NEWSLETTER OF THE PATIENT REFERENCE GROUP, THE HEALTH CENTRE, ROYSTON DR BROWNRIGG Dr Melita Brownrigg will be leaving the practice in early August. The GPs and staff wish her well for the future. The practice is in the process of recruiting her replacement. In the interim, please be assured that the Practice will continue to look after your care. EXTENDED HOURS Patients who find it difficult to attend the surgery during normal working hours, can book one of our “pre-bookable appointments” on a Monday evening from 6.30pm to 7.30 pm and a Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday early morning from 7.00 am to 8.00 am. DO YOU FIND IT DIFFICULT TO GET THROUGH TO US AT BUSY TIMES? Please visit our website at to find out how to Sign up to our internet booking appointment system. APRIL AND MAY 2012 In April 2012, 163 patients did not turn up for their appointment and in May this figure was 174. Following a suggestion from the Patient Reference Group, the GPs trialled writing letters to patients who fail to turn up for appointments. This has proved to be costly to the Practice and may not be effective. We will continue to note the name of patients who do not attend appointments and if a person does not attend 3 times in one year, an alert will be added to that patient’s record. When the patient telephones for a new appointment the receptionist will need to refer the patient to the GP and not given an appointment. The GP can then contact the patient direct with details of when they can be seen. STOP SMOKING CLINIC The Health Centre runs a “stop Smoking Clinic” on a Tuesday afternoon. please telephone our reception to book an appointment with her. Sofia can offer advice and support to anyone who wishes to give up smoking. OUTPATIENT CLINICS Please be assured that all outpatient clinics are still being run at Royston Hospital whilst the Primary Care Trust continues with plans to provide alternative accommodation for these clinics. BOOKS FOR CHARITY We are happy to accept donations of books which we then sell to patients in our waiting room to raise money for charity. Charities we have donated to include The Lennox Children’s Cancer Fund, Help For Heroes and Sudden Cardiac Death In The Young. We are currently raising money for The Garden House Hospice. OUR SECRETARIAL OFFICE Our Secretaries and admin team are happy to help you with the following: A. Results of Laboratory tests: Please ‘phone our office on 01763 244992 between 9.00 am and 5.00 pm. You will need to allow 3-5 working days after your test has been done so that the result is back from the laboratory. B. Hospital Referrals done by your doctor PATIENT REFERENCE GROUP If you would like to become a member of our on-line patient reference group, please complete one of our forms available in our reception and pass this back to one of our receptionists. NON-NHS WORK If you have a non-NHS request for your doctor, e.g. a private letter or report please be aware that your doctor will make a charge for this service. Your request may also take up to 2-3 weeks for your doctor to complete. Please address these request s “For the attention of the OFFICE” so that they can be passed to the doctor. IDEAS FROM GPs We have successfully formed a cross-county boundary Cluster Commissioning Group, so we can continue to look to Addenbrookes Hospital for secondary care and not Hertfordshire based hospital care. The Practice partnership are doing there best to ensure NHS resources are used as economically as possible and are grateful for our patients’ support in our quest for cost efficiency. SORE THROATS Have you ever wondered why sometimes the doctor will prescribe antibiotics for a sore throat and sometimes they won’t? It’s because of the differences between bacterial sore throats and viral sore throats. Bacteria are large invaders – they are cells, just like the cells of which our bodies are made up. They can live outside our body cells, along side them and do their damage. Viruses are tiny, dot-sized by comparison. Think of a full stop compared with a fried egg to get the picture of their size difference. Viruses can’t live outside our cells, they invade the cells and the cells give them protection from attempts to kill them. Antibiotics can kill bacteria, but they can’t touch the viruses. Most sore throats are caused by viruses, the same sort of viruses that cause winter coughs and colds. So next time you see your doctor with a sore throat, you could ask them “do you think it’s a viral sore throat? In which case I don’t need antibiotics just hot honey and lemon drinks and a painkiller?” Dr. M. .Brownrigg 24 07 2012