MIRAMAR COLLEGE Life Sciences Department Introduction to Biological Science (Biol210A) Instructor: Elmar Schmid, Ph.D. Agarose Gel Electrophoresis Objectives • To introduce you to agarose gel electrophoresis a method commonly used for separation of DNA fragments • To learn size determination of DNA fragments (standard curve) after gel electrophoresis • To learn to pour agarose gels. • To analyze and size DNA fragments by agarose gel electrophoresis Introduction The agarose gel electrophoresis method is widely used in the biotechnology industry for the routine analysis of nucleic acids, most importantly DNA. This technique separates molecules based upon charge, size and shape. It is particularly useful in separating charged macromolecules such as DNA and RNA. Proteins can also be separated by agarose gel electrophoresis although this is not a common practice. Proteins are routinely separated by another gel electrophoresis method called SDS-PAGE. Agarose gel electrophoresis possesses great resolving power, yet is relatively simple and straightforward to perform. The gel is made by dissolving agarose powder (a red algae-derived polysaccharide) in boiling buffer solution. This solution is then cooled to approximately 50°C and poured into a mold (gel cast) where it solidifies like gelatin. A special-shaped Teflon comb is used to make depressions in the gel for loading samples for analysis. Prior to loading samples, the tray - holding the solidified agarose gel - is then submerged in a buffer-filled electrophoresis chamber which contains electrodes- a submarine gel apparatus. DNA samples are prepared for electrophoresis by mixing them with solutions of sample buffer containing glycerol or sucrose. This makes the samples denser than the electrophoresis buffer. These samples can then be loaded with a micropipette into wells that were created during gel forming process by a comb. The dense samples sink through the buffer and remain in the wells. Sample buffer also often contains bromophenol blue to help see the sample and to track sample migration through the gel. A direct current (DC) power supply is then connected to the submarine gel apparatus and a constant electrical current is applied. Charged molecules in the sample enter the gel through the walls of the wells. Molecules having a net negative charge migrate towards the positive electrode (anode) while net positively charged molecules migrate towards the negative electrode (cathode). Within a range, the higher the applied voltage, the faster the samples migrate. The buffer in the submarine gel apparatus conducts electricity and controls pH. The pH is important to the charge and stability of biological molecules. Agarose is a polysaccharide derivative of agar. The agarose gel contains microscopic pores which act as a molecular sieve. The sieving properties of the gel influences the rate at which a molecule migrates. Smaller molecules move through the pores more easily than larger ones. Molecules can have the same molecular weight and charge but different shapes. Molecules having a more compact shape (ex. a sphere is more 1 MIRAMAR COLLEGE Life Sciences Department Introduction to Biological Science (Biol210A) Instructor: Elmar Schmid, Ph.D. compact than a rod) can move more easily through the pores than molecules which cover more molecular space. Analysis of DNA often involves determination of the length of fragments of DNA. Length is measured as number of base pairs for small molecules and kilobase pairs for large ones. One kilobase pair equals 1000 base pairs. By comparing the length of unknown DNA to pieces of known size (standards or DNA markers) the number of base pairs can be measured. Conveniently, this can be determined with agarose gel electrophoresis. A ladder is standardly used and a standard curve of distance migrated versus kilobase length can be constructed. Using the standard curve, the kilobase length of an unknown can be determined from the distance migrated. Also, certain dyes can be used as standards to calibrate an agarose gel. Dyes such as xylene cyanol, bromophenol blue and orange-G are fairly accurate size markers for small DNA fragments. On a 1.2% agarose gel these dyes migrate as follows: Dye Xylene Cyanol Bromophenol blue Orange-G Color Base Pair Equivalent blue-green 2800 purple-orange 250 orange 70 In this exercise, the principles of agarose gel electrophoresis will be learned. You will also learn how to analyze the length of DNA (in base pairs) using a standard curve derived from an agarose gel. origin Use this picture of a gel to determine how to practice drawing a standard curve. Standard Distance from origin 5 kb 3 kb 2 kb Plasmid DNA 2 MIRAMAR COLLEGE Life Sciences Department Introduction to Biological Science (Biol210A) Instructor: Elmar Schmid, Ph.D. DNA STANDARD CURVE 10000 BASE PAIRS 1000 100 10 1 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 Dis tance M igr ated Use the graph to determine the size of the plasmid DNA. 3 7.0 7.5 8.0 8.5 9.0 9.5 10.0 MIRAMAR COLLEGE Life Sciences Department Introduction to Biological Science (Biol210A) Instructor: Elmar Schmid, Ph.D. Procedure 1. Pour a 1% agarose gel using 1X TBE (Tris-borate-EDTA buffer). - - - - - Weight in 0.5 gm of agarose powder, using a weighing boat. Transfer powder to a clean and dry 250 ml Erlenmeyer flask Add 50 ml of 1X TBE buffer and gently swirl the suspension Heat the 1% agarose mixture by using the microwave - set at high temperature - for approximately 1 minute (maybe 1:15 min) - you know the agarose has totally melted once it bubbles and no suspended particles are seen. Use thermogloves and take the flask (containing the melted agarose) out of the microwave and place on your bench; gently swirl the content without introducing pubbles! Allow to cool for 5 – 10 minutes (glass should be hand-warm) Put on plastic gloves and pipette 5 l of a 10 mg/ml Ethidium Bromide (EtBr) solution to the melted agarose solution; gently swirl the flask (Attention! Be extremely careful not to get in touch with the solution! Ethidium Bromide is a known mutagen and is suspected to cause cancer!!!!) Place a Teflon comb in the notches of the gel tray provided, raise the top and bottom side of the tray, secure, and pour the melted agarose into the gel tray. Allow to set or solidify at room temperature. Top with 1X TBE electrophoresis buffer ~ 250-300 ml, until the gel is totally submerged. 2. Sample preparation - Mix 5 l of sample A (containing two DNA fragments) with 1 l of loading dye. 3. Load the gel Use a micropipet to load 2 lanes: Lane 1: 5 l of the 1 Kb (kilo base) ladder to which loading dye has already been added, as a molecular weight marker. Lane 2: 6 l of sample A to which you have already added the loading dye. 4. Load 2 wells of a gel that you will share with other students and don’t forget to include a molecular weight marker in one of the lanes. 5. Run the gel at 100 volts for approximately 30 minutes. 6. Visualize under UV trans-illumination. Use the proper goggles to avoid the harmful effects of UV light. 4 MIRAMAR COLLEGE Life Sciences Department Introduction to Biological Science (Biol210A) Instructor: Elmar Schmid, Ph.D. 7. Determine the size of each of the two DNA fragments present in sample A. Size of DNA fragment in standard (base pairs) Starting from the shortest* Distance of standard fragments from origin (cm) Distance traveled by each of the DNA fragments present in the test sample (cm) 2000 1650 1000 850 650 500 400 300 200 100 (*) The standard does have higher molecular weight fragments that can not be properly resolved on a 1% gel under the running conditions. 5 MIRAMAR COLLEGE Life Sciences Department Introduction to Biological Science (Biol210A) Instructor: Elmar Schmid, Ph.D. DNA STANDARD CURVE 10000 BASE PAIRS 1000 100 10 1 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 Dis tance M igr ated Attach a picture of your results and explain them. 6 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0 8.5 9.0 9.5 10.0