Formal Observation/Evaluation Rubric – School Psychologist MIS 5407 Teacher ________________________________________ School ________________________________ Participants _____________________ Activity _________________________________________________ Observer _______________________________ Date _____________ Summary of the Activity ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Evidence of School Psychology Practice Domain 1: Planning and Preparation Component Unsatisfactory Improvement Needed/Developing Effective The school psychologist demonstrates little or no knowledge and skill in the use of evaluation procedures and assessment instruments. The school psychologist demonstrates limited knowledge and skill in the use of evaluation procedures and assessment instruments. The school psychologist demonstrates knowledge and skill in the use of evaluation procedures and assessment instruments that are linked to the area of concern with the purpose of informing instruction/intervention. Component Unsatisfactory Improvement Needed/Developing Effective Highly Effective 1b Demonstrating Knowledge of Students The school psychologist does not apply knowledge of cultural/linguistic factors and child/adolescent development in the delivery of school psychological services. The school psychologist rarely applies knowledge of cultural/linguistic factors and child/adolescent development in the delivery of school psychological services. The school psychologist consistently applies his/her knowledge of cultural/linguistic factors and child/adolescent development factors that impact assessment and educational decision-making. The school psychologist consistently applies his/her knowledge of cultural/linguistic factors and child/adolescent development factors that impact assessment and educational decision making and is a resource for the school, department or district regarding the cultural and developmental factors that impact assessment and educational decision-making. 1a Demonstrating Knowledge and Skill in the use of Evaluation Procedures and Assessment Instruments Highly Effective The school psychologist uses a wide range of evaluation procedures and assessment instruments with the purpose of informing instruction/intervention and employs those most appropriate to the specific situation. In addition, the school psychologist evaluates all relevant data sources to assist multidisciplinary teams in educational planning. Weight 5.0 Evidence Weight 4.0 Evidence NOTE: The Okaloosa County School District Framework for Teaching has been adapted, with permission, from Charlotte Danielson’s Framework for Teaching. Component Unsatisfactory Improvement Needed/Developing Effective 1c Establishing Goals for School Psychological Services Appropriate to the Setting and Population Served The school psychologist has not established goals for school psychological services or has established goals that are inappropriate to the setting or population served. The school psychologist makes an effort to establish goals for school psychological services that are appropriate to the setting and population served. The school psychologist establishes goals for school psychological services that are clear and are appropriate to the setting and the population served. Unsatisfactory Improvement Needed/Developing Effective Highly Effective The school psychologist establishes clear goals for school psychological services that are highly appropriate to the setting and population served, and goals have been developed following consultation with stakeholders. Weight 4.0 Evidence Component 1d Demonstrating Knowledge of State Guidelines, Federal Regulations and District Policies and Procedures Weight 4.0 Evidence The school psychologist demonstrates little or no knowledge of state guidelines, federal regulations, and district policies and procedures or fails to follow them. The school psychologist demonstrates awareness of state guidelines, federal regulations, and district policies and procedures and makes an effort to follow them. The school psychologist has current knowledge of state guidelines, federal regulations, and district policies and procedures and consistently follows them. Highly Effective The school psychologist has extensive knowledge of state guidelines, federal regulations, and district policies and procedures, consistently follows them, and assumes a leadership role in informing and updating others. Component Unsatisfactory Improvement Needed/Developing Effective Highly Effective 1e Integrating the School Psychological Services Program with the Regular School Program to Meet the Needs of Individual Students The school psychologist does not use a problem solving process and collaborate with other school personnel to create and maintain a multitiered continuum of services to support student attainment of academic, social, emotional and behavioral goals. The school psychologist rarely uses a problem solving process and collaborates with other school personnel to create and maintain a multitiered continuum of services to support all student attainment of academic, social, emotional and behavioral goals. The school psychologist consistently uses a problem solving process and collaborates with other school personnel to create and maintain a multi-tiered continuum of services to support all student attainment of academic, social, emotional and behavioral goals. The school psychologist consistently uses a problem solving process and collaborates with other school personnel to create and maintain a multi-tiered continuum of services to support student attainment of academic, social, emotional and behavioral goals and provides leadership in the understanding and implementation of a problem solving process and a multi-tiered system of support. Unsatisfactory Improvement Needed/Developing Effective Highly Effective The school psychologist does not evaluate services at the individual group and/or systems level. The school psychologist rarely incorporates data in evaluation of services at the individual group and/or systems level. The school psychologist regularly incorporates data in evaluation of services at the individual, group, and/or systems levels. The school psychologist regularly incorporates data analysis in evaluation of services at the individual, group, and/or systems levels and uses the data to improve services and outcomes. Weight 4.0 Evidence Component 1f Assessing Goal Achievement Weight 4.0 Evidence Domain 2: The Environment Component Unsatisfactory Improvement Needed/Developing Effective Highly Effective The school psychologist does not make accurate reflective comments, display active listening skills, or exhibit respectful and sensitive behavior toward others in an appropriate setting. The school psychologist attempts to make accurate reflective comments, display active listening skills, and exhibit respectful and sensitive behavior toward others in an appropriate setting. The school psychologist consistently makes accurate reflective comments, displays active listening skills, and exhibits respectful and sensitive behavior toward others in an appropriate setting. The school psychologist consistently makes accurate reflective comments, displays active listening skills, and exhibits respectful and sensitive behavior toward others in an appropriate setting. The school psychologist often receives feedback or recognition from others concerning his/her rapport building and interpersonal skills. Component Unsatisfactory Improvement Needed/Developing Effective Highly Effective 2b Establishing a Culture for Goal Achievement The school psychologist makes no attempt to promote the development and maintenance of learning environments that support resilience and academic growth, promote high rates of academic engaged time, and reduce negative influences on learning and behavior. The school psychologist rarely promotes the development and maintenance of learning environments that support resilience and academic growth, promote high rates of academic engaged time, and reduce negative influences on learning and behavior. Through data analysis and observations of classroom and/or school settings, the school psychologist consistently provides educators with research based interventions and strategies to promote academic engaged time and reduce negative influences on learning and behavior. Through data analysis and observations of classroom and/or school settings, the school psychologist consistently provides educators with research based interventions and strategies to promote academic engaged time and reduce negative influences on learning and behavior. The school psychologist evaluates the effectiveness of the intervention and modifies the intervention accordingly through the continuous use of the problem- solving framework. 2a Establishing Rapport Weight 6.0 Evidence Weight 5.0 Evidence Component 2c Managing Procedures Unsatisfactory The school psychologist does not communicate or clarify procedures for accessing school psychological services consistent with district procedures. Improvement Needed/Developing The school psychologist makes an effort to communicate or clarify procedures for accessing school psychological services consistent with district procedures. Effective The school psychologist consistently communicates and clarifies procedures for accessing school psychological services are consistent with district procedures. Highly Effective Procedures for accessing school psychological services are consistent with district procedures, specific to the needs of the setting and are clear to all stakeholders. Weight 4.0 Evidence Component 2d Contributing to the Management of Student Behavior Weight 5.0 Evidence Unsatisfactory Improvement Needed/Developing Effective Highly Effective The school psychologist does not consider the antecedents, consequences, functions, and potential causes of behavioral difficulties that may impede learning or socialization within the four step problem-solving framework. The school psychologist rarely considers the antecedents, consequences, functions, and potential causes of behavioral difficulties that may impede learning or socialization within the four step problem-solving framework. The school psychologist regularly considers the antecedents, consequences, functions, and potential causes of behavioral difficulties that may impede learning or socialization within a problem-solving framework and assists in the development of the behavioral intervention plan. The school psychologist consistently considers the antecedents, consequences, functions, and potential causes of behavioral difficulties that may impede learning or socialization within the four step problemsolving framework and assists in the development and monitoring of the behavioral intervention plan linked to the functional behavioral assessment. Component 2e Managing Materials Weight 5.0 Evidence Unsatisfactory Improvement Needed/Developing The school psychologist fails to manage materials. Materials are in disarray, inappropriate to the needs of the situation or unavailable when needed. The school psychologist’s attempts to organize materials are partially successful. Materials are difficult to find or inappropriate to the needs of the situation. Effective Materials are well organized, appropriate to the needs of the situation and easily accessible. Highly Effective Materials are highly organized, appropriate, convenient, and effectively employed to meet the needs of the situation. Domain 3: Service Delivery Component Unsatisfactory 3a Communicating Clearly and Accurately Improvement Needed/Developing Effective Highly Effective The school psychologist does not communicate with students, parents, and school personnel with clarity and/or sensitivity to cultural and linguistic issues. The school psychologist makes an effort to communicate with students, parents, and school personnel with clarity and sensitivity to cultural and linguistic issues. The school psychologist consistently communicates with students, parents and school personnel with clarity and sensitivity to cultural and linguistic issues. Unsatisfactory Improvement Needed/Developing Effective Highly Effective The school psychologist consistently administers appropriate evaluation instruments and assessment procedures and ensures that all procedures, timelines and safeguards are faithfully adhered to. The school psychologist selects, from a broad repertoire, those assessment procedures that are most appropriate to the referral questions and conducts information sessions with colleagues to ensure that they fully understand and comply with procedures, timelines and safeguards. The school psychologist consistently communicates with students, parents and school personnel with clarity and sensitivity to cultural and linguistic issues and actively pursues opportunities to share knowledge regarding student needs. Weight 4.0 Evidence Component 3b Evaluating Student Needs in Compliance with National Association of School Psychologists (NASP) Guidelines The school psychologist resists administering evaluations, selects instruments or assessment procedures inappropriate to the situation, or does not follow established procedures, timelines and safeguards. The school psychologist attempts to administer appropriate evaluation instruments and assessment procedures, but does not always follow established procedures, timelines and safeguards. Weight 6.0 Evidence ) Component Unsatisfactory Improvement Needed/Developing 3c Consults with Others to Address Student Needs Using a Problem Solving Process or Best Practice Model The school psychologist does not consult with others to address student needs, using a problem solving or best practice model. The school psychologist rarely consults with others to address student needs, using a problem solving or best practice model. Component Unsatisfactory Improvement Needed/Developing 3d Participates in Planning Interventions and Methods of Monitoring Progress Using a Problem Solving Model The school psychologist does not participate in planning interventions and methods of monitoring progress using a problem solving model. The school psychologist rarely participates in planning interventions and methods of monitoring progress using a problem solving model. Effective The school psychologist consistently consults with others to address student needs, using a problem solving or best practice model. Highly Effective The school psychologist consistently consults with others to address using a problem solving or best practice model. School psychologist contributes his/her own insights and actively investigates and shares current research. Weight 5.0 Evidence Weight 5.0 Evidence Effective The school psychologist consistently participates in planning interventions and methods of monitoring progress using a problem solving model. Highly Effective The school psychologist consistently participates in planning interventions and methods of monitoring progress using a problem solving model. The school psychologist assumes a leadership role in supporting the intervention process. Component Unsatisfactory Improvement Needed/Developing Effective Highly Effective 3e Demonstrating Flexibility and Responsiveness The school psychologist does not consult with colleagues to tailor evaluation procedures. The school psychologist rarely consults with colleagues in the selection of evaluation procedures and attempts to tailor evaluations to address referral questions. The school psychologist regularly consults and collaborates with colleagues in the selection of evaluation procedures and tailors evaluations to address referral concerns. The school psychologist consistently consults and collaborates with colleagues and provides insight in the selection and tailoring of evaluation procedures to address referral concerns and aid in intervention planning. Weight 5.0 Evidence Domain 4: Professional Responsibilities Component Unsatisfactory 4a Reflecting on Practice/Service Delivery Improvement Needed/Developing Effective Highly Effective The school psychologist does not reflect on practice, or the reflections are inaccurate or self-serving. The school psychologist’s reflection on practice is moderately accurate and objective without citing specific examples, and with only global suggestions as to how it might be improved. The school psychologist’s reflection provides an accurate and objective description of practice, citing specific examples. Specific suggestions are made as to how psychological services might be improved. The school psychologist’s reflection is highly accurate and perceptive, citing specific examples and the school psychologist develops a plan to improve and measure changes in practice. Unsatisfactory Improvement Needed/Developing Effective Highly Effective The school psychologist’s reports, records and documentation are generally accurate, but are occasionally incomplete or late. The school psychologist’s reports, records, and documentation are complete, accurate, and submitted in a timely manner. The school psychologist’s reports, records and documentation are highly accurate, complete and timely. Reports are comprehensive, integrate information from a variety of sources and are understandable to all stakeholders. Weight 4.0 Evidence Component 4b Maintaining Accurate Records and Submitting Them in a Timely Fashion Weight 5.0 Evidence The school psychologist’s reports, records, and documentation are missing, late, incomplete or inaccurate. Component Unsatisfactory Improvement Needed/Developing Effective Highly Effective 4c Communicating with Families The school psychologist does not communicate with families regarding evaluation results and/or intervention efforts, or communicates in an insensitive manner. The school psychologist rarely communicates with families regarding evaluation results and/or intervention efforts, or communication is occasionally insensitive to cultural and linguistic traditions. The school psychologist regularly communicates with families regarding assessment results and/or intervention efforts in a manner sensitive to cultural and linguistic traditions. The school psychologist regularly communicates with families regarding assessment results and/or intervention efforts in a manner sensitive to cultural and linguistic traditions and ensures understanding. School psychologist reaches out to families of students to enhance trust. The school psychologist’s relationships with colleagues are negative or self-serving, and the school psychologist avoids being involved in school or district initiatives. The school psychologist’s relationships with colleagues are cordial, and the school psychologist participates in school or district initiatives when specifically requested. The school psychologist participates actively in school or district initiatives and maintains positive and productive relationships with colleagues. The school psychologist makes a substantial contribution to school or district initiatives and assumes leadership with colleagues. Weight 5.0 Evidence 4d Participating in a Professional Community Weight 3.0 Evidence Component Unsatisfactory Improvement Needed/Developing The school psychologist does not engage in professional development activities and does not stay abreast of developments in the field. The school psychologist rarely engages in professional development activities and stays abreast of developments in the field. Component Unsatisfactory Improvement Needed/Developing 4f Demonstrating Professionalism The school psychologist does not adhere to district and department policies and procedures and/or does not exercise good judgment in professional dealings. 4e Growing and Developing Professionally Effective The school psychologist actively engages in lifelong learning, seeks out professional development activities to enhance his/her ongoing professional growth and applies learning in his/her work. Highly Effective The school psychologist actively seeks out professional development activities to enhance his/her ongoing professional growth, applies the knowledge learned in his/her work and provides professional learning opportunities for school staff, students, parents, and/or other professional groups. Weight 3.0 Evidence Weight 5.0 Evidence The school psychologist makes an effort to adhere to district and department policies and procedures and/or exercise good judgment in professional dealings. Effective The school psychologist consistently adheres to district and department policies and procedures and exercises good judgment in all professional dealings. Highly Effective The school psychologist serves as a model of exemplary practices for adhering to district and department policies and procedures and exercises good judgment in all professional dealings.