Chapter 16 - Partnerships and Programme

ERDF User Manual
Chapter 16 Partnerships and Programme Monitoring Committee: Version 1
INTRODUCTION................................................................................................. 2
WHAT IS PARTNERSHIP? ................................................................................ 2
ROLES PLAYED BY PARTNER ORGANISATIONS ......................................... 2
Strategic delivery partners .................................................................................. 2
Programme management partners ..................................................................... 2
Project delivery partners ..................................................................................... 3
PROGRAMME MONITORING COMMITTEES ................................................... 3
European Social Fund (ESF) .............................................................................. 3
Duties of the PMC ............................................................................................... 3
Chairing Programme Monitoring Committees ..................................................... 4
Membership of the Programme Monitoring Committee ....................................... 4
Working groups and sub groups ......................................................................... 5
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ERDF User Manual
Chapter 16 Partnerships and Programme Monitoring Committee: Version 1
1.1. This chapter deals with partnership and Programme Monitoring Committees. It
provides a description of the principles of partnership in relation to Structural Funds
policy and it defines the roles of the different partner organisations including
strategic delivery partners, programme management partners and project delivery
1.2. It also contains information on the Programme Monitoring Committees (PMCs). The
main tasks of the PMC are prescribed in Article 65 of Regulation 1083/2006 and in
the Implementing Provisions within each Operational Programme and are not
repeated here. This chapter summarises other additional duties and tasks
2.1. Partnership is one of the basic principles underlying the current approach to
Structural Funds policy and is governed by Article 11 of Regulation 1083/2006 To
ensure the relevance of the strategies pursued and the effectiveness of expenditure,
the programming and management of Structural Funds brings together all the
parties involved in economic and social development. They include the Member
State and the Commission, but also the other authorities or partner bodies
designated by the national authorities. These may be other relevant public
authorities, at regional and local level, or other appropriate bodies.
2.2. The commitment and necessary consensus between the various parties involved is
achieved through ongoing dialogue throughout the programming process. Partners
should be involved as soon as preparation begins on the Operational Programmes
(OP). Partners are then involved in monitoring the implementation and the financing
of the programmes by being part of Programme Monitoring Committees and their
sub-groups and also in the various evaluation exercises.
3.1. Partners consist of many different organisations, with wide-ranging roles in
programme delivery:
Strategic delivery partners
3.2. Operational Programmes can only function within the wider regional strategic
planning process in order for the priorities and objectives to be set in line with
Government policy. Partners, such as the Government Offices, the Regional
Development Agencies (RDAs) and the Regional Assemblies are all involved in the
development of regional strategies. They can ensure that European funding is
allocated to the highest priorities and can identify where the focus can be shifted as
the Programmes develop.
Programme management partners
3.3. The formal role of the programme management partners will be as members of the
Programme Monitoring Committee. The terms of reference setting out the roles and
responsibilities for the PMC will be agreed when the committee is established.
Membership of the PMC will be open to the principal regional partners, Government
representatives, the private and voluntary sectors, local authorities, and others with
a specific stake in the OP. The Commission, the European Investment Bank and
the European Investment Fund may participate in an advisory capacity.
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Chapter 16 Partnerships and Programme Monitoring Committee: Version 1
Project delivery partners
3.4. Delivery partners are those organisations that contribute to the OP via specific
individual projects and need not necessarily have a strategic overview. They join
the process as applicants or match funders. They may be, for example, large
organisations such as local authorities or a community group with a small role on a
research project. European secretariats must develop strong relationships with
these partners to ensure that targets set are realistic in the first place and that
targets are fully met within agreed time limits.
4.1. The PMC is a strategic body responsible for overseeing the implementation and
monitoring of the Operational Programme for its area. It will seek to maximise
integration and linkages with other OPs and, where appropriate, other European
Funding Programmes.
4.2. In England, there are nine regional ERDF Competitiveness OPs and one ERDF
Convergence OP (Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly). The RDAs provide the
Secretariats for each regional ERDF OP and associated PMC.
European Social Fund (ESF)
4.3. In England there is one national OP and associated national PMC for the European
Social Fund. Activities are delivered through regional ESF frameworks and are
managed by regional framework committees. The national ESF PMC has made it
clear that, where appropriate, joint committees should be established to oversee
both the ERDF and ESF programmes at regional level.
Duties of the PMC
4.4. There are other important duties of the PMC, in addition to those prescribed by the
Articles 65 of Regulation 1083/2006. These other duties include :
a. To agree a communication plan for the Operational Programme. The
communications plan is developed by the RDA and agreed by the PMC. All RDAs
submitted their plans through the Managing Authority (MA) within four months of
the OP being approved by the Commission. All the plans have received
Commission approval
b. To agree a costed strategy for Technical Assistance (TA) and to agree the
mechanism for providing match funding for the budget. Further information on TA
is in Chapter 12.
c. To set up such sub-committees and/or working groups as appropriate to enable it
to fulfil its responsibilities. The terms of reference of these delegated committees
and groups must be approved by the PMC.
d. To agree its own terms of reference and working practices.
e. To agree its membership and to ensure that it seeks to represent the
demographic make-up of the area covered by the OP and takes account of the
need to promote equality between men and women.
To consider whether to adopt a code of conduct governing standards of
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Chapter 16 Partnerships and Programme Monitoring Committee: Version 1
g. To agree, where appropriate, an evaluation plan for the programme, to cover the
evaluation activities to be carried out during the programme period.
Chairing Programme Monitoring Committees
4.5. The chair of the PMC has to be undertaken by a representative of the Member State
or the Managing Authority1. In practice, this will be the Regional Director of the
relevant Government Office, except for London, where the chair will be the Mayor or
his representative.
4.6. The general regulation2 requires that ERDF objectives shall be pursued in the
framework of close cooperation, which means the Commission will expect the
programmes to be implemented in a spirit of partnership.
4.7. The Chair will ensure that those on the committee are the most representative
bodies at regional and local level and in the economic, social, environmental or other
spheres (ie partners), in accordance with national rules and practices.
4.8. The Chair will be expected to refer to the Secretariat for advice on ensuring that
PMC membership remains up-to-date and the representation needs of the regional
partnership are fully met.
4.9. Representatives from other bodies concerned with the operation of the Structural
Funds in the Programme area may be co-opted by the PMC or may be invited to
attend on occasion as appropriate.
The Chair will ensure that a record is kept of all decisions made by the PMC.
The Chair will also agree all PMC papers that are distributed and the minutes of
PMC meetings. Ideally papers will be distributed 10 working days before a PMC
meeting to allow members time to consult their colleagues as necessary. Each
PMC can determine whether papers are sent out in hard copy or electronically, but
electronic copies of papers must be retained and placed on the RDAs website
except where there are commercial or personal confidentiality concerns.
The Managing Authority will be represented on the PMC. The role will include
advising and guiding the PMC Chair and members on compliance with the
Regulations and any other aspect of running the OP.
The MA representative will also guide the PMC on Government policies and
report back to Ministers on how the OP is progressing and how its activities are
contributing to wider Government policy.
The region’s DG Regio desk officer will be invited to be an observer at PMC
Membership of the Programme Monitoring Committee
The partnership should remain fully representative throughout the life of the
PMC. Where PMC members withdraw for whatever reason, then their replacement
will not automatically be taken from the same organisation. The Chair will be
expected to agree with the PMC a systematic process for membership review and
Article 64(1) of Regulation 1083/2006
Article 12 of Regulation 1083/2006
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Chapter 16 Partnerships and Programme Monitoring Committee: Version 1
PMC members may send a named deputy to attend meetings in their place.
Members who do not attend three consecutive meetings will be removed from the
PMC unless the Chair considers there was justification for the absence and the
partnership would be weakened if they were removed.
The Programme Monitoring Committee may consist of regional partners
including, but not limited to, the following organisations:
Chair (GO RD or his deputy)
Managing Authority
Local Authorities
Regional TUC
JobCentre Plus
Higher education and further education
Business Links
Private Sector (e.g.CBI, Chambers of Commerce)
Voluntary Sector.
Working groups and sub groups
Additional sub or working groups may be set up on a thematic or sub-regional
basis to address specific issues or more local programme priorities or with delegated
authority to endorse projects. Membership of such groups will be drawn from
community and regional organisations with individual members being nominated by
their host organisation.
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