CHEPTER III Geophysical Techniques of mineral Exploration By G.P. Mathur, Geophysicist. Geophysics as a science is more than three centuries old, but as an exploration tool it is munch younger, although not as recent a development as most people believe. The word, geophysics' means the physics or nature of the earth. It embraces the study of the earth, which evolves investigation of the materials and transformation, and their changes in energy states ; it involves speculation on the origin and age of the earth, as well as studies of its present appearance and its reaction of forces, external and internal, acting upon it. some of the knowledge thus gained, especially from these studies, when applied to the search for mineral deposits become the art of geophysical exploration. The exploration may be defined main as prospecting for mineral deposits and geologic structure by surface measurement of physical quantities. The methods used in geophysical quantities. The methods used in of physical exploration are the techniques of geophysical exploration are the techniques of exact science, but the interpretation, or translation of the observations thus made into terms of geology and mineralogy is an art in which the knowledge, the experience and the ability of the geophysicist are fully as important as the physical properties he measure . Application of geophysical methods:Though, the mineral resources are bountiful but they are always irregularly distributed within the earth's crust. These mineral deposits and the host rocks in which they occur have very often different physical properties. This difference in physical property when detectable through instruments at the surface forms the the basic of geophysical exploration techniques. The main geophysical methods that are employed in the search of minerals are listed in the following tables:S.No. Geophysical method Physical property 1 Specific Gravitational geologic application gravity Anticlinal structures, contrast. buried ridges, salt domes, faults, intrusions. major structural trends 2 Magnetic Magnetic Anticlinal susceptibility burried structure, ridges, instruction, faults iron ore, phyrrhotite, associated sulphide ores, gold placers 3 Electrical Natural (a) Self potential field potential Sulphide ore bodies flow of underground water b Resistively Conductivity or its sulphide ore bodies, converse bed rock resistively ground water, Engg. geology depth, problems, etc. c Electromagnetic Inductance Conductive ore bodies sulphide ore Disseminated metallic ores d Induced polarization Changeability Disseminated metallic 4(a) Seismic (a) Refraction Acrostic Salt Domes, Impedance anticlines, structures, faults foundation and highway problems, etc. (b) Refraction Do Low dip Structure, buried rides faults. 5 Radioactive Radioactive Radioactive ores, well- logging Metallic- minerals The Metallic minerals are about 1000- fold more Conductive than the rock of their environment. Also the metallic sulphides have 30% to 100% more specific gravity and if these are associated with magnetic mineral like the magnetite and pyrrhotite they have much higher magnetic susceptibility compared to that host rocks. Thus, the metallic deposits are normally distinguishable physically from the Precambrian rock topes in which they occur by means of one or more of the following physical properties:1. Electrical properties mainly conductivity contrast, 2. Magnetic susceptibility, and 3. Specific gravity Non- Metallic Minerals The Conventional geophysical methods comprising gravitation, magnetic, seismic, electrical and radiometric have been already helpful; in discovering important deposits of asbestos in Quebee & johns Manville in Canada the phosphate deposits of Pennsylvania, and the coal seam in Australia to name a few. However, the geophysical methods have been mostly useful as an indirect in locating methods in locating the non- metallic minerals, since the physical property contracts between these minerals and the host rocks is not large. The following table shows the applicability of geophysical method for non metallic minerals. Table-2 S.No. Mineral Geophysical parameter Applicability 1 Electrical conductivity Mica Mica Zones in pegmatite affected by Post ore tectonics are indicated by apparent resistively zone due to presence of ground water. 2 Quartzand felspar piezoelectric effect. nepheline Direct detection of piezoelectric zones. bearing rocks. 3 Asbestos Magnetic Chrysotile asbestos is associate magnetite with resulting from the serpentinisation of ultra basic rocks. 4 Barite and Mercury vapour fluorite High mercury anomalies over barite and fluorite deposit occurring in sedimentary or in slightly metamorphosed rocks. 5 Barite Gravitational Direct application. 6 Rock Phosphate Radioactive Rock Phosphate deposits associated with uranium. 7 Coal Gravity, electrical Though deciphering suitable structure. 8 Graphite Electrical S.P. Direct application The geophysical exploration techniques are if added use in the areas which are covered by sand and solid. Over 7307% areas of Rajasthan is covered, the remaining area being exposed by rock of pre-Cambrian age (19.6% area) , Maspzoic (4%), Tertiary (1.3%), and by volcanic eruptives & batholiths (1.3%). this means that the geophysical surveys have greater role to play in the search for minerals in Rajasthan. CHEPTER v Nature of phosphate Mineralisation and Behaviour of Phosphorite ore Bodies at Jhamarkota, Udaipur District, Rajasthan By -S.B.L. Srivastava, Director, Mines and Geology Deptt., Udaipur Jamrkotara rock phosphate deposit is unique in its mode of occurrence of phosphorite which is confined to the orange-sedimentary called stromatolites. The nature of mineralization is therefore controlled by the density of stromatolites, deformation and leaching resulting in grade variations. The algal phosphotic stromatolites are confined to the calcareous deformation and farcies (diplomatic limestone) or rocks overlying basal quantize and occurs in three distinct forms i.e. columnar and brecciated and stratiform. of these columnar and braccaited forms are most common in this area while startiform. of these columnar and brecciated forms are most common in this area while start form type is confined to H and 1 block only. The dolomitic limestone enclosing the phosphorite bed is generally fine grained hard compact grey, massive or, cherty ferruginous and solidified Towards the footwall side the dolomitic limestone is siliceous and ferruginous while on siliceous or fine grained greyish . The phosphatic stomatolites occur as layered branched or underbranced columns in which laminae are well developed. The ore is in general bluish grey to dark grey in colour which on account of its characteristic lithology, appearance and continuity constitutes stratigraphic and structural market bed. The ore body shows considerable variation in shape, size width and depth persistence in different parts of the area. it is roughly horse-shoeshaped and extends for a strike length of about 16 km with an average with of 15 mt. In the western sector comprising A,A (extension) I and J blocks the general trend of ore body is N-S to NNE-SSW dipping due east with moderate to dipp. The body show stratirfoms or laminated from in I block, brecciated s. The ore body show stratirfom or laminated from in A block, brecciated form in J, northern part of A,A (extn.) block and columnar in A block. There is gradual increase in width from 4 mts. in J block to 15 Mts. (average width) in the A block. But the grade on the whole falls as one proceeds from north to south. In the central sector Comprising B,C,D,E and F block the stormatolitic phosphate is columnar in most part of the central part of block B,D,E and F mostly brecciated, deformed, fragmental and friable ore has been found to occur. The grade of phosphorite is usually high (+30%P2O5) in D,E, and F block and central part of B block, whereas it is of medium grade (12-25% P2O5) in the west of B and C block. The ore body shows decrease in width from west to east, the verge width of 30 meters in B block decreases to 7-10 meters in E and F block. The trend of phosphorite in this sector os E-W to NNW- SSE with low to moderate to dips (25-60) due north. In the eastern sector where G and H blocks are located the general nature of phosphate ate body is patchy & discontinuous and exhibit number of bands with considerable varrition in shape, size width and grade It is stratiform in H block while columnar and brecciated in G blocks. The southern part of G block contains high grade (+30%P2O5) from 15 to 22% P2O5 In block K (near base camp) where is Considerable Varrition in attitude and width of the ore body (Wirth Varying from 1 to 50 mt.) with an average grade of 23% P2O5 the stromatolites are columnar thus it will be seen that phosphatic stromatolites occur in various physical forms like massive, compact with well developed stromatolites (as in block A,B,C,G & K) and brecciated fragments, deformed, crushed and pulverized as in parts of A extn. B,D,E,F&G block (Where stromatolitic columns are beyond the limit of recognition ) and stratifoms in H and 1 block. The grade of the ore density of their compaction by deformation usually massive, compaction by deformation and leaching of their of non-phosphatic constituents usually massive, compact, columnar, stromatolites, show low values of P2O5 while brecciated loosed and powdery from contains high P2O5 content. The microstructure of stromtotic columns show laminae of phoshatic and carbonate material varying considerably in their relative properties ultimately determining the grade. The intercolumnar space is practically free of phosphate. A general P2O5 os associated with high silica and low carbonates while low P2O5 is associated with low silica and high carbonates. .. CHAPTER .~ . XII A preliminary Beneficiation Study on Kyanite From Khemli, BY B. C. Bhattacharya, Ceramic Technologist Introduction:-Kyanite-Sillimanite are naturally occurring alumino silicate ahd owing to their valuable properties asrefractorines's at high temperature i. e. above 1450"Cin metaf-' lurgical and ceramic industry, th~ir"importat.te has rapidly increased with the qrowtti'of indus;.try. The I chemical composition of' kyanitesillimanite equivalent to the theoriticatformula of AI2O:i' Si02 ,is 62.93% AI20s (Alumina) and 37.07% Si02. the higher percentage of AI20s in certain cases is due to presence of corundum. The grade of rock containing kyanite, sillimanite is variable and a ,decision as to whether a depositcah beworked'e'conomically wdu1d depend upon such other factors' as the actual nature"'and quality of the mineral: the natUre and amoUnt of the gangue. I Low grade kyanite sample from KhemliBisanV\ias area of tJdaipur lDistt. wasbeneficiated to obtain a 'high grade kyanite concentratefor the producl1on ,of high ' alumina're- , fractories. In tnis;im1estigation an exhaustive study on beneficiation 'Of low grade kyanite mineral was' made. Geological Investigation:-Starting from Kotri-Chandesra to Debari in the eastern zone of. Udaipur Distt., the geological formation encountered include migmatised granite, quartz sericite schist, sericite-pyrophyllite mica schi-st, quartz-kyanite rock etc. These are intruded by vein quartz, pegmatites, and amphibolites at places altered to chlorite.. biotite-quartz rock. Kyanite-quartz-pyrophyllite.!sericite 'rock occurs' as hard;, bluish"white, 1ightbrowrr in 'colour along hanging wall of pyrophyllite zones.. The samples were drawn from kyanite bearing rock which assayed '17%: to 49% At.2Os and 44% to 75% S~O 2' Best quality kyahitemrneralizati'on oec'urs in ~the area lying about 1.5 'Kms. east of eisanW8S1 ;!, P", I 0 "" '1,, ,II "., Minerographic Characteristics :-Petrographie studies of various spot samples of kyanite quartz. rock were carried out and it r~veaLedl . that quartz and pyrophyllite are abundent mineral- in .the rock and it consists of white anhedral irregular grains compressedly arranged. Kyanite occurs as broad elongated' plates with tabular cleavages. The relief is very high. "f.he moderate. bire fringence and interfe{ence colour range upto first order red. Extinction angle varies from 1'8°.30". Pyrophyllite is associated with kvanite intricately. It occurs as thin tabular or flaky crushed distorted crystals having straight extinction. The kyanite content in most of the samples has been found to be around 30..40%, pyrophyllite-sericite near about, 40% and quartz 20%. ~; . (" I' "I, Reserves & Grade :- The investigations carried out for kyanite sillimanite were primarily aimed to make preliminary appraisal of the deposit. The reserves have bee computed on the basis of preliminary study on regional basis taking into consideration, the measured length of kyanite - sillimanite bearing lenses and taking their average width as 2 metres. The Sp. gravity of kyanite schist was deter. mined and found that it was around 3. A total reserve of about 0.54 million tonnes of kyanite has thus been computed under inferred category, considering about 30% AI20a on an average. Specification of Kyanite :-Specifications for kyanite used for different industries are different. It is used in metallurgical, glass, ceramics, chemical, electrical and cement industries. Kyanite refractories are particularly used in the furnaces for melting nonferrous metals such as copper, zinc, nickle alloys and bronze. Presence of corundum, diaspore and pyrophyllite is sometimes considered useful. The kyanite required for glass and electrical porcelain industries should no tcontain more than 0.2% of Fe 20s' For use as refactory materials a hard, tough grog of low porosity value as much as possible is required. Experimental :-A representative sample was prepared after Cfushing to -10 mesh size BSS i. e. 1680 microns by jaw crusher and roll crusher respectively. A representative . sample was.. drawn and a part of it7was subject ed to chemical cmalysis and the other to petrological study. The sieve analysis was conducted on 1680 microns fraction of the sample which is tabulated in table No.2. It is observed that the liberation of kyanite from gangue was between -22 to + 100 mesh i. e. -1680 microns to 150 microns. For all experi mental purpose the sample ground to pass 355 microns and retained on 150 microns was taken. 44 Scrubbing :-It was observed that by scrubbing with 0.1 % NaOH solution, about 2030% material could be removed as fines which analysed Si02-61.9%, AI ~Os -31.30%, Fe20s-1.64%, Ti02-O.73% and LOI3.42%. The remaining 70-75% material was mainly' kyanite and quartz, and scrubbed material was 95% pyrophyllite and sericite, which were confirmed by petrological study. Tabling :-Attempts were made to obtain a concentrate Qf kyanite by tabling of35+65 mesh ISS of kyanite. A concentrate of kyanite could be obtained ana lysing 47.58% Si02, 42.07% AI2Os. 0.48% Fe2Os' 0.31% Ti02, 0.56% CaO, 0.20% MgO with 41% weight recovery and tailing analysed 60.60% Si02, 36.01 % AI::Os' li.48% Fe203, 0.32% Ti02, 0.58% CaO and 0.20% MgO with weight recovery of 59%. As the tabling did not give satisfactory results flotation experiments were carried out to obtain a Kyanite concentrate. Floatation :--The entire-170 mesh ISS. i. e. 1680 microns sample was scrubbed with 0.1 % NaOH solution and the remaining 7075% material was subjected to floatation. Attempts were made to float pyrophyllite using different reagents in different quantities and maintaining different conditions of floatations. It was observ,ed that by using amino-acid acetate (cataionic activator Armac-12D), almost entire quantity of the feed was floated. Petroleum sulphonate (Aero-promoter 825) was not effective to float pyrophyllite. Floatation characteristics of pyrophyllite as well as kyanite were found to be more or less on same line and therefore, strict control of con ditions like quantity of collectors, pH, slurry density etc. was absolutely necessary to have selective floatation. For this purpose combina tion of Armac 12 D and aeropromoter 825 was used. Number of experiments to determine he .pf)tiID~m 'TSJPo- -of these two collectors Nere undertaken and it was observed that f : 0.3 of Armac 12 D and- aeropromoter 825 3tio was most effective for pyrQphyHite fJoatation. Tile sink maiJlly contained quartz and kyanite. .Attempts to float kyanite and depress quartz were made. Series of experiments for separating.kyanite from quartz in different floatation conditions were undertaken. Th e best results so far were obtained by hot conditioning the sink with quebrecho at 90°C and using oleic acid to collect kyanite at pH-9. A very minor quantity of quartz and seric ite was floated along with kyanite. At least fifteen experiments were carried out to obtain kyanite concentrate maint~ining 'differen~ fleatation conditions. The best resu It so far obtained in an experiment which is described below. The reproducibility of this experiment was also examined: Experiments: 1 A Floatation ( For pyrophyllite ) Floatation cell. Feed. 200 gms. (350-350micron to 1'50 micron mesh, 95% dry ground sample200a gfT'l5-. 33% 9 Armac 12D' 0.80 KI T. Aero promoter 8250.25 KIT. Na2 COs-0.25 KIT. 6- Minutes. 5 minutes. SJY!f'l gensity. B~I Reagents added. eondittonittg-timeFloatation time. 45 1. B Flotation ( For kyanite) Floatatlon,ceU. Feed. Slurry dtmsity. pH. Reagents added 500 gms. T~ilings of 1 A 31 % 9 oleic acid1. 5Kt T. Quebrch01.5K/T. Na2COS to main tain pH..9 at-90~C for 5 Hot conditioning. minutes. Floatation time. 5 minutes. Float of 1. B was cleaned twice. RESULTS OF PRODUCT Product. Assay. Distribution -- -Wt-% Si03% AI20s % SiO~% AI_~O 3% 1. FloatPy. 59.557.52 35.03 58.04 59.37 2. Float Ky. 20 38.40 58.68 13.02 3'3".43'" 3. Tailings. 20.5 83.22 12.31 28.93 7.19 ...... ""-'-" .°. KIT-kg per tonee Conclusion: Kyanite concentrate obtained analysed from 52.84 to 58.68% AI20s wIt'" weight recoveries varying from 10 to 20% and AI "Os recoveries from f8:3~ ro- 3~3-4.g%. The- best results were obtained in the experiment were tJie concentrate analysed Si02 38.40}v AI20s 58.68,%, TiG"2 0.98~"JFe 20S 0.71 , CaO 0.28% MgQ 020% and LOI 1.04% with 20% weight and 33;439/(> AI2Oa' reo€>veries. This Proauet' is'quite-suitable for high alumina refhlctbr;~s~ A composite sample-prepared by mixing various concentrate fractions obtained has been sen1 to CG&CRI Calcutta for determining its proper ties suitability for the production oft hiJ? alumina refractories' The pyrophyllite reC0vere as by product is a'f50'of quite good and cal also be marketed