Pneumococcal Vaccination for Prevention of Otitis Media Jan 7 2004, R3 施偉勛 Epidemiology 24 million cases with AOM each year in children under 2 y/o in USA Hearing loss in 20% of AOM Pnc disease in meta-analysis: 15% death, 12-28% neurologic sequelae Average of 42 days of Abx for otitis by 1 y/o in Pittsburgh (2253) nasopharyngeal carriage: 44% in children ≦ 6 y/o 90 serotypes of pneumoncocci (Pnc), 85% caused by 8 types (4, 6A, 6B, 9V, 14, 18C, 19F, 23F, cross reactivity between 6A and 6B) Historical Perspective in Pneumococcal vaccines and OM 1880--pneumococcus isolated by Sternberg in USA, Pasteur in France 1887--first report of pneumococcus in OM by Zauful and Netter 1894--Strep pyogens: reflect the significant attack rate of scarlet fever 7118 isolates in 1906-1951: 1st rank with downward trend 1911--develop vaccine of killed pneumococcus in S Africa by Lister 40 billion killed pneumococci IV in a million humans, effect? 1927--immunogenicity of the capsular polysaccharide by Schiemann 1930--sulfonamides develop vaccine abandoned 1937--lack of responsiveness of polysaccharide in 2-14 mo infants World War II--efficacy of pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine by US Air Force: 50 ug capsular polysaccharide 4 types carrier rate 1950s--withdrawn from the market due to the advent of penicillin 1977--relicensure of polyvalent vaccine (14-23 serotype) after trial in 12000 African gold miners: 78.5% in pneumococcal pneumonia; 82.3% bacteremia 1980--develop pneumococcal polysaccharide conjugate vaccine (PCV), encourage by HIB vaccine ( invasive infection and carrier rate) 2000---FDA licensed a 7-valent PCV (Pnc-CRM197) 1 Cell Biology of Tubotympanium in Otitis Media 1. mucocillary defense: pneumococcus in np : pneumococcus+adenovirus =20% : 80% amotile ciliary syndrome (Kartagener’s): 100% have CPS and OM 2. Mucins high-molecular weight glycoprotein to trap bacteria and viruses for mucociliary clearance as a receptor for bacterial adherence to epithelial surface and mucous blanket ex: HI keep pathogens in the region with antimicrobal agents 9 human mucin genes (1, 2, 3, 4, 5AC, 5B, 6, 7, and 8): nontypeable HI induce MUC5AC upregulate 3. Aquaporins intergral membrane proteins as water channels responsible for maintaining fluid homeostasis abnormal changes in membrane potential fluid accumulation 7 AQP genes: AQP1 and AQP9 in rat middle ear 4. Lysozyme disrupt bacterial walls from serous glands of E-tube and middle ear mucosa, PMN pre-exposure of bacteria to Lz enhance bactericidal activity of β defensins against NTHI 5. Lactoferrin iron-binding glycoprotein in milk, middle ear mucosa, and PMN proteolytic activity to 2 related proteins of NTHI (non-pilus Hap adehesion and the IgA protease precursor) antibacterial lysozyme and lactoferrin in human milk to prevent OM 6. Defensins broad-spetrum microbicidal and viricidal agents most abundant polypeptides secreted by PMN 75 different α, β-defensins 7. Collectins and antimicrobial surfactant proteins (SP-A, SP-D) lectin domains bind carbohydrate structures of pathogen, and collagenous regions are ligands to phagocytes mediate C1q-independent activation of classical complement pathway SP-A, SP-D bind pathogens via carbohydrate groups causing them to agglutinate promote phagocytosis 2 Pathogenesis of Pneumococcal Otitis Media---from commensal to pathogen invade human cells may be more result of changes in the human cell surface than in the bacteria itself activation of np cells by cytokines due to virus infection receptor presentation gain access to the middle ear by change in the presentation of lectins cytokines, IL-6, IL-1, TNF influx of neutrophil profound inflammation PAF receptor in lung cells bind choline in pneumococcal cell wall IgA receptor in NP cells bind CbpA (choline binding protein) cell wall pieces of coccus activate alternative pathway and cytokine, PAF enhancement of inflammation with bacterial lysis by Abx injury the hair cell Pneumolysin a. thiol-activated cytotoxin of pneumocci, water soluble monomer b. bind cholesterol pore formation in cell membrane c. into the scala tympani of cochlea damage to organ of Corti d. in meningitis: bacteria and PMN in CSF along cochlear aqueduct into inner ear damage from base to apexpermanent bil SNHL Cost and Benefit For OM, $6.28 million in OPD, 1.08 million in hospitalization, 60000 in Abx, missed work 5.9 hr costing $120 in one adult vaccination program wound reduce $342 million in medical and $415 million in work-loss and other cost in each year From societal perspective, net savings if vaccine cost ≦ $46 From the health care payer perspective, net savings if vaccine ≦ $18 current price per dose: $58, still relatively cost-effective than others Effect 1. Trial in Israel PCV in 12-18 mo toddlers 4% were carriers one year after vaccination; 14% in control group 2. Trial in Northern California (Table ) heptavalent PCV (18927) vs meningococcal conjugate vaccine (18941) vaccinate in 2,4,6 and 12-15 months of age 3 efficacy against pneumonia, otitis episodes, frequent otitis, and tube replacement were 11%, 7%, 22.8%, and 20% no evidence of an increase of disease due to non-vaccine serotypes 3. Trial in Finnish HBV vaccine as control group, 2596 episodes of AOM reduction in 57% against culture-confirmed, serotype-specific AOM 34% against culture-confirmed pneumococcal AOM 6% against AOM irrespective of the etiology 100% against invasive infection by serotype-specific Pnc 4. 500 isolates from OME 67%, 67% and 77% of isolates were covered by 7-, 9-, 11-valent PCV 97% of antibiotic-resistant strains were covered by each PCV 5. Metaanalysis in 2003 prevent 8% of AOM episodes in infants and toddlers prevent 17% of AOM episodes in children attending day care prevent 19% of AOM episodes in children with previous AOM cannot recommend large scale PCV, suggest only in high risk group Will New Pathogens Emerge when facing Selective pressure Microbiology of OM in children with amoxicillin prophylaxis(Table ) increase in β-lactamase(+) HI or M catarrhalis with bacterial polysaccharide immune globulin (BPIG) increase in NTHI, M catarrhalis, No unusual pathogens (Table ) with 9-valent PCV---evaluate in NP carriage (Table ) carriage of vaccine serotypes decrease from 36% to 18% carriage of non-vaccine serotypes increase from 24% to 36% inhibitory effect of the resident of Pnc Drug-resistent pathogens (snowball effect) (Fig ) a. 70% severe and 90% mild AOM resolve spontaneously b. 6.6% resist to penicillin, 5.9% multidrugs resistance in 1991 c. 18.4% resist to PCN, 13.1% multidrugs resistance in 1994 d. 49.7% resist to PCN, 19.5% multidrugs resistance in 1997 Future in the vaccine improve the immunogenicity of polysaccharide: with IL-2, CD40 Ab using pneumococcal protein as carrier or pure protein vaccine (Table ) a. less immunologic conflict with other vaccines 4 b. target more than one mechanism for broader protection c. improve anamnestic responses to any subsequent Pnc infection d. against invasive infection: PspA+pneumolysin e. against carriage or otitis media: PsaA+PspA (and/or PspC) intranasal immunization against mucosal infections a. antigens+nontoxic B unit of cholera toxin b. pneumococcal surface protein A (PspA) or 6B polysaccharide-tetanus toxoid conjugate into mice can induce mucosal and systemic antibody response against Pnc Other Prevention Methods 1. Xylitol in Preventing AOM polyol sugar alcohol, produced from birch, in plums, strawberries etc inhibit the growth of Pnc by fructose phosphotransferase system (Fig ) inhibit attachment of Pnc to NP cells in 5% xylitol (Fig ) 2 pieces chewing gums 5 times per day with total 8.4 g xylitol 5 ml 5 times per day with total 10 g xylitol daily the number of children with AOM 42%, Abx usage 36% In a high-risk children with tympanostomy tube insertion xylitol was ineffective in preventing otitis Side effects: loose stool due to slowly absorption (up to 45g) 5% children did not take xylitol due to abdominal discomfort 2. Antibiotics prophylaxis amoxicillin can decrease AOM attack rate, however, follow-up 1 year later, attack rates similar in others 3. Tympanostomy tubes: not as beneficial in recurrent AOM, but good for MEE 4. Adenoidectomy reduce MEE prevalence during 1st and 2nd follow-up years reduce overall MEE prevalence only for children with prior tubes does prevent the need for tympanostomy tube reinsertion 6. Risk factor modification age, sex, race, genetic predisposition, early onset of OM alter host defenses and underlying disease, allergy, air pollution exposure to tobacco smoke, not breast fed, season, poverty sleeping position, use of a pacifier 5 Reference 1. Dodet B: Otitis media: a preventable disease. Vaccine 2001, 19(Suppl 1): 1 2. Lim DJ, Chun YM, Lee HY et al: Cell biology of tubotympanum in relation to pathogenesis of otitis media-a review. Vaccine 2001, 19(Suppl 1): 17-25 3. Austrian R: Pneumoncoccal otitis media and pneumoncoccal vaccines, a historical perspective. Vaccine 2001, 19(Suppl 1): 71-77 4. Tuomanen EI: Pathogenesis of pneumococcal inflammation: otitis meida. Vaccine 2001, 19(Suppl 1): 38-40 5. 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