Baverstock K (2000) Radiation-induced genomic


Bibliographic Compilation of Scientific Reports on the Health Effects of Radiation Exposure: A

Guide for Activists.

Compiled by Kizzy Charles-Guzmán.

Published and distributed by the Global Resource Action Center for the Environment

New York.

Journal Articles

Alexander FE, Cartwright RA, MacKinney PA, Ricketts TJ (1990) Leukemia incidence, social class and estuaries: an ecological analysis .

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Johnston PN, Lokan KH, Williams GA (1992) Inhalation doses for Aboriginal people reoccupying former nuclear-weapons testing ranges in South Australia. Health Physics 63: 631-640.

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Physics 79: 412-418.

Kershaw PJ, Denoon DC, Woodhead DS (1999) Observations on the redistribution of Plutonium and americium in the Irish Sea Sediments 1978-1996: concentrations and inventories. Journal of

Environmental Radioactivity 44(2-3): 191-221.

Kinlen LJ, Craft AW and Parker L (1997) The excess of childhood leukaemia near Sellafield: A commentary on the fourth COMARE report. Journal of Radiological Protection 17(2): 63-71.

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Likhtarev IA, Kovgan LN, Vavilov SE, Pervoznikov ON, Litvinets LN, Anspaugh LR, Jacob P, Pröhl G

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