
Basketball Showcase Unit Plan
Mr. Brad Polnasek
Harper Creek high School
2nd Block Team Sports Class
I. Descriptive Data
School: Harper Creek High School
Grade Level: 10th, 11th, 12th
Class Size: 49 students
Ethnicity: Caucasian, African American
Gender: Male and Female
Time Frame: 5 days consisting of 90 minute periods
II. Rational
During this unit students will learn the rules of basketball and will enjoy the many
physical and mental aspects of the game of basketball. They will improve upon social
skills including teamwork and cooperation. Basketball is a lifelong recreational activity
that students will be able to enjoy for the rest of their lives and this unit will strengthen
their understanding of the game. The overall purpose of this unit is to learn more about
basketball by having fun and working with their teammates.
III. MDE Content Standards
1) Demonstrate selected fundamental locomotor skills.
2) Demonstrate selected fundamental object control skills.
3) Demonstrate selected postural, nonlocomotor, and body control movement skills.
4) Demonstrate selected fundamental rhythmical skills.
5) Participate successfully in selected health-enhancing, lifelong physical activities.
6) Develop and maintain healthy levels of cardio respiratory endurance.
7) Develop and maintain healthy levels of muscular strength and endurance.
8) Develop and maintain healthy levels of flexibility of selected joints of the body.
9) Develop and maintain healthy levels of body composition.
10) Apply the concepts of body awareness, time, space, direction, and force to
11) Explain and apply the essential steps in learning motor skills.
12) Describe the effects of activity and inactivity and formulate examples of lifestyle
choices that result in the development and maintenance of health related fitness.
13) Demonstrate appropriate behavior related to selected personal/social character
traits that commonly emerge in a physical activity context.
14) Value physical activity and its contribution to lifelong health and well-being.
IV. Topic or Theme or Driving Questions:
The Topic of the Unit is to learn more about basketball by having fun and working with
their teammates.
V. Learning Goals/Achievement Targets:
The students will learn the game of basketball and the teamwork that goes along with the
Knowledge: By going over the rules at the very beginning of the unit they will
know the proper rules in order to be the most successful. Rules are:
1) Foul- when a rule is broken such as: charging, holding, pushing, tripping,
2) Traveling- walking with the ball
3) Double dribble- dribble stop, then dribble again
4) Over the back- a defensive player reaches over the back of an offensive
player who is dribbling a ball and makes contact with that person
5) No make it take it
6) An air ball can be shot back up and does not have to be taken back
7) Call your own fouls, no free throws
8) All players must be involved
9) 1 point for a basket inside the arc
10) 2 points for a basket outside the arc
Students will be doing warm-up activities that directly relate to the game of basketball.
These drills will help the students improve on certain skills such as shooting and
dribbling that are essential to play basketball.
Reasoning: By going over the rules of the game, the students will be able to play
more effectively and will be more inclined to play fairly which is important in any
team sport that is played.
Performance Skills: By doing warm-up activities and throughout basketball
games in this unit, students will learn dribbling, passing, and shooting
fundamentals. Each student’s skill levels are different and I will be aware of that
to make sure they give effort and not worry about overall performance.
Products: The Students will be given a test at the end of the 5 day unit to assess
their knowledge over the rules of basketball.
Dispositions: During this unit it is mostly important for the students to develop
excellent social skills and teamwork throughout play. The whole concept of this
class is team sports and cooperation. This unit will focus on activities that
incorporate teamwork and useful social skills. After this unit the students will
hopefully have a positive attitude towards basketball.
VI. Introductory Narrative:
In this unit of Basketball students will be learning the basic rules of basketball and
also doing specific drills and activities to enhance their fundamental skills. Students will
also learn the importance of teamwork and giving your very best effort in class.
The Basketball unit is very important in physical education class. Basketball is a
lifelong sport that can be enjoyed by people of any age. The physical benefits are endless
and include great cardiovascular benefits. Students will gain hand-eye coordination,
laterality, spatial awareness, balance, general coordination, and muscular strength.
Positive attitudes are necessary in order to get the most out of the game of basketball. By
working with teammates and having fun students can gain a better understanding for the
importance of teamwork. Participation is a must for this class and for this unit. By
participation alone the students will improve their physical as well as their mental wellbeing. The games will be competitive but I will not stress the importance of winning. I
will make sure that the students realize it is only a game and that all of them are winners
just by playing and participating. Effort is what this unit will require. If the students can
give me effort and listen to directions they will pass with flying colors.
Knowing the basic rules and the fundamentals that are included in basketball will
directly benefit them within the game and will also aid in their success for other team
sports. By the end of this unit students will generate an interest in basketball outside of
the physical education realm by watching and/or attending basketball games at any level.
Brad Polnasek
Harper Creek High School
2nd Block Team Sports
Monday, October 26th, 2009
Lesson Plan – Basketball
Students: 51 and 25
Grade Level: 10, 11, 12
Standards and Benchmarks: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Objective(s): Students will be able play basketball by following the correct rules and
adhering to boundaries that will be set by the teacher. They will learn to work with their
teammates in a collective effort to be successful.
-Take Attendance (2)
Dynamic Stretching (5)
-High Knees
-Seat Kicks
-Carioca both ways
-Forward Lunges
Stretching Warm-up routine (8)
-Hurdlers stretch
Fitness activity of the day (15)
5 laps around 3 courts = 5 push ups after each
5 laps around 2 courts = 10 push ups after each
5 laps around 1 court= 15 push ups after each
Explain Rules of Basketball (5)
1) Foul- when a rule is broken such as: charging, holding, pushing, tripping,
2) Traveling- walking with the ball
3) Double dribble- dribble stop, then dribble again
4) Over the back- a defensive player reaches over the back of an offensive
player who is dribbling a ball and makes contact with that person
5) No make it take it
6) An air ball can be shot back up and does not have to be taken back
7) Call your own fouls, no free throws
8) All players must be involved
9) 1 point for a basket inside the arc
10) 2 points for a basket outside the arc
Indoor games (45)
-Play 5 games of 8 minutes each
Assessment: Observation. Students will show me if they are following directions and
working as a team. If students fail to do this they will lose participation points for the
Reflection: The first day of basketball went very well. The majority of the students has
played basketball before and thoroughly enjoys the sport. They did pretty well with the
rules and teamwork. By going over the rules they were better able to understand them to
the fullest. I have to make sure and keep improving their interest. No participation
points were taken away which is always a plus.
Brad Polnasek
Harper Creek High School
2nd Block Team Sports
Tuesday, October 27th, 2009
Lesson Plan – Basketball
Students: 51 and 25
Grade Level: 10, 11, 12
Standards and Benchmarks: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Objective(s): Students will be able play basketball by following the correct rules and
adhering to boundaries that will be set by the teacher. They will learn to work with their
teammates in a collective effort to be successful.
-Take Attendance (2)
Dynamic Stretching (5)
-High Knees
-Seat Kicks
-Carioca both ways
-Forward Lunges
Stretching Warm-up routine (8)
-Hurdlers stretch
Fitness activity of the day (15)
Basketball Golf
5 shot maximum tries at each court
The person to get the lowest score wins
Court 1 = half court shot
Court 2 = 3 pointer
Court 3= granny from free throw
Court 4 = sitting in chair
Court 5 = backwards shot
Court 6 = bounce it in from the free throw
Indoor games (45)
-Play 5 games of 8 minutes each
Assessment: Observation. Students will show me if they are following directions and
working as a team. If students fail to do this they will lose participation points for the
Reflection: Basketball golf went really well. The students had a lot of fun trying to get a
low score and make each goal at each basket. I think by having this warm-up activity at
the beginning of the class generates interest in playing the games later on in the class.
They did very well with participation today also.
Brad Polnasek
Harper Creek High School
2nd Block Team Sports
Wednesday, October 28th, 2009
Lesson Plan – Basketball
Students: 51 and 25
Grade Level: 10, 11, 12
Standards and Benchmarks: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Objective(s): Students will be able play basketball by following the correct rules and
adhering to boundaries that will be set by the teacher. They will learn to work with their
teammates in a collective effort to be successful. During the backboard pass activity they
will be able to gain cardiovascular endurance and challenge themselves.
-Take Attendance (2)
Dynamic Stretching (5)
-High Knees
-Seat Kicks
-Carioca both ways
-Forward Lunges
Stretching Warm-up routine (8)
-Hurdlers stretch
Fitness activity of the day (15)
Backboard pass
-Students have to keep the ball in the air
-Continuously running between two hoops by hitting the ball off the backboard
-One after the other the students hit the ball off the backboard
Number Drill
Indoor games (45)
-Play 5 games of 8 minutes each
Assessment: Observation. Students will show me if they are following directions and
working as a team. If students fail to do this they will lose participation points for the
Reflection: The warm-up activity was challenging and most of the students worked hard
to keep the basketball in the air. It is important to realize that not everyone will succeed
but to keep giving them positive reinforcement is key. As long as they know that they are
trying their best then they can be happy with themselves.
Brad Polnasek
Harper Creek High School
2nd Block Team Sports
Thursday, October 29th, 2009
Lesson Plan – Basketball
Students: 51 and 25
Grade Level: 10, 11, 12
Standards and Benchmarks: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Objective(s): Students will be able play basketball by following the correct rules and
adhering to boundaries that will be set by the teacher. They will learn to work with their
teammates in a collective effort to be successful. Students will enhance their dribbling
skills and hand-eye coordination by playing king of the hill.
-Take Attendance (2)
Dynamic Stretching (5)
-High Knees
-Seat Kicks
-Carioca both ways
-Forward Lunges
Stretching Warm-up routine (8)
-Hurdlers stretch
Fitness activity of the day (15)
King of the Hill (not the TV show)
-4 rounds, winner in each round
-Each student gets a basketball and have to be within the 3 point range
-You must dribble the basketball while trying to knock the other players ball out
of the boundary line
-If your ball goes outside the area then you are out
-If the ball is rolling on the ground you have to hit it or roll it to get it back up to
dribble it
-You cannot pick up the ball from the ground
-As players get out, make the playing area smaller and smaller until one person is
Indoor games (45)
-Play 5 games of 8 minutes each
Assessment: Observation. Students will show me if they are following directions and
working as a team. If students fail to do this they will lose participation points for the
Reflection: Students really liked king of the hill. They got into it and were a little more
competitive than they needed to be. I made sure and split the groups up evenly according
to their skill levels. Also I made sure that they followed the rules during the king of the
hill to make sure the game was fair so no one would get frustrated.
Brad Polnasek
Harper Creek High School
2nd Block Team Sports
Friday, October 30th, 2009
Lesson Plan – Basketball
Students: 51 and 25
Grade Level: 10, 11, 12
Standards and Benchmarks: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Objective(s): Students will be able play basketball by following the correct rules and
adhering to boundaries that will be set by the teacher. They will learn to work with their
teammates in a collective effort to be successful.
-Take Attendance (2)
Dynamic Stretching (5)
-High Knees
-Seat Kicks
-Carioca both ways
-Forward Lunges
Stretching Warm-up routine (8)
-Hurdlers stretch
Fitness activity of the day (15)
Dot Drill Routine
Indoor games (45)
-Play 5 games of 8 minutes each
Assessment: Observation. Students will show me if they are following directions and
working as a team. If students fail to do this they will lose participation points for the
Reflection: By doing the dot drill routine students had a good time while at the same time
working on their coordination and agility. They had fun with the activity and were eager
to keep playing basketball. This is the first sport we have played so far that has lasted the
longest as far as general interest of the class.
VII. Assessments
The only written assessment within this unit will be a test at the end of the 5 days. This
will cover the rules that were explained at the beginning of the unit. The other parts of
assessment are participation points for dressing for class, listening to directions, giving 10
points worth of effort. They also get points for showing some sort of improvement with
the skills of basketball such as dribbling, shooting, and passing. If they can physically
show me that they are learning to become better at these skills then they will get their 10
points for the day. If they refuse to get better and improve then they will not earn their
points. Being able to cooperate with teammates is also an important assessment for this
class. This assessment is done through observation and hearing the students responses to
their own teammates. My primary way of assessment is through observation.
IX. Materials/Resources/Special Notes
In this unit the basketball gymnasium and mostly all the baskets were used. I also used
knowledge through my own involvement with basketball to help me organize and come
up with fun activities. As a special note, I know it is extremely important that the teacher
is excited and enthusiastic about the sport being played. Students respond to your
attitude and they can tell whether or not you are into the sport for that particular unit.
XI. Prior Concerns?
I was concerned at how long the students would stay interested in this unit. From prior
experience from this class, I knew that their attention span was very short. I was worried
that I would have difficulty making fair teams for such a large class. I had to make sure
the teams were even so that the students would not get frustrated or discouraged.
Reflection Questions?
This unit went very well. Each warm-up activity went well and the students enjoyed
them. By conversing with them, I could understand that they comprehended the
relevance between the activities and the game of basketball. With such a big class in
numbers, the only area I wish I could change was to make them be in teams of 3 instead
of 4. 4 worked well enough where everyone was still involved and had fun. The ranges
of skill and maturity in this 10-12th grade class are absolutely astonishing. With this
being said it was not easy pairing together the teams but for the most part the students
worked very well with their teammates even if there were differences with basketball
skills. During this unit I think that I helped myself and the class by being physically
involved in the activities and games. I would go around to different people and teams to
make sure things were going smoothly and to hear out any concerns. This type of
dialogue lets the students know that I am thinking about their wants, needs, and concerns.
I am not simply saying, “Here is a basketball, now go play”. I am involved and give
critical feedback both positive and constructive so that they knew what they were doing
right and what they were doing wrong.
This classes higher order of thinking involved the students most definitely by learning the
rules of the game and also practicing the necessary skills to compete at the highest
possible physical level. As far as the deep knowledge, the students had to develop this by
listening to the rules and putting that into play when we started actually playing. They
had to understand the rules in order to be successful in the sport. At the end of the first
day I went over the rules again and reviewed so they were able to hear the information
before the activity and then again after. By going over the rules the student’s hopefully
gained a better understanding and was probably surprised that a game could be so simple
yet so complex. Substantive Conversation was used quite a bit in this unit. While
activities and games were going on I would go over to each group and person and ask
them how everything was going. Part of this is my observation to make sure they are
doing what they are supposed to. By this I was able to have substantive conversation
with the students which then in affect enabled them to become more involved with the
sport. The game of basketball is played worldwide and in nearly every city in the United
States. It is one of the best sports to play to gain physical and mental benefits. The social
interaction and teamwork learned in basketball goes a long way into these student’s
young adult lives.