AGGIE NAME Street Address City, State 12345 (999) 999-9999 ____________________________________________________________________________________ EDUCATION Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas Master of ___ in _____, Month Year Cumulative GPR: _.__ Bachelor of ____ in ____/Minor in ___, Month Year Cumulative GPR: _.__ INTERNSHIP Company or Organization Name, City, State Position Title, Month Year – Present Action Verb Statement of most relevant or important duties, quantify when possible Action Verb Statement of most relevant or important duties, quantify when possible Use fewer or additional bullets as needed to best describe your experience EXPERIENCE Company or Organization Name, City, State Position Title, Month Year – Present Action Verb Statement of most relevant or important duties, quantify when possible Action Verb Statement of most relevant or important duties, quantify when possible Use fewer or additional bullets as needed to best describe your experience Company or Organization Name, City, State Position Title, Month Year – Month Year Action Verb Statement of most relevant or important duties, quantify when possible Action Verb Statement of most relevant or important duties, quantify when possible Use fewer or additional bullets as needed to best describe your experience Company or Organization Name, City, State Position Title, Month Year – Month Year Action Verb Statement of most relevant or important duties, quantify when possible Action Verb Statement of most relevant or important duties, quantify when possible Action Verb Statement of most relevant or important duties, quantify when possible Use fewer or additional bullets as needed to best describe your experience SKILLS Skill, Skill, Skill, Skill Foreign Language Ability Also familiar with Skill and Skill PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATIONS & ACTIVITIES Organization Name, Position Title, Month Year – Month Year Organization Name, Position Title, Month Year – Month Year Organization Name, Position Title, Month Year – Month Year HONORS Honor or Award, Month Year – Month Year Honor or Award, Month Year – Month Year