EGEE-III Project Proposal INFSO-RI-222667 Executive summary EGEE-III has two complementary objectives that are essential for European research infrastructures: To expand and optimise Europe’s largest production Grid infrastructure, namely EGEE, by continuous operation of the infrastructure, support for more user communities, and addition of further computational and data resources; and To prepare the migration of the existing production European Grid from a project-based model to a sustainable federated infrastructure based on National Grid Initiatives for multi-disciplinary use. Background to EGEE-III The Grid concept involves establishing an infrastructure that allows existing IT installations to connect and share their computing power and storage capacities. For a wide range of applications, this enables dispersed groups of users to collaborate on common challenges. This concept has been implemented in a variety of ways, including 'Capability' Grids combining supercomputers (e.g. DEISA), ‘Capacity' Grids, comprising clusters of commodity computers (e.g. EGEE), 'Enterprise' Grids linking together resources of a single company, and 'Volunteer' Grids, linking individual home computers (e.g. BOINC). Of these, ‘Capacity’ Grids offer a general purpose, dependable, cost-effective and pervasive infrastructure, suitable for the needs of collaborative European science. The concept of a European Grid Infrastructure emerged in 2000. In Framework 5, the EUDataGrid project and related initiatives proved a European Grid system was capable of supporting different user communities. In Framework 6, the EGEE project built on these results to establish a continuously available production quality Grid infrastructure. Since 2006, EGEE-II focuses on consolidating the operating procedures, expanding the resources, enlarging the Grid to more countries and attracting more user communities. EGEE-II has improved the scalability of the Grid, and its reliability in supporting a wide range of applications. EGEE has become a critical infrastructure for a range of top European scientific undertakings. Most European countries have Grid infrastructures, at varying levels of maturity. A limitation of national Grids is their lack of access provision to international science communities. Beyond the national level standards become important to allow ease of connectivity and sharing of applications. EGEE ensures that the European Grid infrastructure does not fragment into national and thematic Grid infrastructures, with less coherence at a European level. EGEE-III will provide a world class, coherent and reliable European Grid, ensuring Europe remains at the forefront of scientific excellence. Details of EGEE-III The focus of EGEE-III is: To migrate the existing European Grid Infrastructure from a European co-funded project to a self-sustainable infrastructure that is under the governance of national initiatives; To ensure the continuous provision of a production quality Grid infrastructure to European eScience; To expand the usage of the infrastructure in terms of new user communities; To simplify the usability of the system for the end user; To provide active contributions to standardisation efforts for adoption at European and International levels; To work closely with businesses to ensure commercial uptake of the Grid, key to sustainability. Expected Results and Lead Users The foreseen results and main users of EGEE-III are listed below: Physical access to a world class Grid infrastructure for pan-European virtual research communities. o Lead Users: user communities and countries joining the European Grid; A Grid that is adaptable and scalable to different uses and applications. o Lead Users: Research institutes, enterprises and large scale scientific groups; Guidelines, procedures and tools for the integration of existing and new Grids into a sustainable European Grid Infrastructure. o Lead Users: National Grids and cluster Grids and large scientific infrastructures; Reference open source middleware that adheres to key emerging Grid standards. o Lead Users: National Grids and cluster Grids and large scientific infrastructures; EGEE-III Project Proposal INFSO-RI-222667 Executive summary Study on the commercial potential of the Grid as a tool for applications and future potential products and services. o Lead Users: Enterprises, start-up companies, enterprise development agencies; Migration strategy and gap analysis identifying developments required to implement the vision of a sustainable European Grid infrastructure. o Lead Users: Research policy groups (EU, National and Regional) List of activities of the EGEE-III Project Activity Number Activity Title NA1 Management of the Consortium NA2 Dissemination, Communication and Outreach NA3 User Training and Induction NA4 User Community Support and Expansion NA5 Policy and International Cooperation SA1 Grid Operations SA2 Networking support SA3 Integration, Testing and Certification JRA1 Middleware Engineering Consortium: The EGEE consortium consists of 43 beneficiaries, both academic and business. All EC co-funded countries have grouped their academic partners on a national level via Joint Research Units or National Grid Initiatives so that the 43 beneficiaries represent a total of more than 120 partners. This has a structuring effect on the Grid communities across the European Research Area and is an important milestone for the planning of a sustainable Grid Infrastructure model. Beneficiaries are organized in regional federations, covering: Asia Pacific (Australia, Japan, Korea, Taiwan) Benelux (Belgium, the Netherlands) Central Europe (Austria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia) France Germany/Switzerland Italy Nordic countries (Finland, Sweden, Norway) South East Europe (Bulgaria, Cyprus, Greece, Israel, Romania, Serbia, Turkey) South West Europe (Portugal, Spain) Russia United Kingdom/Ireland USA Collaboration with additional countries in the Asia Pacific region (China, Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam) and in the Commonwealth of Independent States (Armenia, Ukraine, Uzbekistan) is also foreseen. Duration: 24 months EC Contribution: 32,000,000 € Total Budget: cca. 47,150,000 €, with a further estimated 50,000,000 € worth of computing resources contributed by the partners. Total Manpower: 9,010 Person Months, of which over 4,500 Person Months contributed by the partners from their own funding sources. EGEE-III Project Proposal INFSO-RI-222667 Executive summary EGEE-III List of beneficiaries Beneficiary name Beneficiary short name Country European Organization for Nuclear Research CERN CH Universitaet Linz JKU AT MTA KFKI Részecske és Magfizikai Kutatóintézet KFKI-RMKI HU CESNET Zajmove Sdruzeni Pravnickych Osob CESNET CZ Ustav Informatiky, Slovenska Akademia Vied II SAS SK Jožef Stefan Institute JSI SI Akademickie Centrum Komputerowe CYFRONET Akademii GórniczoHutniczej im Stanislawa Staszica W CYFRONET PL Sveuciliste u Zagrebu Sveucilisni Racunski Centar SRCE CR Stichting voor Fundamenteel Onderzoek der Materie FOM NL Vrije Universiteit Brussel VUB BE Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe Gesellschaft mit Beschraenkter Haftung FZK DE SWITCH – Teleinformatikdienste fuer Lehre und Forschung SWITCH CH Centrale Recherche S.A. CRSA FR Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique CNRS FR CGG Services CGGV FR Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare INFN IT Trust-IT Services Ltd TRUST-IT IT Elsag Datamat S.P.A. ED IT Helsingin Yliopisto UH.HIP FI CSC - Tieteellinen Laskenta Oy CSC FI UNINETT Sigma AS SIGMA NO Ventenkapsradet VR-SNIC SE Russian Research Centre Kurchatov Institute RRC KI RU Greek Research and Technology Network SA GRNET GR Institute for Parallel Processing of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences IPP BAS BG University of Cyprus UCY CY Tel Aviv University TAU IL Institutul National de Cercetare-Dezvoltare in Informatica Bucuresti ICI RO Institute of Physics Belgrade IPB RS Turkiye Bilimsel ve Teknolojik Arastirma Kurumu TUBITAK TR Laboratorio de Instrumentaçao e Fisica Experimental de Particulas LIP PT EGEE-III Project Proposal INFSO-RI-222667 Executive summary Beneficiary name Beneficiary short name Country Institut de Fisica da Altas Energias IFAE ES The Provost, Fellows and Scholars of the Holy and Undivided Trinity of Queen Elizabeth near Dublin (hereinafter called TCD) TCD IE The Science and Technology Facilities Council STFC UK Delivery of Advanced Networking Technology to Europe Ltd. DANTE UK Inter-University Research Institute Corporation, High Energy Accelerator Research Organization KEK JP Academia Sinica ASGC TW Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information KISTI KR Chonnam National University CNU KR The University of Melbourne UNIMELB AU Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System UWM USA University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill RENCI USA BT Infrastructures Critiques BT-IC FR