Elluminate Sessions for Autism 2009-2010 Schedule: Friday 1:00 – 2:30 September 25th - Proactive Approach to Successfully Planning the Year for Working with Students with Autism – Archived December 11th – Autism Spectrum Disorders Problem Solving with the Expert Featuring Sheila Wagner from Emory Autism Center – Sheila Wagner will address questions concerning Autism Spectrum Disorders via Elluminate Live! Special Education Directors and staff are encouraged to email questions prior to the Elluminate Live! session to Dr. Alice Murphy at mmurphy@doe.k12.ga.us. Questions will also be answered live during the session. December 17th – Sensory Integration and Autism Spectrum Disorders – Occupational Therapy Coordinator, Cindy Terry of Gwinnett County School System will offer teachers a description of a Sensory Diet and the research based strategies to use to address sensory issues when teaching students with ASD. January 14th - Using Visuals for Scheduling and Cueing to Support Students with an Autism Spectrum Disorder (Rescheduled due to technical difficulty for February 26th 10:30 – 12:00) Expert autism trainers, Steven Benson and Stacey Holland of Cobb County School District will describe various uses for visuals including schedules, behavioral supports, academic supports, community based instruction, social skills training and home to school cueing. January 29nd– “Autism Spectrum Disorders: Best Practices in Assessment” Public schools are required by law to identify all children with disabilities (IDEA, 2004) and this includes those with autism spectrum disorders (ASD). Early identification is critical to assuring early treatment and better outcomes and there is significant risk in failing to recognize the disorder and provide intervention when it is present. Moreover, prevalence rates have climbed to an astounding 1 in 91. Accurate identification of autism spectrum disorders requires analysis of both qualitative and quantitative data from a number of sources. Key areas to include in a thorough developmental history, screening and diagnostic tools, and various other instruments that are best known and widely used to evaluate important areas including cognitive, achievement, adaptive, developmental, emotional and behavioral, motor, speech and language, sensory, functional behavioral, social, and transition/vocational will be reviewed by Dr. Sue Miller. February 5th - Cancelled – Facilitating Successful Transitions for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders - Cancelled for February 5th and will be rescheduled at a later date. Dr. Catherine Trapani, Educational Director of the Marcus Autism Center will discuss how to successfully facilitate transitioning when working with students with an autism spectrum disorder. Students with an autism spectrum disorder may have difficulty with transitions in the school and home environment. By using a proactive approach for planning and supporting the student prior to and during transitions, the student will experience minimal difficulty. February 12th -A Review of Performance of Standardized Screening and Diagnostic Instruments in School-Aged Children with an Autism Spectrum Disorder by Lisa Wiggins CDC The National Association of School Psychologists (NASP) recommends that students suspected of having an autism spectrum disorder (ASD) be evaluated with standardized screening and diagnostic instruments; including a child observation and parent interview. Yet research shows that an ASD screener, particularly the Childhood Autism Rating Scale (CARS), is the most frequent (and sometimes only) instrument administered when a school psychologist completes an ASD evaluation (Allen, Robins, & Decker, 2008). The primary goal of this analysis were to explore how well a diagnostic observation, diagnostic interview, observation combined with interview, and observation combined with parent-report screener agreed with clinical judgment (CJ), which is frequently regarded as the gold-standard in ASD assessment and diagnosis (Lord 1995, 2006). A second goal was to test the psychometric properties of a parent-report screener (which is less burdensome than the CARS) in a sample of school-aged children with special needs. February 26th 10:30 – 12:00 - Using Visuals for Scheduling and Cueing to Support Students with an Autism Spectrum Disorder (Rescheduled due to technical difficulty from January 14th to February 26th 10:30 – 12:00) Expert autism trainers, Steven Benson and Stacey Holland of Cobb County School District will describe various uses for visuals including schedules, behavioral supports, academic supports, community based instruction, social skills training and home to school cueing. February 26th 1:00 – 2:30 – Coordinating Sensory Diets with the OT, Parents, or Other Entities Providing Direct Service – Autism training experts, Steven Benson and Stacey Holland of the Cobb County School System will demonstrate how to incorporate a sensory diet into the daily academic schedule that suits the student’s individualized education plan and sensory needs. March 12th – The Basics of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) and Discrete Trial Training (DTT) Expert autism trainers, Steven Benson and Stacey Holland of the Cobb County School District will explain the learning theory associated with Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) and Decrete Trial Training (DTT). Overall principles of ABA will be presented including DTT assessments, goal setting, tasks planning, scheduling and incorporating different learning modalities. March 26th- Planning for Summer Break and Vacations from School Maintaining skills during summer and school breaks is important for students with an ASD. Dr. Catherine Trapani, Educational Director for the Marcus Autism Center will present recommendations and ideas for planning summer breaks and vacations for students with an autism spectrum disorder. April 16th – Finalizing the School Year and Planning for Summer: Building Opportunities to Retain and Continue to Progress with Communication and Learning Continued learning and communication development should be a focus throughout the school year to include school breaks. Speech and Language expert, Susan Eckhart and Dr. Alice Murphy, autism specialist will provide guidance on how to continuously facilitate learning and development of communication. May 14th – ESY and Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders Students with an autism spectrum disorder benefit from consistency in routine and structure. While ESY is an IEP decision, ideas for considering and facilitating extended learning opportunities will be shared. TBA – Facilitating Successful Transitions for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders Dr. Catherine Trapani, Educational Director of the Marcus Autism Center will discuss how to successfully facilitate transitioning when working with students with an autism spectrum disorder. Students with an autism spectrum disorder may have difficulty with transitions in the school and home environment. By using a proactive approach for planning and supporting the student prior to and during transitions, the student will experience minimal difficulty. TBA – ASD Prevalence Dr.Catherine Rice, CDC, Developmental Scientist, will share the current prevalence of autism to include possible contributing factors and suggestions for treatment. This session will be announced based on a current release of the latest CDC surveillance and statistics report. Topics for Additional Elluminate Sessions: Training provides more exposure of the material and more education. Parents and Teamwork: A Parent Perspective on ASD Teamwork and Supporting Successful Transitions with Autism Spectrum Disorders (Catherine Trapani) ABA, DDT and Data Collection: Common Questions in the School Setting (Dana Trahant) Overview of ASD: (to include the most current statistics and research) Status of Autism in 2009 - 2010: Georgia and Nation / Record with C. Rice / to Include Causes and Cures Academic Challenges When Working with Asperger’s Syndrome – Jackie Isbell, GSU or Fayette County Written Expression Skills and Asperger’s Syndrome Diagnosis Assessment for Transition Planning with ASD with Cindy Burtrum Assessment and Developing Goals for ASD Collaboration with Parents Law Using ART for Behavior Management, Reinforcement and Generalization Teaching Social Skills and the GPS Eligibility and ASD Developing a Comprehensive Program with a Full Continuum of Services for ASD Developing a BIP When Working with ASD: When is a FBA Necessary? Inclusive Practices with Students with Autism Low Functioning Autism / IEPs and GPS Challenging Behavior, Data Collection and ASD AS General Overview: Noting Differences in AS and Other Forms of Autism AT and ASD Assisting ASD with Organizational Skills and Staying On Task Sensory Issues and ASD Professional Seminar Series – Consortium with Atlanta Lawyers – Catherine will send link – involves CASA, Ga Bar, Universities, etc.. Vine Carbon – Cottage Valley in New York Beu Lahee – ADHD