WJ-III Cognitive Battery Implications for Instruction Test Task Verbal Comprehension Names picture objects, synonyms & antonyms Visual Auditory Learning Measures sound-symbol acquisition Spatial Relations Identifying shapes to complete a whole Sound Blending Synthesize orally presented sounds and syllables Concept Formation Locate the one that is different Accommodation Review names of pictures before assignments Pre-teach Vocabulary Pre-teach skills Review previous concepts Use mnemonic devices Accept approximations in drawings or early letter formations Avoid copying from chalkboard Segment assignments Highlight pertinent items Provide picture cues Reinforce new vocabulary in phonemic awareness activities Use literature with alliteration & rhyming patterns Computer practice Point out similarities and differences during instruction Woodcock-Johnson-III Cognitive Abilities Assessment Developed by Lynch, S.A. & Simpson, C.g. Hou-Met Conference, November 4, 2005 Instruction Experiential vocabulary instruction Use verbal mediation Teach concepts experientially Extended practice Reduce visual clutter on desk and on worksheets Provide Worksheets with structure Teach the student to analyze assignments before starting Teach blending using minimal pairs (changes meaning if error) Teach 1-2 skills to mastery Provide letters when teaching phonemic tasks Teach verbal mediation skills Teach oddity learning using 3 objects that are the same and one very different; gradually increase conceptual challenges 1 Test Task Accommodation Visual Matching Match two numbers within a series Extended time Exmphasize accuracy above speed Shortened assignments Numbers Reversed Repeat numbers in reverse order Incomplete Words Identify orally presented word with a missing phoneme Auditory Working Memory Reorder orally presented information Visual Auditory Learning Delayed Measures sound-symbol acquisition after a time lapse General Information Identifying where objects are found and their function Enhance meaningfulness Encourage student to take notes and make lists Use picture cues Minimize interference & complexity Use multiple choice format Provide picture cues Study guides for listening activities Provide visual materials Shorten instructions Provide written and pictured instructions Pre-teach skills Review previous concepts Use mnemonic devices Pre-teach concepts and vocabulary Simplify vocabulary when presenting instructions Woodcock-Johnson-III Cognitive Abilities Assessment Developed by Lynch, S.A. & Simpson, C.g. Hou-Met Conference, November 4, 2005 Instruction Teach speed with simple automatic tasks such as reading high frequency words and graphing progress Have student set goals for speed Use hands-on activities and experiential learning Teach students to think through information Frequent practice and review Provide phonological awareness activities Provide training in sound discrimination Provide overlearning, review and repetition Teach memory strategies Use verbal mediation Teach concepts experientially Extended practice Experiential vocabulary instruction Relate new information to prior knowledge Instruction in prefixes and suffixes 2 Test Task Retrieval Fluency Rapid automatic naming tasks Picture Recognition Identify a set of previously presented pictures Auditory Attention Discriminate words with background noise Analysis-Synthesis Analyze components of an incomplete logic puzzle with visual stimulus & oral response Decision Speed Scan groups of objects and select the two that are related Memory for Words Repeat a list of unrelated words Rapid Picture Naming Name common pictures as quickly as possible Accommodation Instruction Review vocabulary before instruction Use pictures and visual organizers Provide supports for tasks involving visual details Verbally describe graphics and visual concepts Ensure student attention before giving instructions Provide visual materials Provide study guides Use of manipulatives List of steps Use concept diagrams Play games involving categorization Teach memory aids such as verbal mediation Play concentration and memory games Teach the student to use verbal mediation Specific training in sound discrimination, phonological awareness Teach note taking Teach problem solving strategies Provide for overlearning, repetition, and review Provide practice on timed items with easy steps Activities to improve fluency Teach note taking Teach mnemonic strategies Teach student to paraphrase instructions Provide overlearning, repetition, review Activities to increase verbal fluency and vocabulary Overlearning to improve fluency Additional time Shortened assignments Structure copying activities Short, simple directions Provide written instruction Provide advanced organizers Additional time Woodcock-Johnson-III Cognitive Abilities Assessment Developed by Lynch, S.A. & Simpson, C.g. Hou-Met Conference, November 4, 2005 3 Test Task Accommodation Instruction Planning Trace pattern without retracing or lifting pencil Provide manipulatives Provide visual organizers Limit visual distractors on page Pair Cancellation Scan pictures and circle target pair Additional time Shortened assignments Reduce distractors Provide tracing & drawing activities Teach chart and map reading explicitly Provide practice on timed items with easy tasks Activities to improve fluency Woodcock-Johnson-III Cognitive Abilities Assessment Developed by Lynch, S.A. & Simpson, C.g. Hou-Met Conference, November 4, 2005 4