Dr. Beard - Hope College




Professor of Political Science

Hope College

Holland, MI

616-395-7544 beard@hope.edu

15 October 2010



Ph.D. Political Science 2006 Michigan State University

Dissertation: Democratic Orientations in Emerging African

Democracies Do Religion and Gender Matter?

Dissertation Committee: Michael Bratton, Chair; Charles

Ostrom; Jeff Riedinger; Brian Silver (Political Science)

Comprehensive Exams: Comparative Politics; Public Policy



Masters Public Policy & Administration 2005 Michigan State University

Concentration: International Development

Bachelor of Arts Political Science 2000

Honors Graduate

Minor: Third World Development Studies

Primary: Political Science

Calvin College


2007-Present Hope College, Holland, MI

Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science

POL 110 Gender, Conflict, & Peace

POL 110 Whose Reality? Whose Development? Multiple Perspectives and Practices on

Global Political Development


POL 151 Introduction to Global Politics

POL 235 Introduction to Public Policy and Administration

POL 295 Introduction to African Politics

POL 351 International Law, Organizations &Systems

POL 352 United Nations

POL 490 Independent Study: Model U.N.

POL 490 Independent Study – Internships

POL 490 Independent Study – May Term: Uganda

POL 492 Washington DC Preparatory Class

IDS 100 First Year Seminar

Michigan State University , East Lansing, MI

Instructor, Department of Political Science

Introduction to International Relations

Teaching Assistant, Department of Political Science

Public Policy Analysis (Assistant to Malcolm Goggin)

Social Differentiation and Inequality (Assistant to Alan Posner)

Introduction to International Relations (Assistant to David Lektzian)

Public Policy Analysis (Assistant to Belinda C. Davis)

Teaching Assistant, James Madison College

Islam and World Politics (Assistant to Mohammed Ayoob)

Teaching Assistant, Department of Resource Development

International Development and Sustainability (assistant to Jeffrey Riedinger)



May 2010

May 2010

Faculty participant, Writing Workshop, From Informal Writing to Formal Writing


Faculty participant, Write A Grant Workshop

Fall 2010 Faculty participant, Hope College Faculty Book Discussion Groups

Book: To Change the World, James Davison Hunter

Spring 2010 Faculty participant, Hope College Faculty Book Discussion Groups

Book: I See Satan Fall Like Lightening, Renee Girard,

Fall 2009 Faculty participant, Hope College Faculty Book Discussion Groups

Book: Culture Making: Recovering Our Creative Calling ,

June 2009

October, 2008 Faculty Participant, GLCA Academic Leadership and Innovation (GALI) Institute,

Explored challenges to liberal arts colleges; Considered dynamics of leadership and decisions making from faculty and administrative perspectives; Identified and grappled with challenges facing home institution


Faculty Writing Camp,

Revised articles for publication submission; collaborated with colleagues on scholarly writing; met with grant administrator regarding proposal creation and refinement

Teaching Enhancement Workshop Follow-Up Dinners

Continual learning on topics to enhance teaching, including technology in the classroom, creating service learning opportunities through courses, and the services provided for my and student research through the library

July 2008 Faculty Participant, CrossRoads Faculty Summer Seminar,– Engaging Students in the

Classroom instituted new activities, including in-class formal debates, in response to the readings and discussions at the seminar; Shared engagement practices with CrossRoads

2008 Faculty Participant, Center For Faithful Leadership Presentation

Follow-up: working with CFL to create independent study or internship opportunities for

CFL students as part of the Political Science Department’s Model United Nations


June 2008 Faculty Writing Camp,

Revised articles for publication submission; collaborated with colleagues on scholarly writing

January 17-19, 2008 Faculty Participant, Midwest Faculty Seminar in Global Feminisms,

Global Feminisms: Are Women's Rights Human Rights?

Actively engaged with speakers on global feminisms from a diverse cross-section of academic disciplines; Discussed complexities of global feminisms in today’s world with scholars from across disciplines; Honed new understandings of feminist theories for use in scholarship, classroom instruction and curriculum development

August 2006 – June 2007 Research Associate, Public Policy Associates, Lansing, MI

Used research skills to investigate a broad range of public policy topics; Lead Research

Associate evaluating Michigan Education Trust marketing effectiveness; Investigated avenues to develop and oversee Career Education Consumer Report for the state of

Michigan; Serving as consultant on as needed basis with Public Policy Associates on an on-going basis.

August 2002-August 2006 Document Control and Website Manager, Graduate Assistant,

Afrobarometer Survey Research Project ,

Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI

Edited and published working papers, briefing papers and other reports using

Afrobarometer Survey Data through the Afrobarometer website; assisted in research and data collection

September 2005 Pre-Dissertation Researcher, University of Nairobi, Nairobi, Kenya

Observed all aspects of in-the-field- public opinion survey collection with Round 3

Afrobarometer Public Opinion Survey Research Project; Carried out interviews with leaders of religious organizations

May 2002-August 2002 Policy Analysis and Community Development Intern

Mission: Moving Mountains, Nakuru, Kenya

Conducted research relating to community site selection; Engaged in cultural and organizational learning; Integrated observations from development sites in Uganda and

Kenya; Networked with leaders from local, national and governmental entities

January 2002-May2002 Research Assistant ,

Center for the Advanced Study of International Development (CASID),

Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI

Assistant to Jeffrey Riedinger, Co-Director of CASID; Assisted in data collection for

Michigan State University’s Title VI review and evaluation

August 2001 – January 2002 Research Assistant , Michigan State University, East Lansing Michigan

Assistant to Malcolm Goggin through a grant from the Rochester Institute; assisted in data collection on cross-state Teen Pregnancy Prevention Initiatives and 1996 Temporary

Assistance to Needy Families (TANF) reform

January 1999 – May 1999 Exchange student, Daystar University, Athi River and Nairobi, Kenya


5/10-8/10 Hope College/Towsley Consideration Summer Research Funding

5/10-8/10 Political Science Department Student Research Funding

( Student: Sarah Wenz - The Role of Resources in the Development of Sub-Saharan Africa –

Interaction of Gender, Water, and Civil Society in Conflicts and Democracy )

5/10-8/10 Jacob E. Nyenhuis Faculty – Student Research Development Grant

( Student: Allison Bryan - “Explaining the Possibilities and Processes of African Political, Social and Economic Development through Theory Application: Which theory most accurately describes the historical development paths and current development stages of Kenya and Uganda—

Modernization, Dependency or Human Empowerment?” )

5/10-8/10 Carl Frost Center for Social Science Research Faculty – Student Collaborative

Research Grant

( Student: Kevin Haley - Role of Resources in the Development of Sub-Saharan Africa – Land,

Conflict and Democracy )

5/09- 8/09

5/08 -8/09

Jacob E. Nyenhuis Faculty Development Grant

Carl Frost Center for Social Science Research Faculty – Student Collaborative

Research Grant

(Students – Stephanie Bogema and Alison Bernard)

5/03-present Pi Alpha Alpha: National Public Administration Honor Society

8/01 - 5/04

5/02 - 8/02

Title VI Fellowship of Language and Area Studies

Michigan State University Graduate Student Research Enhancement Award

8/99 - 5/00

3/98 - 5/00


John VanDellen Memorial Scholarship in Political Science

Pi Sigma Alpha: National Political Science Honor Society

Beard. Virginia Parish. 2010. "Best Practices in Policy Creation and Administration in

Meeting Housing Needs for People with Disabilities and their Families: A Case Study in

Ottawa County, Michigan." Journal of Poverty & Public Policy. Volume 2, Issue 2, May

2010: Berkley.

Beard, Virginia Parish. 2011. “Kenya” Global Encyclopedia of Religion through SAGE

Publishers, Forthcoming .

Beard, Virginia Parish. 2010. “Globalization and Development.” International

Encyclopedia of Political Science through CQ Press, a division of Congressional

Quarterly, Inc., Forthcoming .

Beard, Virginia Parish. 2010. “Gender Issues.” International Encyclopedia of Political

Science through CQ Press, a division of Congressional Quarterly, Inc., Forthcoming .

Beard, Virginia Parish. 2010. “Gender and Globalization.” International Encyclopedia of

Political Science through CQ Press, a division of Congressional Quarterly, Inc.,

Forthcoming .

Beard, Virginia Parish. 2008. Democratic Orientations in Emerging African

Democracies: Do Gender and Religion Matter? VDM Verlag.

Beard, Virginia Parish. 2006. Review of Gender Mainstreaming in the Multilateral

Trading System: A handbook for policy-makers and other stakeholders, by Marianna

Williams, 2003, London, UK: Commonwealth Secretariat. Michigan State University

Women & International Development Program Bulletin , Vol. 21, No. 2 (Winter 2006):



Keynote Speaker. “The Role of Women and Civil Society in Peaceful Democratic

Development in the African Context.” 2nd Annual

GRCC Peace Studies Conference

Conflict Resolution: Challenges, Successes, and Failures of Supranational and

International Organizations. September 27-29, 2010

Grand Rapids, Michigan

"Conflict, Resources, Identity Politics and the Democratic Development of Sub-Saharan

Africa - Land, Water, and Religious Identity in Kenya. " Paper accepted for presentation at the Annual Meetings of the Religious Research Association, Baltimore, October 28-31,


“Development of Sub-Saharan Africa - Land, Water, Conflict and Democracy in Kenya.”

Paper accepted for presentation at the 2010 Annual Meetings of the American Political

Science Association, Washington DC, September 2-5, 2010.

"Including Emerging African Democracies in the Conversation on the Compatibility of

Islam and Democracy: Case Studies of Kenya and Senegal." Paper accepted for presentation at the 2010 Annual Meetings of the American Political Science Association,

Washington DC, September 2-5, 2010.

“Post-Conflict Peace-Building and Reconciliation: The Roles of Gender and Religion in

Post-Genocidal Rwanda.” With Stephanie Bogema, Paper presented at the 2010 Annual

Meetings of the Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, April 21-215, 2010.

“Constitutional Reform, Land Access and Identity Politics: Assessing the 2007 Post-

Electoral Conflict in Kenya." Paper presented at the 2010 Annual Meetings of the

Midwest Political Science Association, April 21-25, 2010.

“Finding My Place in the Belhar Confession.” Hope College Provost’s Luncheon,

September 23, 2009

“Religious Bodies, Gender Relations and Politics in Kenya: The Prospects for Peace-

Building and Democratization in Africa.” Paper presented at the 2009 Annual Meetings of the Midwest Political Science Association, April 2009.

“Best Practices in Policy Creation and Administration in Meeting Housing Needs for

People with Disabilities and their Families.” Paper presented at the 2009 Annual

Meetings of the Midwest Political Science Association, April 2009.

“Religious Bodies, Gender Relations and Politics in Kenya: The Prospects for

Democracy in Africa.” Paper prepared for the 2008 Annual Meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Religion/Religious Research Association, October17-19,

Louisville, Kentucky

“Religious Bodies, Gender Relations, and Politics in Kenya: the Prospects for

Democracy in Africa.”

Paper accepted along with Alison Bernard, student researcher, for presentation at the Great Lakes Colleges Association Conference on Transnational

Feminisms, Transnational Dialogues: De-centering the Academic Debate on Global

Feminisms, September 26-28, 2008 , Kenyon College, Gambier, Ohio

“Women’s Movements, State Building, and the Growth of Civil Society: A Case Study of the Importance of Gender Equality in the Sudan.” Paper accepted along with Stephanie

Bogema, student researcher, for presentation at the Great Lakes Colleges Association

Conference on Transnational Feminisms, Transnational Dialogues: De-centering the

Academic Debate on Global Feminisms, September 26-28, 2008 , Kenyon College,

Gambier, Ohio

"Religion and Pools of Support for Democracy in Africa: Does Support for Military Rule

Contradict Support for Democracy in Emerging African Democracies Among Muslims?

" Poster accepted at the 2008 annual meeting of the American Political Science

Association, Boston, MA, Aug 2008

“Democratic Attitudes in Emerging African Democracies: The Role of Religion and Prior

Regime Experience in Fostering Support for Democracy.” Paper presented at the 2008

Annual Meetings of the Midwest Political Science Association, April 2008.

“Democratic Values in Emerging African Democracies: The Role of Gender and

Religion.” Poster accepted at the 2007 Annual Meetings of the American Political

Science Association.

“Gendered Political Values: Gender Equality and Female Leadership as Political Values among African Christians and Muslims.” Paper presented at the 2007 Meetings of the

Midwest Political Science Association.

“Cultural versus Institutional Explanations in African Democratic Political Orientations.”

Poster presented at the 2006 Annual Meetings of the American Political Science


“Democratic Behaviors in Emerging African Democracies: The Role of Gender and

Religion.” Paper presented at the 2006 Annual Meetings of the Midwest Political Science


“Protesting as a Political Behavior Among Kenyan Women: The Role of Religion.”

Paper presented at the 2006 Annual Meetings of the Midwest Political Science


“Democratic Values in Emerging African Democracies: The Role of Gender and


Paper presented at Michigan State University’s 2006 Conference on

Islam and Gender: Social Change and Diversity in Muslim Communities

“Women’s Representation in Kenya: Gender Quotas in the Kenyan Constitution.” Paper presented at the 2004 Annual Meetings of the African Studies Association


September 2008 – Present Student-Faculty Collaborative Research

Summer 2010 (continued Fall 2010)

Student: Sarah Wenz - The Role of Resources in the Development of Sub-

Saharan Africa – Interaction of Gender, Water, and Civil Society in

Conflicts and Democracy )

Summer 2010 (continued Fall 2010)

Human Empowerment?” )

Summer 2010 (continued Fall 2010)

( Student: Kevin Haley - Role of Resources in the Development of Sub-Saharan

Africa – Land, Conflict and Democracy )

Fall 2009

( Student: Allison Bryan - “Explaining the Possibilities and Processes of African

Political, Social and Economic Development through Theory Application: Which theory most accurately describes the historical development paths and current development stages of Kenya and Uganda—Modernization, Dependency or

Fall 2009

Student: Stephanie Bogema – "Women’s Movements, State Building, and the

Growth of Civil Society: A Case Study of the Importance of Gender Equality in

Peace-Building in the Sudan"

Student: Allison Bryan – " Political Development Theories Applied in the

African Context: Which is most accurate for Kenya and Ugandan—

Modernization, Dependency or Human Empowerment Theory?"

Spring 2009 Student: Stephanie Bogema – " Post-Conflict Peace-Building and Reconciliation:

The Roles of Gender and Religion in Post-Genocidal Rwanda"

Spring 2009 Student: Lauren Johnson Maat – "Human Trafficking and the Role of

Intergovernmental Organizations"

Spring 2009 Student: Nathan Magrath – "From Notion to Nation: Complications and

Implications of a New Southern Sudan"

Spring 2009 Student : Sara Aardema – " Empowering Women, Empowering Communities:

Education, Economic Opportunities and Health Care as Avenues for Community

Transformation in the Developing World"

September 2010 – Present Collaborative Researcher with Dr. Paula Book , Network of Followers

Evaluating political awareness and sophistication related to exposure through media outlets

September 2010-Present

June 2010

Book Review Editor, Journal of Poverty & Public Policy

Research, Nairobi, Eldoret, Kisii – Kenya

Evaluation of Aqua Clara, International as a civil society organization

Data collection – Impact of Resources on Political Stability in Kenya

September 2008-October 2009 Research Consultant, Disability Network,

Investigated unmet housing needs in Ottawa County for people with disabilities and their families and caregivers through surveys, focus groups and community input meetings

August 2008 Faculty Investigation, Rwanda,

Accompanied Hope students and Rwandan Non-profit founder to Rwanda to ascertain possible relationship between Hope College and a start-up, indigenous non-profit for academic summer terms. The first summer term is being conducted June, 2010 by two additional Hope faculty members.

June 2008 Evaluation Research, Kenya,

Met with committee members, elders, students, community members and non-profit staff to create an overview report regarding concerns surrounding non-profit decisions in a local community. Report was disseminated to focus group participants, decision-makers in the community and non-profit staff and board members.

May 2008 May Term, Uganda

Piloted two social science students participating in research alongside pre-healthcare service students in Mukono, Uganda


American Political Science Association

Midwest Political Science Association

Religious Research Association

African Studies Association

Christians in Political Science

Michigan Evaluation Association

American Association of University Women


September 2010 – Present

October 2010 – Present

Collaborative Scholar Center for Faithful Leadership

Liaison Residential Life Board

October 2010

May 2010 – Present



Hope College Fulbright Committee

Campus Life Board

September 2008 – Present Faculty Mentor Pew Society

September 2008 – Present Faculty Advisor Justice League/Hope United for Justice

September 2009 – May 2009 Interim Faculty Advisor Acting on AIDS

September 2007 – May 2010 Faculty Advisor

September 2008 –Present Participant

Model United Nations

Multicultural Affairs Committee

September 2007 – May 2008 Department Faculty Meeting Secretary

September 2007 – May 2008 Participant Committee on Diversity and Inclusive Education

September 2007 – June 2008 Teaching Scholar CrossRoads


October – November 2010

October 2010

September 2010

September 2010




Guest Speaker

September 2010 – May 2011 Researcher

Holland First

Hope for the Nations

Women’s Service Day


Holland Rescue Mission

October 2008 – October 2009 Research Consultant Disability Network/Lakeshore

September 2008 – Present Research Consultant Aqua Clara, International
