Delano Veterinary Clinic

Delano Veterinary Clinic
504 Babcock Blvd. East
Delano, MN 55328
Heartworm Disease
FACT: Over 250,000 dogs in the United States were reported positive for heartworms in
Heartworm infection is an entirely preventable, yet potentially deadly disease. It
is spread only by mosquitoes; thus, areas heavily populated by these insects, like
Minnesota, tend to have a greater incidence of heartworm disease. Heartworms are
parasites that inhabit the heart and lungs of an infected dog. The adult heartworms living
in the heart produce offspring, called microfilariae, which circulate
in the infected animal's blood. When a mosquito "bites" an infected
pet, it sucks out blood containing the microfilariae. After about two
weeks in the mosquito, the microfilariae become infective larvae.
When the mosquito bites another pet, the infective larvae are
The disease is a silent killer. Symptoms of heartworm disease are not commonly
seen until there are many heartworms infecting the heart and lungs. Signs that a dog has
heartworm include coughing, difficulty breathing, sluggishness, loss of consciousness,
and sudden death.
Preventing heartworm disease is easy to do! Heartworm preventative tablets, such
as Heartgard or Iverhart, are given monthly and are often chewable tablets. Most dogs
like the taste of the chewable tablets and will willingly consume them. Mark your
calendar every month and make sure your dog gets his heartworm preventative on time.
Puppies as young as 6 weeks should be given monthly heartworm preventative. It is
recommended to keep all dogs on heartworm preventative 12 months of the year to not
only protect your dog from heartworm diseases, but also to control common types of
intestinal parasites.
A heartworm test is done annually to ensure your pet has
not contracted heartworm disease. It is much easier and cheaper for
you and your dog to prevent infection than to treat your dog after
he is infected. Prompt detection and early treatment is vital to a
successful cure.