Changes to Degree Plans and Courses For New Catalog and Advising – 2005-06 C&I meetings 2004-05 Changes affecting General Education: 1. CMPS 160 has changed to CMPS 111 2. ENGL 298 and 299 have changed to ENGL 293 and 294 3. MVSC 100 has been dropped. Students now will choose one of 5 Activity courses that include Lifetime Wellness principles to take the place of MVSC 100. An additional activity course is still required. Changes to degree plans: (Note: General Education changes listed above will affect all degree plans that include these requirements) 1. Automotive Technology and Construction Technology – are replacing the WLDT 120 course with WLDT 155 Shielded Metal Arc Welding I in their degree plans. 2. Career & Technical Teacher Education – a choice was added: students may take CTTE 422 Contextual Teaching & Learning or EDUC 471 Secondary Curriculum & Instruction 3. Chemical Dependency – several course changes to the major and minor 4. Criminal Justice – AS degree plans were revised by adding ACAD 101 Student Success Seminar and reflecting changes to MVSC 100 and APLT 150 5. Computer Network Technology AS degree plan was completely revised. 1-year Certificate and 22-credit Fast-track Certificate programs were added. 6. Drafting & Design Technology AAS degree was modified to include the new course DFDT 115 GIS w/ArcMAP, plus changes to General Ed, core, and elective requirements. 7. Early Childhood Education & Family Support AA degree and vocational certificate plans were revised. ECED courses were updated to align with other NM schools 8. Educational Assistant AA degree plan was revised to reflect changes made to ECED courses. 9. Elementary Education – MVSC 423 PE for the Elementary Classroom Teacher has been added as another alternative to PSY 301 or 302 in the Contextual Knowledge section. MVSC 423 must be taken concurrently with RDG 437 for Language Arts teacher licensure. 10. Financial Services is a new major with the choice of AS degree, 1-year Certificate or 15credit Fast-track Certificate programs available. 11. Fine Arts – BFA degree replaced DFDT 111 with ART 114 Graphic Design Software I 12. Liberal Studies AA degree expanded the General Ed choices to include additional courses, that are approved for other WNMU degree plans. 13. Office Technology is changing to Business and Office Technology – several changes to the AS degree plan and certificate, including the change from OFAD course prefixes to BOFT. A new Fast-Track Certificate has also been added. 14. Rehabilitation Services – a new course RHAB 322 will replace COUN 586 15. Secondary Education – SPED 428 Curriculum & Methods in SPED will be required instead of EDUC 480 16. Special Education – RDG 410 and RDG 411 have been moved to the Application and Reinforcement section since all students must take these courses regardless of their licensure area. Page 1 of 3 As of April 5, 2005 Changes to courses: 1. Re-numbering of ACAD 199H and 399H to ACAD 198H and ACAD 398H 2. APLT 150 – Job Search Seminar (1 credit) changed to Business Practices (2 credits) 3. Re-numbering of BSAD 499 to BSAD 498 Special Topics 4. Re-numbering of CJUS 499 to CJUS 498 Seminar in Criminal Justice 5. Re-numbering of CMPS 160 to CMPS 111 Computer Literacy-PC (also offered as 111H) 6. Re-numbering of CMPS 367 to CMPS 467 Information Systems Network 7. Re-numbering of CMPS 445 to CMPS 435 e-Commerce (also CMPS 535) 8. Re-numbering of CMPS 462 to CMPS 405 MIS for Managers (also CMPS 505) 9. Re-numbering of CMPS 465 to CMPS 415 Adv Concepts of Databases (also CMPS 515) 10. CNET 120 A+ Certification Prep I changed to A+ Certification Prep (CNET 125 A+ Certification Prep II was discontinued) 11. CNET 130 Network+ Certification Prep I changed to Network+ Certification Prep (CNET 132 Network+ Certification Prep II was discontinued) 12. CNET 212 Linux+ Certification Prep I changed to Linux+ Certification Prep (CNET 215 Linux+ Certification Prep II was discontinued) 13. CNET 250 MCSE Windows 2000 Server changed to Windows Server I 14. ECED 120 Professionalism in ECED changed from 3 credits to 2 credits 15. ECED 211 Safe, Healthy Learning Environment (3 credits) changed to Health, Safety and Nutrition (2 credits) 16. ECED 215 Emergent Literacy changed to Intro to Reading & Literacy Development. 17. EDUC 470 (8 credits) split into two separate courses – EDUC 472 Elementary Methods & Curriculum I (4 credits) and EDUC 473 Elementary Methods & Curriculum II (4 credits) 18. Re-numbering ENGL 298 and 299 to ENGL 293 and ENGL 294 English Literature I & II 19. ENGL 404 title changed to Early English & European Literature (also ENGL 505) 20. Re-numbering of HIST 499 and POLS 499 to HIST 497 and POLS 497 History & Politics of US Civil Rights Movement. 21. MVSC 100 is being dropped – see changes affecting General Education. 22. MVSC 103 was changed to Walkacise/Lifetime Wellness 23. MVSC 105 was changed to Weight Training/Lifetime Wellness 24. MVSC 109 was changed to Circuit Training/Lifetime Wellness 25. MVSC 127 was changed to Activities for Students with Disabilities I/Lifetime Wellness 26. MVSC 157 was changed to Step Aerobics/Lifetime Wellness 27. NUR 160/162 Nursing Articulation – number of credits changed from 2-credit lecture/1credit lab to a 3-credit lecture/2-credit lab, for a total of 5 credits. 28. All OFAD courses were changed to BOFT. Some had name changes. New courses: 1. CJUS 421 Dual Diagnosis (also offered as 521) 2. CJUS 465 Pharmacology (also offered as 565) 3. CMPS 440 Information Warfare (3 credits, also offered as 540) 4. CNET 255 Windows Server II (3 credits) 5. CNET 260 Windows Network Infrastructure I (3 credits) 6. CNET 265 CCNA Certification Prep I (3 credits) 7. CNET 270 Network Cabling Fundamentals (3 credits) 8. CNET 271 Windows Network Infrastructure II (3 credits) 9. CNET 272 CCNA Certification Prep II (3 credits) 10. CNET 275 Security+ Certification Prep (3 credits) 11. DFDT 115 Intro to GIS (Geographical Information Systems) with ArcMAP (3 credits) Page 2 of 3 As of April 5, 2005 12. DVSM 103 Developmental Math-Supplemental Instruction (1 credit) 13. DVSM 104 Developmental Algebra – Supplemental Instruction (1 credit) 14. DVSR 103 Developmental Reading I – Supplemental Instruction (1 credit) 15. DVSR 104 Developmental Reading II – Supplemental Instruction (1 credit) 16. DVSW 103 Developmental Writing I – Supplemental Instruction (1 credit) 17. DVSW 104 Developmental Writing II – Supplemental Instruction (1 credit) 18. ECED 232 Curriculum Development & Implementation I (3 credits) 19. ECED 236 Curriculum Development & Implementation II (3 credits) 20. ECED 281 Curriculum Development & Implementation Practicum I (2 credits) 21. ECED 282 Curriculum Development & Implementation Practicum II (2 credits) 22. FNSV 101 Business Ethics I (3 credits) 23. FNSV 102 Business Ethics II (2 credits) 24. FNSV 103 Personal Finance (3 credits) 25. FNSV 105 Services Marketing (3 credits) 26. FNSV 107 Service Industry Accounting & Bookkeeping (3 credits) 27. FNSV 110 Basic Office Suite (3 credits) 28. FNSV 201 Business Ethics III (2 credits) 29. FNSV 203 Money Value (3 credits) 30. FNSV 205 Sales (3 credits) 31. FNSV 209 Principles of Investments (3 credits) 32. NUR 105 Nursing Success Seminar (2 credits) 33. RHAB 322 Employment for People with Disabilities (3 credits) Miscellaneous other changes: 1. General Education courses that are part of the NM Common Core, or other Transfer Articulation Agreements, but for which we have no equivalent course will be numbered 175 or 275 within the correct discipline, and will be automatically accepted for our General Education requirements. All activity courses (with the exception of cheerleading, open recreation, and intramural sports) coming from other accredited institutions will be transferred in as MVSC 175. 2. Transferred General Education decimal credit hours from quarter credit institutions: 1 qtr hour converting to 0.67 semester hours may fulfill a 1 semester-hour activity course 4 qtr hours converting to 2.67 semester hours may fulfill a 3 semester-hour General Ed course 5 qtr hours converting to 3.34 semester hours may fulfill a 4 semester-hour General Ed lab science 3. An Associates degree may be substituted for a minor if the Associate degree contains at least eighteen hours of required coursework in a specific discipline that is different from the coursework required for the major. 4. If a degree does not require a minor the six hours of upper division credits, required outside of the major or minor, may be included in an optional minor. 5. Certificate programs will now specify a minimum GPA requirement of 2.0 Page 3 of 3 As of April 5, 2005