Geography 1 Instructor Matt Ebiner Assignment #4 Name ______________________________ Due Date ___________________________ Class Day & Time: ___________________ Rocks Around the World This assignment requires you to examine photos in the Earth book. If a question asks for “what rock”, then a one-word answer such as “granite” or sandstone” is sufficient. If the question asks for “specific category of rock”, then the answer will be something like “igneous intrusive”, “clastic sedimentary”, “chemically precipitated sedimentary”… 1. Three of the following rocks are in the same category. Which one does not belong? a) Shale b) Slate c) Schist d) Marble 2. Which of the following is most abundant? (pp. 93-94) a) Mudstone/Shale b) Sandstone c) Limestone 3. Look at the Alabama Hills, California on page 82 and read the caption. What rock are the boulders composed of? Which of the 3 rock categories does that rock fit into? (circle one) (igneous, sedimentary, metamorphic)? Where did this rock originally form? (a general place, not a specific geographical location; refer to your notes) 4. Compare the rocks in the Grand Canyon photo (pg. 219) and “The Wave” (Arizona) (pg. 138-139, no caption). What similarity (besides color) do you see when you look at the rocks in the 2 photos? The appearance of both those rocks should tell you that they are both examples of a specific category of rock. (more than one word needed for this answer) _________________ ________________ rocks. 5. Look at the Taj Mahal photo on page 86. What rock is it made of? _________________ This rock was formed from some other rock. What was that original rock? _____________ OVER 6. Look at the photos on page 253 of Guangxi Province, China and Gunung Mulu National Park, Malaysia. What rock is in both places? _______________________ That rock is in which specific category of rock. It will take more than one word to give the correct answer. 7. Look at the photo and read the captions on page 93. The famous Greek Orthodox monasteries of Meteora, Greece are built atop towers of what rock? ____________________ If that rock got metamorphosed by high heat and pressure, what rock would form? __________________ 8. Look at the photo and read the captions on page 198 for Half Dome, Yosemite. What rock is it? _______________ If that rock got metamorphosed by high heat and pressure, what rock would form? __________________ 9. Look at the Kilauea (Hawaii) on page 178. What rock is forming there? Does that rock have large or small mineral crystals? ______________ Why? 10. What specific category of rock is coal and peat? (pg. 95) (requires more than one word) ____________________________________________ 11. What are 2 similarities between granite and rhyolite? (use notes; also pp. 82 & 85) a. _________________________________________________________ b. _________________________________________________________ What is the major difference between granite and rhyolite? _______________________________________________________________