,
Benloucif S, Burgess HJ, Klerman EB, Lewy AJ, Middleton B, MurphyPJ, Parry
B, Revell VL. Measuring melatonin in humans. Journal of Clinical Sleep
Medicine (in press), 2008.
Murphy PJ, Papolos DF, Cockerham MA. Parental characterization of sleep
disturbance, temperature dysregulation, and circadian rhythms in childhood
onset bipolar disorder. Sleep, under review, 2009.