staff responsibilities - extracurricular

Policy Code: 7302
It is the expectation of the board that all professional employees will fulfill the professional
responsibilities associated with their positions. The board acknowledges that the primary
professional responsibility of teachers is to implement a sound instructional program to promote
student achievement. The board recognizes, however, that effective operation of the schools and
maintenance of a safe, secure, and orderly environment requires that teachers assume certain
non-instructional duties. The board also recognizes that a comprehensive school program
includes appropriate extracurricular activities and thus requires that teachers assume certain
extracurricular duties.
Non-instructional and extracurricular duties will be assigned to teachers in accordance with the
following requirements:
Non-instructional duties assigned to all teachers will be limited to the extent possible
given the requirements of state, federal, and local laws, rules, and policies and the
number of available personnel. Nothing in this policy, however, should be construed to
relieve teachers of the responsibility to provide for the safety and proper supervision of
students during regular school hours.
Non-instructional duties will be distributed equitably among employees, except as
provided in 3 below.
Non-instructional duties will be minimized for teachers with initial certification and for
teachers with 27 or more years of experience.
Extracurricular duties will be not assigned to teachers with initial certification or to
teachers with 27 or more years of experience unless the teacher requests a specific
assignment in writing.
Teachers exempt from extracurricular duties under 4 above may not be penalized in any
way based on refusal to request an extracurricular duty.
Principals may request a temporary exemption from the requirements of this policy if its
application will pose an undue hardship on the school. A request to the board for an
exemption must be accompanied by sufficient documentation to justify the exemption;
such documentation should show that the school is not reasonably able to staff planned or
scheduled activities with qualified personnel without using initially licensed teachers or
teachers with 27 or more years of experience.
The board may temporarily suspend application of this policy at a particular school upon
a finding of a compelling reason for doing so; a motion to suspend must specify the
length of the suspension and the compelling reason that justifies the suspension. The
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Policy Code: 7302
superintendent is authorized to suspend application of this policy upon a finding of a
compelling reason for doing so and the urgency of the duty dictates a response prior to
the next scheduled meeting of the board; a suspension authorized by the superintendent
may not extend beyond the date of the next meeting of the board.
In accordance with state law, the limitations imposed by this policy on the assignment of duties
to initially licensed teachers and teachers with 27 or more years of experience are intended to
provide those teachers with opportunities to enhance the instructional program. Initially licensed
teachers are expected to use these opportunities to develop their professional skills, and teachers
with 27 or more years of experience are expected to use these opportunities to share their
experience and expertise with their colleagues.
For purposes of this policy, the following definitions will apply:
Professional responsibilities: All duties related to supporting the total school program
and school and district objectives and the responsibility to conduct oneself in a
professional manner. Professional responsibilities encompass any duties mandated by
law or that are necessary in order to comply with legal mandates, to comply with the code
of ethics adopted by the State Board of Education, to meet reasonable requirements of the
local board, and to fulfill instructional duties, non-instructional duties, and extracurricular
duties that are required by law or policy.
Instructional duties: Any responsibility related to classroom instruction, the instructional
program or the implementation of the Standard Course of Study, regardless of whether it
occurs during the regular school day or at other times. Instructional duties include but are
not limited to: teaching, lesson planning, curriculum development, evaluating student
work, meeting with students or parents, professional development, school or
departmental/grade level meetings, completing required records or reports, addressing
student needs within the instructional setting, participating in instructionally-related field
trips, and other duties related to the instructional program.
Non-instructional duties: Duties that are part of the professional responsibilities of the
teacher to support the total school program and school or district objectives and that
generally occur during the regular school day but that are not directly related to
classroom instruction, the instructional program, or implementation of the Standard
Course of Study. Examples of non-instructional duties include: supervising students
during non-instructional times, monitoring hallways or the cafeteria, bus duty, assisting
with carpools, or greeting students upon arrival.
Extracurricular duties: Duties that are primarily performed outside of the regular school
day that are not related to instructional duties; extracurricular duties include special duties
as defined in G.S. 115C-325. Examples of extracurricular duties include: supervising
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student clubs that meet outside the regular school day, coaching athletic teams and
cheerleaders, assisting with events held outside the regular school day, such as working
the gate or concession stand at athletic events; extracurricular duties do not include
events held outside the regular school day that are an extension of the instructional
program, such as a dramatic presentation by a theater class or directing the marching
Strategic Priorities: High Student Achievement; Safe, Orderly, and Caring Environment;
Quality Personnel (policy 1100)
Legal References: G.S. 115C-47
Adopted: August 2, 1999
Revised: October 18, 1999
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