Town of Concrete

Town of Concrete
Town Council Meeting
March 26, 2007
7:30 P.M. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Pro-Tem Judd Wilson. Mayor ProTem Judd Wilson led the gallery in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Roll Call: Council members Tamera Glaser, Mike Criner, Marla Reed and Jack Mears.
Mike Criner made a motion to excuse Mayor Jack Billman. Marla Reed seconded the
motion. The motion carried unanimously.
Staff Present: Attorney David Day, Clerk-Treasurer Lacy Lahr , Public Works Director
Alan Wilkins, Fire Chief Richard Philips and Deputy Clerk Andrea Fichter.
Audience Members Signed In: Evalyn Goeringer, Carol Fabrick and Tim Cooley.
Scheduled Presentations:
Public Safety: No Report
HDR –Bob Powell updated the Council on the current change orders (no. 5 and no. 9) for
the wastewater treatment plant project. Jack Mears made a motion to accept change order
no. 5 and proposed the stormwater redesign. Tamera Glaser seconded the motion. The
motion carried unanimously. Change order no. 9 will be revised and brought back to the
Council for consideration.
Consent Agenda:
 Town Council Minutes – March 12, 2007
 Claims Warrants - 23767-23780
 Payroll Warrants- 1958-1968
Mike Criner made a motion to approve the consent agenda. Marla Reed seconded the
motion. The motion carried unanimously.
Public Hearings: Residential Yard Waste Burning In Small Cities (SSB 6081)
Clerk Treasurer Lacy Lahr updated the council and public on the proposed Senate Bill
allowing for a one year extension of residential yard waste burning in certain smaller
cities. Fire Chief Richard Philips expressed his concerns regarding burning in town and
problems that have resulted in the past. He supported keeping the burn ban in effect.
Mayor Pro-Tem Judd Wilson opened the public hearing at 7:48 PM.
Evalyn Goeringer, 45101 Main Street, expressed concerns about the current burn ban and
noted that she is in favor of allowing residents to burn small yard waste items.
Tim Cooley, 7576 Skagit View Drive, expressed his concerns for developers that have
land clearing work planned. He noted that trucks hauling debris away would cause more
carbon emissions than burning the debris. Mr. Cooley expressed his support for a permit
process to enable burning within the Town limits. Ray Drake made a comment of not
being in favor of the proposal.
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Mayor Pro-Tem Judd Wilson closed the public hearing at 7:56 PM.
Discussion ensued regarding the proposed bill and whether the Town should or should
not support the bill. A motion was made by Mike Criner to not support SSB 6081 and to
not extend the burn ban in the Town of Concrete. Marla Reed seconded the motion. The
motion was approved with Mike Criner, Marla Reed, and Judd Wilson in favor and Jack
Mears and Tamera Glaser opposed.
Public Participation: No Public Participation
Old Business: No Old Business
New Business: Baker River Arts Festival Events Application-Tim Cooley & Jean
Johnson- Mr. Cooley presented to the Council an Events Application for the Baker River
Arts Festival. He asked for permission to close Main Street from McKee Alley to Dillard
Street for vendors and pedestrians. They also asked for use of the Town’s portable toilets.
They also requested to be able to use Bear Square as a food vendor area. Public Works
Director Alan Wilkins suggested that they contact Glacier Northwest about using their
property for additional parking areas. They would also like to use the Sockeye Express to
transport visitors from the Fly-In to the Arts Festival. They will be contacting Cheri
Cook-Blodgett at the Concrete Heritage Museum to coordinate. Fire Chief Richard
Philips requested that they make sure that fire access to all buildings on Main Street is
provided. The Arts Festival will take place during the Fly-In on July 28, 2007 and July
29, 2007. A motion to approve the events application was made by Mike Criner. Tamera
Glaser seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
Red Hat Society Proclamation: Mayor Pro-Tem Judd Wilson read the Proclamation
declaring April 2007 as “Red Hat Month”.
Surplus Resolution: Clerk-Treasurer Lacy Lahr presented Resolution No. 2007-03
declaring certain property as surplus and authorizing its sale. Mike Criner made a motion
to accept Resolution No. 2007-03. Jack Mears seconded the motion. The motion carried
Skagit Surveyors & Engineers Contract Amendment: Clerk-Treasurer Lacy Lahr
presented the contract amendment with Skagit Surveyors and Engineers to stake the
southern boundary of the Airport property and to amend the binding site plan to include
all existing lots at the Airport. A motion was made by Mike Criner to approve the
contract amendment to amend only the binding site plan. Tamera Glaser made a second
to the motion. The motion was voted and carried with Jack Mears abstaining.
Council Reports:
Airport: Jack Mears reported that the Runway Safety Grant for the segmented circle had
been approved. Jack also reported that he had spoke with Charlie Riordon concerning the
third draft of the Airport Layout Plan that is awaiting approval from WSDOT Aviation.
He suggested holding final payment until the Airport Layout Plan is completed. Jack also
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reported on the need to apply for additional grants for the taxiway and for additional
airport security measures such as electric gates. It was suggested that lease holders who
have not signed a new lease be sent reminder letters by certified mail.
Parks: Judd Wilson distributed the plans for the Town ball field that were submitted by
the Boy Scouts.
Department Reports:
Planning Commission: Town Planner Lacy Lahr updated the Council on a letter that the
Town received from Paula Reeves and Christian Koefed concerning the Community
Planning Event scheduled for April 21, 2007. Lacy also updated the Council on the
upcoming public hearing for the PSE Shoreline permit application which has been
scheduled for April 9, 2007 at the High School Commons. She distributed a handout
regarding quasi-judicial public hearings for the Council to review.
Administration/Finance Report: Clerk Treasurer Lacy Lahr updated the Council on the
upcoming annual report that she is preparing. She also reported that she will be meeting
with Tony Nelson from the State Auditors Office on April 26, 2007 regarding the Annual
Public Works: Public Works Director Alan Wilkins reported on the meeting he will be
attending tomorrow at H.D.R. Engineering regarding Enviroquip’s design changes. Alan
also reported on the current status of the street sweeper. They are currently awaiting the
delivery of the rear broom for the sweeper. He also discussed with the Council how the
current access to the Puget Sound Energy diversion dam is blocked and they will be
working on improving the second access.
Mayors Report: No Report
Announcements: Mayor Pro-Tem Judd Wilson announced that Everett Lake has
recently been stocked with fish.
Executive Session: No Executive Session
Adjournment: Mike Criner made a motion for adjournment at 8:50 PM. Marla Reed
seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
Jack R. Billman, Jr., Mayor
Attest: Lacy J. Lahr, Clerk-Treasurer
Minutes prepared by Lacy J. Lahr
March 26, 2007
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