Stephanie Hatch - University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee

Curriculum Vita
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Curriculum Vitae: Stephanie J. Hatch, M.S.
Formal Education
Midwestern University (08/26/2013- present)
Anticipated degree conferment, August 2017
Doctorate in Clinical Psychology
Advisor: Dr. Angela Breitmyer
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee (08/24/2009- 08/25/2012)
Master’s of Science in Kinesiology: Department of Human Movement Science
Concentrations: Sport Psychology, Sport Sociology
Advisor: Dr. Barbara Meyer
Thesis: Understanding the performance of officials: A phenomenological
University of Northern Iowa (08/28/2006- -05/09/2009)
Bachelor of Arts
Majors: Psychology, Movement and Exercise Science
Advisor: Dr. Mick Mack
Professional Experience
Practicum Clinical Training Experience (07/28/2014- present)
 Student clinician at Desert Heights Academy
 Assessment and individual therapy for students with emotional and behavioral
 Part-time
Pre-practicum clinical training experience (i.e., clerkship; 12/06/2013- 08/16/2014)
 Student Sport Psychology Consultant for male, adolescent volleyball player
 Conduct phone screeners for potential patients
 Part-time
ASCEND Initiative (09/9/2013- Present)
 Student board member
 Initiative to develop multi-specialty athlete performance enhancement program
 Part-time
Performance Enhancement Consultant (09/08/2008-Present)
 Part-time sport psychology consultant for individual, adolescent, male, volleyball
Curriculum Vita
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Part-time sport psychology consultant for intercollegiate Division I women’s
tennis team
Part-time member of a team assembled to assess and create individualized action
plans for marathon runners as part of a comprehensive training clinic.
Part-time sport psychology consultant for collegiate Division III women’s softball
Assistant Coach (08/28/2012- 05/122013)
 Augustana College Women’s Rugby
 Part-time
Associate Lecturer, Department of Kinesiology, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
(06/01/2011- 07/31/2011)
 Full-time instructor of record for one section of KIN 270: Statistics in the Health
Associate Lecturer, Department of Kinesiology, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
(06/01/2012- 07/31/2012)
 Full-time instructor of record for one section of KIN 270: Statistics in the Health
Graduate Teaching Assistant, Department of Kinesiology, University of WisconsinMilwaukee (08/2009- 05/2012)
 Teaching Assistant for KIN 270: Statistics in the Health professions
 Teaching Assistant for KIN 350: Psychological Aspects of Sport and Exercise
 Teaching Assistant for KIN 351: Social Aspects of Health and Human Movement
 Part-time
Graduate Student Research Assistant
 Collect and analyze data for the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Neuromotor
 Part-time
Office Assistant to Personal Fitness Coordinator (05/05/2008- 05/8/2009)
 Assisted with office duties at the University of Northern Iowa Wellness
Recreation Services
 Part-time
Refereed Publications
Massey, W.V., Meyer, B.B., & Hatch, S.J. (2011). The Transtheoretical Model:
Examining readiness for psychological skills training. Journal of Performance
Psychology, 2, 3-22.
Curriculum Vita
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Hatch, S.J., & Waldron, J.J. (2010). Collegiate Athletes' Perceptions of the Legitimacy of
Aggression in Sport. Journal for the study of Sports and Athletes in Education, 4,
Book Chapters and Non-Refereed Publications
Hatch, S.J.*, MacKenzie, J.L.*, Massey, W.V., & Meyer, B.B. (2010, September). The
unique demands of famous athletes: Implications for novice sport psychology
professionals. Performance Excellence Movement Newsletter, 2-4. Retrieved
Waldron, J.J., & Hatch, S.J. (2009). “I have to exercise to eat!” Body image and eating
disorders in exercisers. In J. Reel & K. Beals, (Eds.), The hidden faces of eating
disorders and body image (pp. 159-176). Reston, VA: National Association for
Girls and Women in Sport.
Hatch, S.J., Thomsen, D., & Waldron. J.J. (2009). Extrinsic rewards and motivation.
Retrieved January 20, 2009 from Association for Applied Sport Psychology Web
Presentations at Academic and Professional Meetings
Hatch, S.J., Massey, W.V., & Meyer, B.B. (2011). The psychological needs of American
Football officials: A descriptive study. Presentation at Annual meeting of the
Association of Applied Sport Psychology, Honolulu, HI, USA, September 20-23.
Hatch, S.J., Massey, W.V., & Meyer, B.B. (2011). The psychological needs of American
Football officials: A descriptive study. University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
College of Health Sciences Research Symposium, Milwaukee, WI, USA, April
Massey, W.V., Hatch, S.J., Mackenzie, J.L., Meyer, B.B. (2010). The transtheoretical
model and psychological skills training in high school athletes. Annual meeting of
the Association of Applied Sport Psychology, Providence, RI, USA, October 2730.
Hatch, S.J., MacKenzie, J.L., Massey, W.V., & Meyer, B.B. (2010). Emotional
Intelligence and sport performance: A unified approach to understanding theory,
measurement and application. Presentation at the University of WisconsinMilwaukee, Milwaukee, WI. University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee College of
Health Sciences Research Symposium, Milwaukee, WI, USA, April 23.
Rottink, T. & Hatch, S.J. (2009). Developing and implementing a mental skills training
program for female division 1 tennis players. Presentation at the Midwest
Symposium for Sport and Exercise Psychology: Annual regional conference of
the Association of Applied Sport Psychology, Bowling Green, OH, February 2021.
Curriculum Vita
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Hatch, S.J., & Waldron, J.J. (2008). Perceived legitimacy of aggression in sport.
Presentation at the Midwest Symposium for Sport and Exercise Psychology:
Annual regional conference of the Association of Applied Sport Psychology,
Champaign, IL, February 15-16.
Undergraduate Courses Taught
KIN 270
Statistics in the Health Professions
 06/01/2011- 07/31/2011
 06/01/2012- 07/31/2012
Volunteer and Service Contributions
Midwestern University Clinical Psychology Student Counsel (09/1/2013-Present)
 Activities Coordinator
Heart Matters (07/23/2014)
 Group Facilitator
Midwestern University Health Outreach through Medicine and Education (H.O.M.E)
 Student Liaison (06/01/2014- Present)
 Presenter (12/01/2013- Present)
Special Olympics Healthy Athletes Sport Psychology Consultation (05/02/2014 &
 Individual consultation with Special Olympics athletes
 Assisted Special Olympics athletes with identifying and regulating emotion,
managing anxiety, and goal development
Midwestern University Easterfest (04/19/2014)
 Assist families in Easter egg hunt and other family Easter activities on campus
Midwestern University Safe Halloween (10/25/2013)
 Provide a safe environment for children and their families to trick-or-treat and
participate in other Halloween-related activities
The Compass Center (08/10/2012- 07/30/2013)
 Volunteer Rape Crisis Advocate
Christ Lutheran Church Logos Program (08/03/2012- 05/03/2013)
 Youth Mentor
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Kinesiology Graduate Association (08/30/201005/31/2011)
 Secretary
Curriculum Vita
Professional Memberships
Association for Applied Sport Psychology: Student Membership
American Psychological Association: Student Membership
Arizona Psychological Association: Student Membership
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