PERSONNEL DEVELOPMENT TO IMPROVE SERVICES AND RESULTS FOR CHILDREN WITH DISABILITIES (CFDA 84.325) THE PURPOSES OF THIS PROGRAM ARE TO (1) HELP ADDRESS STATE-IDENTIFIED NEEDS FOR HIGHLY QUALIFIED PERSONNEL-IN SPECIAL EDUCATION, EARLY INTERVENTION, RELATED SERVICES, AND REGULAR EDUCATION--TO WORK WITH CHILDREN, INCLUDING INFANTS AND TODDLERS, WITH DISABILITIES; AND (2) ENSURE THAT THOSE PERSONNEL HAVE THE NECESSARY SKILLS AND KNOWLEDGE, DERIVED FROM PRACTICES THAT HAVE BEEN DETERMINED THROUGH SCIENTIFICALLY BASED RESEARCH AND EXPERIENCE, TO BE SUCCESSFUL IN SERVING THOSE CHILDREN. BACKGROUND: THE PURPOSE OF THE PERSONNEL PREPARATION IN SPECIAL EDUCATION, EARLY INTERVENTION, AND RELATED SERVICES PRIORITY IS TO IMPROVE THE QUALITY AND INCREASE THE NUMBER OF PERSONNEL WHO ARE FULLY CREDENTIALED TO SERVE CHILDREN, INCLUDING INFANTS AND TODDLERS, WITH DISABILITIES--ESPECIALLY IN AREAS OF CHRONIC PERSONNEL SHORTAGE--BY SUPPORTING PROJECTS THAT PREPARE SPECIAL EDUCATION, EARLY INTERVENTION, AND RELATED SERVICES PERSONNEL AT THE BACCALAUREATE, MASTER'S, AND SPECIALIST LEVELS. STATE DEMAND FOR FULLY CREDENTIALED SPECIAL EDUCATION, EARLY INTERVENTION, AND RELATED SERVICES PERSONNEL TO SERVE INFANTS, TODDLERS, AND CHILDREN WITH DISABILITIES EXCEEDS THE AVAILABLE SUPPLY (BRUDER, 2004A; BRUDER, 2004B; MCLESKEY & BILLINGSLEY, 2008; AND MCLESKEY, TYLER & FLIPPIN, 2004). THESE SHORTAGES OF FULLY CREDENTIALED PERSONNEL CAN NEGATIVELY AFFECT THE QUALITY OF SERVICES PROVIDED TO INFANTS, TODDLERS, AND CHILDREN WITH DISABILITIES AND THEIR FAMILIES (MCLESKEY ET AL., 2004). PERSONNEL PREPARATION PROGRAMS THAT PREPARE PERSONNEL TO ENTER THE FIELDS OF SPECIAL EDUCATION, EARLY INTERVENTION, AND RELATED SERVICES AS FULLY CREDENTIALED PERSONNEL WITH THE NECESSARY COMPETENCIES TO USE EVIDENCE-BASED PRACTICES ARE CRITICAL TO OVERCOME THE PERSONNEL SHORTAGES IN THESE FIELDS. FEDERAL SUPPORT OF THESE PERSONNEL PREPARATION PROGRAMS IS NEEDED TO INCREASE THE SUPPLY OF PERSONNEL WITH THE NECESSARY COMPETENCIES TO EFFECTIVELY SERVE INFANTS, TODDLERS, AND CHILDREN WITH DISABILITIES AND THEIR FAMILIES. State/Period of Professional Development Grant Arizona Iowa Nevada Washington West Virginia Arkansas Colorado Indiana Focus Areas October 2007 thru September 2012 Speech/Language Pathologists, Early Literacy and Math Development through RTI Improving Secondary Results Professional preparation and development; improved student achievement Improve skills and knowledge of parents and professionals to improve outcomes of children with disabilities B-21 and all struggling learners. RTI Increased literacy at all levels, RTI October 2009 thru September 2014 Improve student performance in literacy and math, state compliance on State Performance Plan; Professional preparation, retention, focus on high poverty schools. RTI, PBS Professional development on practices within RTI, PBIS frameworks appropriate for all students including students with Autism Spectrum Disorders and Significant Support Needs – including early childhood settings RTI, School-Wide Positive Behavioral Supports, School climate supporting academic and behavioral needs of all students National Community of Practice State Team: School Behavioral Health and/or Transition State Leadership Team in National Transition Community of Practice Tennessee (ends 4/30/15) Alaska Illinois Minnesota Mississippi Montana North Carolina South Carolina Connecticut Louisiana Maine Nebraska New York Oklahoma Professional development to improve reading and math outcomes through PBS and RTI; Early Childhood focus on children with Autism. October 2010 thru September 2015 Professional development and training to improve outcomes of students including schools in high poverty areas where population has limited English proficiency. Development of statewide system of personnel development to improve student outcomes; RTI, collaboration with all stakeholders Improved student outcomes through professional development on practices of high-quality instruction; workforce development Professional development to increase graduation rates and reduce dropout rates; PBIS at all levels; address training for behavioral support needs; facilitate re-entry to community school from out-of-community placements. Professional development and training in practices and multi-tiered models of academic and behavioral supports; access to general curriculum for students needing high levels of support Professional development and training to improve quality of teaching and outcomes of students with disabilities including academic, graduation rates; stakeholder collaboration including increased parent satisfaction; workforce development Systemic, strategic professional development to address achievement gaps between students with disabilities and non-disabled peers. Heightened focus on high-need schools. October 2011 thru September 2016 Build statewide PD system for RTI “Scientifically Researched-Based Interventions.” Increase literacy, improve behavior. Administrative leadership, coaching. Close achievement gap for students with disabilities. PBS and literacy instruction driven by Common Core State Standards; multi-tiered interventions, data-driven process Improve outcomes for students with disabilities ages 6-21. PD in implementation of data-based decision making, integrating inclusive practices, collaborating and engaging with families, implementing culturally responsive practices, tiered systems of support, project outcomes measurement Evidence-based PD statewide to support students with disabilities ages birth-20. Workforce development in targeted geographic areas, PD for implementation of Common Core State Standards, early intervention model/coaching, regional PD workshops and online modules. School-wide systems change approach to improving academic and behavioral outcomes for all students. PBIS development and implementation in10 school districts including evidence-based strategies; increase family and community engagement. Administrator training partnerships with higher education. Statewide PD to school personnel and parents on RtI. Technical assistance and training through regional structure in partnership with parent centers, higher ed, school boards assoc. Supports to schools providing multi-tiered systems of academic and behavioral supports; scaling-up PBIS and RTI; regional support system of coaches in partnership with local school districts and higher ed; parent engagement. State Leadership Team in National School Behavioral Health Community of Practice Statewide cross-stakeholder, interagency community of practice network supporting transition and behavioral health. Oregon Wyoming Alabama California Delaware Florida Georgia Idaho Kansas Kentucky Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Expand PD to address infrastructure, depth, breadth, and licensure. Common Core State Standards; evidence-based behavior and academic programs, data-based decision making; workforce development in special education, speech-language pathologists PD and technical assistance for implementation of evidencebased practices; meeting special education state performance plan goals, support local school districts to increase parent involvement, provide behavioral supports and increase services in general education settings for students with disabilities. October 2012 thru September 2017 Improve student performance and graduation outcomes; PD framework for educators, families, stakeholders to improve transition to adulthood. Reading, math, science, technology collaborative instruction for students with disabilities. PD in collaborative, evidence-based instructional practices for middle-school educators; address Common Core reading skills; partner with families and higher education Information not available Increase high school completion rates of students with disabilities. Support implementation of Sustained Intervention model of student engagement with school and learning; Scale-up Strategic Instruction Model; increase family awareness and knowledge of evidence-based instructional strategies that support students with disabilities. Decrease gap in graduation rate and performance between high performing students and students with disabilities; Graduate FIRST model, technical assistance for compliant transition plan development and student-led IEPs, early intervention and PD for elementary teachers of students with autism, PD to improve teacher effectiveness. Develop sustainable infrastructure of partnerships to improve academic and social outcomes of all students, especially students with disabilities. PD: external coaches to support implementation of RTI K-12 Focus is on pre-service workforce development and inservice PD, teaching improvement strategies, identifying student behavior support needs and evidence-based strategies; recruiting, mentoring, supporting teachers of students who are visually impaired or deaf; online mentoring/support of early career teachers PD to support increased academic proficiency, high school completion, college and career readiness, closing achievement gap of students with disabilities; supports and increased transition opportunities for students with lowincidence disabilities. Focus on academic outcomes of students with disabilities pre-K through grade 6; enhance TA for data-based decision making, evidence-based practices in math instruction, and increase parent involvement statewide. Information not available Evidence-based practices in a multi-tiered integrated behavior and academic model – emphasis on fidelity of implementation to improve outcomes for students with disabilities; PBIS, reading and math instruction, partnerships with higher education, professional ed. Organizations, Parent Training and Information Center to provide PD; student outcome-focused PD; developing local capacity to State leadership team in National Community of Practice on Transition State leadership team in National Community of Practice on School Behavioral Health Missouri New Hampshire New Mexico North Dakota Ohio Pennsylvania Rhode Island Utah Vermont Virginia Wisconsin implement PD Evidence-based PD for school staff including feedback loops, technologies for PD and sharing resources and to enhance fidelity of implementation and measure impact of PD. Increased high school graduation rate of students with disabilities; increased college and career readiness through evidence-based transition practices. Implementation of extended learning opportunities (ELOs), PD for staff in supporting ELOs. PD for high-need schools implementing state initiatives on accountability, principal evaluation, implementing Common Core Standards, RtI to ensure effective supports for students with disabilities Implement and scale-up PD related to multi-tiered systems of support (MTSS) to improve academic and behavioral outcomes for students with disabilities; access to statewide PD; pre-service internships in model MTSS sites. Comprehensive Capacity Building PD model to address academic and behavioral needs of students with disabilities and those at risk of being inappropriately identified. Partnerships with higher education, parent/family organizations, professional organizations to support scalability and sustainability of evidence-based practices. Increase capacity of PA schools to provide all students with maximum access to the PA Common Core Standards through PD in instructional methods, collaboration with higher ed, partnering with parent organizations to build advocacy and leadership skills. Assist school districts to develop multi-tiered systems of supports (MTSS); high quality evidence-based PD, preservice training in MTSS, partnering with school districts, parents, community, students with and without disabilities Develop infrastructure to implement multi-tiered systems of support (MTSS); PD to improve instruction in general education classrooms for students with disabilities; partnerships with agencies; data-based decision making to improve instruction; increase family support for MTSS. Improve personnel preparation and PD in early intervention and education services (birth-age 3 and preschool special education ages 3-5) to support early reading, numeracy, social emotional development of infants, toddlers and preschoolers; develop capacity to provide MTSS to schoolage children in VT schools. Train regional parent leaders to deliver PD to all stakeholders. Development of web-based infrastructure for delivery and access to content. Improve literacy outcomes for adolescents with disabilities; restructure special ed PD system; Implement VA Tiered System of Support (VTSS); PD and coaching in system of PD using aligned technological systems PD on Professional Learning Community development and implementation; collaborating with early childhood stakeholder groups, partnerships with families in data-driven decision making; partnerships with higher education State leadership team in National Community of Practice on School Behavioral Health State leadership teams in National Community of Practice on School Behavioral Health and National Community of Practice on Transition State leadership team in National Community of Practice on School Behavioral Health State leadership team in National Community of Practice on School Behavioral Health; also involved with National Community of Practice on Transition through Autism network and “Credit Flex”. State teams in National Community of Practice on Transition and National Community of Practice on School Behavioral Health State involvement with National Community of Practice on School Behavioral health State leadership team in National Community of Practice on Transition State leadership team in National Community of Practice on Transition State Personnel Development Grants Primary source: National Communities of Practice on Transition and School Behavioral Health: