Boarding Agreement - Virginia Sport Horses

Boarding Agreement
Property owner:
Horse owner:
Liz Booth DBA Roads End_Farm___
Name: ____________________________________
642 Johnson's Mill Farm
Bumpass, Virginia 23024
Phone Number: 540. 872.3517
Phone Number:____________________________
All horses transported to Virginia Sport Horses and unloaded on the premises of Roads
End Farm will be considered boarded, subject to the terms of the following agreement:
The initial five (5) days of boarding fees will be waived for all horses sold by Virginia Sport
Horses. Board will begin to accrue on the sixth day following arrival or purchase.
Horse owners that are NOT Virginia Sport Horses’ customers, but choose to use Roads
End Farm as a “drop off facility”, are responsible for the initial facilities’ fee of $50. They
further agree to abide by the terms of this agreement if their horse is not picked up the day
of arrival at Roads End Farm.
This agreement is made between Liz Booth (herein referred to as the
Property Owner) and ____________________ (herein referred to as the Horse Owner).
1. Fee Schedule: Board is to be paid on the first day of each month for that month.
Accounts not settled within five (5) days of the first of each month will be charged a
penalty of 24% APR.
$250 per month for field board
$375 per month for stall board
Rates include hay.
In consideration of $___________ per horse, per month paid by ___________________
(Horse Owner), Property Owner agrees to board said horse beginning
____________________, as specified above.
2. Right of Lien:
The Property Owner has the right of lien as set forth in the laws of Virginia. Said lien
shall be for the amount due for board and additional agreed upon services. Property
Owner shall have the right, without process of law, to retain said horse until the
indebtedness is satisfactorily paid in full. Horse Owner agrees to pay any and all
expenses incurred in the collection of board, interest, damages, and any other charges
incurred in the collection of board. Horse Owner agrees that said horse may not be
removed from the property for any purpose until all accounts are settled in full.
Any legal action must be brought in the County of Louisa, State of Virginia.
3. Description of Horse:
Breed Description:
Number (if applicable):
4. Standard of Care:
Unless specific arrangements are made with the Property Owner, the shoeing, grooming,
exercising, and training of the above-described Horse shall be the sole responsibility of
the Horse Owner.
The care provided by the Property Owner, who agrees to provide normal and reasonable
care to maintain the health and well being of said horse, shall include:
1/2 bale/day or free choice grazing or round bale
2qts x 2x/day
free choice mixed orchard grass /timothy
Special Instructions:
Supplements and vitamins, if required, are to be supplied by the Horse Owner.
Horses will be turned out in selected groups. If individual turn-out is required, there will be
an additional charge. Turn-out times and paddocks used will be decided by Property
The Horse Owner is obligated to pay expenses for veterinary/maintenance or other such
services which are over and above the boarding fee.
The Propety Owner has the permission of the Horse Owner to request a veterinary visit,
or to request the services of a farrier if the need arises urgently. This will be done at the
Horse Owner’s expense.
In an emergency the Property Owner will make every effort to reach the Horse Owner.
Any decisions made by the Property Owner in the absence of the Horse Owner will be
made at the discretion of the Property Owner.
All veterinary costs are additional to the boarding fee as outlined below. Any veterinary
charges are the responsibility of the Horse Owner, who will be billed directly by the
veterinary clinic for any charges. If the Property Owner incurs veterinary bills on behalf of
the Horse Owner, the Horse Owner agrees to pay all bills within 10 days.
The Horse Owner agrees to pay for any and all additional services which are provided by
the Property Owner, at a rate of $45/hr, including, but not limited to: meeting with the vet
or farrier, transportation of horse to veterinary facilities, wound care, administration of
medicine, and trailer loading. Horse Owner additionally agrees to pay all necessary
transportation charges at the current posted rates on the Virginia Sport Horses website.
Horse Owner acknowledges that he/she is entrusting the daily care of said horse
Property Owner and agrees to any and all decisions that Property Owner makes in
regard to the care of said horse. Horse Ownerr further agrees to release Property Owner
(including but not limited to: Liz Booth, Jamie Booth, Roads End Farm, Virginia Sport
Horses and all employees and agents) of all liability for accident, injury or death, including
but not limited to negligence.
Horse Owner also acknowledges that the facility is primarily a training and resale based
business and agrees that weekend visits are by appointment only and any and all visits
without the verbal permission of the Property Owner constitute trespassing and will result
in the immediate termination of this agreement. In the event of termination, Horse Owner
has 48 hours to remove the horse from the premises or the horse will be delivered to the
Horse Owner’s residence or the appropriate authorities.
5. Termination:
A written notice period of 30 days from the first day of the month, submitted to the
Property Owner, will be required to terminate this boarding agreement, unless the Horse
Owner is a “drop off client” and the horse has been here less than 30 days.. Any shorter
notice will cause the forfeit of the one month in advance. The Property Owner reserves
the right to terminate the boarding agreement with one weeks month's notice. In the
event that a Horse Owner does not return phone calls, emails or otherwise cannot
be contacted by the Property Owner for more than 10 days. The Property Wwner
reserves the right to terminate this agreement and have the horse transported to
the Horse Owner’s address or to the nearest available facility to the Horse Owner at
the Horse Owner’s expense or to liquidate the horse to obtain payment for accrued
6. Damages:
The Horse Owner will be financially responsible for any and all damages caused by their
horses to the stable or to the property. The Horse Owner agrees to pay such charges
within five (5) days and waives their right to dispute such charges in small claims court.
7. Liability:
The Property Owner is not liable for injuries to the horse or Horse Owner while said
horse and owner are on the premises of the Property Owner. The Horse Owner must
take all reasonable care when on the premises of the Property Owner, including the
wearing of an approved safety helmet when riding said horse.
8. Other:
The Horse owner will have the use of the tack room to store equipment. Property
Owner, management and staff will not be responsible for lost or stolen articles.
The Horse Owner must tidy the Property Owner’s equipment and premises after use.
The property is open as a sales facility between the hours of 7:00AM – 7:00PM , Monday
through Saturday. The Horse Owner must seek permission of the Property Owner to be
on the premises.
9. Special Conditions:___________________________________________________
10. Information:
Horse Owner’s Veterinarian
(name and phone number):
Horse Owner’s Farrier (name and
phone number):
Horse’s Allergies (Horse Owner
to provide):
Horse’s Vices:
( ) Cribbing; ( ) Weaving; ( ) Kicking; ( ) Biting; ( ) Other
11. Agreement:
This Agreement constitutes the entire Agreement between the parties. Any modifications
or additions must be in writing and signed by all parties to this Agreement. No oral
modifications will be considered part of this agreement unless reduced to writing and
signed by all parties before a notary.
Executed this _______ day of ______, 200___.
Horse Owner:
Property Owner: