Design and Fabrication of Argonne/KICP Detectors for CMB Polarization V. Yefremenko1, A. Datesman1, G. Wang1, J. Pearson1, V. Novosad1, R. Divan3, L.E. Bleem2, C.L. Chang2, A.T. Crites2, W. Everett2, J. McMahon2, J. Mehl2, S.S. Meyer2, J. Ruhl4, J. Sayre4, and J.E. Carlstrom2 1 Materials Science Division, Argonne National Laboratory, 9700 S Cass Ave., Argonne, IL 60439,USA, Kavli Institute for Cosmological Physics, 5640 South Ellis Ave.,University of Chicago, Chicago, IL 60637,USA 3 Center for Nanoscale Materials, Argonne National Laboratory, 9700 S Cass Ave., Argonne, IL 60439, USA 4 Case Western Reserve University,10900 Euclid Ave., Cleveland, OH 44106,USA 2 Abstract. We present the design, microfabrication and assembly of dual-polarization absorber-coupled Transition Edge Sensor (TES) bolometer detectors for cosmic microwave background B-mode polarization studies. The device consists of two separate dies incorporating suspended silicon nitride membranes within silicon frames, carefully aligned perpendicularly and fixtured face-to-face. Polarization sensitivity around 95GHz is provided by a single dipole-like absorber element; we briefly analyze this absorber-in-waveguide configuration in closed form using the EMF method. Proximity effect Mo/Au bilayers provide control of the TES critical temperature between 400mK and 600mK, with a normal resistance Rn~1. DC magnetron sputtering, wet etching, and liftoff were employed for TES fabrication. Optimization of the superconducting Mo thin film utilized independent RF bias applied to the substrate during deposition in a confocal geometry. This technique allows outstanding thin film uniformity and stress to be achieved simultaneously over a 4” wafer surface, leading to excellent superconducting properties. Device thermal conductance in the range from 25-250pW/K was achieved using suspended silicon nitride membranes 1 micron thick. The value of the thermal conductance depends very strongly upon the surface roughness, and therefore in turn upon the treatment of the silicon nitride material during fabrication. Keywords: Transition Edge Sensor, CMB polarimetry, low temperature detectors, superconducting bolometer PACS: 07.57.Kp INTRODUCTION Accurate measurement of cosmic microwave background (CMB) polarization is a critical step in extending our knowledge both of the early Universe and of fundamental physics at the highest energies. Because current sub-mm/mm-wave bolometric arrays have already achieved background limited performance, substantial gains in sensitivity can only be realized by significantly increasing the number of detector elements in a focal plane. Thus, design and technology efforts aim to simultaneously achieve both the high sensitivity required for state-of-the-art measurement goals and the reproducibility and reliability needed for array deployment. Transition Edge Sensor (TES) bolometers [1] are the most sensitive detectors for the spectral range of interest, from 200-1000 m, and are also suitable for polarization sensitive array applications [2]. Different absorber-coupled detector architectures utilizing horn antennas and planar antennas with micro-strip transmission lines are discussed elsewhere. [3-5] In this paper, we present the design and microfabrication of a dual-polarization absorber- coupled TES detector configuration which consists of two separate dies incorporating suspended silicon nitride membranes with silicon frames, carefully aligned perpendicularly and fixtured face-to-face. This ANL/KICP design is the result of a collaborative effort between the Kavli Institute for Cosmological Physics (KICP) at the University of Chicago and Argonne National Laboratory (ANL). DESIGN AND FABRICATION The general design of the detector is shown in Fig.1. Each individual frame, corresponding to a single polarization, consists of a dipole-like absorber for optical coupling and a superconducting TES for temperature readout suspended together on a rectangular silicon nitride membrane via long and narrow legs. Separation of the absorber and TES allows flexible component optimization. The gap between the face-to-face mounted dies, which provides necessary thermal and electrical isolation, is achieved using calibrated 50 (or 30) m glass balls fixed to the surface of the frames. Cross-shaped alignment markers located at the interior corners of the frame enable accurate face-to-face die assembly. A feedhorn and circular waveguide carry electromagnetic radiation from free space to the detector, where it is dissipated as heat in the absorber. The filter stack, feedhorn, waveguide cutoff, backshort and absorber geometry define the center frequency and bandwidth of the detector. Each frame includes a cutout which exposes the electrical connections on the facing die. Our devices employed amorphous low-stress Si-N films 1 m thick grown by a commercial vendor on (100) Si wafers using low pressure chemical vapor deposition [6]. (b) (a) (c) requirements of frequency-domain SQUID multiplexing [8], the resistance target is about Rn~1. Based upon experimental measurements, we found ~30nm Au to be an appropriate thickness for our design geometry. The proper thickness of the superconducting Mo layer was then determined based upon the target operating temperature. Mo and Au layers were deposited by DC magnetron sputtering in an in-line, normal orientation on 2” Si-N/Si wafers at 300K. To guarantee excellent interface transparency, deposition occurred under a single vacuum with only a short pause between Mo and Au depositions. The base and Ar gas working pressures were ~10-8Torr and 3mTorr, respectively. The deposition rates were 0.128nm/s (Mo) and 0.18nm/s (Au). The transition temperature for different Mo/Au bilayer thicknesses and thickness ratios, for both in-line and confocal deposition systems, are presented in Fig. 2. The maximum TC nonrepeatability between depositions for the in-line system was 38 mK. FIGURE 1. Design of the dual-polarization absorbercoupled bolometer detector. (a) Mo/Au bilayer TES with Nb leads 7 m wide. (b) Individual frames rotated 90° and mounted face-to-face comprise a complete detector. (c) Absorber and dual TESs on an isolated Si-N structure suspended on legs 15 and 25 m wide and 1.35 mm long. Transition Edge Sensor Device fabrication began with DC magnetron sputter deposition of superconductor and normal metal thin films under a single vacuum prior to lithography and patterning by wet etching. The proximity effect in normal metal-superconductor bilayers was utilized to obtain the target operating temperature of 450 mK. Because Mo (Tc~0.9K) is insoluble with noble metals and oxidizes only slowly, we employed Mo/Au TES bilayers. In the case of a clean S/N interface, the superconducting transition temperature of a bilayer film should be a function only of the thickness ratio, ds/dn [7]. Transmission across the S/N interface is strongly process-dependent, however, so an experimental approach to TC management was used. Since the conductivity of gold is much (~5x at RT) higher than the normal state conductivity of Mo, the TES normal state resistance Rn is nearly a function of only the normal film thickness dn. The normal metal film thickness dn is independent of the thickness ratio ds/dn which determines the bilayer transition temperature. Therefore, to a certain extent TC and Rn may be adjusted independently. Due to the Transition Temperature (mK) 800 In-line 700 26/28 25/30 Confocal 22/30 29/35 600 25/40 25/35 500 17/30 25/30 26/29 400 17/35 24/28 300 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 Thickness Ratio ds/dn FIGURE 2. Mo/Au bilayer transition temperatures for different thickness ratios for both in-line (open) and confocal (closed) deposition systems. The confocal system was optimized for deposition of zero-stress thin films. In addition to the in-line deposition system for 2” substrates, we have recently brought on-line a new, confocal deposition system which accommodates larger sizes. The confocal system features adjustable tilt magnetron guns and a rotating carriage, which enable excellent thin film uniformity. [9] Using this system, we have demonstrated film uniformity better than 0.5% over 4” of wafer diameter. Mo thin films deposited in this chamber at room temperature with a tilted DC magnetron gun exhibit high tensile stresses, with the tensile peak at a working pressure near 1.5 mTorr. [10] Because thin films with a slight compressive stress (near -50 MPa) are required to obtain ideal superconducting characteristics, this is not a suitable result. We were able to achieve the desired film quality at a working pressure of ~4mTorr via the simultaneous application of 50W RF bias to the substrate platter during Mo deposition. The quality of these films is superior to the quality obtained using the in-line system. The 110x80m2 TES geometry was defined via optical lithography and wet etching with KI2 (for Au) and H3PO4 : HNO3 : CH3COOH : H2O (for Mo). The edge obtained via wet etching was examined by atomic force microscopy (see Fig.3). nm 100 50 1.0 2.0 3.0 m FIGURE 3. Atomic Force Microscope (AFM) image of the wet-etched TES edge. Absorber and Leads Optical lithography and lift-off processes were used to fabricate both absorbers and leads. The TES leads consist of superconducting Nb 7m wide and 120 nm thick, with a total length between the sensor and the Si frame of 1400m. The dipole-like absorber consists of a 10nm thick layer of Au. Its 1162m×18m geometry was obtained using Ansoft’s HighFrequency Structure Simulator (HFSS) to guarantee polarization sensitivity in the 95GHz spectral range [11]. We refer to the absorber geometry as “dipole-like” because its length is much less than ½. Although computational tools were employed in its design, an analytical investigation of the absorber-in-waveguide configuration is very instructive. Because post-inwaveguide mounting of microwave devices predates modern FDTD E/M solvers, there is a rich literature on this topic. [12] The technique is referred to as the EMF method. [13] Matching fields and currents at the surface of the absorber and decomposing the fields in the waveguide in terms of the waveguide unit modes, it is possible to express the input impedance Zin for a circular waveguide supporting only the TE11 mode as Z in 1 2 j11TE ( Z11TE || Z11TE ), (1) I where I is the peak absorber current, Z11TE± is the frequency-dependent impedance of the propagating mode seen looking out from the absorber in either the positive- or negative-traveling direction, and j11TE is the projection of the absorber current distribution on to the known modal basis. 2 The design condition for maximum absorption is Zin=Zo, the waveguide characteristic impedance. The bandwidth and frequency performance of the absorber-in-waveguide configuration are described by the term Z11TE+‖Z11TE-. Because the current distribution along the length of the x-oriented absorber is known to follow a cos(x/2ℓ) distribution, Zin may be calculated straightforwardly for a given set of absorber dimensions. Unlike HFSS, determination of Zin in this manner is computationally simple because it does not require explicit calculation of the fields within the waveguide. With a few simplifying assumptions, we predict ~96% absorption at the center frequency for the stated design via the EMF method, in good agreement both with HFSS and with measured data. The method provides valuable physical insight and in the future should be useful prior to HFSS validation of new designs. Thermal Link Patterning of the thermal link follows fabrication of the TES, absorber, and leads. Standard KOH wet etching of silicon (30% in water at 80°C) was used to obtain a silicon nitride membrane window. Device thermal conductances G in the range from 25250pW/K were achieved using suspended 1 micron thick membranes similar to the one shown in Fig. 1(c). The bridge structure was defined by RIE with CF4, followed by oxygen plasma cleaning. FIGURE 4. Thermal conductance at 0.5K as a function of the width/length ratio for 1m thick Si-N. The leg length is ~1mm in all cases. To obtain the target value of thermal conductivity with commercial silicon nitride material, we investigated thermal transport in bridged membranes with different width-to-length ratios. As shown in Fig. 4, the target G~200pW/K required for background- limited performance was achieved with a width-tolength ratio of about 0.08. Using test samples consisting of a TES together with a heater on narrow Si-N bridges of various lengths, we found that the contribution of the superconducting leads to the thermal conductance G is negligible (~5%). When the membrane dimensions are similar to the phonon mean free path in bulk material, the surface plays a significant role in phonon scattering. Phonon reflection from the surface, which dominates the thermal transport properties of the membrane, is very sensitive to the conditions under which the Si-N is grown, and to every step employed during the microfabrication process. This explains our observation that the measured thermal conductances of bridged structures changed dramatically (at least a factor of two) depending upon the specific processing steps - especially wet or dry (O2 RIE) cleaning employed. Avoidance of damaging plasma processing motivates our decision to employ wet etching and liftoff processing, rather than thin film deposition followed by RIE patterning. Characterization of Detector Components The detector components were characterized using a 3 He cryostat in the temperature range from 0.3 to 0.6K, using the TES detector as the sole source of membrane heating. Measuring the TES resistance as a function of bath temperature for a range of bias currents, we calculated the thermal conductance G=dP/dT. Typical measured values of detector component parameters are presented in Table 1. array deployment of large numbers of detectors, for which it will be necessary to achieve good uniformity of TC across large substrate areas. We discussed EMF method analysis of the dipole-like absorber geometry, and met design targets enabling background-limited performance. Further optical and noise measurements are ongoing. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We thank the devices group at NIST-Boulder for providing the SQUID array for TES readout, as well as Matt Kenyon from JPL for useful discussions about thermal transport and device microfabrication. The work at ANL, including the use of the facilities at the Center for Nanoscale Materials, was supported by UChicago Argonne, LLC, Operator of Argonne National Laboratory (“Argonne”). Argonne, a US Department of Energy Office of Science Laboratory, is operated under Contract No. DE-AC02-06CH11357. Work at the University of Chicago is supported by the National Science Foundation through Grant ANT0638937 and the NSF Physics Frontier Center Grant PHY-0114422 to the Kavli Institute of Cosmological Physics at the University of Chicago. KICP also receives generous support from the Kavli Foundation and the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation. REFERENCES 1. 2. 3. 4. TABLE 1. Typical Parameters of Detector Components. Absorber - Sheet resistance TES - Transition temperature - Normal resistance T / Rn (dR / dT ) Thermal link - Thermal conductance @ 0.5K 5. 5.6 □ 460 mK ~1 100 6. 7. 212 pW/K 8. SUMMARY We discussed the design, microfabrication and assembly of dual-polarization absorber-coupled bolometer detectors for cosmic microwave background B-mode polarization studies. The proposed design is suitable for array applications. 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