COURSE SYLLABUS Course Description (catalog): Non-Linear Data Structures: Tables and Hashing, Binary Trees, Multi-way Trees, Trie, RedBlack trees, B-Trees, Graphs, Breadth First search, Depth First search, Topological order, Shortest path and Mimumal Spanning trees,. Prerequisite(s): CS 213 - Advanced Data Structures Textbook(s) and/or Other Required Materials: Primary: R. Kruse and A. Ryba, Data Structures and Program Design in C++, Prentice Hall, 1999. Course Objectives. This course is designed to help the student: Understand rectangular tables and various shapes tables. Understand Hashing principles, techniques and collision resolutions methods. Learn about trees in general. Design and understand the Binary trees and the Binary Search trees. Learn about Multi-way trees such as tries, B-trees and Red-Black trees. Understand graphs representation, traversal and some applications about. Course Outcomes: This course requires the student to demonstrate the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Extract the index function of table in different shapes. Differentiate among different hashing techniques. Differentiate among different collision resolutions techniques. Define the main principles of the Binary tree and the Binary Search tree. Design the classes of the Binary tree and the Binary Search tree. Build the Binary Search tree using the special building algorithm. Convert from Binary tree into Multi-way tree and vice versa. Use the trie concepts at different applications. Define the roles of the B – Tree and Red-Black tree. Apply the roles of the B-Tree to search for an item, insert a new item and/or remove an item. Apply the roles of the Red—Black tree to search for an item and insert a new item. Implement the trie, B-tree and Red-Black tree. Represent the graph in different ways. Apply the roles of the Depth- first and Breadth-first algorithms to traverse the graphs. Give several topological orders of a graph. 1 16. Determine the shortest path of a given graph. 17. Determine the minimal spanning tree of a given graph. Topics Covered and Schedule in Weeks: Tables Hashing Collision Resolution Binary Trees Binary Search Trees Building a Binary Search Tree Orchard and Binary Trees Tries B-Trees Red-Black Trees Graph Representations and Traversal Topological Sorting Shortest Path & Minimal Spanning Trees Review and evaluation 1 1 1 1.5 1 1 1 1 1.5 1.5 1 1 1.5 1 Contribution of Course to Meeting Professional Component: Math and basic science: General education: Computing science: 100% Engineering design: Relationship of Course to Program Outcomes. This course contributes in a significant way to the accomplishment of the following program outcomes 1. Students should have a deep understanding of the data structures principles. 2. Student should choose the right data structure for the problem at hand. 3. Students should be able to design and implement any kind of data structures. 4. Students should be able to apply the mathematical roles to derive the index function for any table. 5. Students should have the ability to invent a hash function for a given data and to solve the collisions may occur. 6. Students should have the ability to represent graphs and deal with in different applications. Prepared by and Date: Abeer Malkawi – Computer Science – Feb. 2007. 2