嘉兴学院发表文献被 SCI 收录情况(2007 年 60 篇) 60. Title: Poly{[4-(hydroxy)(tosyloxy)iodo]styrene}-promoted aromatisation of Hantzsch 1,4-dihydropyridines Author(s): Li FQ, Zeng XM, Chen JM Source: JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL RESEARCH-S Issue: 11 Pages: 619-620 Published: NOV 2007 59. Title: Exponential convergence of cellular neural networks with continuously distributed delays Author(s): Liu BW, Yuan ZH Source: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIFURCATION AND CHAOS Volume: 17 Issue: 12 Pages: 4403-4408 Published: DEC 2007 58. Title: Finite rank commutators and semicommutators of Toeplitz operators with harmonic symbols Author(s): Guo KY, Sun SH, Zheng DC Source: ILLINOIS JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS Volume: 51 Issue: 2 Pages: 583-596 Published: SUM 2007 57. Title: A human polymorphism of protein phosphatase 1 inhibitor 1 is associated with attenuated contractile responses to beta-adrenergic stimulation Author(s): Chen GL, Zhou XY, Rodriguez P, et al. Source: CIRCULATION Volume: 116 Issue: 16 Pages: 46-46 Supplement: Suppl. S Published: OCT 16 2007 56. Title: Improvement of antifouling characteristics in a bioreactor of polypropylene microporous membrane by the adsorption of Tween 20 Author(s): Xie YJ, Yu HY, Wang SY, et al. Source: JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES-CHINA Volume: 19 Issue: 12 Pages: 1461-1465 Published: 2007 55. Title: DFT and position of cl substitution (PCS) methods studies on n-octanol/water partition coefficients (IgK(ow)) and aqueous solubility (-IgS(w)) of all PCDD congeners Author(s): Xie YJ, Zhao HM, Wang ZY, et al. Source: CHINESE JOURNAL OF STRUCTURAL CHEMISTRY Volume: 26 Issue: 12 Pages: 1409-1418 Published: 2007 54. Title: Experimental and QSPR studies on n-octanol/water partition coefficient (IgK(ow)) of substituted aniline Author(s): Dai Y, Jiang JL, Wang ZY, et al. Source: CHINESE JOURNAL OF STRUCTURAL CHEMISTRY Volume: 26 Issue: 12 Pages: 1449-1454 Published: 2007 53. Title: 2-[(E)-(dimethylamino)methyleneamino]-N-phenylbenzenesulfonamide Author(s): Zhong QS Source: ACTA CRYSTALLOGRAPHICA SECTION E-STRUCTURE REPORTS ONLINE Volume: 63 Pages: O4446-U4632 Part: Part 11 Published: NOV 2007 52. Title: Spinel ZnFe2O4 nanoplates embedded with Ag clusters: Preparation, characterization, and photocatalytic application Author(s): Cao XB, Gu L, Lan XM, et al. Source: MATERIALS CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS Volume: 106 Issue: 2-3 Pages: 175-180 Published: DEC 15 2007 51. Title: Synthesis, characterization and optical properties of hybridized CdS-PVA nanocomposites Author(s): Wang HM, Chen Z, Fang PF, et al. Source: MATERIALS CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS Volume: 106 Issue: 2-3 443-446 Published: DEC 15 2007 Pages: 50. Title: On the anisotropic tensile behaviors of flexible polyvinyl chloride-coated fabrics Author(s): Chen SH, Ding X, Yi HL Source: TEXTILE RESEARCH JOURNAL Volume: 77 Issue: 6 Pages: 369-374 Published: JUN 2007 49. Title: Development of a new non-woven composite and its properties Author(s): Qian C Source: TEXTILE RESEARCH JOURNAL Volume: 77 Issue: 6 Pages: 397-402 Published: JUN 2007 48. Title: An efficient novel ligand for copper-catalyzed formation of diaryl ethers Author(s): Yang YH, Jiang XR, Ao L, et al. Source: LETTERS IN ORGANIC CHEMISTRY Volume: 4 Issue: 7 Pages: 491-494 Published: OCT 2007 47. Title: DFT investigation on heats of formation and group interactions of polyisocyanoadamantanes with respect to isocyano substituents Author(s): Zhao HM, Wei XY, Wang ZY, et al. Source: JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR STRUCTURE-THEOCHEM Volume: 817 1-3 Pages: 5-10 Published: SEP 1 2007 Issue: 46. Title: Synergistic effect of fretting wear and sliding wear of Co-alloy and Ti-alloy in Hanks' solution Author(s): Iwabuchi A, Lee JW, Uchidate M Source: WEAR Volume: 263 Special Issue: Part 1 Sp. Iss. SI Pages: 492-500 Part: Part 1 Sp. Iss. SI Published: SEP 10 2007 45. Title: Preparation and crystallization Behavior of poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyvalerate) grafted with Poly(N-vinylpyrrolidone) Author(s): Wang W, Zhang Y, Chen Y Source: POLYMER-KOREA Volume: 31 Issue: 5 Pages: 385-392 Published: SEP 2007 44. Title: Towards creatine kinase aggregation due to the cysteine modification at the flexible active site and refolding pathway Author(s): Mu H, Zhou SM, Yang JM, et al. Source: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL MACROMOLECULES Volume: 41 Issue: 4 Pages: 439-446 Published: OCT 1 2007 43. Title: QSPR modeling of n-octanol/water partition coefficients and water solubility of PCDEs by the method of Cl substitution position Author(s): Chen SD, Zeng XL, Wang ZY, et al. Source: SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT Volume: 382 Issue: 1 Pages: 59-69 Published: AUG 15 2007 42. Title: Study of quantitative structure-retention relationship (QSRR) of gas chromatography for polychlorinated dibenzothiophenes on non-polar columns Author(s): Chen SD, Liu HX, Wang ZY Source: QSAR & COMBINATORIAL SCIENCE Volume: 26 Issue: 8 Pages: 889-896 Published: AUG 2007 41. Title: Study of structural and thermodynamic properties for polychlorinated dibenzothiophenes by density functional theory Author(s): Chen SD, Liu HX, Wang ZY Source: JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING DATA Volume: 52 Pages: 1195-1202 Published: JUL-AUG 2007 Issue: 4 40. Title: Di-mu(2)-acetato-tetrakis(4-aminopyridine)-diaquabis(mu(3)-biphenyl-2,2 '-dicarboxylato)-tricobalt(II) N,N '-dimethylformamide tetrasolvate Author(s): Zhang Z, Zhou YL, He HY, et al. Source: ACTA CRYSTALLOGRAPHICA SECTION E-STRUCTURE REPORTS ONLINE Volume: 63 Pages: M1235-M1236 Part: Part 5 Published: MAY 2007 39. Title: Bis(mu-biphenyl-2,2 '-dicarboxylato)bis[(2,2 '-bipyridine)copper(II)] tetrahydrate Author(s): He HY, Zhou YL, Gao J Source: ACTA CRYSTALLOGRAPHICA SECTION E-STRUCTURE REPORTS ONLINE Volume: 63 Pages: M2007-U1972 Part: Part 7 Published: JUL 2007 38. Title: New results of almost periodic solutions for recurrent neural networks Author(s): Liu BW, Huang LH Source: JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS Volume: 206 Issue: 1 Pages: 293-305 Published: SEP 1 2007 37. Title: Existence and exponential stability of periodic solutions for a class of Cohen-Grossberg neural networks with bounded and unbounded delays Author(s): Zhang FX, Liu BW, Huang LH Source: COMPUTERS & MATHEMATICS WITH APPLICATIONS Volume: 53 Pages: 1325-1338 Published: MAY 2007 Issue: 9 36. Title: Almost periodic solutions for a class of Lienard-type systems with continuously distributed delays Author(s): Liu BW Source: MATHEMATICAL AND COMPUTER MODELLING Volume: 46 Issue: 5-6 Pages: 595-603 Published: SEP 2007 35. Title: Synthesis and characterization of cationic monoazo dyes incorporating quaternary ammonium salts Author(s): Liu S, Ma J, Zhao DF Source: DYES AND PIGMENTS Volume: 75 Issue: 2 Pages: 255-262 Published: 2007 34. Title: Graft copolymerization of N-vinylpyrrolidone onto poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyvalerate) in homogeneous solution Author(s): Wang W, Zhang Y, Chen YM Source: IRANIAN POLYMER JOURNAL Volume: 16 Issue: 3 Pages: 195-205 Published: MAR 2007 33. Title: Estimation of aqueous solubility (-IgS(w)) of all polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) congeners by density functional theory and position of Cl substitution (N-PCS) method Author(s): Wei XY, Ge ZG, Wang ZY, et al. Source: CHINESE JOURNAL OF STRUCTURAL CHEMISTRY Volume: 26 Issue: 5 Pages: 519-528 Published: 2007 32. Title: DFT study on dissolvability-structure relationship of halogeno-benzene Author(s): Qiu J, Zheng Q, Wang ZY, et al. Source: CHINESE JOURNAL OF STRUCTURAL CHEMISTRY Volume: 26 Issue: 5 Pages: 555-561 Published: 2007 31. Title: Absorption and release of zinc and copper ions by chitosan fibers Author(s): Qin YM, Zhu CJ, Chen J, et al. Source: JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE Volume: 105 Issue: 2 527-532 Published: JUL 15 2007 Pages: 30. Title: Simulation of flux distribution in central metabolism of Saccharomyces cerevisiae by hybridized genetic algorithm Author(s): Zhang HM, Yao SJ Source: CHINESE JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING Pages: 150-156 Published: APR 2007 Volume: 15 Issue: 2 29. Title: Quantitative structure-property relationships for predicting subcooled liquid vapor pressure (P-L) of 209 polychlorinated diphenyl ethers (PCDEs) by DFT and the position of Cl substitution (PCS) methods Author(s): Zeng XL, Wang ZY, Ge ZG, et al. Source: ATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT Volume: 41 Issue: 17 Pages: 3590-3603 Published: JUN 2007 28. Title: Evaluating the combinative effects on human lymphocyte DNA damage induced by ultraviolet ray C plus 1.8 GHz microwaves using comet assay in vitro Author(s): Wang BH, Jin LF, Li LJ, et al. Source: TOXICOLOGY Volume: 232 Issue: 3 Pages: 311-316 Published: APR 11 2007 27. Title: Combined use of chitosan and alginate in the treatment of wastewater Author(s): Qin YM, Cai LL, Feng DM, et al. Source: JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE Volume: 104 Issue: 6 3581-3587 Published: JUN 15 2007 26. Title: Preparation and characterization of silver containing chitosan fibers Author(s): Qin YM, Zhu CJ, Chen J, et al. Source: JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE Volume: 104 Issue: 6 3622-3627 Published: JUN 15 2007 Pages: Pages: 25. Title: Reversal of multidrug resistance in vincristine-resistant human gastric cancer cell line SGC7901/VCR by LY980SO3 Author(s): Wu DL, Xu Y, Yin LX, et al. Source: WORLD JOURNAL OF GASTROENTEROLOGY Volume: 13 Issue: 15 Pages: 2234-2237 Published: APR 21 2007 24. Title: Investigating the genetic instability in the peripheral lymphocytes of 36 untreated lung cancer patients with comet assay and micronucleus assay Author(s): Lou JL, He JL, Zheng W, et al. Source: MUTATION RESEARCH-FUNDAMENTAL AND MOLECULAR MECHANISMS OF MUTAGENESIS Volume: 617 Issue: 1-2 Pages: 104-110 Published: APR 1 2007 23. Title: A survey on symplectic and multi-symplectic algorithms Author(s): Kong LH, Liu RX, Zheng XH Source: APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTATION Volume: 186 670-684 Published: MAR 1 2007 Issue: 1 Pages: 22. Title: The asymptotic distributions of empirical likelihood ratio statistics in the presence of measurement error Author(s): Wu CC, Zhang RC Source: ACTA MATHEMATICA SCIENTIA Published: APR 2007 Volume: 27 Issue: 2 Pages: 232-242 21. Title: Catalyzed oxidation of 2,6-dimethylphenol in Triton X-100 micellar solution Author(s): Zhu J, Meng XG, Wang HD, et al. Source: CHINESE CHEMICAL LETTERS Volume: 18 Issue: 3 Pages: 349-351 Published: MAR 2007 20. Title: Almost periodic solutions for shunting inhibitory cellular neural networks without global Lipschitz activation functions Author(s): Liu BW Source: JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS Volume: 203 Issue: 1 Pages: 159-168 Published: JUN 1 2007 19. Title: QSPR study on the aqueous solubility (-IgS(w)) and n-Octanol/water partition coefficients (IgK(ow)) of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs) Author(s): Yang GY, Yu J, Wang ZY, et al. Source: QSAR & COMBINATORIAL SCIENCE Volume: 26 Issue: 3 Pages: 352-357 Published: MAR 2007 18. Title: A human polymorphism of protein phosphatase 1 inhibitor 1 is associated with attenuated cardiac contractile responses to beta-adrenergic stimulation Author(s): Chen GL, Rodriguez P, Song GJ, et al. Source: FASEB JOURNAL Volume: 21 Issue: 6 Pages: A1256-A1256 Published: APR 2007 17. Title: Template-free preparation and characterization of hollow indium sulfide nanospheres Author(s): Cao XB, Gu L, Zhuge LJ, et al. Source: COLLOIDS AND SURFACES A-PHYSICOCHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING ASPECTS Volume: 297 Issue: 1-3 Pages: 183-190 Published: APR 5 2007 16. Title: QSPR study on octanol/water partition coefficient (lgK(ow)) of substituted naphthalin compounds Author(s): Zeng XL, Wang ZY, Zhai ZC, et al. Source: CHINESE JOURNAL OF STRUCTURAL CHEMISTRY Volume: 26 Issue: 3 Pages: 281-286 Published: 2007 15. Title: Studies of n-octanol/water partition coefficients (lgK(ow)) for organophosphate compounds by density functional theory Author(s): Liu HX, Wang ZY, Zhai ZC, et al. Source: CHINESE JOURNAL OF STRUCTURAL CHEMISTRY Volume: 26 Issue: 3 Pages: 367-373 Published: 2007 14. Title: The spectrum characterization of non-stoichiometry potassium lithium niobate crystals Author(s): Wan YB, Yuan GX, Wu YR, et al. Source: SPECTROSCOPY AND SPECTRAL ANALYSIS Volume: 27 Issue: 2 Pages: 287-291 Published: FEB 2007 13. Title: The influence of ethanol on the growth and structure of carbon nanotubes Author(s): Li ZH, Wang M, Zhu HB, et al. Source: INORGANIC MATERIALS Volume: 43 Issue: 2 Pages: 138-142 Published: FEB 2007 12. Title: Analytical formula for a decentered elliptical Gaussian beam propagating in a turbulent atmosphere Author(s): Cai YJ, Ge D Source: OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS Volume: 271 Issue: 2 Pages: 509-516 Published: MAR 15 2007 11. Title: Density functional theory studies on dioxygen difluoride and other fluorine/oxygen binary compounds: Availability and shortcoming Author(s): Ju XH, Wang ZY, Yan XF, et al. Source: JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR STRUCTURE-THEOCHEM Volume: 804 Issue: 1-3 Pages: 95-100 Published: MAR 16 2007 10. Title: Classical dynamics of H-2(+) in an intense laser field by using the symplectic method Author(s): Liu SX, Lang YQ, Liu XS, et al. Source: JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL CHEMISTRY Volume: 41 Issue: 2 Pages: 113-122 Published: FEB 2007 09. Title: Efficient solubilization, purification of recombinant extracellular alpha-amylase from pyrococcus furiosus expressed as inclusion bodies in Escherichia coli Author(s): Wang L, Zhou QH, Chen HY, et al. Source: JOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL MICROBIOLOGY & BIOTECHNOLOGY Volume: 34 Issue: 3 Pages: 187-192 Published: MAR 2007 08. Title: The enhancement of efficiency of high-order harmonic generation in two-color laser field Author(s): Zhang CL, Qi YY, Liu XS, et al. Source: ACTA PHYSICA SINICA Volume: 56 Issue: 2 Pages: 774-780 Published: FEB 2007 07. Title: Almost periodic solutions for Hopfield neural networks with continuously distributed delays Author(s): Liu BW Source: MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTERS IN SIMULATION Volume: 73 Issue: 5 Pages: 327-335 Published: JAN 10 2007 06. Title: A method of fundamental solutions for inverse heat conduction problems in an anisotropic medium Author(s): Dong CF, Sun FY, Meng BQ Source: ENGINEERING ANALYSIS WITH BOUNDARY ELEMENTS Volume: 31 Issue: 1 Pages: 75-82 Published: JAN 2007 05. Title: Recent progress in symplectic algorithms for use in quantum systems Author(s): Liu XS, Qi YY, Hei JF, et al. Source: COMMUNICATIONS IN COMPUTATIONAL PHYSICS Volume: 2 Pages: 1-53 Published: FEB 2007 Issue: 1 04. Title: Existence and exponential stability of periodic solutions for a class of Cohen-Grossberg neural networks with time-varying delays Author(s): Liu BW, Huang LH Source: CHAOS SOLITONS & FRACTALS Volume: 32 Issue: 2 Pages: 617-627 Published: APR 2007 03. Title: Existence of periodic solutions for cellular neural networks with complex deviating arguments Author(s): Liu BW, Huang LH Source: APPLIED MATHEMATICS LETTERS Volume: 20 Issue: 1 Pages: 103-109 Published: JAN 2007 02. Title: Existence and exponential stability of almost periodic solutions for cellular neural networks with mixed delays Author(s): Liu BW, Huang LH Source: CHAOS SOLITONS & FRACTALS Volume: 32 Issue: 1 Pages: 95-103 Published: APR 2007 01. Title: Existence and stability of almost periodic solutions for shunting inhibitory cellular neural networks with time-varying delays Author(s): Liu BW, Huang LH Source: CHAOS SOLITONS & FRACTALS Volume: 31 Issue: 1 Pages: 211-217 Published: JAN 2007