Black Environment Network – Historic Environment Programme Year 2 – 3rd Quarter report (October 2004 – December 2004) TABLE 1: Overall Objectives A. Represent ethnic inclusion in relation to the historic environment Contribute to key committees/working groups Target 6 -10 Number achieved this year 9 No of new groups supported this quarter 0 The overall aim is to contribute to sectoral policy and actions for broadening access at statutory and voluntary level within which ethnic participation is framed Partner/Event Key Contact Level of Outcomes Engagement 1. Historic Environment John Sell Bi-monthly Produce Heritage Review Executive meetings Counts and contribute to Committee (HEREC) member policy and action for social inclusion in the context of “A Force for Our Future” 2. HLF Heritage and Sheena Vick Bi-monthly Development of a Diversity in the West meetings publication identifying Midlands – Advisory advisory group resources and archives Group member to support black history research in the West Midlands - strategic advice for developing the mapping of diverse resources for ethnic groups 3. Learning and Skills Mike Barratt Bi-monthly Develop of final draft of Council (LSC) – meetings LSC Sustainable Sustainable Development Strategy – Advisory Group - member 4. HLF Heritage and Diversity in the West Midlands – Advisory Group Matthew Dobson Advisory group Member 5. Sustainable Communities Food Consortium Jeremy Iles Member Development Strategy Consultation Document - representing issues of ethnic inclusion in the historic environment as part of informal learning Development of West Midlands response to Heritage Counts strategic advice for developing the mapping of diverse resources for ethnic groups Bid to Big Lottery Fund to become grant provider- highlighting the role of ethnic inclusion and heritage within the partnerships remit Dialogue with key organisations / agencies Target 6 - 8 Achieved 8 Number achieved this year 17 No of new groups supported this quarter 4 The overall aim is to continually put ethnic inclusion on the agenda of key individual organisations and agencies through supporting key individuals to strategically develop organisational frameworks to address ethnic inclusion 1.Heritage Lottery Fund Liz Forgan Meetings & dialogue Opening access for ethnic communities in the historic environment sector and BEN application to HLF 2.Heritage Lottery Fund Alison Millward Meetings & dialogue BEN application to HLF – HLF Advisor 3. Heritage Froum Nyla Naseer Dialogue Proposal for participatory 4. Countryside Agency Linda Price Meeting 5. National Trust Fiona Reynolds Meeting 6. Museum of London Jack Lohman Meeting 7. (MADE) Midlands Architecture and the Designed Environment Julia Ellis Meeting 8. Inclusion Action Group Jo Easingwood Seminar 9. Museums, Libraries and Archives (MLA) Research Proposal evaluaition seminar Integrating the role of heritage into Countryside Agency’s work - raising issues of heritage culture and access to historic landscapes Raising the issues of heritage, culture, representation and access Development of new gallery – raising the issue of ethnic community presence in London as an issue to be addressed Addressing the issues of ethnic community participation in the built environment Addressing the issues of heritage with regard to physical access to the built and natural environment Barriers to employment for BME communities in Museums, Libraries and Archives B. Stimulate additional project and partnerships by historic environment organisations to address ethnic inclusion Participation in events to highlight and promote understanding and awareness of ethnic inclusion in the context of taking action Target 6 Achieved 9 Number achieved this year 13 No of new groups supported this quarter 4 1. New Audiences Suzanne Carter – English Network Heritage Event 2. Baring Foundation Seminar 3. Open Spaces Conference 4. IUCN Conservation Congress Conference 5. London Museum/Kingston University Seminar 5. Royal Parks The Great Green Classroom Keynote Speech highlighting ethnic access to heritage. Supporting EH and other heritage organisations to take action on inclusive access Speaker highlighting issues of heritage, culture, access and funding criteria Raising issues of heritage, access and culture Plenary Speaker highlighting issues of cultural representation Cultural Diversity and Curating Contemporary Design – raising issues of heritage, culture and access Speaker highlighting issues of heritage, culture, access and representation in the context of the Royal 6. Volunteering and Asylum Seekers Conference 7. CABE Space Indicators Event 8. Black Pasts, Birmingham Futures 10. Historic Environment Executive Committee Seminar John Sell Press Briefing Parks Speaker highlighting issues of heritage, culture, representation and access Speaker highlighting issues of heritage, culture, representation and access in the context of developing indicators What is the Future of Black History? Heritage Counts press brefing - Highlighting issues of access and representation Production of articles/discussion papers Target 6 Number achieved this year 2 No of new articles this quarter 0 TABLE 2: Generation of projects and partnerships Target 10 Number achieved this year 20 No of new groups supported this quarter 6 The development of innovative methodologies which deliver ethnic participation in the historic environment The range of new community based partners engaging with the historic environment (whenever possible new community based and other organisations will linked into EH sites and activities) The range of organisational partners engaging with the historic environment and/or delivering ethnic participation The range of themes being addressed Key to stages 1. Stimulating the potential of ethnic community groups to engage with heritage and stimulating historic environment organisations to engage with ethnic groups thereby building up a range of ideas and opportunities to bring them together to formulate new initiatives 2. Exploring and developing new initiatives 3. Supporting/delivering implementation of initiatives Objectives Organisation/Commu nity Group Working to lay down 1. Bankside Open the basis for BOST to Spaces Trust (BOST) work with a range of - Helen Firminger new community based groups in engaging with the historic environment Year/ Quarter STAGE Aspects of engagement Yr1 Q1 1 Consideration of access to the aspects of the historic environment by multi - ethnic local community through engagement with open and green spaces and programmes of activities Yr2 Qu2 3 Delivery of a project with ethnic minority children in To increase the range of new organisational partners delivering ethnic participation To increase the range of new organisational partners delivering ethnic participation Identifying new participants from ethnic groups for access to historic gardens To increase the range of organisational partners entering the historic environment and delivering ethnic participation To increase the range of organisational partners entering the historic environment and delivering ethnic participation To increase the 2. Heritage Link - Anthea Case (Chair) - Kate Pugh (Chief Exec.) local schools The consideration of BEN’s role in Heritage Link Yr1 Q1 1 Yr2 Q1 2 Yr2 Qu2 2 Yr 1 Q2 1 Yr1 Q4 2 Range of ethnic groups identified with our support 4. Landscape Institute - Rod Edwards (Director) Yr 1 Q2 1 Work with BEN to promote understanding within the BEN Network of historic and contemporary design in the Built Environment 5. Royal Horticultural Society - Andrew Colquhoun Yr1 Q2 1 The use of plant history in the development of innovative methodologies which deliver ethnic participation in the historic environment 6. Kew Gardens Yr1 Q2 1 Inform Kew of support 3. Gateway Gardens Trust - Bettina Harden (Director) Proposal for training workshop to be delivered to Heritage Link members Agreement by Heritage Link Board. Progamme Outline developed and funds being bid for. Development of a project for the West Midlands for ethnic groups to access historic gardens range of organisational partners entering the historic environment and delivering ethnic participation - Professor Peter Crane. available to them for increasing ethnic participation through the Historic Environment Programme for England Yr2 Qu2 3 - Gail Bromley Delivery of a project with ethnic minority children in local schools Consideration of the inclusion of cultural information on features within their database To increase support to the range of organisations and community groups engaging with the historic environment and delivering ethnic participation To increase the range of new organisational partners delivering ethnic participation To support an increase in the range of organisational partners engaging with the historic environment and delivering ethnic participation To increase the range of new organisational partners delivering ethnic participation 7. Parks and Gardens Data Partnership - Gaby Porter Yr 1 Q2 1 8. Oxford Archaeology - David Jennings Yr 1 Q3 1 The role of archaeology in social inclusion and the potential for future projects addressing this 9. RSNC Wildlife Trusts - Cathy Collier Yr 1 Q3 1 Identify specific opportunities for linking plant history on Wildlife Trust sites to stimulate ethnic minority engagement with the historic environment 10. Theatre Museum London Yr 1 Q3 1 To increase in the 11. New Testament Yr1 Q3 1 Identify specific opportunities for increasing within the Theatre Museum ethnic participation as part of the Historic Environment Programme for England Identify heritage themes range of new community based partners engaging with the historic environment To increase in the range of new community based partners engaging with the historic environment To increase the range of new community based partners engaging with the historic environment To increase the range of new organisational partners engaging with the historic environment and Assembly - Pastor Delroy Powell 12. Refugee Council, Birmingham - Katie Evans (ESOL Co-ordinator) 13. Ramblers Association - Emily Richmond for possible work with Black Churches Yr2 Q1 2 Emerging project outline for linking black churches and historic houses in London Yr2 Qu2 2 Yr2 Qu3 3 Yr2 Q1 1 Yr 2 Qu3 2 Yr2 Q1 1 Bid for project to enable Black Church communities in London to access the full opportunities that historic houses in London have to offer Applications prepared to be submitted to Local Heritage Initiative Identifying heritage themes for possible work with asylum seekers and refugees as part of the Historic Environment Programme in England Programme of activities being developed in conjunction with Birmingham City Council Community Museums Development of historic walks in urban areas delivering ethnic participation To increase the range of new community based partners engaging with the historic environment To increase the range of new community based partners engaging with the historic environment To support an increase in the range of organisational partners engaging with the historic environment and delivering ethnic participation Yr 2 Qu 2 2 14. New Testament Church of God - Junie Joseph Yr2 Q1 1 Replaced by Freddie Brown Yr 2 Qu 2 2 Yr2 Qu3 3 Yr2 Qu1 3 Yr2 Qu2 3 Yr2 Qu2 1 15. 16. Workers Education Authority - Simon Beer Project outline developed for Urban walks programme linked to BME heritage in London Development of a project for visits to historic churches in the city by Black Church groups in London Development of visits to historic churches in the city by London groups – initiatives finalised Applications prepared to be submitted to Local Heritage Initiative Delivery of “Collicotting” training programme to professional from Heritage sector organisations Production of report from training event to be published on BEN website The potential of courses opening heritage subject matter to ethnic communities. To support an increase in the range of organisational partners engaging with the historic environment and delivering ethnic participation To support an increase in the range of organisational partners engaging with the historic environment and delivering ethnic participation To support an increase in the range of organisational partners engaging with the historic environment and delivering ethnic participation Identify specific opportunities for linking plant history on Wildlife Trust sites to stimulate ethnic minority engagement with the historic environment To increase support to the range of organisations and community groups engaging with the historic environment 17. NAFSO Yr2 Qu2 1 The potential of addressing heritage elements in the outdoors and engaging ethnic audiences 18. East Midlands Cultural Consortium Yr2 Qu2 1 19. Platform - Jane Trowell Yr2 Qu2 1 Outlining project to Develop a property owner/ community group training programme/forum in the East Midlands and potential projects based around historic environment properties Identify specific opportunities for linking the history of the “Corporation” to stimulate ethnic minority engagement with the historic environment 20. Fulham Palace - Alex Laird Yr2 Qu2 1 Emerging project outline for Heritage/cultural activities as part of programme for Fulham Palace and grounds 21. SEMLAC Yr2 Qu3 1 Identify opportunities for working together to stimulate ethnic minority engagement with the historic environment Sukbhinder Johal (Director) and delivering ethnic participation To support an 22. Advantage West increase in the range Midlands of organisational - Kwabena partners engaging Ossayende with the historic environment and delivering ethnic participation 3. Kaleidoscope work programme Yr 2 Qu3 1 Identify opportunities for working together to stimulate ethnic minority engagement with the historic environment as a part of the regional development agenda The overall aim is to develop flagship projects which can be replicated across England by working with key partners in four regions 1. Application to HLF – completed and submitted April 04 2. Application to HLF – formally asked for resubmission (Oct 04) - HLF have appointed and funded a consultant to work with BEN 3. BEN staff have worked extensively on the resubmission (Nov - Dec 04) Working Towards the Kaleidoscope Project Substantial forerunning work ihas been done with staff of Key Partners (including English Heritage), identifying specific sites and themes in order to lay down the basis for the Kaleidoscope Project WHO 1. English Heritage Outreach Staff - Patrick Burke (North West) Kath Graham (South West) Gail Graham (North East) Suzanne Carter (West Midlands) 2. National Trust - Department of Community, Learning and Volunteering Regional Managers NOTES Development of specific work within the Kaleidoscope Project - working methods - themes - sites - opportunities for sites identified - possible additional partners Development of specific work within the Kaleidoscope Project - Melanie Eves (North East) Emma Hawthorne (West Midlands) John Sebastianelli (North West) Mick Wilkes (South West) 4. Heritage Lottery Fund Birmingham - working methods - themes - sites - opportunities for sites identified - possible additional partners Pre – trustees meeting - preparation of supporting papers - checking of bid - obtaining further letters of support