Rapidly Deployable C4ISR Solutions for

White Paper:
Rapidly Deployable C4ISR Solutions
Force and Infrastructure Security
Stability and Support Operations
Prepared by:
CACI Technologies Incorporated
745 Hope Road
Eatontown, New Jersey 07724
October 2003
Rapidly Deployable C4ISR Solutions for
Force and Infrastructure Protection in
Stability and Support Operations
Meeting Critical Needs in Operation Iraqi Freedom
As witnessed by current events in Iraq, the conduct of stability and support operations (SASO)
following combat operations poses new and complex risks to U.S. and coalition military forces,
civilian and contractor personnel, and local populations.
CACI is recognized as a leader in delivering quick-reaction solutions and support services to
support worldwide military operations, and is already engaged in support to warfighters in Iraq,
Afghanistan and the Balkans. These capabilities provide a solid basis for delivery of critical
C4ISR and Information Systems support to SASO missions.
The Need
Insurgent and terrorist attacks against personnel, installations and critical civilian infrastructure
have resulted in significant casualties as well as damage to critically needed resources such as
water and electrical supplies. These attacks have had negative impacts on achievement of
stability in the affected areas, and threaten to impede political and economic, as well as military,
The need for effective countermeasures against these threats is clearly one of great urgency.
Command, control, communications, intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (C4ISR) will
be one essential component of these solutions. The immediacy and severity of the threat dictates
an urgent demand for C4ISR solutions that can be rapidly and effectively deployed and employed
by personnel on the ground.
The threats faced in these operations bear a striking resemblance to the threats posed by similar
groups against U.S. homeland security. While the environments are different, they share common
basic requirements (figure 1). Both scenarios require solutions to prevent, protect against,
respond to, and where necessary recover from a wide array of potential attacks ranging from
conventional weapons and improvised explosive devices to weapons of mass destruction. These
similarities provide a strong basis for multi-use C4ISR solutions serving the needs of both the
homeland security and SASO communities.
Figure 1. Full-Spectrum Security Solutions
Powerful, Rapidly Deployable Solutions
The threat demands systems that can sense and respond- in real time- to prevent attacks, protect
people and critical assets, respond quickly and effectively to real or potential incidents, and where
necessary to recover from attacks rapidly with minimal casualties or damage.
The core of these capabilities is an effective command and control information management
system providing timely situational understanding based on information from deployed sensors,
intelligence and situation reports, and force and logistics data, and the ability to identify and
dispatch people and resources to respond rapidly. Adaptive, “on the fly” functionality, the ability to
scale from small scale local operations to larger regional situations, and ease of use are also key.
To be effective, these capabilities must be supported by effective communications and sensors.
While there is no single, comprehensive product solution meeting all these requirements, there
are many available products- sensors, communications and information management/ incident
response software- that can be valuable components of an integrated solution. CACI has
developed an architecture that flexibly integrates multiple elements to deliver the capabilities
Integrated Solution Architecture
CACI’s flexible, integrated C4ISR system solution architecture allows security and command
personnel to quickly sense, detect, assess and respond to attacks- at local or remote sites. Our
solution integrates multiple available components to deliver comprehensive situational
understanding and rapid, effective response. It incorporates collaboration, visualization and
decision support components, including expert system capabilities, in a real-time, event-triggered
framework to ensure timely assessment and response to events. Fixed and mobile, wireless
networks tie together on-scene responders, command/response center, military and civil
authorities for real time response to contingencies. A flexible array of sensors, tailored to specific
site/installation needs, is integrated with these management functions.
Figure 2 illustrates a typical solution configuration
Figure 2. Flexible Solution Architecture
Application of this integrated solution approach offers multiple advantages:
 Addresses the full range of SASO and homeland security requirements for force,
installation and infrastructure security
 Applies an open scalable architecture that readily integrates with existing as well as
emerging technologies including sensors and vehicular platforms
 Is cost-effective
 Can be rapidly delivered and deployed worldwide to meet critical needs
Many of the components of the integrated solution architecture can be integrated with existing,
partial solutions that may, in some cases, already be in place.
Best of Breed Technology Components
CACI has worked closely with US Army and other federal agencies to evaluate “best of breed”
commercial and Government off the shelf products for infrastructure and force protection, incident
response emergency and emergency management applications. These products include
command and control, information management, visualization, wireless, security, and sensor
Based on these assessments, CACI Technologies has selected and partnered with a number of
high technology providers to develop powerful security and emergency response/ emergency
management solutions that provide the C4ISR capabilities needed to respond to both SASO and
homeland security requirements. The resulting solutions integrate proven, commercially available
products selected after careful evaluation of product offerings from multiple sources.
Flexible Sensor Mix
One strength of the CACI solution is its ability to incorporate mixes of sensors tailored to mission
needs of specific sites. Our experience includes virtually every type of sensor, including chemical,
biological, nuclear, radiological, acoustic, radio frequency (RF), infrared, and electro-optical/video,
for use in local or remote, manned or unmanned placements and includes robotic/remotely
controlled sensor vehicles. Sensor correlation capabilities ensure that the information gleaned
from multiple sensor types is effectively fused to ensure gap-free coverage against all relevant
threats. Intelligent messaging and timely dissemination of sensor data, coupled with shared
situation displays, allow resources to be vectored quickly for effective protection and response.
Responsive Networking Options
Post- combat security and stability operations must often be conducted in areas where
communications and networking infrastructure is severely limited, degraded, or virtually nonexistent. CACI can call upon a wide array of rapidly deployable contingency communications
solutions to provide the secure connectivity and networking support needed to support these
critical operations. Our experience in delivering quick-reaction communications and intelligence
system solutions, including examples such as the Trojan family of systems, covers virtually every
significant area of operations from Operation Desert Storm through Operation Iraqi Freedom.
Wireless network technologies, from special- purpose cellular/PCS applications through quickreaction satellite networking solutions, have already been deployed in the OEF and OIF areas of
About CACI
CACI Technologies, a unit of CACI International, Inc., is a major provider of C4ISR solutions and
services for national defense and homeland security. CACI is actively engaged with the US Army,
other Department of Defense organizations, the US Department of Homeland Security, and nonfederal US agencies to integrate and deliver solutions to protect people and critical infrastructure
at home and around the world. Recently the CACI-supported Improved REMBASS battlefield
sensor system received Government Executive’s 2002 Grace Hopper Award for Advances in
Homeland Security and the War on Terrorism.
CACI International Inc (www.caci.com) provides the IT and network solutions needed to prevail in
today's new era of defense, intelligence, and e-government. From systems integration and
managed network solutions to knowledge management, engineering, simulation, and information
assurance, we deliver the IT applications and infrastructures our federal customers use to
improve communications and collaboration, secure the integrity of information systems and
networks, enhance data collection and analysis, and increase efficiency and mission
effectiveness. Our solutions lead the transformation of defense and intelligence, assure homeland
security, enhance decision-making, and help government to work smarter, faster, and more
responsively. CACI provides dynamic careers for approximately 6,400 employees working in over
90 offices in the U.S. and Europe.