Pensum/læringskrav (KUN2122 - Høst 2011) Felles litteraturliste for

Pensum/læringskrav (KUN2122 - Høst 2011)
Felles litteraturliste for KUN2122/KUN4122 (ca. 900s):
Hartt, Frederick : History of Italian Renaissance art : painting, sculpture, architecture , 1987 (fjerde utg.
og senere utg.. London : Thames and Hudson. Kap. 18 ("High Renaissance and Mannerism") og 19
("High and Late Renaissance in Venice and on the Mainland").
qH5a Har
Blunt, A.: Artistic theory in Italy : 1450-1600 , 1956 (og senere utg.). Kap. VII, VIII, IX. H5b Blun
Litteratur samlet i kompendiesamlingens deler 1, 2 og 3 (Unipubkompendier)
I kompendium 1:
Pope-Hennessy, John : "Michelangelo: The Medici Chapel" i An introduction to Italian sculpture , 1996.
London : Phaidon Press. Vol. III, . qH5e Pope
Avery, Charles : Giambologna : the complete sculpture , 1987. Oxford : Phaidon. kapitlene 6, 8 og 14,
s. 63-73, 97-109, 167-177, 243-246. qH5g: Giambologna
Pope-Hennessy, John : Cellini , 1985. London : Macmillan. Kap. VII, s. 162-213, 305-307. qH5g:
Franklin, David : Rosso in Italy : the Italian career of Rosso Fiorentino , 1994. New Haven : Yale
University Press. kap. 3, s. 54-83, 276-278. qH5g: Rosso Fiorentino
Nichols, Tom : Tintoretto : tradition and identity , 1999. London : Reaktion Books. kap. 5, s. 175-237,
I kompendium 2:
Cropper, E.: "Introduction" i Craigh Hugh Smyth: Mannerism and maniera , 1992. Vienna : Irsa. s. 1221, 104-107.
Hall, Marcia B. : Color and meaning : practice and theory in Renaissance painting , 1992. Cambridge :
Cambridge University Press. s. 149-179, 253-255. qD8 Hal
Brock, Maurice: Bronzino , 2002. Paris : Flammarion. kap. VI (s. 212-237, 334-335).
Pevsner, Nikolaus : "The Counter-reformation and Mannerism" i Studies in art, architecture, and
design , 1968. London : Thames & Hudson. s. 10-33, 237-238. qG9 Pevs
Treves, M.: "Maniera the History of a Word" i Marsayas, 1941. 1, s. 69-88.
SMyth, C. H.: "Mannerism and Maniera" i The Renaissance and mannerism , 1963. s. 174-199.
Shearman, J.: "Maniera as an Aesthetic Ideal" i The Renaissance and mannerism. , 1963. s. 200-221,
+ ill.. Z[Kongress]International(98)
Moreno, I. L. : "Pontormo's Passion Cycle at the Certosa" i Art Bulletin , 1981. College Art Association..
s. 308-313.
Steinberg, L.: "Pontormo's Capponi Chapel" i Art Bulletin , 1974. s. 385-400.
Jenkins, M.: "The Iconography of the Hall of the Consistory in the Palazzo Pubblico" i Art Bulletin ,
1972. s. 430-51.
Partridge, L.: "The Sala d'Ercole in the Villa Farnese at Caprarola" i Art Bulletin , 1971. College Art
Association.. s. 467-86.
I kompendium 3:
Cheney, I.: "Giorgi Vasari's Sala di Cento Giorni. A Farnese Celebration" i Explorations in
Renaissance Culture, 1955. xxi, s. 121-55.
Robertson, C. : "Annibal Caro as Iconographer: Sources and Method" i Journal of the Warburg and
Courtauld Institutes , 1982. 45, s. 160-181, figs 25-27.
Forster, K. W.: "Metaphors of Rule: Political Ideology and History in the Portraits of Cosimo I
de'Medici" i Mitteilungen des Kunsthistorischen Instituts in Florenz , 1971. xv, s. 65-105.
Rubin, P.: "The Private Chapel of Cardinal Alessandro Farnese in the Cancelleria, Rome" i Journal of
the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes , 1987. s. 82-112.
Nova, A.: "Francesco Salvati and the 'Markgrafen' Chapel in S. Maria dell'Anima" i Mitteilungen des
Kunsthistorischen Instituts in Florenz , 1981. xxv, s. 355-372.
Steinberg, Leo: "Michelangelo's Last Judgement as Merciful Heresy" i Art in America , 1975. New
York : Brant Art. lxiii, s. 48-63.
Hall, M. : "Michelangelo's Last Judgement: Resurrection of the Body and Predestination" i Art Bulletin ,
1976. College Art Association. lviii, s. 48-63.
Wallace, W. E.: "Narrative and Religious Expression in Michelangelo's Pauline Chapel" i Artibus et
historiae , 1989. x/19, s. 107-121.
Monssen, L.H.: "Rex gloriose martyrum: A Contribution to Jesuit Iconography" i Art Bulletin , 1981.
College Art Association. lxIII, s. 130-137.
Shearman, John : Mannerism , 1979 (1967). Harmondsworth : Penguin,. kap. 2, 49-79; 193-196.
G9 She
KUN2122 søketips
Art, Renaissance Italy
Art, Renaissance Philosophy Italy
Sculpture Baroque
Sculpture Italian
Mannerism Art
Oratorio del Gonfalone
S.Maria della Pace.
Castel S.Angelo
Sala Paolina
S.Maria sopra Minerva
Il Gesu
S.Stefano Rotondo.
Palazzo Farnese (Caprarola)
Oratorio SS.Crocefisso
Palazzo della Cancelleria
Palazzo Sacchetti
Art Bulletin
Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes ,
Mitteilungen des Kunsthistorischen Instituts in Florenz
Art in America
Artibus et historiae ,