2/16/16 BIOLOGY 207 - Dr. Locke Lecture#23 - Cloning genes by complementation Required readings and problems: Reading: Open Genetics, Chapter 8 Problems: Chapter 8 Optional Griffiths (2008) 9th Ed. Readings: pp 724--730 Problems: 9th Ed. Ch. 20: 16 Campbell (2008) 8th Ed. Readings: Concept 20.1, 20.2 Concepts: How can we identify and select (clone) a gene of interest to us? 1. The isolation of genes proceeds via screening libraries for a gene of interest. 2. A clone containing a specific gene may be identified if it is able to complement a host mutation (single cell organisms). 3. Unfortunately, most genes in most organisms, especially eukaryotes, cannot be isolated by simple complementation methods. 4. Transgenes can complement host mutations and confirm which gene is mutant. Biol207 Dr. Locke’s section Lecture#23 Fall'11 page 1 2/16/16 Genomic DNA libraries Genomic Library: Set of clones containing genomic DNA fragments incorporated into a vector. The sum total of the cloned DNA fragments represents the genome. The best libraries have random set of fragments: "Shot-gunned" libraries. However, the problem is – Which clone? of the many, has the gene of interest? First of three methods is: Cloning by complementation of a host mutant is used in single-celled organisms where many individual clones can be examined easily, typically on a Petri dish. relies on the cloned gene providing a functional gene product that is absent/nonfunctional in the mutant host -> complementation. Example: Cloning a gene for an E. coli auxotrophic mutant - mutant in some gene called "A". minimal media E. coli Strain minimal media + supplement auxotrophic Agrowth (no growth) A+ growth growth Biol207 Dr. Locke’s section Lecture#23 Fall'11 page 2 2/16/16 Goal: Clone the A+ gene, which is the mutant in the A- strain. A genomic DNA library in a plasmid vector. 1)- Build a genomic DNA library in a plasmid vector Use wild type DNA (this has A+ gene and not A-) to insert the A+ gene into the plasmid vector. A+ E. coli genome Biol207 Dr. Locke’s section A+ fragment -> A+ clone in Library Lecture#23 Fall'11 page 3 2/16/16 2)- Use these recombinant DNA molecules containing foreign (E. coli) DNA insertion into plasmid vector and transform the A- mutant strain E. coli. 3)- Expected results from transformation of A- strain with the library of clones: diagrams: AHost Cells: Plasmid: A- A- E. coli A- E. coli A- E. coli A- no plasmid + + plasmid plasmid without A+ gene with A+ gene Plate on MM: no growth growth growth with antibiotic with supplement Plate on MM: no growth no growth growth with antibiotic no supplement Plate on MM: no growth no growth growth no antibiotic no supplement MM = minimal medium Select for clone that contains a gene that will complement the A- mutant strain. It should contain an A+ gene. Biol207 Dr. Locke’s section Lecture#23 Fall'11 page 4 2/16/16 Numbers: Each plasmid contains ~4.5 Kb of insert DNA and E. coli has ~4.5 Mb DNA in the genome. Therefore 1000 plasmid inserts = 1 E. coli genome's worth of DNA. We need to screen the equivalent of 5000 molecules to ensure a 99% chance of finding gene A+. 5000 bacterial clones can be produced easily and screened quickly on one Petri dish plate. Works well with bacterial or yeast hosts and plasmid vectors, but what about higher organisms? -> problems with larger, multi-cellular organisms. Problems that prevent the use of complementation to screen for genes in higher organisms 1)- Higher organisms have much larger genome size. More than 5x106 plasmids would be needed to screen the human genome. 2)- Higher organisms are multi-cellular and therefore the cloned DNA has to enter all body cells or the germline cells. 3)- Auxotrophic mutants are more difficult to find and more difficult to manipulate. 4)- Genes are often very large -> too large to fit in one vector insert. Biol207 Dr. Locke’s section Lecture#23 Fall'11 page 5 2/16/16 Conclusion: Complementation methods cannot be used to screen libraries for genes in higher, multi-cellular organisms. However, complementation can be used in higher organisms to confirm that a cloned gene is the correct one since it should be able to "rescue a mutant". Transgenic animals result in the rescue (change the mutant phenotype to wild type) of the mutant phenotype. Transgenic animals (plants, too) Transgene - a foreign gene that is introduced into an organism by injecting the gene into a newly fertilized egg and incorporating it into the host's genome so it is present in ever cell of the organism. Biol207 Dr. Locke’s section Lecture#23 Fall'11 page 6 2/16/16 Example Drosophila Transgenes (white+ & rosy+ genes). white+ -> gives a red eye colour (pigmented) white- mutant -> gives a white eye colour (unpigmented) rosy+ -> gives a red eye colour (pigmented) rosy- mutant -> gives a rosy eye colour (unpigmented) Drosophila Transformation System: Use a "P element vector system" to introduce the rosy+ gene into the germline of a rosy- mutant strain. Fig Process: 1) - subclone rosy+ gene into P element vector 2) - co-inject with “helper” plasmid into the eggs of mutant rosy- strain 3) - examine G0 and G1 progeny for rosy+ (wildtype) eyed flies Gene rescue:The cloned rosy+ gene is incorporated into the rosy- strain genomic DNA and the phenotype of the rosy- strain, containing the cloned rosy+ gene, is wildtype, red eyes. The transgene rescues (complements) the mutant strain. This shows that the mutation is due to an absence of the cloned gene's product. Can rosy+ rescue (complement) a white- mutation? Test by using rosy+ transgene in white- strain. Result: Biol207 Dr. Locke’s section Lecture#23 Fall'11 page 7 2/16/16 Biol207 Dr. Locke’s section Lecture#23 Fall'11 page 8 2/16/16 Biol207 Dr. Locke’s section Lecture#23 Fall'11 page 9 2/16/16 Biol207 Dr. Locke’s section Lecture#23 Fall'11 page 10 2/16/16 Similar transgene systems are available for most model organisms and commercially important species. Human Analogy - gene therapy Theory for "gene-therapy" There are many genetic diseases that are due to loss-of-function mutations. If the normal functioning gene can be introduced and compensate (complement) for the mutant genes then the effect of the disease (the mutant phenotype) can be avoided. Problem: need to fix somatic cells (not germline). Drosophila rosy+ gene example above is just "gene therapy" for fruit flies. Biol207 Dr. Locke’s section Lecture#23 Fall'11 page 11