Climate Matrix Climate Type Precipitation Levels/ Is there a Rainy/Dry Season? Temperatures / Is there a warmer/cooler time of year? Location / Where on the planet can you find it? daily rain, 80 + inches a always hot, above 80 Central/South America, year degrees Africa, SE Asia. Near Tropical Wet the Equator Tropical wet and rainy summer, dry winter dry always warm; rainy Near tropic of season in summer; dry cancer/Capricorn; next season in winter to tropical wet climates. (Africa, South/Central Asia/America) Desert less than 10 inches of rain some hot deserts some middle latitudes; it is the a year are cold deserts rain shadow side of mountains Semiarid Mediterranean 16 inches of rain a year hot summers, winters are interior of continents mild to cold and around deserts rainy winters; dry summers hot and dry summer rainy and cool winters West coast in the middle latitudes; around Mediterranean sea, west coast of US and Australia Humid subtropical Year round Rain; long long hot and humid east coast of continent; periods of summer heat summers; mild-cool short SE US, coastal China, and humidity winters climate varies depending on latitude Marine west coast rains year round, evenly oceans keep temperatures West coast in the upper distributed throughout the moderate (relatively latitudes (west coast of year constant) US and Canada and most of Europe) Humid continental Rainy spring. Some rain 4 distinct Seasons year round. Great variety Middle latitude interiors of landmasses in the northern hemisphere Subarctic steady rain and snow short warm summer, long Canada, Russia, Siberia cold winter; ½ year freeze high latitudes; forms Tundra Less than 15 inches of rain less than one month of around the Arctic Ocean a year summer; permafrost Varies with latitude, Cool and cold High mountain areas Less than 10 inches of rain Cold, rarely above Polar ice caps a year freezing Highland elevation, continental location Ice cap